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Dormancy is a condition that delays or inhibits growth in seed, vegetative buds, and floral buds. In peach, seed germination occurs when seed accumulate sufficient stratification and growing degree hours to break dormancy and begin growing. Correlations have been reported between mean seed stratification requirements and mean bud chilling requirements among Prunus families, but an individual seed’s germination date and subsequent vegetative and floral bud break date are not correlated. Prior to this study, the genetic factors involved in regulating seed dormancy and their location on the peach genomic map were unknown. Segregating F2 seed were collected from a high?×?low chill F1 peach hybrid in 2005, 2006, and 2008. Germination date and growth habit was measured after the stratification requirement of the 2005 seed was fully met. The seed collected in 2006 and 2008 received varying amounts of stratification, which enabled data on stratification requirement, heat requirement, and growth habit to be collected. Genomic DNA was extracted from seedling leaf tissue and screened with SSR markers selected from the Prunus reference map at an average resolution of 20 cM. Seed dormancy quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected on G1, G4, G6/8, and G7. The QTLs detected on G6/8 and G7 were discovered in the same region as QTLs associated with floral bud chilling requirement and bloom time in peach.  相似文献   
Plant roots constantly secrete compounds into the soil to interact with neighboring organisms presumably to gain certain functional advantages at different stages of development. Accordingly, it has been hypothesized that the phytochemical composition present in the root exudates changes over the course of the lifespan of a plant. Here, root exudates of in vitro grown Arabidopsis plants were collected at different developmental stages and analyzed using GC-MS. Principle component analysis revealed that the composition of root exudates varied at each developmental stage. Cumulative secretion levels of sugars and sugar alcohols were higher in early time points and decreased through development. In contrast, the cumulative secretion levels of amino acids and phenolics increased over time. The expression in roots of genes involved in biosynthesis and transportation of compounds represented in the root exudates were consistent with patterns of root exudation. Correlation analyses were performed of the in vitro root exudation patterns with the functional capacity of the rhizosphere microbiome to metabolize these compounds at different developmental stages of Arabidopsis grown in natural soils. Pyrosequencing of rhizosphere mRNA revealed strong correlations (p<0.05) between microbial functional genes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and secondary metabolites with the corresponding compounds released by the roots at particular stages of plant development. In summary, our results suggest that the root exudation process of phytochemicals follows a developmental pattern that is genetically programmed.  相似文献   
A number of plant pathogenic and symbiotic microbes produce specialized cellular structures that invade host cells where they remain enveloped by host‐derived membranes. The mechanisms underlying the biogenesis and functions of host–microbe interfaces are poorly understood. Here, we show that plant late endocytic trafficking is diverted toward the extrahaustorial membrane (EHM); a host–pathogen interface that develops in plant cells invaded by Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. A late endosome and tonoplast marker protein Rab7 GTPase RabG3c, but not a tonoplast‐localized sucrose transporter, is recruited to the EHM, suggesting specific rerouting of vacuole‐targeted late endosomes to a host–pathogen interface. We revealed the dynamic nature of this process by showing that, upon activation, a cell surface immune receptor traffics toward the haustorial interface. Our work provides insight into the biogenesis of the EHM and reveals dynamic processes that recruit membrane compartments and immune receptors to this host–pathogen interface.   相似文献   
Biogenesis of the vast majority of plant siRNAs depends on the activity of the plant-specific RNA polymerase IV (PolIV) enzyme. As part of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) process, PolIV-dependent siRNAs (p4-siRNAs) are loaded onto an ARGONAUTE4-containing complex and guide de novo DNA methyltransferases to target loci. Here we show that the double-stranded RNA binding proteins DRB2 and DRB4 are required for proper accumulation of p4-siRNAs. In flowers, loss of DRB2 results in increased accumulation of p4-siRNAs but not ta-siRNAs, inverted repeat (IR)-derived siRNAs, or miRNA. Loss of DRB2 does not impair uniparental expression of p4-dependent siRNAs in developing endosperm, indicating that p4-siRNA increased accumulation is not the result of the activation of the polIV pathway in the male gametophyte. In contrast to drb2, drb4 mutants exhibit reduced p4-siRNA levels, but the extent of this reduction is variable, according to the nature and size of the p4-siRNAs. Loss of DRB4 also leads to a spectacular increase of p4-independent IR-derived 24-nt siRNAs, suggesting a reallocation of factors from p4-dependent to p4-independent siRNA pathways in drb4. Opposite effects of drb2 and drb4 mutations on the accumulation of p4-siRNAs were also observed in vegetative tissues. Moreover, transgenic plants overexpressing DRB2 mimicked drb4 mutants at the morphological and molecular levels, confirming the antagonistic roles of DRB2 and DRB4.  相似文献   
Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Parental perception of their children's weight status is a key factor that needs to be considered when developing prevention programs for preschool children. Using a randomly selected sample of participants of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Los Angeles County, we assessed accuracy of maternal perceptions of their children's weight status by comparing children's weight classification to the mothers' response to the question “Do you consider your child to be overweight, underweight or about right weight for (his) (her) height?” Additionally, we identified possible predictors of accurate maternal perception of their children's weight status by conducting a logistic regression model with child's gender, child's birth weight, maternal age, maternal BMI, maternal education, maternal acculturation level, and maternal language preference as potential predictors. Almost all mothers in the study classified their overweight or obese child as being about the right weight (93.6% and 77.5% of mothers, respectively). Maternal BMI and child's birth weight were the only predictors of maternal perception of their child's weight. Both were negatively associated with accuracy, with higher maternal BMI and higher infant birthweight associated with less accurate maternal perception of child weight. Parents need to be educated on the importance of childhood obesity and how to identify if their children are overweight or obese. If parents fail to recognize that their overweight child is overweight, then it is unlikely that they will recognize that interventions targeting obesity are relevant to their families.  相似文献   
The genome of Vibrio cholerae contains five flagellin genes that encode proteins (FlaA-E) of 39-41 kDa with 61-82% identity among them. Although the existing live oral attenuated vaccine strains against cholera are protective in humans, there is an intrinsic residual cytotoxic and inflammatory component associated with these candidate vaccine strains. Bacterial flagellins are known to be potent inducers of proinflammatory molecules via activation of Toll-like receptor 5. Here we found that purified flagella from wild type V. cholerae 395 induced significant release of interleukin (IL)-8 from cultured HT-29 human colonic epithelial cells. Furthermore we found that filtered supernatants of KKV90, a DeltaflaA isogenic strain unable to produce flagella, were still able to activate production of IL-8 albeit to significantly lower levels than the wild type, suggesting that other activators of proinflammatory molecules were still present in these supernatants. A comparative proteomics analysis of secreted proteins of V. cholerae 395 and KKV90 identified additional proteins with potential to induce IL-8 release in HT-29 cells. Secreted proteins in the range of 30-45 kDa identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry revealed the presence of two additional flagellins, FlaC and FlaD, that appeared to be secreted 3- and 6-fold more, respectively, in the mutant compared with the wild type. Double isogenic mutants flaAC and flaAD were unable to trigger IL-8 release from HT-29 cells. In sum, we have shown that purified flagella and secreted flagellin proteins (FlaC and FlaD) are inducers of IL-8 release from epithelial cells via Toll-like receptor 5. This observation may explain, in part, the observed reactogenicity of cholera vaccine strains in humans.  相似文献   
A number of marine bivalve taxa, including species of the genus Ostrea, have adopted brooding of the young in the mantle cavity as a reproductive mechanism. In spite of the importance of brooding in the reproductive success of such species, little is known about the most important variables influencing the process, including those limiting clutch size. This study addresses the regulation of brood size in the hermaphroditic oyster Ostrea chilensis. During spawning, oysters released all their oocytes into the mantle cavity. No residual oocytes remained in the gonad, so a second spawning during the same brooding season was not possible. There was a weak correlation between the number of embryos incubated during the early phase of brooding and the dry tissue weight of the brooding oyster, and between the number incubated and the shell length of the brooding adult during the later phases of brooding. The number of embryos was also correlated with the area of the labial palps of the brooder during the later stages, suggesting that the loss of veligers observed at this time may be at least partially attributable to a limitation of space around the palps, which manipulate the larvae and with which the larvae are closely associated. The oxygen consumption rate of brooders incubating a normal clutch of embryos was not significantly different from that of oysters in which clutch size had been experimentally reduced by 50%. Experimental increase of the normal clutch size by 100% significantly increased the oxygen consumption of the brooder, suggesting that there is a physiological as well as a spatial limit to brood size. Thus the number of embryos brooded by an oyster is initially dependent on its production of oocytes and secondarily by the high metabolic costs of incubating large numbers of embryos. As development proceeds, space available for brooding apparently becomes a limiting factor as the larvae grow. The fate of the excess larvae is not known at present, but any larvae released prematurely cannot be competent to settle, since development is synchronous and there is a complete release of all pediveligers at the end of the brooding period.  相似文献   
Analyses of ammonite shell forms of two Barremian stratigraphic sections from Southwest Mexico consist of two well-defined morphotypes: (1) Small uncoiled, mostly leptoceratoid ancyloconic shells of the families Ancyloceratidae and Hamulinidae, and (2) middle-sized involute to moderately evolute oxycone to discocone shells of the family Pulchelliidae. Index taxa allow the recognition of standard ammonite biozones for the Barremian, which permit the relative dating of different processes that occurred through the water column in the environment of deposition. The vertical distribution of ammonite morphotypes and facies suggests changes of the palaeoceanographic and sedimentological conditions that prevailed in the area during Barremian time. Petrologic data, analyses of the organic carbon and carbonate contents of the rocks support the idea that oxygen-deficient bottom waters existed within a shallow marine, tectonically active area with little carbonate deposition during the early early Barremian (upper part of the Taveraidiscus hugii Zone through the base of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone). These conditions in the basin caused a proliferation of middle-water depth ammonites of Morphotype 1 but prevented the abundance of nektobenthic forms of Morphotype 2. Oxic conditions on a more calcareous and open normal marine environment seem to have been reestablished progressively during a transgressive episode from late early-early late Barremian (upper part of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone through the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone). This environmental setting supported more facies dependent nektobenthic ammonites of Morphotype 2 to flourish within the basin.  相似文献   
This study describes the physiological performance of two populations of the razor clam Tagelus dombeii from two geographic areas with different histories of exposure to paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) linked to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Clams from Melinka-Aysén, which are frequently exposed to PSP, were not affected by the presence of toxins in the diet. However, clams from Corral-Valdivia, which have never been exposed to PSP, exhibited significantly reduced filtration activity and absorption, affecting the energy allocated to scope for growth (SFG). Ammonia excretion and oxygen uptake were not affected significantly by the presence of A. catenella in the diet. Measurements of energy acquisition and expenditure were performed during a 12-day intoxication period. According to three-way repeated measure ANOVAs, the origin of the clams had a highly significant effect on all physiological variables, and the interaction between diet and origin was significant for the clearance and absorption rates and for the scope for growth. The scope for growth index showed similar positive values for both the toxic and non-toxic individuals from the Melinka-Aysén population. However, it was significantly reduced in individuals from Corral-Valdivia when exposed to the diet containing A. catenella. The absence of differences between the physiological response of the toxic and non-toxic clams from Melinka-Aysén may be related to the frequent presence of A. catenella in the environment, indicating that this bivalve does not suffer negative consequences from PSP. By contrast, A. catenella has a negative effect on the physiological performance, primarily on the energy gained from the environment, on T. dombeii from Corral-Valdivia. This study supports the hypothesis that the history of PSP exposure plays an important role in the physiological performance and fitness of filter feeding bivalves.  相似文献   
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