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Summary The extent of filter paper degradation by extracellular preparations fromT. reesei and its mutants with a decreasing level of -glucosidase and an increasing level of endoglucanase has been determined. The ability to degrade cellulose is restricted by the level of endoglucanase and not by -glucosidase.  相似文献   
Summary Four exotic and four indigenous strains of barley were used for making diallel crosses. The sets of parents and crosses making full, half and quarter diallel were analysed in a randomized block design for plant height, number of effective tillers, ear length, grain yield per plant, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear.The three alternatives of diallel were similar with respect to the estimates of degree of dominance, general combining ability and specific combining ability, indicating that all these three methods of diallel were equally efficient. However, as the number of entries are minimum in quarter diallel, it would be economical in terms of cost, time and labour to estimate genetic parameters by this method. Average degree of dominance was found in the range of overdominance. The ranking of parents on the basis of their array mean was similar to the ranking based on gca effects. Similarly, the ranking of crosses on the basis of per se performance was similar to the ranking based on sca effects. This suggests that the selection of best general combiner or best cross combinations may be easier and more effective through array mean for per se performance rather than through high gca and sea effects, respectively. From among 56 crosses, IB-226 X X C-164 was the one which showed superiority for maximum number of characters followed by AB-12/59 X PTS-57. High sea effect for plant height, ear length, grain yield, 100 grain weight and number of grains per ear was the result of cross between parents having high X low general combining ability, indicating additive X dominance type of gene interaction. For number of effective tillers, high sca was produced by low x low general combiners, indicating dominance x dominance gene interaction.Part of a Ph. D. thesis submitted by senior author to Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.  相似文献   
The virally encoded proteases from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) have been compared relative to their ability to hydrolyze a variant of the three-domain Pseudomonas exotoxin, PE66. This exotoxin derivative, missing domain I and referred to as LysPE40, is made up of a 13-kilodalton NH2-terminal translocation domain II connected by a segment of 40 amino acids to enzyme domain III of the toxin, a 23-kilodalton ADP-ribosyltransferase. HIV protease hydrolyzes two peptide bonds in LysPE40, a Leu-Leu bond in the interdomain region and a Leu-Ala bond in a nonstructured region three residues in from the NH2-terminus. Neither of these sites is cleaved by the AMV enzyme; hydrolysis occurs, instead, at an Asp-Val bond in another part of the interdomain segment and at a Leu-Thr bond in the NH2-terminal region of domain II. Synthetic peptides corresponding to these cleavage sites are hydrolyzed by the individual proteases with the same specificity displayed toward the protein substrate. Peptide substrates for one protease are neither substrates nor competitive inhibitors for the other. A potent inhibitor of HIV type 1 protease was more than 3 orders of magnitude less active toward the AMV enzyme. These results suggest that although the crystallographic models of Rous sarcoma virus protease (an enzyme nearly identical to the AMV enzyme) and HIV type 1 protease show a high degree of similarity, there exist structural differences between these retroviral proteases that are clearly reflected by their kinetic properties.  相似文献   
Domain II mutants of Pseudomonas exotoxin deficient in translocation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) kills mammalian cells in a complex process that involves cell surface binding, internalization by endocytosis, translocation to the cytosol, and ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2. PE is a three-domain protein in which domain I binds to the cell surface, domain II promotes translocation into the cytosol, and domain III carries out ADP-ribosylation. To determine how translocation occurs, we have mutated all the arginine residues in domain II and found that mutations at positions 276 and 279 greatly diminished the cytotoxicity of PE and mutations 330 and 337 substantially reduced cytotoxicity. Biochemical studies indicate that after internalization into an endocytic compartment, the PE molecule undergoes a specific and saturable intracellular interaction, and this interaction is deficient in an Arg276----Gly mutant. Our data suggest that the translocation process of PE involves a specific interaction of Arg276 (and possibly Arg279, Arg330, and Arg337) with components of an intracellular compartment.  相似文献   
Characterization of human autoantibodies specific for lamin A   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have characterized human autoimmune polyclonal antibodies reactive with lamin A, a 74 kDa peripheral protein of the nuclear envelope. Unlike other known antibodies to lamin A, the antibodies described here do not crossreact with the structurally related lamin C. These antibodies feature only chi light chains suggesting that their specificity is restricted to a limited number of epitopes. Based on the known amino acid sequence of human lamins A and C, the epitope(s) are most likely located in the 80 amino acid carboxyl tail of mature lamin A.  相似文献   
Summary Two different strains, An 1 and An 2, were obtained from root nodules ofAlnus nitida Endl., collected from one locality in the area of its natural habitat near Bahrin, District Swat, Pakistan. The light and electron microscopy of the isolates revealed the occurrence of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles. The strains differed in their growth requirements, nitrogen-fixing ability and production of extracellular pigments, thus indicating the existence of more than oneFrankia strain in the same locality. In the absence of combined nitrogen in the medium strain An 1 formed vesicles and fixed N2 (up to 200 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1.h–1), while strain An 2 under the experimental conditions formed only few vesicles and fixed N2 at a very low rate (ca 10 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1 .h–1). The nitrogenase activity of strain An 1 was strongly affected by the O2 concentration.Frankia An 1 and An 2 were infective and effective onA. nitida andA. glutinosa but not onDatisca cannabina andElaeagnus umbellata. Both An 1 and An 2 strains were more infective and effective onA. glutinosa thanFrankia strains AvcIl and CpI1.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have indicated that treatment of Leydig cells with gonadotropin results in increased levels of intracellular cAMP, binding of cAMP to and activation of protein kinase A, phosphorylation of proteins, synthesis of new proteins and eventually, stimulation of steroidogenesis. In addition, recent studies have indicated that protein phosphorylation is an indispensable event in the production of steroids in response to hormone stimulation in adrenal cells. Because of the important role of phosphorylation in steroidogenic regulation, we investigated the effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP), forskolin and the phorbol ester, phorbol-12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) on protein phosphorylation in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells. Cells were stimulated with different steroidogenic compounds in the presence of [32P]orthophosphoric acid for 2 h and phosphoproteins analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis (PAGE). Results demonstrated an increase in the phosphorylation of four proteins (22 kDa, pI 5.9; 24 kDa, pI 6.7 and 30 kDa, pI 6.3 and 6.5) in response to 34 ng/ml hCG, 1 mM dbcAMP and 100 microM forskolin. Conversely, treatment of cells with PMA increased the phosphorylation of only one of these proteins (30 kDa, pI 6.3). At least two of these proteins (30 kDa, pI 6.5 and 6.3) appear to be identical to proteins which we and others have shown to be synthesized in response to trophic hormone stimulation in adrenal, luteal and Leydig cells. In addition, they also appear to be identical to adrenal cell mitochondrial proteins demonstrated to be phosphorylated in response to ACTH. These data indicate that proteins similar to those phosphorylated in adrenal cells in response to ACTH are phosphorylated in hormone stimulated testicular Leydig cells and that these proteins may be involved in steroidogenic regulation.  相似文献   
Both phospholipases A1 and A2 activities (EC at pH 7.4 were found to be significantly decreased in retinol-deficient rat testes supplemented with retinoic acid as compared to retinol-fed controls using 1-acyl-2-[1-(14)C]-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine as substrate. However, little or no difference was observed in phospholipase A1 activity at pH 3.0 in both groups of rats.  相似文献   
Schizomeris leibleinii Kütz was collected from Dehra Dun as well as from Varanasi and the observations on its morphology, asexual reproduction and cytology were made by using material from nature and in culture. Cultural studies have revealed some interesting features such as occasional branching of uniseriate as well as multiseriate filaments and extensive development of the holdfast lobes into uniseriate or multiseriate filaments which may sometimes be branched. The chromosome number for the present alga has been determined to be 14, which differs from three earlier chromosome numbers reported for the same species by previous workers. Besides differing in chromosome number, it also differs significantly in its karyotype as compared with others. Thus this alga is considered to be a new chromosomal race of S. leibleinii. The present observations which have been discussed in the light of the recent work of Campbell & Sarafis (1972) who proposed a merger of Schizomeris with Stigeoclonium tenue, do not seem to favour such a merger.  相似文献   
The tolerance of a cell line (IMC-HZ-1) from a moth, Heliothis zea, for the monovalent cations Na+ and K+ were defined. Cells shifted to media containing more than 70 mM of K+ showed decreased growth rates. No evidence was obtained for Na+ toxicity. The osmotic pressure tolerances were influenced by the K+ concentration of the medium. The richer the medium was in K+, the narrower was the spectrum of osmotic pressure tolerance. Once the limit of K+ tolerance was exceeded, the rate of decline of growth was linear with respect to further increases in K+. This rate of decline was independent of osmotic pressure. The initial responses of cells during one subculture (2 to 4 population doublings) in media differing from the standard medium (used to maintain the cell line) were not reliable indicators of the growth potential of the cells. Continued subculture in such media resulted in an upward trend in population growth rates in most cases.  相似文献   
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