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Eighteen barley isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana belonging to wild and clonal type of black, mixed and white subpopulations were quantitatively assayed for their melanin content and aggressiveness with respect to production of some of the extracellular enzymes such as cellulase, pectinase, amylase and protease. Cellulase and pectinase constituted major portion of the enzymes recovered from the black, mixed and white isolates. Enzyme production and aggressiveness were relatively higher in melanin devoid or low melanin isolates. The melanin deficient isolates were also differentiated from black and mixed isolates on the basis of variation in internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal DNA. Higher enzyme productions positively correlated with area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and lesion development. Melanin content was negatively correlated with extracellular enzymes and aggressiveness of the isolates. Based on melanin content, lesion size, AUDPC and extracellular enzymes, the isolates were grouped in two major clusters (I and II) with further division of cluster II into two sub-clusters (II-A and II-B). The results appears to indicate a possible role of melanin in release of extracellular enzymes and hence in evolution and selection of aggressive isolates of B. sorokiniana in barley.  相似文献   
Summary The relative body water conservation efficiency of two Indian desert gerbil species,Meriones hurrianae (diurnal/crepuscular) andTatera indica (nocturnal), has been examined under near-natural conditons in different seasons.A mean urine osmolarity of 3180 mosmol/l (maximum 4645 mosmol/l) inM. hurrianae and a mean value of 5128 mosmol/l (maximum 7547 mosmol/l) inT. indica have been recorded during summer.Urine osmolarity and urea levels indicated that whileM. hurrianae remain sufficiently hydrated mainly by virtue of their feeding habit,Tatera indica may depend on the relatively higher concentrating capacity of their kidneys.  相似文献   
An extracellular chitosanase produced by Rhodotorula gracilis CFR-1 that catalyses a limited degradation of chitosan with no detectable generation of glucosamine or reducing groups was identified. Ultracentrifugation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel permeation studies suggest that chitosan of average molecular mass 36000 Da was reduced by the enzymic catalysis to nearly one-fourth this size without further hydrolysis of the products. The enzyme, produced constitutively by this yeast, was partially purified and some of its properties were studied.  相似文献   
The cellular accumulations of polyamines and ribonucleic acid (RNA) were compared in the polyauxotrophic mutants of Escherichia coli strain 15 TAU and E. coli K-12 RC(re1) met(-) leu(-). Putrescine, spermidine, and their monoacetyl derivatives were the main polyamines in both strains, when grown in glucose-mineral medium. No significant degradation of either (14)C-putrescine or (14)C-spermidine was found in growing cultures of strain 15 TAU, which requires thymine, arginine, and uracil for growth. Experiments with this organism showed that in a variety of different incubation conditions, which included normal growth, amino acid starvation, inhibition by chloramphenicol or streptomycin, or thymine deprivation, a close correlation was seen between the intracellular accumulation of unconjugated spermidine and RNA. In the presence of arginine, the antibiotics stimulated the production of putrescine and spermidine per unit of bacterial mass. Deprivation of arginine also resulted in an increase in the production of putrescine per unit of bacterial mass, most of which was excreted into the growth medium. However, in this system the antibiotics reduced the synthesis of putrescine. Furthermore, streptomycin caused a rapid loss of cellular putrescine into the medium. The latter effect was not seen in anaerobic conditions or in a streptomycin-resistant mutant of 15 TAU. Methionine added to the growth medium of growing TAU not only markedly increased the total production of spermidine, but also increased both the intracellular concentration of spermidine and the accumulation of RNA. Exogenous spermidine extensively relaxed RNA synthesis in amino acid-starved cultures of 15 TAU. Analysis in sucrose density gradients showed that the RNA accumulated in the presence of spermidine was ribosomal RNA.Cells of E. coli K-12 RC(rel) met(-) leu(-), grown in a complete medium, had approximately the same ratio of free spermidine to RNA as did strain 15 TAU. However, the relaxed strain showed a much lower ratio of putrescine to spermidine than the stringent 15 TAU. Omission of methionine stopped spermidine synthesis and markedly increased both the intracellular accumulation and the total production of putrescine. It seems that a high intracellular level of spermidine acts as a feedback inhibitor in the biosynthesis of putrescine in this strain. The hypothesis that the intracellular concentration of polyamines may participate in the control of the synthesis of ribosomal RNA in bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   
Nine accessions ofVicia narbonensis, considered to be the wild progenitor of faba bean (Vicia faba), were investigated to ascertain the nature and extent of intraspecific karyotypic polymorphism. The chromosome complements resolved into four distinct types (A, B, C, D), and the meiotic data of F1 hybrids (A × B, B × C, A × C) revealed that alteration in chromosome morphology is the result of segmental interchanges. The interchange complexes indicate that the parents differ from each other by 1 to 2 interchanges. It is also evident that karyotype B, and not A as previously reported, is the normal karyotype of the species, and A and C are single homozygotes for unequal interchange. The comparative karyomorphology of the parents and the hybrids, and of two interchange heterozygotes of four chromosomes each in F1 hybrids of A × C shows that the chromosomes involved in the single interchange homozygotes (A, C) are not common and the breaks in both interchanges occurred in short and long arms of the involved chromosomes. Identification of the interchanged chromosomes in the complements and the frequency of ring and chain quadrivalents in the heterozygotes enabled location of the breakpoints. The present results provide probably the first example indicating that interchange homozygosity (A) is not only firmly established but also has enabled the species to spread further by adapting to a wide range of habitats. — The genetic relationships between A and D are very different. All seven chromosome pairs in D could be distinguished from A, and for that matter, B and C as well. From the meiotic pairing properties it is also amply clear that genome D is well differentiated from A and possibly B, and C, and deserves special status.  相似文献   
For the transfer of genes from B. tournefortii (TT) to the allotetraploid oilseed brassicas, B. juncea AABB, B. carinata BBCC and B. napus AACC, B. tournefortii was first crossed with the three basic diploid species, B. campestris (AA), B. nigra (BE) and B. oleracea (CC), to produce the allodiploids TA, TB and TC. These were tetraploidized by colchicine treatment to produce the allotetraploids TTAA, TTBB and TTCC, which were further crossed with B. juncea and B. napus to produce three-genome hybrids with substitution-type genomic configurations: TACC, TBAA and TCAA. These hybrids along with another hybrid TCBB produced earlier, the three allodiploids, their allotetraploids and the four diploid parent species were studied for their male meiotic behaviour. The diploid parent and the allotetraploids (TTAA, TTBB and TTCC) showed regular meiosis although the pollen viability was generally low in the allotetraploids. In the allodiploids (TA, TB and TC) only some end-to-end associations were observed without any clearly discernible chiasmata or exchange points. Chromosomes involved in end-to-end associations were randomly distributed at the metaphase/anaphase-I stages. In contrast, the three-genome hybrids (TACC, TBAA, TCAA and TCBB) showed normal bivalents whose number exceeded the expected bivalent values. Bivalents arising out of homoeologous pairing were indistinguishable from normal pairs by their disjunction pattern but could be distinguished on the basis of the heteromorphy of the homoeologous chromosomes. The three-genome hybrids could be backcrossed to allotetraploid oilseed brassicas as they had some fertility. In contrast, the allodiploids could neither be selfed nor back-crossed. On the basis of their meiotic stability, in terms of more pronounced homoeologous pairing and fertility for backcrossing, the three-genome configurations provide the best possible situation for the introgression of alien genes from the secondary gene pool to the allotetraploid oilseed crops B. juncea, B. napus and B. carinata.  相似文献   
The impact of lead as an environmental pollutant on the I-131 uptake and retention in rat thyroid was assayed alone and in combination with lithium treatment. Lead treatment significantly stimulated the 2- and 24-h uptake of I-131 in the thyroid, and the 24-h uptake showed the maximum stimulation after 3 mo of lead treatment. On the contrary, lithium supplementation reduced the uptake significantly and the maximum decrease was noticed after 2 mo of lithium administration. Further, simultaneous lead and lithium treatment resulted in more pronounced increase in the uptake of I-131 by the thyroid, which was maximum after 3 mo of combined treatment. The thyroidal biological half-life of I-131 (T biol) was found to be increased significantly following lead and lithium treatments when given separately. Interestingly, combined lead and lithium treatment given up to 2 mo further prolonged theT biol of I-131, thus reflecting its increased retention.  相似文献   
Somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of plantlets was achieved In callus cultures derived from cotyledonary leaf pieces of Hyoscyamus muticus L on MS medium enriched with 2 mg/l 2,4–0 and 0.5 mg/l BAP. For embryogenesis and organogenesis varying concentrations of NAA with or without BAP were added In the medium. Organogenesis was also achieved when callus was transferred to the hormone free medium.  相似文献   
Mating in most species of insects leads to a transient or permanent loss in sexual receptivity of the females. Among moths, this loss of receptivity is often accompanied with a loss of the sex pheromone in the absence of calling, which also could be temporary or permanent. Most of the earlier work on changes in reproductive behavior after mating was done with Diptera in which sperm and/or male accessory gland secretions were shown to be responsible for termination of receptivity. In the corn earworm moth, Helicoverpa zea, mated females become depleted of pheromone and become nonreceptive to further mating attempts, but only for the remainder of the night of mating. A pheromonostatic peptide isolated from the accessory glands of males may be responsible for the depletion of pheromone, while the termination of receptivity is independently controlled. In the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, the changes in behavior following mating are permanent. In this species, the switch from virgin to mated behavior involves three steps: a physical stimulation associated with mating, transfer of viable sperm to the spermatheca, and commencement of oviposition. Signals generated by these factors operate through neural pathways and, unlike in H. zea, accessory gland factors seem not to be involved. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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