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Inflammatory reaction to ocular trauma is known to be related to prostaglandins. To further evaluate this phenomenon in human, PGE1 and E2 were measured by R.I.A. after silicic acid chromatography in aqueous humour of 26 patients before and 3 days after surgery for unilateral senile cataract (posterior chamber implant after extracapsular surgery). 13 out of these patients were treated with indomethacin by enteral route and 13 were not treated.PGE2 levels increased in all non-treated patients from : m < 214 pg/ml before surgery, to 2666 ± 869 pg/ml (range : 257 - 8728) p < 0.001 after surgery. PGE2 levels did not increase in indomethacin-treated patients. PGE1 levels did not increase significantly in non-treated as in treated patients.1) Intra-ocular surgery is followed in human by a constant increase of the only PGE2 in the aqueous humour. 2) Indomethacin inhibits this increase. 3) The post-surgical increase in the permeability of blood-aqueous barrier appears to be related to a release of PGE2.  相似文献   
Patients with primary polycythaemia may present clinical features which lead to an erroneous diagnosis of intracerebral neoplasm. Three such cases are described in detail in this report.  相似文献   
AtCOX17 genes encode Arabidopsis thaliana homologs of the yeast metallochaperone Cox17p, involved in the delivery of copper for cytochrome c oxidase (COX) assembly. Two different AtCOX17 genes, located in chromosomes 1 and 3, are present in the Arabidopsis genome. Sequences available in data banks indicate that the presence of two genes is a common feature in monocots, but not in dicots, suggesting that Arabidopsis genes may be the result of a recent duplication. Sequences upstream from the translation start sites of AtCOX17 genes, which include an intron located in the 5' leader region, were introduced into plants in front of the gus gene. For both genes, expression was localized preferentially in young roots and anthers, but almost 10-fold higher β-glucuronidase activity levels were observed in plants transformed with AtCOX17-1 upstream regions. Both promoters were induced to different extents by wounding, treatment of leaves with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and incubation with agents that produce oxidative stress and metals. AtCOX17-2 showed similar responses to these factors, while AtCOX17-1 was more strongly induced by relatively low (10–100 μ M ) copper. The results indicate that both AtCOX17 genes have similar, though not identical, expression characteristics and suggest the existence in their promoters of elements involved in tissue-specific expression and in responses to factors that may produce mitochondrial or cell damage. It can be speculated that Arabidopsis COX17 accumulates under stress conditions to actively replace damaged or inactive cytochrome c oxidase to sustain cyanide-sensitive respiration in plant cells.  相似文献   
Our goal was to test our understanding of ingestion, assimilationefficiency and metabolism for Mnemiopsis mccradyi by formulatingand validating a simulation model of growth under differentconditions of food availability. The model was based on a carbonbudget approach using formulations derived from empirical results,including how each process was affected by food availabilityand ctenophore size. An experimentally measured carbon budgetfor pulsed food availability indicated that, relative to totalingestion, growth was high (17–48%), respiration plusorganic release was relatively low (24–48%) and little(<10%) of the ingested carbon was unaccounted for. New laboratoryinvestigations of feeding and assimilation efficiency were necessaryto refine the formulations so that model predictions comparedfavorably with a variety of laboratory measurements of growth,and growth efficiency, as well as the complete experimentallymeasured carbon budget. The refined model predicted a high ratioof growth to metabolism (>2) and a high gross growth efficiency(>30%) for smaller ctenophores at high food concentrations(>20 prey l–1). Both growth rates and growth efficiencieswere predicted to decrease for larger ctenophores. Model predictionswere generally consistent with experimental results, includinginvestigations using pulsed food availability to simulate environmentalpatchiness. Although the model underpredicted ctenophore growthin some experiments at low food densities, the model predictionof a minimum prey concentration of about 8 l–1 (24 µgC l–1) for sustaining a ctenophore population of reproductivesize agreed with field observations.  相似文献   
This paper contains new experimental data on the growth dynamicsof a lobate coastal ctenophore, Mnenmiopsis mccradyi, whichadd significantly to our understanding of the nutritional ecologyof ctenophores and their role as opportunistic predators. Theseexperimental observations were necessary to refine the dynamiccarbon budget presented as a simulation model in another report.The ratio of carbon biomass to dry weight may vary several-folddepending on the nutritional state and size from >12% inwell-fed larvae to <1% in starved adults. Feeding effort(clearance rate) is higher for previously starved animals, fallingsharply within a few hours after re-exposure to food. Directvisual observations of feeding activity of animals confirmedthis. Assimilation efficiency can be high (72%) in these animalsbut if they continue to feed at high food concentrations, incomingfood displaces material which is only partially digested andassimilation efficiency decreases substantially. Except at verylow food concentrations, growth efficiency ranges between 20and 45%. Mnemiopsis, begins to produce eggs at a size much lessthan its maximum. Egg production is very sensitive to food supply,and somatic growth is favored over egg production at low fooddensities. Even though several thousand eggs may be producedover a few days, they represent <2% day–1 of the carbonbiomass of the ctenophore and several-fold less than respiratorycarbon.  相似文献   
Receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) have been demonstrated in renal mesangial cells as well as other cell types in the glomerulus. The biochemical basis for the effects of ANP on glomerular hemodynamics remains undefined. Using cultured rat glomerular mesangial cells, we demonstrated a concentration-dependent stimulation of cGMP production in intact cells, and of guanylate cyclase in membranes. Despite the presence of a guanylate cyclase response, ANP had no inhibitory effect on basal inositol trisphosphate production nor on basal cytosolic calcium. Arginine vasopressin stimulated IP3 production, caused a rise in cytosolic calcium as measured using the calcium-sensitive fluorescent probe Indo-1, and caused mesangial cell contraction. ANP caused a slight but significant enhancement of vasopressin-stimulated IP3 production, but had no effect on the cytosolic calcium response nor on the contractile response. 8-Bromo-cGMP likewise had no effect on the generation of the calcium signal. These results indicate that the effects of ANP on glomerular hemodynamics are not mediated by an alteration in the generation of the calcium signal in mesangial cells. In contrast, addition of calcium inhibited ANP stimulated guanylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   
Bolinopsis vitrea is a warm water lobate ctenophore which doesnot overlap in its distribution with Mnemiopsis mccradyi incontiguous waters. We examined its feeding ecology on a seriesof cruises. B. virrea ingested increasingly more prey at higherfood concentrations (2–100 prey l–1) but feedingeffort (clearance rate) decreased with increasing food availability.On a dry weight basis, smaller tentaculate Bolinopsis ingestedseveral times more than larger lobates, but based on carbonweight, specific ingestion was fairly uniform over the entiresize range investigated (6–60 mm total length). Bolinopsiscollected during the daytime in the Bahamas rarely had morethan three prey items in their guts. These results and laboratorymeasurements of digestion times (av. = 1.9 h) allowed computationof daily rations, which could not account for the metabolicrequirement as measured on the same cruises. Results of feedingexperiments, however, implied that prey densities in excessof 11–1 were sufficient to sustain a growing populationof Bolinopsis. Prey concentrations about an order of magnitudehigher were required for M. mccradyi based on similar experiments.These results were in general agreement with observed densitiesand distributions of ctenophores and their zooplankton preyin the Bahamas and coastal South Florida.  相似文献   
The metabolism of pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, by submerged cultures of the basidiomycete Crinipellis stipitaria was studied. After incubation for 68 h at 25°C in a 20-liter fermentor with complex medium and 20 mg of pyrene per liter, five metabolites were detected. The compounds were isolated by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography on RP18 and DIOL gels. By UV, infrared, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, 1-hydroxypyrene, 1,6-dihydroxypyrene, 1,8-dihydroxypyrene, 1,6-pyrenequinone, and 1,8-pyrenequinone were identified. 1,6- and 1,8-dihydroxypyrene were obtained from fungal cultures for the first time. The formation of these metabolites was confirmed by investigations with [4,5,9,10-14C]pyrene.  相似文献   
The level of -hexosaminidase activity in plasma and leukocytes and the frequency of three known HEXB mutations were studied in an Argentinean deme with high incidence of infantile Sandhoff disease. Two mutations were previously identified in one of two Sandhoff patients from the region, a splice mutation, IVS-2+1 GA, and a 4-bp deletion, CTTT782–785. These mutations, and a 16kb deletion from the 5' end of the HEXB gene common in non-Argentineans, were screened in 9 Sandhoff patients (all unrelated), 24 obligate heterozygotes, 33 additional individuals belonging to families with affected members, and 64 randomly ascertained individuals from the high risk region. Of 31 independent alleles examined, including those of the two patients previously reported, 30 had the IVS-2 splice mutation and only the originally reported patient had the CTTT deletion. The 16-kb deletion was not observed. Further, among the 57 unaffected members of families with a previous history of Sandhoff disease, and absolute correlation was found between carrier diagnosis by enzyme assay of leukocytes and the DNA-based tests for mutation. One of the 64 controls was classified as a carrier by enzyme assay but did not have one of the three mutations screened. We conclude that a single mutation predominates in this Argentinean population and that the DNA-based test can be an effective supplement or alternative to enzyme-based testing.  相似文献   
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