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Analogues of the human erythroid membrane skeletal component protein 4.1 have been identified in perfused rat tissues and human T and B lymphocyte cell lines. olyclonal antibodies were used which are specific for all domains of protein 4.1, the spectrin-actin-promoting 8-Kd peptide, the membrane-binding 30-Kd domain, and the 50-Kd domain. Antibody reactivity, by Western blotting of tissue homogenates, shows reactivity with proteins varying in molecular weight from 175 Kd to 30 Kd. Further, these protein 4.1 analogues appear to be expressed in a tissue-specific fashion. Of the analogues detected there appear to be at least three classes: analogues containing all erythroid protein 4.1 domains, analogues containing all domains but with modified antigenic epitopes, and analogues containing only some domains. Chemical cleavage at cysteine linkages indicates that in analogues containing the 30-Kd region the location of cysteine is highly conserved. This datum suggests that in nonerythroid 4.1 isoforms of higher molecular weight the additional protein mass is added to the amino terminal end (30 Kd end).  相似文献   
A new technique for the production of hybrid strains of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus brunnescens is described. Homokaryons were recovered from regenerated protoplasts obtained from several heterokaryotic strains. A total of 16 novel hybrids were produced in 63 attempted crosses between paired homokaryons. Recovery of both homokaryons and hybrids was verified by analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Three of four hybrids fruited in small-scale tests, further confirming that the isolates were true hybrids. Colony morphology alone was found to be a poor indicator of hybrid status. In two instances, three homokaryons crossed successfully in all combinations, suggesting that there are at least three alleles at the putative mating-type locus. Crosses between homokaryons from commercial and wild-collected isolates indicated that these strains belong to the same biological species.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli is known to actively extrude sodium ions, but little is known concerning the concentration gradient it can develop. We report here simultaneous measurements, by 23Na NMR, of intracellular and extracellular Na+ concentrations of E. coli cells before and after energization. 23Na spectra in the presence of a paramagnetic shift reagent (dysprosium tripolyphosphate) consisted of two resonances, an unshifted one corresponding to intracellular Na+ and a shifted one corresponding to Na+ in the extracellular medium, including the periplasm. Extracellular Na+ was found to be completely visible despite the presence of a broad component in its resonance; intracellular Na+ was only 45% visible. Measurements of Na+ were made under aerobic and glycolytic conditions. Na+ extrusion and maintenance of a stable low intracellular Na+ concentration were found to correlate with the development and maintenance of proton motive force, a result that is consistent with proton-driven Na+/H+ exchange as a means of Na+ transport. In both respiring and glycolyzing cells, at an extracellular Na+ concentration of 100 mM, the intracellular Na+ concentration observed (4 mM) corresponded to an inwardly directed Na+ gradient with a concentration ratio of about 25. The kinetics of Na+ transport suggest that rapid extrusion of Na+ against its electrochemical gradient may be regulated by proton motive force or intracellular pH.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis fusca mutants display striking purple coloration due to anthocyanin accumulation in their cotyledons. We describe six recessive fusca mutants isolated from Agrobacterium-transformed Arabidopsis families. These mutants first become defective during embryogenesis and exhibit limited seedling development. Double mutant constructs revealed that developmental defects were not simply a consequence of anthocyanin accumulation. fusca seedlings showed altered responses to several environmental and endogenous factors. Allelism tests established that three fusca loci are represented by mutants previously described as defective in light-regulated responses. To study the molecular basis of the fusca phenotype, we cloned the FUS6 gene. FUS6 encodes a novel protein that is hydrophilic, alpha-helical, and contains potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. The FUSCA proteins appear to act in a network of signal transduction pathways critical for plant development.  相似文献   
裂叶蒿(Artemisia tanacetifolia)、大籽蒿(Artemisia sieversiana)和艾(Artemisia argyi)是我国常见的蒿属(Artemisia)植物,其分布区域遍布全国.本文利用MaxEnt模型预测3种蒿属植物在当前气候条件以及未来两种气候情景下的潜在分布区.采用受试者工作特征...  相似文献   
Erwinia amylovora bacteriophages (phages) belonging to the Myoviridae and Podoviridae families demonstrated a preference for either high-exopolysaccharide-producing (HEP) or low-exopolysaccharide-producing (LEP) bacterial hosts when grown on artificial medium without or with sugar supplementation. Myoviridae phages produced clear plaques on LEP hosts and turbid plaques on HEP hosts. The reverse preference was demonstrated by most Podoviridae phages, where clear plaques were seen on HEP hosts. Efficiency of plating (EOP) was determined by comparing phage growth on the original isolation host to the that on the LEP or HEP host. Nine of 10 Myoviridae phages showed highest EOPs on LEP hosts, and 8 of 11 Podoviridae phages had highest EOPs on HEP hosts. Increasing the production of EPS on sugar-supplemented medium or decreasing production by knocking out the synthesis of amylovoran or levan, the two EPSs produced by E. amylovora, indicated that these components play crucial roles in phage infection. Amylovoran was virtually essential for proliferation of most Podoviridae phages when phage population growth was compared to the wild type. Decreased levan production resulted in a significant reduction of progeny from phages in the Myoviridae family. Thus, Podoviridae phages are adapted to hosts that produce high levels of exopolysaccharides and are dependent on host-produced amylovoran for pathogenesis. Myoviridae phages are adapted to hosts that produce lower levels of exopolysaccharides and host-produced levan.  相似文献   
The structure and free energy of multistranded linear polymer ends evolves as individual subunits are added and lost. Thus, the energetic state of the polymer end is not constant, as assembly theory has assumed. Here we utilize a Brownian dynamics approach to simulate the addition and loss of individual subunits at the polymer tip. Using the microtubule as a primary example, we examined how the structure of the polymer tip dictates the rate at which units are added to and lost from individual protofilaments. We find that freely diffusing subunits arrive less frequently to lagging protofilaments but bind more efficiently, such that there is no kinetic difference between leading and lagging protofilaments within a tapered tip. However, local structure at the nanoscale has up to an order-of-magnitude effect on the rate of addition. Thus, the kinetic on-rate constant, integrated across the microtubule tip (kon,MT), is an ensemble average of the varying individual protofilament on-rate constants (kon,PF). Our findings have implications for both catastrophe and rescue of the dynamic microtubule end, and provide a subnanoscale framework for understanding the mechanism of action of microtubule-associated proteins and microtubule-directed drugs. Although we utilize the specific example of the microtubule here, the findings are applicable to multistranded polymers generally.  相似文献   
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