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On Day 8 of pregnancy, the number of implantation sites in pregnant rats was adjusted to 1, 2, 4, 6, or greater than 10. Blood was collected on Days 11, 12, 15, 18, and 20 for the determination of serum testosterone, progesterone, and androstenedione. Serum testosterone levels exhibited a direct linear relationship with implantation number, increasing from 1 through greater than 10 implants. This linear relationship was particularly evident at Days 12, 15, and 18 of pregnancy. Serum progesterone levels increased from one to four conceptuses and plateaued above this number. There was no apparent relationship between the number of conceptuses and serum androstenedione levels, which may reflect the multiple origins of this steroid in the pregnant rat. In a separate group of rats in which the number of conceptuses was adjusted to three on Day 8 of pregnancy, blood was collected on Days 11, 12, 15, 18, and 20. Fetal sex was determined between the last bleeding and the day of parturition. Serum testosterone was determined and results were examined with regard to the number of male/female fetuses in the litter of three. There was no relationship between maternal serum testosterone levels and the number of male fetuses, indicating that the fetal testis does not make a significant contribution to circulating maternal testosterone levels.  相似文献   
Castellani, John W., Carl M. Maresh, Lawrence E. Armstrong,Robert W. Kenefick, Deborah Riebe, Marcos Echegaray, Douglas Casa, andV. Daniel Castracane. Intravenous vs. oral rehydration: effects onsubsequent exercise-heat stress. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(3): 799-806, 1997.This studycompared the influence of intravenous vs. oral rehydration afterexercise-induced dehydration during a subsequent 90-min exercisebout. It was hypothesized that cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, and hormonal variables would be the same between intravenous and oral rehydration because of similar restoration ofplasma volume (PV) and osmolality (Osmo). Eight non-heat-acclimated menreceived three experimental treatments (counterbalanced design) immediately after exercise-induced dehydration (33°C) to 4%body weight loss. Treatments were intravenous 0.45% NaCl (iv; 25 ml/kg), no fluid (NF), and oral saline (Oral; 25 ml/kg).After rehydration and rest (2 h total), subjects walked at 50% maximalO2 consumption for up to 90 min at36°C. The following observations were made: 1) heart rate was higher(P < 0.05) in Oral vs. ivat minutes 45, 60, and75 of exercise;2) rectal temperature, sweat rate, percent change in PV, and change in plasma Osmo were similar between ivand Oral; 3) change in plasmanorepinephrine decreased less (P < 0.05) in Oral compared with iv at minute45; 4) changes in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol were similar between ivand Oral after exercise was initiated; and5) exercise time was similar betweeniv (77.4 ± 5.4 min) and Oral (84.2 ± 2.3 min). These datasuggest that after exercise-induced dehydration, iv and Oral wereequally effective as rehydration treatments. Thermoregulation, changein adrenocorticotropic hormone, and change in cortisol were notdifferent between iv and Oral after exercise began; this is likely dueto similar percent change in PV and change in Osmo.

Aspirin and indomethacin, inhibitors of prostaglandin biosynthesis, were utilized to determine the role of prostaglandins (PGs) in ovarian weight gain in rats following unilateral ovariectomy or treatment with PMSG. After unilateral ovariectomy, the compensatory ovarian hypertrophy was 185-0% compared with 139-8% and 97-5% in rats treated with indomethacin and aspirin, respectively. The adrenal weights in rats treated with aspirin were also reduced significantly. Administration of PGE2 or PGF2alpha with aspirin reversed the effect of aspirin on the adrenals but had no effect on the ovarian weight. Indomethacin and aspirin treatment of animals injected with PMSG also reduced the ovarian weight gain. If 100 mug PGE2 were given twice daily, this effect was reversed in both groups but thrice daily administration had no effect on rats receiving aspirin. In PMSG-treated rats, 100 mug PGF2alpha twice daily did not reverse the effect of indomethacin and aspirin, and actually enhanced the effect of aspirin.  相似文献   
The relevance of diethylstilbestrol (DES) administration to neonatal mice as a model for human pathology attributed to the use of DES in high-risk pregnancies has been investigated, particularly with respect to cervical and vaginal changes in female offspring. Neonatal DES treatment of mice results in tonic pituitary gonadotropin release and continuous estrogen secretion by the ovary. Studies were designed to determine the effect of this altered ovarian endocrine activity on cervical and vaginal histopathology. Ovariectomy of DES-treated mice, with or without estradiol replacement, did not eliminate the lesions, nor did estrogen and progesterone administered in a regimen intended to mimic estrous cycle changes. Induction of the constant estrus state by neonatal estradiol benzoate or testosterone propionate administration or by exposure to constant light did not produce the type of vaginal or cervical changes seen in DES mice. Thus, altered ovarian function is apparently not required for the vaginal and cervical changes appearing in later life. A role for endogenous (or exogenous) ovarian hormones in the developmental progression toward normality is suggested.  相似文献   
Lysin is a 16kDa acrosomal protein used by abalone sperm to create a hole in the egg vitelline envelope (VE). The interaction of lysin with the VE is species-selective and is one step in the multistep fertilization process that restricts heterospecific (cross-species) fertilization. For this reason, the evolution of lysin could play a role in establishing prezygotic reproductive isolation between species. Previously, we sequenced sperm lysin cDNAs from seven California abalone species and showed that positive Darwinian selection promotes their divergence. In this paper an additional 13 lysin sequences are presented representing species from Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Europe. The total of 20 sequences represents the most extensive analysis of a fertilization protein to date. The phylogenetic analysis divides the sequences into two major clades, one composed of species from the northern Pacific (California and Japan) and the other composed of species from other parts of the world. Analysis of nucleotide substitution demonstrates that positive selection is a general process in the evolution of this fertilization protein. Analysis of nucleotide and codon usage bias shows that neither parameter can account for the robust data supporting positive selection. The selection pressure responsible for the positive selection on lysin remains unknown.   相似文献   
Leptin in pregnancy   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Leptin is a polypeptide hormone that aids in the regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis and is linked to a variety of reproductive processes in both animals and humans. Thus, leptin may help regulate ovarian development and steroidogenesis and serve as either a primary signal initiating puberty or as a permissive regulator of sexual maturation. Perhaps significantly, peripheral leptin concentrations, adjusted for adiposity, are dramatically higher in females than in males throughout life. During primate pregnancy, maternal levels that arise from adipose stores and perhaps the placenta increase with advancing gestational age. Proposed physiological roles for leptin in pregnancy include the regulation of conceptus growth and development, fetal/placental angiogenesis, embryonic hematopoiesis, and hormone biosynthesis within the maternal-fetoplacental unit. The specific localization of both leptin and its receptor in the syncytiotrophoblast implies autocrine and/or paracrine relationships in this endocrinologically active tissue. Interactions of leptin with mechanisms regulating pre-eclampsia and maternal diabetes have also been suggested. Collectively, therefore, reports suggest that a better understanding of the regulation of leptin and its role(s) throughout gestation may eventually impact those causes of human perinatal morbidity and mortality that are exacerbated by intrauterine growth retardation, macrosomia, placental insufficiency, or prematurity.  相似文献   
Kraemer, R. R., L. G. Johnson, R. Haltom, G. R. Kraemer, H. Gaines, M. Drapcho, T. Gimple, and V. Daniel Castracane. Effects of hormone replacement on growth hormone and prolactin exercise responses in postmenopausal women. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 703-708, 1998.Exercise elevatesgrowth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) blood concentrations inpremenopausal women. Postmenopausal women taking hormone replacementtherapy (HRT) maintain higher estrogen levels that could affect GH andPRL. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of HRT on GHand PRL responses to treadmill exercise. Seventeen healthy women whowere postmenopausal (naturally or surgically) [8 on HRT; 9 not onHRT (NHRT)], completed 30 min of treadmill exercise at 79.16 ± 1.2% maximal O2 consumption (HRT group) and 80.19 ± 0.91% maximalO2 consumption (NHRT group). Bloodsamples were collected from an intravenous catheter during an exercisesession and during a control session without exercise. GH and PRLconcentrations were significantly higher in the exercise trial than inthe nonexercise trial, whereas resting concentrations were similar forboth trials. GH and PRL peaked at 10.8 ± 1.60 and 12.67 ± 2.58 ng/ml, respectively, for HRT subjects and at 4.90 ± 1.18 and 9.04 ± 2.17 ng/ml, respectively, for NHRT subjects. GH concentrations inthe exercise trial were significantly higher for HRT than for NHRTsubjects. This is the first study to demonstrate that HRT enhancestreadmill-exercise-induced GH release and that similar PRL responses totreadmill exercise occur in postmenopausal women regardless of HRTstatus.

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