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Brassica rupestris Raf. is a chasmophyte species that includes two subspecies, both endemic to Central-Western Sicily (Italy). Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used to detect genetic diversity within and among eight populations representative of the species' distribution range. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed both at the population (PPB = 53.88%, H S = 0.212, Sh = 0.309) and at the species level (PPB = 96.55%, H T = 0.307, Sh = 0.464). The correlation between genetic and geographical distances was negative (Mantel test, r = ?0.06, P < 0.95). The two subspecies of B. rupestris, subsp. rupestris and subsp. hispida, showed remarkable genetic similarity and molecular data did not unequivocally support their distinctness. The pattern of genetic variation revealed by our study bears important consequences for conservation management: It is desirable to preserve B. rupestris populations in situ with a “dynamic” strategy, while, ex situ conservation programmes might be improved to safeguard maximum genetic diversity.  相似文献   
The DNAs encoding the non-mutant and mutant forms of pig citrate synthase (PCS) were subcloned into an expression system to determine their synthesis and stability in E. coli gltA- cells that are defective in bacterial citrate synthase. GltA- cells that expressed the non-mutant PCS DNA grew on defined minimal acetate media and produced a constant level of PCS (0.43 U/mg protein). In contrast, when the gltA- cells were transformed with the DNA encoding PCS mutations in His274 or Asp375 the cells did not grow on minimal acetate media. The presence of the mutant PCS proteins in E. coli was confirmed by protein blot and immunoisolation analyses using an antibody specific for porcine heart citrate synthase. The activities of the mutant PCS enzymes were two orders of magnitude less than the non-mutant enzyme in the total cell lysates. The data indicate that the active site amino acids, His274 and Asp375, are essential for the catalysis activity of citrate synthase.  相似文献   
A method of rapid freezing in supercooled Freon 22 (monochlorodifluoromethane) followed by cryoultramicrotomy is described and shown to yield ultrathin sections in which both the cellular ultrastructure and the distribution of diffusible ions across the cell membrane are preserved and intracellular compartmentalization of diffusabler ions can be quantitated. Quantitative electron probe analysis (Shuman, H., A.V. Somlyo, and A.P. Somlyo. 1976. Ultramicros. 1:317-339.) of freeze-dried ultrathin cryto sections was found to provide a valid measure of the composition of cells and cellular organelles and was used to determine the ionic composition of the in situ terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), the distribution of CI in skeletal muscle, and the effects of hypertonic solutions on the subcellular composition if striated muscle. There was no evidence of sequestered CI in the terminal cisternae of resting muscles, although calcium (66mmol/kg dry wt +/- 4.6 SE) was detected. The values of [C1](i) determined with small (50-100 nm) diameter probes over cytoplasm excluding organelles over nuclei or terminal cisternae were not significantly different. Mitochondria partially excluded C1, with a cytoplasmic/ mitochondrial Ci ratio of 2.4 +/- 0.88 SD. The elemental concentrations (mmol/kg dry wt +/- SD) of muscle fibers measured with 0.5-9-μm diameter electron probes in normal frog striated muscle were: P, 302 +/- 4.3; S, 189 +/- 2.9;C1, 24 +/- 1.1;K, 404 +/- 4.3, and Mg, 39 +/- 2.1. It is concluded that: (a) in normal muscle the "excess CI" measured with previous bulk chemical analyses and flux studies is not compartmentalized in the SR or in other cellular organelles, and (b) the cytoplasmic C1 in low [K](0) solutions exceeds that predicted by a passive electrochemical distribution. Hypertonic 2.2 X NaCl, 2.5 X sucrose, or 2.2 X Na isethionate produced: (a) swollen vacuoles, frequently paired, adjacent to the Z lines and containing significantly higher than cytoplasmic concentrations of Na and Cl or S (isethionate), but no detectable Ca, and (b) granules of Ca, Mg, and P = approximately (6 Ca + 1 Mg)/6P in the longitudinal SR. It is concluded that hypertonicity produces compartmentalized domains of extracellular solutes within the muscle fibers and translocates Ca into the longitudinal tubules.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptive (OC) use on triglyceride mobilization during 90 min of rest and 60 min of leg ergometry exercise at 45 and 65% peak O(2) uptake (Vo(2 peak)) in eight moderately physically active, eumenorrheic women (24.8 +/- 1.2 yr). Subjects were tested during the follicular phase (FP) and the luteal phase (LP) before OC use and during the inactive phase (IP) and high-dose phase (HP) after 4 complete mo of OC use. Glycerol rate of appearance (R(a)), a measure of triglyceride mobilization, was determined in a 3-h postabsorptive state using a primed constant infusion of [1,1,2,3,3-(2)H]glycerol. Before OC use (BOC), there were no significant differences between FP and LP in any of the variables studied. Dietary composition, exercise patterns, plasma glycerol concentrations, growth hormone concentrations, and exercise respiratory exchange ratio did not change with OC use. However, 4 mo of OC use significantly (P < 0.05) increased glycerol R(a) in HP during exercise at 45% Vo(2 peak) (6.2 +/- 0.2, 6.5 +/- 0.4, and 7.7 +/- 1.1 micromol.kg(-1).min(-1) for BOC, IP, and HP, respectively) and in IP and HP at 65% Vo(2 peak) (6.6 +/- 0.1, 8.2 +/- 0.6, and 8.1 +/- 0.7 micromol.kg(-1).min(-1) for BOC, IP, and HP, respectively). Plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly higher with OC use at rest and during exercise at 45 and 65% Vo(2 peak). In summary, although fluctuations of endogenous ovarian steroids have little effect on triglyceride mobilization, the synthetic ovarian steroids found in OCs increase triglyceride mobilization and plasma cortisol concentrations in exercising women. We conclude that the hierarchy of effects of ovarian steroids and their analogs on triglyceride mobilization in exercising women is as follows: energy flux > OC use > recent carbohydrate nutrition, menstrual cycle effects.  相似文献   
Nesting birds must provide a thermal environment sufficient for egg development while also meeting self‐maintenance needs. Many birds, particularly those with uniparental incubation, achieve this balance through periodic incubation recesses, during which foraging and other self‐maintenance activities can occur. However, incubating birds may experience disturbances such as predator or human activity which interrupt natural incubation patterns by compelling them to leave the nest. We characterized incubating mallard Anas platyrhynchos and gadwall Mareca strepera hens’ responses when flushed by predators and investigators in Suisun Marsh, California, USA. Diurnal incubation recesses initiated by investigators approaching nests were 63% longer than natural diurnal incubation recesses initiated by the hen (geometric mean: 226.77 min versus 142.04 min). Nocturnal incubation recesses, many of which were likely the result of predators flushing hens, were of similar duration regardless of whether the nest was partially depredated during the event (115.33 [101.01;131.68] minutes) or not (119.62 [111.96;127.82] minutes), yet were 16% shorter than natural diurnal incubation recesses. Hens moved further from the nest during natural diurnal recesses or investigator‐initiated recesses than during nocturnal recesses, and the proportion of hen locations recorded in wetland versus upland habitat during recesses varied with recess type (model‐predicted means: natural diurnal recess 0.77; investigator‐initiated recess 0.82; nocturnal recess 0.31). Hens were more likely to take a natural recess following an investigator‐initiated recess earlier that same day than following a natural recess earlier that same day, and natural recesses that followed an investigator‐initiated recess were longer than natural recesses that followed an earlier natural recess, suggesting that hens may not fulfill all of their physiological needs during investigator‐initiated recesses. We found no evidence that the duration of investigator‐initiated recesses was influenced by repeated visits to the nest, whether by predators or by investigators, and trapping and handling the hen did not affect investigator‐initiated recess duration unless the hen was also fitted with a backpack‐harness style GPS–GSM transmitter at the time of capture. Hens that were captured and fitted with GPS–GSM transmitters took recesses that were 26% longer than recesses during which a hen was captured but a GPS–GSM transmitter was not attached. Incubation interruptions had measurable but limited and specific effects on hen behavior.  相似文献   

The Maritime Alps are one of the ‘hot spots’ in the Mediterranean basin. This study investigated two endemic plants, Moehringia lebrunii and Moehringia sedoides (Caryophyllaceae) in order to increase knowledge of the vegetation of this region, and to investigate possible conservation strategies. Ecogeographic surveys and molecular analyses were undertaken. Gene diversity, the Shannon index and GST were calculated within and among populations of the two species based on ISSR data. The populations of M. lebrunii had a density ranging between 0.04 and 0.86 individual/m2 and a rather low inner genetic variability value. According to IUCN Red List Criteria, the current status of M. lebrunii is Endangered [EN B2ab(ii, iv)]. M. sedoides is an endemic of the SW Alps (not exclusive of the Maritime Alps), and is very abundant within the core of the range. Its range of occurrence is smaller than previously reported; nevertheless, the species is not under threat. This taxon showed a population density ranging between 0.03 and 0.58 individual/m2. Genetic variability values revealed a high variation among the species. Only peripheral populations seemed to suffer from their segregated position. Thus, M. sedoides is to be considered Critically Endangered [CR B1ab(i, ii, iii, iv) + 2ab(i, ii, iii, iv)] for Italy according to Regional Guidelines.  相似文献   
The freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris was cultured batchwise on the seawater‐simulating Schlösser medium either in a 1.1‐L‐working volume helicoidal photobioreactor (HeP) or Erlenmeyer flask (EF) as control and continuously supplying air as CO2 source. In these systems, maximum biomass concentration reached 1.65 ± 0.17 g L?1 and 1.25 ± 0.06 g L?1, and maximum cell productivity 197.6 ± 20.4 mg L?1 day?1 and 160.8 ± 12.2 mg L?1 day?1, respectively. Compared to the Bold's Basal medium, commonly employed to cultivate this microorganism on a bench‐scale, the Schlösser medium ensured significant increases in all the growth parameters, namely maximum cell concentration (268% in EF and 126% in HeP), maximum biomass productivity (554% in EF and 72% in HeP), average specific growth rate (67% in EF and 42% in HeP), and maximum specific growth rate (233% in EF and 22% in HeP). The lipid fraction of biomass collected at the end of runs was analyzed in terms of both lipid content and fatty acid profile. It was found that the seawater‐simulating medium, despite of a 56–63% reduction of the overall biomass lipid content compared to the Bold's Basal one, led in HeP to significant increases in both the glycerides‐to‐total lipid ratio and polyunsaturated fatty acid content compared to the other conditions taken as an average. These results as a whole suggest that the HeP configuration could be a successful alternative to the present means to cultivate C. vulgaris as a lipid source. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:279–284, 2016  相似文献   
The relationship between dental morphology, sex, body length and age of small cetaceans can be used to determine ontogeny, sexual dimorphism and geographical variation. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dental morphology, sex, body size and age. A total of 91 specimens of P. blainvillei and 80 specimens of S. fluviatilis accidentally captured in fisheries or stranded in northern Rio de Janeiro (21 masculine37'-22 masculine25'S), from September 1988 to November 1996 were analysed. The teeth root diameter in P. blainvillei was significantly different between the sex; the values for females were larger than males. In neither species aid we observed significant in variations dimension and number of teeth, thickness of dentine and cemental layers and in the maximum width of cement as a function of body size. Age was related to increases in tooth length, root and cingulum diameters, and maximum width of cement in individuals of P. blainvillei, and tooth and crown lengths and maximum width of cement in individuals of S. fluviatilis. The observation of a linear growth between maximum width of cement and age in both species indicates that the equations obtained can be used to estimate relative age in P. blainvillei and S. fluviatilis in northern of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   
Identifying migration routes and fall stopover sites of Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera septentrionalium) can provide a spatial guide to management and conservation efforts, and address vulnerabilities in wetland networks that support migratory waterbirds. Using high spatiotemporal resolution GPS‐GSM transmitters, we analyzed 61 fall migration tracks across western North America during our three‐year study (2017–2019). We marked Cinnamon Teal primarily during spring/summer in important breeding and molting regions across seven states (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada). We assessed fall migration routes and timing, detected 186 fall stopover sites, and identified specific North American ecoregions where sites were located. We classified underlying land cover for each stopover site and measured habitat selection for 12 land cover types within each ecoregion. Cinnamon Teal selected a variety of flooded habitats including natural, riparian, tidal, and managed wetlands; wet agriculture (including irrigation ditches, flooded fields, and stock ponds); wastewater sites; and golf and urban ponds. Wet agriculture was the most used habitat type (29.8% of stopover locations), and over 72% of stopover locations were on private land. Relatively scarce habitats such as wastewater ponds, tidal marsh, and golf and urban ponds were highly selected in specific ecoregions. In contrast, dry non‐habitat across all ecoregions, and dry agriculture in the Cold Deserts and Mediterranean California ecoregions, was consistently avoided. Resources used by Cinnamon Teal often reflected wetland availability across the west and emphasize their adaptability to dynamic resource conditions in arid landscapes. Our results provide much needed information on spatial and temporal resource use by Cinnamon Teal during migration and indicate important wetland habitats for migrating waterfowl in the western United States.  相似文献   
Genetic recombination contributes to the diversity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). Productive HIV-1 recombination is, however, dependent on both the number of HIV-1 genomes per infected cell and the genetic relationship between these viral genomes. A detailed analysis of the number of proviruses and their genetic relationship in infected cells isolated from peripheral blood and tissue compartments is therefore important for understanding HIV-1 recombination, genetic diversity and the dynamics of HIV-1 infection. To address these issues, we used a previously developed single-cell sequencing technique to quantify and genetically characterize individual HIV-1 DNA molecules from single cells in lymph node tissue and peripheral blood. Analysis of memory and naïve CD4+ T cells from paired lymph node and peripheral blood samples from five untreated chronically infected patients revealed that the majority of these HIV-1-infected cells (>90%) contain only one copy of HIV-1 DNA, implying a limited potential for productive recombination in virus produced by these cells in these two compartments. Phylogenetic analysis revealed genetic similarity of HIV-1 DNA in memory and naïve CD4+ T-cells from lymph node, peripheral blood and HIV-1 RNA from plasma, implying exchange of virus and/or infected cells between these compartments in untreated chronic infection.  相似文献   
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