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The production of and care for a replacement clutch can bear costs in terms of future reproduction or survival. However, renesting is quite common among seabirds and can contribute considerably to individual fitness. Prolactin and corticosterone are two hormones involved in the mediation of breeding behavior and, as they are linked to body condition or effort, it is of interest if these hormone values change during a second demanding breeding phase within a year. We compared baseline prolactin and corticosterone between the first and the renesting attempt in common terns (Sterna hirundo) on individual level. Therefore, in addition to control birds, 37 breeders were sampled during incubation of their first and their replacement clutch in 2008 and 2009. Blood samples were taken non-invasively by blood-sucking bugs. Prolactin level was lower during the renesting period, especially in birds which abandoned their clutch afterwards, whereas corticosterone did not change. Excluding the deserting birds, the reduced prolactin level was not linked to minor success, but could be related to seasonal processes. The control group of late laying common terns showed comparably low prolactin values, but increased corticosterone concentrations. Renesting individuals exhibited higher prolactin during incubation of their first clutch than non-renesting birds, probably indicating their higher quality. The fact that terns still have relatively high prolactin and low corticosterone values during renesting might confirm their higher quality and suggests that they are able to meet the costs of a second demanding breeding period without being considerably stressed.  相似文献   
Chastel C  Jiricny J  Jaussi R 《DNA Repair》2004,3(3):201-215
Radiotherapy is one of the principal modalities of cancer treatment, but the delivery of a curative dose of ionizing radiation (IR) to the tumour is frequently limited by the need to protect the normal tissues within the irradiated area from radiation damage. This problem could be circumvented if tumour cells could be selectively sensitized to killing by IR. One way to achieve this goal would be to transduce the tumour cells with expression vectors carrying toxin genes under the control of promoters that are inactive unless induced by IR. For this approach to be successful, two parameters must be met: (i) the expression vector has to be delivered to the tumour or its immediate vicinity (e.g. its vasculature) and (ii) the promoter driving the expression of the toxin gene has to have negligible basal activity, yet has to be activated by clinically-achievable doses of IR. Several vectors that fulfil these criteria are currently reaching clinical trials. In this review, we examine the response of mammalian cells to IR, and the current status of radiation-induced suicide gene therapy that is dependent on this response.  相似文献   
Several long-term studies on Southern Ocean seabirds and seals have suggested a possible link between major declines in breeding performance and El Niño Southern Oscillation events. We report that the breeding performances and body condition of the blue petrel (Halobaena carulea) on the Kerguelen Islands is depressed by episodic, warm sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the winter before breeding. Lagged cross correlations between SSTs in the Kerguelen sector and the Southern Oscillation Index indicate that warm SSTs were found south of Kerguelen Islands within a year of, and between 4.2 and 5.4 years after, an El Niño event took place. These results can be discussed with respect to the recently described Antarctic Circumpolar Wave that drives climatic anomalies eastward around the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites has been proposed as a mechanism maintaining genetic diversity in both host and parasite populations. In particular, the high level of genetic diversity usually observed at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is generally thought to be maintained by parasite-driven selection. Among the possible ways through which parasites can maintain MHC diversity, diversifying selection has received relatively less attention. This hypothesis is based on the idea that parasites exert spatially variable selection pressures because of heterogeneity in parasite genetic structure, abundance or virulence. Variable selection pressures should select for different host allelic lineages resulting in population-specific associations between MHC alleles and risk of infection. In this study, we took advantage of a large survey of avian malaria in 13 populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) to test this hypothesis. We found that (i) several MHC alleles were either associated with increased or decreased risk to be infected with Plasmodium relictum, (ii) the effects were population specific, and (iii) some alleles had antagonistic effects across populations. Overall, these results support the hypothesis that diversifying selection in space can maintain MHC variation and suggest a pattern of local adaptation where MHC alleles are selected at the local host population level.  相似文献   
A crucial problem for every organism is how to allocate energy between competing life-history components. The optimal allocation decision is often state-dependent and mediated by hormones. Here, we investigated how age, a major state variable affects individuals'' hormonal response to a standardized stressor: a trait that may reflect allocation between self-maintenance and reproduction. We caught free-living house sparrows and measured their hormonal (corticosterone) response to capture stress in consecutive years. Using a long-term ringing dataset, we determined the age of the birds, and we partitioned the variation into within- and among-individual age components to investigate the effects of plasticity versus selection or gene flow, respectively, on the stress response. We found large among-individual variation in the birds'' hormone profiles, but overall, birds responded less strongly to capture stress as they grew older. These results suggest that stress responsiveness is a plastic trait that may vary within individuals in an adaptive manner, and natural selection may act on the reaction norms producing optimal phenotypic response in the actual environment and life-history stage.  相似文献   
One of the major challenges in ecological research is the elucidation of physiological mechanisms that underlie the demographic traits of wild animals. We have assessed whether a marker of plasma oxidative stress (TBARS) and plasma haptoglobin (protein of the acute inflammatory phase response) measured at time t predict five demographic parameters (survival rate, return rate to the breeding colony, breeding probability, hatching and fledging success) in sexually mature wandering albatrosses over the next four years (Diomedea exulans) using a five-year individual-based dataset. Non-breeder males, but not females, having higher TBARS at time t had reduced future breeding probabilities; haptoglobin was not related to breeding probability. Neither TBARS nor haptoglobin predicted future hatching or fledging success. Haptoglobin had a marginally positive effect on female survival rate, while TBARS had a marginally negative effect on return rate. Our findings do not support the role for oxidative stress as a constraint of future reproductive success in the albatross. However, our data point to a potential mechanism underlying some aspects of reproductive senescence and survival. Our results also highlight that the study of the consequences of oxidative stress should consider the life-cycle stage of an individual and its reproductive history.  相似文献   
Because endocrine mechanisms are thought to mediate behavioral responses to changes in the environment, examining these mechanisms is essential for understanding how long-lived seabirds adjust their foraging decisions to contrasting environmental conditions in order to maximize their fitness. In this context, the hormone corticosterone (CORT) deserves specific attention because of its major connections with locomotor activities. We examined for the first time the relationships between individual CORT levels and measurements of foraging success and behavior using satellite tracking and blood sampling from wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) before (pretrip CORT levels) and after (posttrip CORT levels) foraging trips during the incubation period. Plasma CORT levels decreased after a foraging trip, and the level of posttrip CORT was negatively correlated with individual foraging success, calculated as total mass gain over a foraging trip. Pretrip CORT levels were not linked to time spent at sea but were positively correlated with daily distance traveled and maximum range at sea. In this study, we were able to highlight the sensitivity of CORT levels to variation in energy intake, and we showed for the first time that individual CORT levels can be explained by variation in foraging success. Relationships between pretrip CORT levels and daily distance traveled and maximum range were independent of pretrip body mass, suggesting that slight elevations in pretrip CORT levels might facilitate locomotor activity. However, because both foraging behavior and pretrip CORT levels could be affected by individual quality, future experimental studies including manipulation of CORT levels are needed to test whether CORT can mediate foraging decisions according to foraging conditions.  相似文献   
Malaria parasites are a major cause of human mortality in tropical countries and a potential threat for wildlife, as witnessed by the malaria-induced extinction of naive Hawaiian avifauna. Identifying resistance mechanisms is therefore crucial both for human health and wildlife conservation. Patterns of malaria resistance are known to be highly polygenic in both humans and mice, with marked contributions attributed to major histocompatibility (Mhc) genes. Here we show that specific Mhc variants are linked to both increased resistance and susceptibility to malaria infection in a wild passerine species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). In addition, links between host immunogenetics and resistance to malaria involved population-specific alleles, suggesting local adaptation in this host-parasite interaction. This is the first evidence for a population-specific genetic control of resistance to malaria in a wild species.  相似文献   
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