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Total creatine kinase (CK) and CK MB activities were determined in gastrocnemius muscle and serum obtained from 14 female marathon runners. The level of CK MB in muscle increased significantly (p less than 0.05) after chronic exercise training from 5.3% to 10.5% of the total CK activity, but not after acute exercise (post-marathon 8.9%). No significant differences in total CK activities were detected. However, the total CK activity in the muscles were significantly (p less than 0.05) less than those previously reported from the muscle of men runners (1800 U/g, 3000 U/g respectively). No significant correlation existed between fiber type and muscle CK MB activity. Additionally, trace amounts of mitochondrial CK and CK BB were present in muscle homogenates. A significant correlation was observed in the increase in mean serum total CK (597 UL-1) and CK MB (23 UL-1) activities 24 h after the race (r = 0.97, p less than 0.05). These results suggest that gastrocnemius muscle in women adapts to training with increased CK MB activities and imply that skeletal muscle is the major source of elevated serum CK MB activities in women marathon runners.  相似文献   
The effects of blue light (B) on stem extension-growth were compared in light-grown seedlings, of tobacco overexpressing Avena phytochrome A and its isogenic wild type (WT). Under natural radiation, lowering the levels of B reaching the whole shoot promoted stem extension growth in WT but not in transgenic seedlings. Under controlled conditions, the seedlings were exposed to white light (WL) or WL minus B, each one provided at two different irradiances. In WT seedlings stem extension growth was promoted by lowering B at both irradiance levels. In transgenic seedlings a reduction of B was promotive only at low irradiance levels. The seedlings were also grown under WL, WL minus B, WL minus red light (R) and far-red light (FR) or WL minus R, FR and B. In the WT, lowering B promoted stem extension growth irrespective of R+FR levels. In the transgenics, B was effective only at very low levels of R+FR (i.e. at low phytochrome cycling rates). Lowering the Pfr levels at the end of the day promoted extension growth in wild type and transgenic seedlings. Responses to B were not observed in transgenic seedlings having low Pfr levels at the end of the day. The results suggest that the overexpressed phytochrome A acts mainly via irradiance-dependent reactions. When these reactions are highly expressed, B responses are not observed.  相似文献   
Etiolated Vicia faba seedlings were exposed to continuous red light to investigate whether changes in extracellular peroxidase activity were correlated in time and localization with changes in extension growth and/or lignin content in the subapical region of the epicotyl. Continuous red light: (a) increased extracellular peroxidase activity after a lag of ca 0.5 h, followed by a maximum peak after 2.5 h due to slightly acidic isoforms (pI = 6–6.5, according to isoelectrofocusing gels), a minimum after 4 h and a second maximum after 8 h due to acidic isoforms (pI=4–5), (b) increased lignin content and epicotyl resistance to bending after a lag of ca 4 h, i.e. simultaneously with changes in acidic extracellular peroxidase activity, and (c) reduced extension growth to a stable rate after a lag of ca 1 h, not coinciding with the kinetics of any of the extracellular peroxidase isoforms. These effects of continuous red light were at least partially mediated by phytochrome. Tissue printing and anatomical studies revealed red light effects on extracellular peroxidase activity and lignin content mainly in the outer cortical parenchyma. The results are consistent with the involvement of phyto-chrome-mediated effects on extracellular peroxidases (acidic isoforms) in the transduction chain leading to lignin responses to red light.  相似文献   
Phytochromes play a key role in the perception of light signals by plants. In this study, the three classical phytochrome action modes, i.e. very-low-fluence responses (VLFR), low-fluence responses (LFR) and high-irradiance responses (HIR), were genetically dissected using phyA and phyB mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (respectively lacking phytochrome A or phytochrome B) and a polymorphism between ecotypes Landsberg erecta and Columbia. Seed germination and potentiation of greening, hypocotyl growth inhibition and cotyledon unfolding in etiolated seedlings of the ecotype Landsberg erecta showed biphasic responses to the calculated proportion of active phytochrome established by one light pulse or repeated light pulses. The first phase, i.e. the VLFR, was absent in the phyA mutant, normal in the phyB mutant (both in the Landsberg erecta background) and severely deficient in Columbia. The second phase, i.e. the LFR, was present in the phyA mutant, deficient in the phyB mutant and normal in Columbia. Under continuous far-red light, HIR of etiolated seedlings were absent in phyA and normal in phyB and Columbia. The segregation of VLFR in recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Landsberg erecta and Columbia was analysed by MAPMAKER/QTL. Two quantitative trait loci, one on chromosome 2 ( VLF1 ) and another on chromosome 5 ( VLF2 ), were identified as responsible for the polymorphism. Phytochrome A is proposed to initiate two transduction pathways, VLFR and HIR, involving different cells and/or different molecular steps. This is the first application of the analysis of quantitative trait loci polymorphic between ecotypes to dissect transduction chains of environmental signals.  相似文献   
Resumen Se investigó la posible acción inhibitoria in vitro de antibióticos en disco sobre algas microscópicas, potencialmente patógenas para el hombre, del Género Prototheca y la especie P. wickerhamii.Se utilizó el método de disco-placa en medio de Agar de Saboureaud.Resultaron como inhibidores in vitro: Amikacina, Colistina, Dibekacina, Framicetina, Gentamicina, Kanamicina, Lividomicina, Neomicina, Polimixina, Paromomicina, Ribostamicina, Sisomicina y Tobramicina.Se destaca el interés del estudio de sensibilidad a estas drogas ante un caso de Protothecosis humana.
We investigated the possible inhibitory action in vitro by antibiotic containing discs against microscopic alga that are potential human pathogens of the genus Prototheca especially P. wickerhamii.The results indicated that inhibitors in vitro included amicacin, colistin, dibecacin, framicetin, gentamycin, kanamycin, lividomycin, neomycin, polymyxin, paromomycin, ribostamycin, sisomycin and tobramycin.We emphasize the interest in the effectiveness at these drugs in a case of human protothecosis.
H L Casal  R N McElhaney 《Biochemistry》1990,29(23):5423-5427
The infrared spectra of aqueous dispersions of a homologous series of symmetric-chain, disaturated phosphatidylcholines, with fatty acyl chain lengths ranging from 12 to 19 carbons, have been measured at comparable reduced temperatures in their liquid-crystalline phases. The infrared spectra of these compounds contain bands that are dependent on the conformation of the fatty acyl chains. In particular, in the 1400-1300-cm-1 spectral region, there are bands due to CH2 wagging which are specific for the different types of gauche conformers. Thus, gauche-trans-gauché sequences (or kinks) give a band at 1367 cm-1, end-gauche conformers a band at 1341 cm-1, and double-gauche conformers a band at 1355 cm-1. The intensities of these bands were determined and normalized to the intensity of the conformation-insensitive band due to symmetric methyl bending at 1378 cm-1. The intensities of the different "gauche" bands yield a "per chain" intensity, which is directly related to the concentration of the different types of conformational defects. We find that, within experimental error, the concentration of end-gauche and double-gauche conformers is relatively low and practically invariant with chain length when a series of homologous phosphatidylcholines are compared at the same reduced temperature. In contrast, the concentration of gauche-trans-gauché sequences (kink defects) is much higher and increases as the chain length increases. For dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine we find that there are about 1.2 kink, 0.5-0.6 end-gauche, and 0.4 double-gauche conformers per hydrocarbon chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis thaliana, light signals modulate the defences against bacteria. Here we show that light perceived by the LOV domain‐regulated two‐component system (Pst–Lov) of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000) modulates virulence against A. thaliana. Bioinformatic analysis and the existence of an episomal circular intermediate indicate that the locus encoding Pst–Lov is present in an active genomic island acquired by horizontal transfer. Strains mutated at Pst–Lov showed enhanced growth on minimal medium and in leaves of A. thaliana exposed to light, but not in leaves incubated in darkness or buried in the soil. Pst–Lov repressed the expression of principal and alternative sigma factor genes and their downstream targets linked to bacterial growth, virulence and quorum sensing, in a strictly light‐dependent manner. We propose that the function of Pst–Lov is to distinguish between soil (dark) and leaf (light) environments, attenuating the damage caused to host tissues while releasing growth out of the host. Therefore, in addition to its direct actions via photosynthesis and plant sensory receptors, light may affect plants indirectly via the sensory receptors of bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
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