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Characterization of C- and N-terminal forms of angiotensin (Ang) peptides mandated assessment of methods to determine plasma levels. 125I-Ang I, 125I-Ang II, and 125I-Ang(1-7) were added to blood samples in the presence of protease inhibitors. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) inhibited the conversion of 125I-Ang I to 125I-Ang II. o-Phenanthroline and EDTA (EDTA + o-Ph) did not eliminate [des-Asp1] fragments or 125I-Ang(1-7). The combination of EDTA + o-Ph and pepstatin A or 4-(chloromercuri) benzoic acid (PCMB) significantly reduced 125I-Ang(1-7) generation. Only PCMB plus EDTA + o-Ph eliminated [des-Asp1] fragments. Authentic plasma values of Ang peptides require the correct choice of protease inhibitors.  相似文献   
Incorporation of [14C]-phenylalanine and [14C]-methionine into cinnamon cuttings suggests that synthesis of eugenol from phenylalanine involves exchange of the terminal carbon in the side chain with that from a donor molecule such as methionine whereas synthesis of cinnamic aldehyde incorporates phenylalanine in toto.  相似文献   
For animal RNA viruses that replicate through an RNA intermediate, reported examples of bicistronic mRNAs with overlapping open reading frames in which one cistron is contained entirely within another have been made only for those with negative-strand or double-stranded genomes. In this report, we demonstrate for the positive-strand bovine coronavirus that an overlapping open reading frame potentially encoding a 23-kDa protein (names the I [for internal open reading frame] protein) and lying entirely within the gene for the 49-kDa nucleocapsid phosphoprotein is expressed during virus replication from a single species of unedited mRNA. The I protein was specifically immunoprecipitated from virus-infected cells with an I-specific antipeptide serum and was shown to be membrane associated. Many features of I protein synthesis conform to the leaky ribosomal scanning model for regulation of translation. This, to our knowledge, is the first example of a bicistronic mRNA for a cytoplasmically replicating, positive-strand animal RNA virus in which one cistron entirely overlaps another.  相似文献   
Higher-order cis-acting RNA replication structures have been identified in the 3'- and 5'-terminal untranslated regions (UTRs) of a bovine coronavirus (BCoV) defective interfering (DI) RNA. The UTRs are identical to those in the viral genome, since the 2.2-kb DI RNA is composed of only the two ends of the genome fused between an internal site within the 738-nucleotide (nt) 5'-most coding region (the nsp1, or p28, coding region) and a site just 4 nt upstream of the 3'-most open reading frame (ORF) (the N gene). The joined ends of the viral genome in the DI RNA create a single continuous 1,635-nt ORF, 288 nt of which come from the 738-nt nsp1 coding region. Here, we have analyzed features of the 5'-terminal 288-nt portion of the nsp1 coding region within the continuous ORF that are required for DI RNA replication. We observed that (i) the 5'-terminal 186 nt of the nsp1 coding region are necessary and sufficient for DI RNA replication, (ii) two Mfold-predicted stem-loops within the 186-nt sequence, named SLV (nt 239 to 310) and SLVI (nt 311 to 340), are supported by RNase structure probing and by nucleotide covariation among closely related group 2 coronaviruses, and (iii) SLVI is a required higher-order structure for DI RNA replication based on mutation analyses. The function of SLV has not been evaluated. We conclude that SLVI within the BCoV nsp1 coding region is a higher-order cis-replication element for DI RNA and postulate that it functions similarly in the viral genome.  相似文献   
Inherent or therapy-induced drug resistance is a major clinical setback in cancer treatment. The extensive usage of cytotoxic nucleobases and nucleoside analogues in chemotherapy also results in the development of specific mechanisms of drug resistance, such as nucleoside transport or activation deficiencies. These drugs are prodrugs; and being converted into the active mono-, di-, and triphosphates inside cancer cells following administration, they affect nucleic acid synthesis, nucleotide metabolism, or sensitivity to apoptosis. Previously, we actively promoted the idea that the nanodelivery of active nucleotide species, e.g., 5'-triphosphates of nucleoside analogues, can enhance drug efficacy and reduce nonspecific toxicity. In this study, we report the development of a novel type of drug nanoformulations, polymeric conjugates of nucleoside analogues, which are capable of the efficient transport and sustained release of phosphorylated drugs. These drug conjugates have been synthesized, starting from cholesterol-modified mucoadhesive polyvinyl alcohol or biodegradable dextrin, by covalent attachment of nucleoside analogues through a tetraphosphate linker. Association of cholesterol moieties in aqueous media resulted in intramolecular polymer folding and the formation of small nanogel particles containing 0.5 mmol/g of a 5'-phosphorylated nucleoside analogue, e.g., 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (floxuridine, FdU), an active metabolite of anticancer drug 5-fluorouracyl (5-FU). The polymeric conjugates demonstrated rapid enzymatic release of floxuridine 5'-phosphate and much slower drug release under hydrolytic conditions (pH 1.0-7.4). Among the panel of cancer cell lines, all studied polymeric FdU-conjugates demonstrated an up to 50× increased cytotoxicity in human prostate cancer PC-3, breast cancer MCF-7, and MDA-MB-231 cells, and more than 100× higher efficacy against cytarabine-resistant human T-lymphoma (CEM/araC/8) and gemcitabine-resistant follicular lymphoma (RL7/G) cells as compared to free drugs. In the initial in vivo screening, both PC-3 and RL7/G subcutaneous tumor xenograft models showed enhanced sensitivity to sustained drug release from polymeric FdU-conjugate after peritumoral injections and significant tumor growth inhibition. All these data demonstrate a remarkable clinical potential of novel polymeric conjugates of phosphorylated nucleoside analogues, especially as new therapeutic agents against drug-resistant tumors.  相似文献   
An epidemic of chilli leaf curl disease was recorded in 2004 in Jodhpur, a major chilli‐growing area in Rajasthan, India. Several isolates were efficiently transmitted by the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), all of which induced severe leaf curl symptoms in chilli. A single whitefly was capable of transmitting the virus, and eight or more whiteflies per plant resulted in 100% transmission. The minimum acquisition access period (AAP) and inoculation access period (IAP) were 180 and 60 min, respectively. The virus persisted in whiteflies for up to 5 days postacquisition. Of 25 species tested, the virus infected only five (Capsicum annuum, Carica papaya, Solanum lycopersicum, Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana). The virus was identified as Chilli leaf curl virus (ChiLCV), which shared the closest sequence identity (96.1%) with an isolate of ChiLCV from potato in Pakistan and showed sequence diversity up to 12.3% among the ChiLCV isolates reported from India and Pakistan. A betasatellite was identified, which resembled most closely (97.3%) that of Tomato leaf curl Bangladesh betasatellite previously reported from chilli and tomato leaf curl in India. The betasatellite was very different from that reported from chilli leaf curl in Pakistan, indicating that different betasatellites are associated with chilli leaf curl in India and Pakistan. We describe here for the first time the virus–vector relationships and host range of ChiLCV.  相似文献   
Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid analgesic structurally related to codeine and morphine. O-Alkyl, N-desmethyl, and non-phenol containing derivatives of tramadol were synthesized to probe their effect on metabolic stability and both in vitro and in vivo potency.  相似文献   
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) regulates normal blood pressure and fluid homeostasis through its action in the renin-angiotensin-system (RAS). Ace-/- mice are smaller in size, have low blood pressure and defective kidney structure and functions. All of these defects are cured by transgenic expression of somatic ACE (sACE) in vascular endothelial cells of Ace-/- mice. sACE is expressed on the surface of vascular endothelial cells and undergoes a natural cleavage secretion process to generate a soluble form in the body fluids. Both the tissue-bound and the soluble forms of ACE are enzymatically active, and generate the vasoactive octapeptide Angiotensin II (Ang II) with equal efficiency. To assess the relative physiological roles of the secreted and the cell-bound forms of ACE, we expressed, in the vascular endothelial cells of Ace-/- mice, the ectodomain of sACE, which corresponded to only the secreted form of ACE. Our results demonstrated that the secreted form of ACE could normalize kidney functions and RAS integrity, growth and development of Ace-/- mice, but not their blood pressure. This study clearly demonstrates that the secreted form of ACE cannot replace the tissue-bound ACE for maintaining normal blood pressure; a suitable balance between the tissue-bound and the soluble forms of ACE is essential for maintaining all physiological functions of ACE.  相似文献   
A natural nonaploid hybrid (2n = 63) from fusion of a reduced F. vesca male gamete with an unreduced F. chiloensis gamete, and a partially fertile natural hexaploid hybrid (2n = 42) from fusion of an unreduced F. vesca (2n = 14) male gamete with a reduced F. chiloensis (2n = 56) gamete were discovered in separate mixed colonies along with over 20 additional pentaploid hybrids (2n = 35). Plants of all hybrids aggressively compete with F. chiloensis. This relatively high percentage of hybrids from unreduced gametes may mean that they have higher survival value than pentaploids, since some evidence indicates that unreduced gametes may not function that often in successful F. chiloensis × F. vesca hybridization. The partial fertility of the hexaploid shows that intermediate fertile levels of ploidy need not be derived exclusively from lower ploidy species, and unreduced gametes from such hybrids should produce a high percentage of decaploid offspring in natural backcrossing to F. chiloensis. The successful functioning of unreduced vesca and chiloensis gametes in natural hybridization justifies the postulation that other euploid levels also may occur naturally, including triploids, tetraploids, decaploids, 12 ploids, and 16 ploids. Of these, the even multiples—tetraploids, decaploids, 12 ploids, and 16 ploids—should be at least partially fertile.  相似文献   
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