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Conformational and thermodynamic aspects of cation binding by the carboxylic ionophore narasin A were studied by circular dichroism (CD). In single-phase solvents, dramatic increases in the maximum differential absorption (delta epsilon) of the C-11 carbonyl were observed upon the binding of K+, Na+ and protons to the free anionic form. These changes were associated with major shifts in the conformation equilibrium between extended and pseudocyclic conformers of narasin. Similar CD changes observed upon the binding of K+ to narasin A in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles provided evidence that in the membrane environment, comparable conformation changes were associated with ion binding. Variation of the polar and protic properties of single-phase solvents was also found to influence the delta epsilon of the cation bound species of narasin A, supporting previous evidence for polarity-mediated modulation of conformation. Comparison of cation binding affinities indicated that in both single-phase solvents and liposomes, narasin had a marked equilibrium selectivity for K+ over Na+.  相似文献   
HbA O2 reacts readily with FeII(CN)5H2O3? to form aquometHb and peroxide via a second order process: rate=k[HbO2][FeII(CN)5H2O3?]. A slight enchancement in the rate of metHb formation due to the H2O2 produced can be prevented by addition of catalase. The reaction is free from complications exhibited by other reductants. The hexacyanide, ferrocyanide, reacts with HbA O2 but at only ca. 0.02% the rate and with formation of cyanometHb. Reductants such as phenols and sulfa drugs may produce radicals that can enter into side reactions. FeII(CN)5H2O3? shows promise as an effective probing reagent for the characterization of H2O2 production from oxygenated heme and other proteins.  相似文献   
The site and mechanism of dioxygen reduction in cytochrome c oxidase from bovine heart muscle have been investigated. The rate of cytochrome c2+ oxidation by O2 is shown to be affected by several factors: 1) pH, with optima at 5.65 and 6.0, 2) temperature between 0 and 29 degrees C, with E alpha = 13 kcal mol-1, 3) D2O exchange, with a reduction in rate of 50% or more at the pH optima, and 4) the addition of ethylene glycol or glycerol, which significantly lowers the rate. The extremely narrow (delta vCO approximately 4 cm-1) infrared stretch bands at approximately 1964 and approximately 1959 cm-1 for liganded CO are only slightly affected by factors 1-4 or by changes in the oxidation state of metals other than the heme alpha 3 iron. These results indicate a stable, unusually immobile O2 reduction site well-isolated from the external medium, a characteristic expected to be important for oxidase function. Precise stereochemical positioning of hydrogen donors adjacent to O2 liganded to heme alpha 3 iron can be expected in order to achieve the optimization of the time/distance relationships required for enzyme catalysis. These findings support a novel mechanism of O2 reduction via a hydroperoxide intermediate within a reaction pocket that experiences little change in conformation during the hydrogen and electron transfer steps.  相似文献   
Zinc is a constituent of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase preparations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytochrome c oxidase preparations from bovine heart muscle contain 1 zinc per 2 irons. Metal contents of nine preparations determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) show that Cu, Fe and Zn are the only metals present in significant amounts with average Cu/Fe, Fe/Zn, and Cu/Zn atom ratios of 1.3, 2.1 and 2.8, respectively. Removal of adventitious copper results in a Cu:Fe:Zn stoichiometry of 2:2:1. The zinc is tightly bound. Dialysis against a solution of 1,10-phenanthroline at pH 7.4 or an acidic buffer (pH 4.4) does not remove Zn. Dialysis against 0.8 M KCN at pH 10 causes partial loss of both Cu and Zn. This is the first evidence for the presence of Zn in a cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   
Reconstructions of the human-African great ape phylogeny by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been subject to considerable debate. One confounding factor may be the lack of data on intraspecific variation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of intraspecific mtDNA diversity on the phylogenetic reconstruction of another Plio- Pleistocene radiation of higher primates, the fascicularis group of macaque (Macaca) monkey species. Fifteen endonucleases were used to identify 10 haplotypes of 40-47 restriction sites in M. mulatta, which were compared with similar data for the other members of this species group. Interpopulational, intraspecific mtDNA diversity was large (0.5%- 4.5%), and estimates of divergence time and branching order incorporating this variation were substantially different from those based on single representatives of each species. We conclude that intraspecific mtDNA diversity is substantial in at least some primate species. Consequently, without prior information on the extent of genetic diversity within a particular species, intraspecific variation must be assessed and accounted for when reconstructing primate phylogenies. Further, we question the reliability of hominoid mtDNA phylogenies, based as they are on one or a few representatives of each species, in an already depauperate superfamily of primates.   相似文献   
Genes encoding T-cell-receptor α/δ chains, neutrophil cathepsin G, and lymphocyte CGL/granzymes are closely linked on chromosomal band 14q11.2. The current work identifies the human mast cell chymase gene (CMA1) as the fourth protease in this cluster and maps the gene to within 150 kb of the cathepsin G gene. The gene order is centromere-T cell receptor α/δ-CGL-1/granzyme B-CGL-2/granzyme H-cathepsin G-chymase. Chymase and cathepsin G genes are shown to be cotranscribed in the human mast cell line HMC-1 and in U-937 cells. Other cells transcribe cathepsin G or CGL/granzyme genes, but not chymase genes, suggesting a capacity for independent regulation. Comparison of the 5′ flank of the chymase gene with those of cathepsin G and CGL/granzymes reveals little overall homology. Only short regions of the 5′ flanks of the human and murine chymase genes sequenced to date are similar, suggesting that they are more distantly related than human and rodent CGL-1/granzyme B, the flanks of which are highly homologous. The expression patterns and clustering of genes provide possible clues to the presence of locus control regions that orchestrate lineage-restricted expression of leukocyte and mast cell proteases.  相似文献   
Infrared bands for CO bound to mitochondria from bovine and porcine hearts, bovine brain, rat kidney, and blowfly flight muscle and to intact blowfly flight muscle have been measured in the carbon-oxygen stretch region. Each spectrum contains a narrow band near 1963 cm-1 similar to the major band found earlier for the carbonyl cytochrome c oxidase purified from bovine heart. A second band near 1959 cm-1 ascribed to a less stable conformer of the purified oxidase carbonyl is also detected in mitochondria. These spectra support very similar CO (and O2) binding sites among all the oxidases examined whether the enzyme is purified or is still within mitochondria or intact tissue and therefore suggest that the reduced heme A ligand binding site has been highly conserved during evolution.  相似文献   
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