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Intra-subunit interactions in the environment of the iron-sulfur cluster F(X) in Photosystem I (PS I) of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were studied by site-directed and second site suppressor mutations. In subunit PsaB, the cysteine ligand (C565) of F(X) and a conserved aspartate (D566) adjacent to C565 were modified. The resulting mutants D566E, C556S/D566E, C556H/D566E and C565H/D566E did not assemble PS I in the thylakoids of the cyanobacterium. Yet, this is the first report of cells of the second site-suppressor mutant (D566E/L416P) and of second site-directed mutant (C565S/D566E) in PsaB that could grow autotrophically in light and were found to assemble a stable functional PS I containing all three iron-sulfur centers, F(X) and F(A/B). The newly resolved structure of PS I (PDB 1JB0) was used to interpret the functional interactions among the amino acid residues. It is suggested that the stability of F(X) is supported by a salt bridge formed between D566, which is adjacent to the cysteine ligand C565 of the iron-sulfur cluster located on loop hi, and R703 located at the start of loop jk. Hydrogen bond between R703 and D571 at the start of loop hi further stabilizes the arginine. Lengthening of the side by 1.2 A chain in mutation D566E caused destabilization of F(X). The extended side-chain was compensated for by the Fe-O, which is 0.3 A shorter than the Fe-S bond resulting in stabilization of the F(X) in the double mutations C565S/D566E. The suppressor mutation D566E/L416P allowed greater freedom for the salt bridge E566-R703, thus relieving the pressure introduced by the D566E replacement and enabling the formation of F(X). F(X) and R703 are therefore stabilized through short- and long-range interactions of the inter-helical loops between h-i, j-k and f-g, respectively.  相似文献   
The structure of vanadate, a phosphate analogue which was suggested to function in the presence of tightly bound ADP and divalent cations as a transition state inhibitor of CF1-ATPase, was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Analysis of the vanadium K-edge was used for determination of the structure of vanadate bound to a single site in CF1-ATPase containing a single tightly bound ADP. There was a decrease in the intensity of the 1s-3d pre-edge transition and a change in the shape of two other shoulders at the edge region upon binding of vanadate to CF1 in the presence of Mg2+ ions. The changes are due to alteration in the structure of vanadium from tetrahedral to a five-coordinated trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Comparison of the pre-edge peak intensity of ADP-vanadate complex, and model compound resolved by crystallography support the proposed structure of CF1-bound vanadate. 51V NMR measurements were used to verify the pentacoordinated structure of ADP-vanadate complex used as a model in the X-ray absorption studies. The inhibition of a single and multiple site activity by vanadate and by MgADP was measured. Vanadate inhibition of CF1-ATPase activity decreased more than 90 fold in the presence of MgADP. A differential specificity of the inhibition in single and multiple mode of activity was observed. It is suggested that ADP-vanadate binds to the active sites of the enzyme as a pentacoordinated vanadium having approximate trigonal bipyramidal geometry. This structure is analogous to the proposed transition state of the phosphate during the synthesis and the hydrolysis of ATP by CF1.  相似文献   
Xiao-Min Gong  Tal Lev  Chanoch Carmeli 《BBA》2009,1787(2):97-104
Photosystem I (PS I) mediates light-induced electron transfer from P700 through a chlorophyll a, a quinone and a [4Fe-4S] iron-sulfur cluster FX, located on the core subunits PsaA/B to iron-sulfur clusters FA/B on subunit PsaC. Structure function relations in the native and in the mutant (psaB-C565S/D566E) of the cysteine ligand of FX cluster were studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS) and transient spectroscopy. The structure of FX was determined in PS I lacking clusters FA/B by interruption of the psaC2 gene of PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. PsaC-deficient mutant cells assembled the core subunits of PS I which mediated electron transfer mostly to the phylloquinone. EXAFS analysis of the iron resolved a [4Fe-4S] cluster in the native PsaC-deficient PS I. Each iron had 4 sulfur and 3 iron atoms in the first and second shells with average Fe-S and Fe-Fe distances of 2.27 Å and 2.69 Å, respectively. In the C565S/D566E serine mutant, one of the irons of the cluster was ligated to three oxygen atoms with Fe-O distance of 1.81 Å. The possibility that the structural changes induced an increase in the reorganization energy that consequently decreased the rate of electron transfer from the phylloquinone to FX is discussed.  相似文献   
Mutations in the suf9, suf10, and suf11 genes of yeast suppress + 1 nucleotide (nt) insertions in proline codons. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that the suf9 and suf11 genes are members of the proline tRNA(UGG) gene family, which also includes three other previously identified genes, suf7, suf8, and trn1. All five members of this gene family contain introns. The suf9 and suf11 introns are 31 and 30 nt in length, respectively, and are similar but not identical in sequence to other introns within the family. The suf10 gene is identical in sequence to suf2, which was shown previously to encode proline tRNA(IGG). Both members of this gene family lack introns. Alleles of suf9, suf10, and suf11 that confer frameshift suppression were also analyzed. The SUF9-1 allele results in a G----U substitution at nt position 39 in the anticodon stem. The recessive suf11-1 allele is a double mutant containing the same nt position 39 alteration as in SUF9-1 plus a second U----A substitution at nt position 38 in the anticodon loop. The SUF10-1 suppressor mutation corresponds to a +1G insertion in the anticodon loop. Since the nt substitutions in suf11-1 alter the sequence of the 3' exon/intron boundary, the double mutant pre-tRNA was tested for its ability to be cleaved in vitro by tRNA-splicing endonuclease. It was found that suf11-1 pre-tRNA is cleaved with reduced efficiency at the 3' splice junction.  相似文献   
Photosystem I (PS I) is a transmembranal multisubunit complex that mediates light-induced electron transfer from plactocyanine to ferredoxin. The electron transfer proceeds from an excited chlorophyll a dimer (P700) through a chlorophyll a (A0), a phylloquinone (A1), and a [4Fe-4S] iron-sulfur cluster FX, all located on the core subunits PsaA and PsaB, to iron-sulfur clusters FA and FB, located on subunit PsaC. Earlier, it was attempted to determine the function of FX in the absence of FA/B mainly by chemical dissociation of subunit PsaC. However, not all PsaC subunits could be removed from the PS I preparations by this procedure without partially damaging FX. We therefore removed subunit PsaC by interruption of the psaC2 gene of PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Cells could not grow under photosynthetic conditions when subunit PsaC was deleted, yet the PsaC-deficient mutant cells grew under heterotrophic conditions and assembled the core subunits of PS I in which light-induced electron transfer from P700 to A1 occurred. The photoreduction of FX was largely inhibited, as seen from direct measurement of the extent of electron transfer from A1 to FX. From the crystal structure it can be seen that the removal of subunits PsaC, PsaD, and PsaE in the PsaC-deficient mutant resulted in the braking of salt bridges between these subunits and PsaB and PsaA and the formation of a net of two negative surface charges on PsaA/B. The potential induced on FX by these surface charges is proposed to inhibit electron transport from the quinone. In the complete PS I complex, replacement of a cysteine ligand of FX by serine in site-directed mutation C565S/D566E in subunit PsaB caused an approximately 10-fold slow down of electron transfer from the quinone to FX without much affecting the extent of this electron transfer compared with wild type. Based on these and other results, we propose that FX might have a major role in controlling electron transfer through PS I.  相似文献   
To identify new aminothiol radioprotectors that are active when applied topically and have fewer side effects when administered systemically, a new family of aminothiol radioprotectors was designed and synthesized. Three key elements in the aminothiol design were, (1) small size for efficient transmembrane diffusion, (2) positive charged amines in alkyl backbone for strong ionic interaction with DNA backbone, and (3) a perpendicular, alkyl side-chain with a terminal thiol that is projected away from the DNA backbone to enable reactive oxygen species scavenging around DNA. Several in vitro assays were used to characterize the prototype aminothiol, PrC-210, for efficacy: protection against reactive oxygen species-induced plasmid DNA nicking, mass spectrometry to detect aminothiol-reactive oxygen species by-products, S. typhimurium mutagenesis, human cell growth inhibition, Western blot for p21 expression, and FACS analysis. Additionally, two in vivo assays were used to assess radioprotective efficacy; a Sprague-Dawley rat dorsal skin radiodermatitis assay was developed to screen for aminothiol efficacy when topically applied, and ICR mouse survival was scored after systemic PrC-210 administration and whole-body radiation. PrC-210 efficiently scavenged reactive oxygen species and completely protected supercoiled plasmid DNA against reactive oxygen species-induced damage. Neither PrC-210 nor its analog PrC-211 were bacterial mutagens. In cell culture, PrC-210 application to diploid human fibroblasts showed: (1) inhibition of cell growth with an IC(70) of 4.1 mM, (2) induced levels of p21 expression, and (3) a G(1)/S-cell cycle block that was reversed after washout of PrC-210-containing medium. In rodents, PrC-210 was an effective radioprotector showing: (1) complete prevention of Grade 2-3 radiodermatitis when applied topically (370 mM in ethanol:propylene glycol:water solution) prior to skin irradiation, (2) complete prevention of Grade 2-3 radiodermatitis when administered by i.p. injection (200 μg/g of body weight) before skin irradiation, (3) 100% survival of mice from an otherwise 100% lethal dose of whole-body radiation (8.75 Gy) when administered by i.p. injection (252 μg/g of body weight = 0.5 × maximum tolerated dose) before irradiation, and (4) a dose reduction factor of 1.6, the same as amifostine. These data suggest that the PrC-210 aminothiol is a plausible candidate for drug development as a human pre-exposure radioprotector.  相似文献   
Multiple retinoic acid responsive cDNAs were isolated from a high density cDNA microarray membrane, which was developed from a cDNA library of human tracheobronchial epithelial cells. Five selected cDNA clones encoded the sequence of the same novel gene. The predicted open reading frame of the novel gene encoded a protein of 319 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contains four motifs that are conserved in the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family of proteins. The novel gene shows the greatest homology to a group of dehydrogenases that can oxidize retinol (retinol dehydrogenases). The mRNA of the novel gene was found in trachea, colon, tongue, and esophagus. In situ hybridization of airway tissue sections demonstrated epithelial cell-specific gene expression, especially in the ciliated cell type. Both all-trans-retinoic acid and 9-cis-retinoic acid were able to elevate the expression of the novel gene in primary human tracheobronchial epithelial cells in vitro. This elevation coincided with an enhanced retinol metabolism in these cultures. COS cells transfected with an expression construct of the novel gene were also elevated in the metabolism of retinol. The results suggested that the novel gene represents a new member of the SDR family that may play a critical role in retinol metabolism in airway epithelia as well as in other epithelia of colon, tongue, and esophagus.  相似文献   
Functional architecture of the AChE active center appears to be characterized by both structural “rigidity”, necessary to stabilize the catalytic triad as well as by flexibility in accommodating the different, high affinity AChE ligands. These seemingly conflicting structural properties of the active center are demonstrated through combination of structural methods with kinetic studies of the enzyme and its mutant derivatives with plethora of structurally diverse ligands and in particular with series of stereoselective covalent and noncovalent AChE ligands. Thus, steric perturbation of the acyl pocket precipitates in a pronounced stereoselectivity toward methylphosphonates by disrupting the stabilizing environment of the catalytic histidine rather than through steric exclusion demonstrating the functional importance of the “rigid” environment of the catalytic machinery. The acyl pocket, the cation-binding subsite (Trp86) and the peripheral anionic subsite were also found to be directly involved in HuAChE stereoselectivity toward charged chiral phosphonates, operating through differential positioning of the ligand cationic moiety within the active center. Residue Trp86 is also a part of the “hydrophobic patch” which seems flexible enough to accommodate the structurally diverse ligands like tacrine, galanthamine and the two diastereomers of huperzine A. Also, we have recently discovered further aspects of the role of both the unique structure and the flexibility of the “hydrophobic patch” in determining the reactivity and stereoselectivity of HuAChE toward certain carbamates including analogs of physostigmine. In these cases the ligands are accommodated mostly through hydrophobic interactions and their stereoselectivity delineates precisely the steric limits of the pocket. Hence, the HuAChE stereoselectivity provides a sensitive tool in the in depth exploration of the functional architecture of the active center. These studies suggest that the combination of “rigidity” and flexibility within the HuAChE gorge are an essential element of its molecular design.  相似文献   
Functional architecture of the AChE active center appears to be characterized by both structural "rigidity", necessary to stabilize the catalytic triad as well as by flexibility in accommodating the different, high affinity AChE ligands. These seemingly conflicting structural properties of the active center are demonstrated through combination of structural methods with kinetic studies of the enzyme and its mutant derivatives with plethora of structurally diverse ligands and in particular with series of stereoselective covalent and noncovalent AChE ligands. Thus, steric perturbation of the acyl pocket precipitates in a pronounced stereoselectivity toward methylphosphonates by disrupting the stabilizing environment of the catalytic histidine rather than through steric exclusion demonstrating the functional importance of the "rigid" environment of the catalytic machinery. The acyl pocket, the cation-binding subsite (Trp86) and the peripheral anionic subsite were also found to be directly involved in HuAChE stereoselectivity toward charged chiral phosphonates, operating through differential positioning of the ligand cationic moiety within the active center. Residue Trp86 is also a part of the "hydrophobic patch" which seems flexible enough to accommodate the structurally diverse ligands like tacrine, galanthamine and the two diastereomers of huperzine A. Also, we have recently discovered further aspects of the role of both the unique structure and the flexibility of the "hydrophobic patch" in determining the reactivity and stereoselectivity of HuAChE toward certain carbamates including analogs of physostigmine. In these cases the ligands are accommodated mostly through hydrophobic interactions and their stereoselectivity delineates precisely the steric limits of the pocket. Hence, the HuAChE stereoselectivity provides a sensitive tool in the in depth exploration of the functional architecture of the active center. These studies suggest that the combination of "rigidity" and flexibility within the HuAChE gorge are an essential element of its molecular design.  相似文献   
Cholinesterases are efficient scavengers of organophosphates and are currently being developed as drugs for treatment against poisoning by such compounds. Recombinant ChE bioscavengers have very short circular longevity, a limitation that can be overcome by complex post-translation manipulations or by chemical modification such as polyethylene glycol conjugation. Series of multiple Lys-Ala mutants of human acetylcholinesterase were prepared allowing the generation of homogenous and well defined polyethylene-glycol conjugated AChEs with either one, two, three, four, or five appended polyethylene glycol (PEG) moieties/molecule. The rank order of circulatory longevity of these molecules was dependent on the number of PEG appendages up to a certain threshold: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0. Hypolysine acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) carrying the same number of PEGs, and therefore with identical masses, allowed us to demonstrate that circulatory longevity correlates with the predicted extent of concealment of the AChE surface. Furthermore, circulatory profiles of high number and low number PEG-AChEs differing in their sialic acid contents demonstrate a direct relationship between PEG loading and the effective seclusion of AChE from the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor clearance system. Finally, an inverse relationship is found between the extent of PEG loading and the ability of the human acetylcholinesterase to elicit specific anti-HuAChE antibodies. In conclusion, these findings suggest that for the extension of circulatory longevity, protein surface domain concealment exerted by polyethylene glycol attachment is at least as important as its effect on size enlargement and highlights the role of PEG attachment in masking interactions between biomolecules and their cognate receptors.  相似文献   
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