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In this work, we review the physiological and molecular mechanisms that allow vascular plants to perform photosynthesis in extreme environments, such as deserts, polar and alpine ecosystems. Specifically, we discuss the morpho/anatomical, photochemical and metabolic adaptive processes that enable a positive carbon balance in photosynthetic tissues under extreme temperatures and/or severe water‐limiting conditions in C3 species. Nevertheless, only a few studies have described the in situ functioning of photoprotection in plants from extreme environments, given the intrinsic difficulties of fieldwork in remote places. However, they cover a substantial geographical and functional range, which allowed us to describe some general trends. In general, photoprotection relies on the same mechanisms as those operating in the remaining plant species, ranging from enhanced morphological photoprotection to increased scavenging of oxidative products such as reactive oxygen species. Much less information is available about the main physiological and biochemical drivers of photosynthesis: stomatal conductance (gs), mesophyll conductance (gm) and carbon fixation, mostly driven by RuBisCO carboxylation. Extreme environments shape adaptations in structures, such as cell wall and membrane composition, the concentration and activation state of Calvin–Benson cycle enzymes, and RuBisCO evolution, optimizing kinetic traits to ensure functionality. Altogether, these species display a combination of rearrangements, from the whole‐plant level to the molecular scale, to sustain a positive carbon balance in some of the most hostile environments on Earth.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by the buildup of amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) aggregates derived from proteolytic processing of the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP). Amyloidogenic cleavage of APP by β-secretase/BACE1 generates the C-terminal fragment C99/CTFβ that can be subsequently cleaved by γ-secretase to produce Aβ. Growing evidence indicates that high levels of C99/CTFβ are determinant for AD. Although it has been postulated that γ-secretase-independent pathways must control C99/CTFβ levels, the contribution of organelles with degradative functions, such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or lysosomes, is unclear. In this report, we investigated the turnover and amyloidogenic processing of C99/CTFβ in human H4 neuroglioma cells, and found that C99/CTFβ is localized at the Golgi apparatus in contrast to APP, which is mostly found in endosomes. Conditions that localized C99/CTFβ to the ER resulted in its degradation in a proteasome-dependent manner that first required polyubiquitination, consistent with an active role of the ER associated degradation (ERAD) in this process. Furthermore, when proteasomal activity was inhibited C99/CTFβ was degraded in a chloroquine (CQ)-sensitive compartment, implicating lysosomes as alternative sites for its degradation. Our results highlight a crosstalk between degradation pathways within the ER and lysosomes to avoid protein accumulation and toxicity.  相似文献   
Regional climate change in Antarctica would favor the carbon assimilation of Antarctic vascular plants, since rising temperatures are approaching their photosynthetic optimum (10–19°C). This could be detrimental for photoprotection mechanisms, mainly those associated with thermal dissipation, making plants more susceptible to eventual drought predicted by climate change models. With the purpose to study the effect of temperature and water availability on light energy utilization and putative adjustments in photoprotective mechanisms of Deschampsia antarctica Desv., plants were collected from two Antarctic provenances: King George Island and Lagotellerie Island. Plants were cultivated at 5, 10 and 16°C under well‐watered (WW) and water‐deficit (WD, at 35% of the field capacity) conditions. Chlorophyll fluorescence, pigment content and de‐epoxidation state were evaluated. Regardless of provenances, D. antarctica showed similar morphological, biochemical and functional responses to growth temperature. Higher temperature triggered an increase in photochemical activity (i.e. electron transport rate and photochemical quenching), and a decrease in thermal dissipation capacity (i.e. lower xanthophyll pool, Chl a/b and β carotene/neoxanthin ratios). Leaf mass per unit area was reduced at higher temperature, and was only affected in plants exposed to WD at 16°C and exhibiting lower electron transport rate and amount of chlorophylls. D. antarctica is adapted to frequent freezing events, which may induce a form of physiological water stress. Photoprotective responses observed under WD contribute to maintain a stable photochemical activity. Thus, it is possible that short‐term temperature increases could favor the photochemical activity of this species. However, long‐term effects will depend on the magnitude of changes and the plant's ability to adjust to new growth temperature.  相似文献   
Positive interactions among native plant species are common in alpine habitats, particularly those where one species (nurse plant) generates microclimatic conditions that are more benign than the surrounding environment, facilitating the establishment of other species. Nonetheless, these microclimatic conditions could facilitate the establishment of non-native species as well. A conspicuous component of the alien alpine flora of the central Chilean Andes is the perennial herb Taraxacum officinale agg. (dandelion). In contrast to other alien species that are restricted to human-disturbed sites, T. officinale is frequently observed growing within native plant communities dominated by cushion plants. In this study we evaluated if T. officinale is positively associated with the cushion plant Azorella monantha. Via seedling survival experiments and gas-exchange measurements we also assessed the patterns of facilitation between cushions and dandelions, and explore the potential mechanisms of invasion by dandelions. T. officinale grows spatially positively associated with cushions of A. monantha. Survival of seedlings, as well as their net-photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductance, were higher within cushions than in open areas away from them, suggesting that the microclimatic modifications generated by this native cushion facilitates the establishment and performance of a non-native invasive species. Our results, as well as other recent studies, highlight the role of native communities in facilitating rather than constraining non-native plant invasions, particularly in stressful habitats such as alpine environments.  相似文献   
Environmental conditions can modify the intensity and sign of ecological interactions. The stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that facilitation becomes more important than competition under stressful conditions. To properly test this hypothesis, it is necessary to account for all (not a subset of) interactions occurring in the communities and consider that species do not interact at random but following a specific pattern. We aim to assess elevational changes in facilitation, in terms of species richness, frequency and intensity of the interaction as a function of the evolutionary relatedness between nurses and their associated species. We sampled nurse and their facilitated plant species in two 1000–2000 m. elevation gradients in Mediterranean Chile where low temperature imposes a mortality filter on seedlings. We first estimated the relative importance of facilitation as a mechanism adding new species to communities distributed along these gradients. We then tested whether the frequency and intensity of facilitation increases with elevation, taking into account the evolutionary relatedness of the nurse species and the facilitated species. We found that nurses increase the species richness of the community by up to 35%. Facilitative interactions are more frequent than competitive interactions (56% versus 44%) and facilitation intensity increased with elevation for interactions involving distantly related lineages. Our results highlight the importance of including an evolutionary dimension in the study of facilitation to have a clearer picture of the mechanisms enabling species to coexist and survive under stressful conditions. This knowledge is especially relevant to conserve vulnerable and threatened communities facing new climate scenarios, such as those located in Mediterranean-type ecosystems.  相似文献   
Vector-borne diseases (VBD) are particularly susceptible to climate change because most of the diseases’ vectors are ectotherms, which themselves are susceptible to thermal changes. The Chagas disease is one neglected tropical disease caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi. One of the main vectors of the Chagas disease in South America is Triatoma infestans, a species traditionally considered to be restricted to domestic or peridomestic habitats, but sylvatic foci have also been described along its distribution. The infestation of wild individuals, together with the projections of environmental changes due to global warming, urge the need to understand the relationship between temperature and the vector’s performance. Here, we evaluated the impact of temperature variability on the thermal response of T. infestans. We acclimated individuals to six thermal treatments for five weeks to then estimate their thermal performance curves (TPCs) by measuring the walking speed of the individuals. We found that the TPCs varied with thermal acclimation and body mass. Individuals acclimated to a low and variable ambient temperature (18°C ± 5°C) exhibited lower performances than those individuals acclimated to an optimal temperature (27°C ± 0°C); while those individuals acclimated to a low but constant temperature (18°C ± 0°C) did not differ in their maximal performance from those at an optimal temperature. Additionally, thermal variability (i.e., ± 5°C) at a high temperature (30°C) increased performance. These results evidenced the plastic response of T. infestans to thermal acclimation. This plastic response and the non-linear effect of thermal variability on the performance of T. infestans posit challenges when predicting changes in the vector’s distribution range under climate change.  相似文献   
It has been predicted that subalpine forests will be negatively affected by global warming; however, direct responses to experimental warming have been scarcely examined in these systems. In this study we evaluated the effects of higher temperatures with and without water addition on the survival and growth of recently emerged (small) and large seedlings of the widely distributed species Nothofagus pumilio in subalpine forests of the southern Chilean Andes. We also examined the variations in seedling traits related to carbon balance in order to infer the causal mechanisms of survival and growth responses. Treatments of open top chambers (OTCs) were combined with watering in two locations with differing climates: Antillanca (40°S, humid) and Cerro Castillo (46°S, drier). OTCs increased mean and maximum air temperatures by 0.6 °C and 2–3 °C, respectively, and decreased soil humidity by 56% in Antillanca and 30% in Cerro Castillo, fulfilling methodological expectations and climate model predictions. After two complete growing seasons, the survival, relative growth rate (RGR), biomass, and a suite of seedling traits were measured and analyzed using mixed-effects models. Warming and warming in combination with watering significantly increased large seedling survival in Cerro Castillo. In Antillanca, warmer conditions increased the height, biomass, and leaf area of small seedlings, and the RGR of large seedlings. In this location, warming also caused lower leaf carbon isotopic composition in both age classes and higher specific leaf area in small seedlings, suggesting whole-plant carbon gain improvements; warming did not produce any drought effects. Our results indicate that warming produces positive effects on the seedling establishment of N. pumilio in the southern Andes, highlighting the importance of site-specific effects in response to climate change in widespread species. Site-specific effects can most likely explain the discrepancies between the results of this study and the predictions outlined by previous studies for these forests.  相似文献   
Alzheimer''s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide. We have previously shown that the compound tetrahydrohyperforin (IDN5706) prevents accumulation of Aβ species in an in vivo model of AD, however the mechanism that explains this reduction is not well understood. We show herein that IDN5706 decreases the levels of ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 1 (EDEM1), a key chaperone related to endoplasmic-reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD). Moreover, we observed that low levels of EDEM1 correlated with a strong activation of autophagy, suggesting a crosstalk between these two pathways. We observed that IDN5706 perturbs the glycosylation and proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), resulting in the accumulation of immature APP (iAPP) in the endoplasmic reticulum. To investigate the contribution of autophagy, we tested the effect of IDN5706 in Atg5-depleted cells. We found that depletion of Atg5 enhanced the accumulation of iAPP in response to IDN5706 by slowing down its degradation. Our findings reveal that IDN5706 promotes degradation of iAPP via the activation of Atg5-dependent autophagy, shedding light on the mechanism that may contribute to the reduction of Aβ production in vivo.  相似文献   
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