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Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) is a woody vine or sprawling shrub native to the central Amazon Basin. The seeds are commercially produced on some 6,000 ha in the state of Amazonas near Manaus. The principal article of commerce is an amber-colored, carbonated soft drink. It is also widely used as a high caffeine stimulant and in local medicines. The plant is monoecious and is damaged by a number of diseases, the most severe being anthracnose. Prospects are excellent for greatly expanded international markets.  相似文献   
AtCOX17 genes encode Arabidopsis thaliana homologs of the yeast metallochaperone Cox17p, involved in the delivery of copper for cytochrome c oxidase (COX) assembly. Two different AtCOX17 genes, located in chromosomes 1 and 3, are present in the Arabidopsis genome. Sequences available in data banks indicate that the presence of two genes is a common feature in monocots, but not in dicots, suggesting that Arabidopsis genes may be the result of a recent duplication. Sequences upstream from the translation start sites of AtCOX17 genes, which include an intron located in the 5' leader region, were introduced into plants in front of the gus gene. For both genes, expression was localized preferentially in young roots and anthers, but almost 10-fold higher β-glucuronidase activity levels were observed in plants transformed with AtCOX17-1 upstream regions. Both promoters were induced to different extents by wounding, treatment of leaves with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and incubation with agents that produce oxidative stress and metals. AtCOX17-2 showed similar responses to these factors, while AtCOX17-1 was more strongly induced by relatively low (10–100 μ M ) copper. The results indicate that both AtCOX17 genes have similar, though not identical, expression characteristics and suggest the existence in their promoters of elements involved in tissue-specific expression and in responses to factors that may produce mitochondrial or cell damage. It can be speculated that Arabidopsis COX17 accumulates under stress conditions to actively replace damaged or inactive cytochrome c oxidase to sustain cyanide-sensitive respiration in plant cells.  相似文献   
The binding of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) with cytosol androgen receptors from rat pituitary and hypothalamus was studied. The pituitary and hypothalamic cytosol androgen receptors from adult castrated female rats were in vitro labeled using 3H natural (testosterone (T) and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT] and [3H]synthetic (methyltrienolone) androgens as radioligands. The [3H]androgen-receptor complexes sedimented with a coefficient of 8S in linear sucrose gradients. When incubated with an excess of radioinert MPA, specific binding was abolished indicating interaction of MPA with androgen receptors. Furthermore specific [3H]MPA-androgen cytosol receptor complexes could be identified in these neuroendocrine tissues when a post-gradient receptor labeling technique was used in the absence or presence of radioinert MPA, DHT, and triamcinolone acetonide. A study of binding kinetics disclosed that the equilibrium dissociation constant and saturation binding capacity for the MPA binder, were similar to those exhibited by DHT binding to androgen receptors in both studied tissues under identical experimental conditions. The overall results were interpreted as demonstrating that MPA interacts with cytosol steroid receptors other than those of progesterone in the rat hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. The data are consistent with MPA binding to androgen receptors.  相似文献   
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a systemic inflammatory condition with high mortality that may benefit from personalized medicine and high-precision approaches. COVID-19 patient plasma was analysed with targeted proteomics of 1161 proteins. Patients were monitored from Days 1 to 10 of their intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Age- and gender-matched COVID-19-negative sepsis ICU patients and healthy subjects were examined as controls. Proteomic data were resolved using both cell-specific annotation and deep-analysis for functional enrichment. COVID-19 caused extensive remodelling of the plasma microenvironment associated with a relative immunosuppressive milieu between ICU Days 3–7, and characterized by extensive organ damage. COVID-19 resulted in (1) reduced antigen presentation and B/T-cell function, (2) increased repurposed neutrophils and M1-type macrophages, (3) relatively immature or disrupted endothelia and fibroblasts with a defined secretome, and (4) reactive myeloid lines. Extracellular matrix changes identified in COVID-19 plasma could represent impaired immune cell homing and programmed cell death. The major functional modules disrupted in COVID-19 were exaggerated in patients with fatal outcome. Taken together, these findings provide systems-level insight into the mechanisms of COVID-19 inflammation and identify potential prognostic biomarkers. Therapeutic strategies could be tailored to the immune response of severely ill patients.  相似文献   
Nine oral morphologic characters were investigated. Their frequencies are compared with those published for other populations. The possibility of using such characters to estimate genetic distance between populations is discussed and the conclusion is reached that, although previous studies have suggested this to be a valid approach, further studies testing this subject are needed.  相似文献   
The Fab fragment of an antibody, made against an E2-specific feline infectious peritonitis virus neutralizing antibody, has been crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis from PEG 4000 using vapor diffusion methods. The Fab fragment crystals diffract to about 2.9 A resolution and are of triclinic space group P1. Unit cell dimensions, by which the reciprocal lattice can be indexed, are a = 57.16 A, b = 70.85 A, c = 75.81 A, alpha = 85.11 degrees, beta = 121.28 degrees and gamma = 116.33 degrees. There are two Fab fragments comprising the asymmetric unit of the crystals. The presence of a pseudo-mirror plane in the diffraction pattern suggests the presence of at least an approximate dyad axis relating the two Fab fragments within the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
A heterologous RIA system is described for the determination of TSH in rat plasma. The antibody was obtained by us in guinea-pigs and directed against bovine-TSH (B-TSH). It was chosen from several antisera as the one showing the greatest potency in vivo against rat TSH, using the McKenzie bioassay. Two different antigens were tried for radioiodination: B-TSH (B-TSH) and a purified mouse tumour TSH (M-TSH). The choice of labeled antigen proved to be critical. It was not possible to develop a reliable RIA with B-TSH. Using M-TSH, however, a RIA was developed which is sensitive enough to detect differences between normal and lower than normal plasma TSH levels. The reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of the RIA are described, as well as several procedures which shorten the time spent on a given assay, and at the same time decrease inter and intra-assay variations. Some of the results obtained with experimental plasmas were compared to the in vivo potency of the samples in the McKenzie bioassay. The results obtained with the present RIA have also been validated physiologically by carrying out the determinations on plasmas obtained from rats submitted to situations known to decrease (hypophysectomy, treatment with thyroid hormones, ether anaesthesia) or increase (injection of TRH, thyroidectomy, treatment with goitrogens) circulating TSH levels. The circulating TSH levels of normal rats found with the present RIA compare well with values obtained with the homologous immunoreactants available from NIAMDD at NIH (U.S.A.).  相似文献   
There is a growing interest in biomedical engineering in developing procedures that provide accurate simulations of the neural response to electrical stimulus produced by implants. Moreover, recent research focuses on models that take into account individual patient characteristics.We present a phenomenological computational model that is customized with the patient’s data provided by the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP) for simulating the neural response to electrical stimulus produced by the electrodes of cochlear implants (CIs). The model links the input currents of the electrodes to the simulated ECAP.Potentials and currents are calculated by solving the quasi-static approximation of the Maxwell equations with the finite element method (FEM). In ECAPs recording, an active electrode generates a current that elicits action potentials in the surrounding auditory nerve fibers (ANFs). The sum of these action potentials is registered by other nearby electrode. Our computational model emulates this phenomenon introducing a set of line current sources replacing the ANFs by a set of virtual neurons (VNs). To fit the ECAP amplitudes we assign a suitable weight to each VN related with the probability of an ANF to be excited. This probability is expressed by a cumulative beta distribution parameterized by two shape parameters that are calculated by means of a differential evolution algorithm (DE). Being the weights function of the current density, any change in the design of the CI affecting the current density produces changes in the weights and, therefore, in the simulated ECAP, which confers to our model a predictive capacity.The results of the validation with ECAP data from two patients are presented, achieving a satisfactory fit of the experimental data with those provided by the proposed computational model.  相似文献   
Influenza A virus (IAV) preferentially infects conducting airway and alveolar epithelial cells in the lung. The outcome of these infections is impacted by the host response, including the production of various cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. Fibroblast growth factor-9 (FGF9) is required for lung development, can display antiviral activity in vitro, and is upregulated in asymptomatic patients during early IAV infection. We therefore hypothesized that FGF9 would protect the lungs from respiratory virus infection and evaluated IAV pathogenesis in mice that overexpress FGF9 in club cells in the conducting airway epithelium (FGF9-OE mice). However, we found that FGF9-OE mice were highly susceptible to IAV and Sendai virus infection compared to control mice. FGF9-OE mice displayed elevated and persistent viral loads, increased expression of cytokines and chemokines, and increased numbers of infiltrating immune cells as early as 1 day post-infection (dpi). Gene expression analysis showed an elevated type I interferon (IFN) signature in the conducting airway epithelium and analysis of IAV tropism uncovered a dramatic shift in infection from the conducting airway epithelium to the alveolar epithelium in FGF9-OE lungs. These results demonstrate that FGF9 signaling primes the conducting airway epithelium to rapidly induce a localized IFN and proinflammatory cytokine response during viral infection. Although this response protects the airway epithelial cells from IAV infection, it allows for early and enhanced infection of the alveolar epithelium, ultimately leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Our study illuminates a novel role for FGF9 in regulating respiratory virus infection and pathogenesis.  相似文献   
The evolutionary forces that determine genome size in bacteria and archaea have been the subject of intense debate over the last few decades. Although the preferential loss of genes observed in prokaryotes is explained through the deletional bias, factors promoting and preventing the fixation of such gene losses often remain unclear. Importantly, statistical analyses on this topic typically do not consider the potential bias introduced by the shared ancestry of many lineages, which is critical when using species as data points because of the potential dependence on residuals. In this study, we investigated the genome size distributions across a broad diversity of bacteria and archaea to evaluate if this trait is phylogenetically conserved at broad phylogenetic scales. After model fit, Pagel’s lambda indicated a strong phylogenetic signal in genome size data, suggesting that the diversification of this trait is influenced by shared evolutionary histories. We used a phylogenetic generalized least-squares analysis (PGLS) to test whether phylogeny influences the predictability of genome size from dN/dS ratios and 16S copy number, two variables that have been previously linked to genome size. These results confirm that failure to account for evolutionary history can lead to biased interpretations of genome size predictors. Overall, our results indicate that although bacteria and archaea can rapidly gain and lose genetic material through gene transfers and deletions, respectively, phylogenetic signal for genome size distributions can still be recovered at broad phylogenetic scales that should be taken into account when inferring the drivers of genome size evolution.  相似文献   
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