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The allocation of energy to growth and reproduction, in relation to temperature and food availability, was investigated in laboratory experiments with the mosquitofish,Gambusia affinis. At constant temperature of 20, 25 and 30°C and ad libitum feeding, specific growth rates increased with increasing temperature at 1.7, 3.1 and 3.4% dry mass day−1, respectively. Growth rates in a cycling temperature regime (20–30°C, ) were faster than in a 25°C constant temperature. As temperature increased from 20 to 30°C, mean age at first reproduction decreased from 191 to 56 days and brood size and mass of offspring increased significantly. Interbrood interval was also temperature dependent; estimates at 25 and 30°C for females >1000 mg were 22.6 and 18.6 days, respectively. Interbrood interval could not be calculated at 20°C. Although fitness was highest at 30°C, females at 25°C invested a greater proportion of surplus energy (growth and reproduction) to reproduction (38%) than at 20 (17%) or 30°C (36%) during the 32-week study. Fish at cooler temperatures began reproduction at a smaller size. Where rations were controlled at low, medium, and ad libitum levels, somatic and gonadal growth increased with increasing temperatures and food availability. The proportion of energy invested in reproduction was highest at 25°C for each comparable ration level. Calculated energy budgets indicated that over the 10-week study, 17–22% of the food energy was invested in growth, 0–7% in reproduction, and 75–83% in respiration and excretory losses, depending on feeding and temperature conditions.  相似文献   
Isolation and identification of a morpholine-degrading bacterium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A gram-positive, slowly growing rod effectively utilizing morpholine as the sole source of organic carbon, nitrogen, and energy was isolated from a mixed culture in a laboratory reactor. The strain was tentatively identified as Mycobacterium aurum. Its growth characteristics at 20 degrees C and pH 6.5 were as follows: maximum specific growth rate, 0.052 h-1; half-velocity constant, 1.3 mg/liter; and yield, 0.37 g/g. The optimum temperature and pH were 31 degrees C and 6.0, respectively.  相似文献   
A J Zaug  C A Grosshans  T R Cech 《Biochemistry》1988,27(25):8924-8931
A shortened form of the self-splicing intervening sequence RNA of Tetrahymena acts as a sequence-specific endoribonuclease. Specificity of cleavage is determined by Watson-Crick base pairing between the active site of the RNA enzyme (ribozyme) and its RNA substrate [Zaug, A. J., Been, M. D., & Cech, T. R. (1986) Nature (London) 324, 429-433]. Surprisingly, single-base changes in the substrate RNA 3 nucleotides preceding the cleavage site, giving a mismatched substrate-ribozyme complex, enhance the rate of cleavage. Mismatched substrates show up to a 100-fold increase in kcat and, in some cases, in kcat/Km. A mismatch introduced by changing a nucleotide in the active site of the ribozyme has a similar effect. Addition of 2.5 M urea or 3.8 M formamide or decreasing the divalent metal ion concentration from 10 to 2 mM reverses the substrate specificity, allowing the ribozyme to discriminate against the mismatched substrate. The effect of urea is to decrease kcat and kcat/Km for cleavage of the mismatched substrate; Km is not significantly affected at 0-2.5 M urea. Thus, progressive destabilization of ribozyme-substrate pairing by mismatches or by addition of a denaturant such as urea first increases the rate of cleavage to an optimum value and then decreases the rate.  相似文献   
Using a blood cell separator, lymphocytes were collected from otherwise healthy convalescents suffering from herpetic infections. A specific anti-herpes dialysate (AH-DLE) was prepared from the lymphocytes, using standard procedures. Patients with recurrent herpetic infections were treated with a single dose of the dialysate, at the initial signs of herpetic infection (group A), with two doses (group B) or with three doses (group C). A total number of 37 patients (29 women, 8 men, age range 15–73 years) were treated. No improvement was observed in 7 patients (18.9%), whilst 7 patients did not manifest any exacerbation of their herpetic infection in the course of the one-year follow-up. The remaining 62.2% of the patients showed a marked improvement: decrease of the frequency and/or duration or relapses. Before AH-DLE administration, the mean number of herpes relapses in this group of patients was 12 p.a.. After therapy, the number of relapses decreased to 3.5 p.a.. No statistically significant difference was observed between groups A and B. The least favourable results were registered in group C. However, this group included 6 female patients extremely resistant to the previously therapeutic attempts, including inosiplex, non-specific DLE or acyclovir. Thus, even in this group, the therapy was successful in 50% of the patients.  相似文献   
Pools of oligonucleotide conjugates consisting of 10-400 different molecular species were synthesized. The conjugates contained a varying number of ethylene glycol units attached to 3'-terminal, 5'-terminal and internal positions of the oligonucleotides. Conjugate synthesis was performed by phosphoramidite solid phase chemistry using suitably protected polyethylene glycol phosphoramidites and PEG-derivatized solid supports containing polydisperse PEGs of various molecular weight ranges. The pools were analyzed and fractionated by chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques, and the composition of isolated conjugates was revealed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. The number and attachment sites of coupled ethylene glycol units greatly influence the hydrophobicity of the conjugates, as well as their electrophoretic mobilities. Conjugation had little effect on the hybridization behavior of oligonucleotide conjugates with unmodified complementary oligonucleotide strands. Melting temperatures were between 67 and 73 degrees C, depending on the size and number of coupled PEG chains, compared to 68 degrees C for the unmodified duplex. Conjugates with PEG coupled to both 3'- and 5'-terminal positions showed a more than 10-fold increase in exonuclease stability.  相似文献   
The location of proteins on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Drosophila virilis was investigated by Me3 psoralen photoreaction of mitochondria isolated from embryos. After photoreaction the mtDNA was purified and the pattern of DNA cross-linking was determined by electron microscopy of the DNA under totally denaturing conditions. The transcribed regions of the mtDNA molecule contained some uncross-linked regions, but such regions were infrequent and randomly distributed. In contrast, the A + T-rich region around the origin of replication of the mtDNA was usually protected from psoralen cross-linking. The data were best fit by two protected sites, each approximately 400 base pairs, compared to the four 400 base pair sites observed in the equivalent region of D. melanogaster mtDNA [Potter et al. (1980) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 4118-4122]. Thus this region of the mtDNA appears to be involved in a DNA-protein structure that is highly conserved even though the DNA sequence has diverged rapidly relative to protein-coding sequences.  相似文献   
A fluorescein derivative is described which can be used as a normal phosphoramidite in oligonucleotide synthesis, giving high yields of fluorescein labelled sequencing primers. The labelled primers were used in automated DNA-sequence analysis without modification of existing protocols, the computer-processed sequences being reproducibly readable up to 400 bases. The procedure described makes the fluorescent labelling of oligonucleotides much easier, and the time of labelling can be significantly reduced. It speeds up the "primer walking" approach of automated DNA sequencing.  相似文献   
C J Hurst  C P Gerba    I Cech 《Applied microbiology》1980,40(6):1067-1079
Because of the increasing emphasis placed upon land application as a means of wastewater disposal, it is important to evaluate the influences of different factors upon virus survival in soil. The objective of this study was to measure the effects of various environmental variables on virus persistence. Test samples of soil were placed in vials, and the soil was wetted with suspensions of virus in either distilled water, unchlorinated secondary sewage effluent, or mixtures of effluent and water. The viruses used were coxsackieviruses A9 and B3, echovirus 1, poliovirus 2, rotavirus SA11, and bacteriophages T2 and MS2. The rate of virus inactivation was evaluated statistically with regard to conditions under which the vials were incubated and to the soil characteristics. The factors that were found to influence virus survival were temperature, soil moisture content, presence of aerobic microorganisms, degree of virus adsorption to the soil, soil levels of resin-extractable phosphorus, exchangeable aluminium, and soil pH. Overall, temperature and virus adsorption to soil appeared to be the most important factors affecting virus survival.  相似文献   
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