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A field isolate of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans was grown in defined medium in a two-stage continuous culture apparatus with different concentrations of phosphate in the feed medium. The first state (V1) was operated as a conventional chemostat (D = 0.045 h−1) that was limited in energy source (lactate) or phosphate. The second stage (V2) received effluent from V1 but no additional nutrients, and contained a healthy population of transiently starved or resting cells. An increase in the concentration of phosphate in the medium fed to V1 resulted in increased corrosion rates of carbon steel in both V1 and V2. Despite the more rapid corrosion observed in growing cultures relative to that in resting cultures, corrosion products that were isolated under strictly anaerobic conditions from the two culture modes had similar bulk compositions which varied with the phosphate content of the medium. Crystalline mackinawite (Fe9S8), vivianite [Fe3(PO4)2 · 8H2O], and goethite [FeO(OH)] were detected in amounts which varied with the culture conditions. Chemical analyses indicated that the S in the corrosion product was almost exclusively in the form of sulfides, while the P was present both as phosphate and as unidentified components, possibly reduced P species. Some differential localization of S and P was observed in intact corrosion products. Cells from lactate-limited, but not from phosphate-limited, cultures contained intracellular granules that were enriched in P and Fe. The results are discussed in terms of several proposed mechanisms of microbiologically influenced corrosion.  相似文献   
S. agalactiae (group B streptococci, GBS) is a major microbial pathogen in human neonates and causes invasive infections in pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. The S. agalactiae β-hemolysin is regarded as an important virulence factor for the development of invasive disease. To examine the role of β-hemolysin in the interaction with professional phagocytes, the THP-1 monocytic cell line and human granulocytes were infected with a serotype Ia S. agalactiae wild type strain and its isogenic nonhemolytic mutant. We could show that the nonhemolytic mutants were able to survive in significantly higher numbers than the hemolytic wild type strain, in THP-1 macrophage-like cells and in assays with human granulocytes. Intracellular bacterial multiplication, however, could not be observed. The hemolytic wild type strain stimulated a significantly higher release of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α than the nonhemolytic mutant in THP-1 cells, while similar levels of the chemokine Interleukin-8 were induced. In order to investigate bacterial mediators of IL-8 release in this setting, purified cell wall preparations from both strains were tested and found to exert a potent proinflammatory stimulus on THP-1 cells. In conclusion, our results indicate that the β-hemolysin has a strong influence on the intracellular survival of S. agalactiae and that a tightly controlled regulation of β-hemolysin expression is required for the successful establishment of S. agalactiae in different host niches.  相似文献   
The initial rate of hydrolysis of six commercially available native (type l) celluloses was determined for the crude cellulase complexes of the thermophilic anaerobic bacterium C. thermocellum and the mesophilic fungus T. reesei. These rates were then compared with certain physical features of the substrates in an attempt to determine the role of cellulose structure in its degradability. Within the substrate series tested, the Clostridium system showed a greater relative range in rate of enzymatic hydrolysis than did the Trichoderma system. Average correlation coefficients for the kinetic rates from bacterial and fungal cellulases, respectively, and the following physical parameters were obtained: relative crystallinity index (RCl) from acid hydrolysis, -0.61 and -0.85; RCl from x-ray diffraction, -0.75 and -0.89; accessibility to formylation at 4 degrees C, + 0.49 and +0.60; nonaccessibility to formylation at 65 degrees C, -0.40 and -0.73; fiber saturation point, + 0.83 and + 0.85. Kinetic and pore volume distribution data suggest that the rate-limiting components of both the bacterial and fungal cellulase systems are of similar size, approximately 43 A along one axis.  相似文献   


This study uses a virtual framework to examine the left maxillary fragment of the juvenile fossil from Mugharet el'Aliya, Morocco, found in association with an Aterian lithic industry. Previously, this fossil had been ascribed to modern humans or the Neanderthal lineage based on its “archaic”/“Neanderthal-like” features and apparent large size. Here, we conducted a novel 3D shape comparative analysis of the maxillary fragment to clarify its taxonomic affinities with regard to its size and ontogeny.

Materials and Methods

Eighty Computed Tomography and surface scans representing ontogenetic samples of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis were used to capture species-specific differences. The toolkit of geometric morphometrics in combination with surface registration and an elastic iterative closest point algorithm were used to create a dataset of meshes with an identical number of corresponding vertices for the maxillae. Multivariate statistics were applied to Procrustes superimposed coordinates derived from the vertices of this dataset.


Our analysis showed affinities of the Mugharet el'Aliya individual with our H. sapiens sample, especially with a subadult individual from Qafzeh. No size-independent affinities with Neanderthals of comparable dental age could be identified.


Our results add to the evidence connecting fossils from western Asia, especially Qafzeh and Skhul, and the North African Aterian. Furthermore, Mugharet el'Aliya adds to our knowledge of the ontogenetic development of adult morphology that is frequently used to characterize hominin groups, for example, Neanderthals and modern humans.  相似文献   
The cultivation of algae either in open raceway ponds or in closed bioreactors could allow the renewable production of biomass for food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or chemical industries. Optimal cultivation conditions are however required to ensure that the production of these compounds is both efficient and economical. Therefore, high-frequency analytical measurements are required to allow timely process control and to detect possible disturbances during algae growth. Such analytical methods are only available to a limited extent. Therefore, we introduced a method for monitoring algae release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace above a bioreactor in real time. This method is based on ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) in combination with a membrane inlet (MI). The unique feature of IMS is that complete spectra are detected in real time instead of sum signals. These spectral patterns produced in the ion mobility spectrum were evaluated automatically via principal component analysis (PCA). The detected peak patterns are characteristic for the respective algae culture; allow the assignment of the individual growth phases and reflect the influence of experimental parameters. These results allow for the first time a continuous monitoring of the algae cultivation and thus an early detection of possible disturbances in the biotechnological process.  相似文献   
The present study involved an electrophoretic survey of 22 protein loci in 269 individuals belonging to three species of the genusAkodon, A. aff.cursor (2n=16),A. cursor (2n=14/15), andA. montensis (2n=24/25/26), collected in Eastern Brazil. The joint results of gene diversity, genetic distances, phenetic analyses, and phylogenetic trees suggested thatA. aff.cursor has recently separated fromA. cursor and that the three species have experienced a recent chromosomal divergence followed by low allozyme differentiation. These data are in agreement with their classification as sibling species.  相似文献   
Under anaerobic conditions Bacillus macerans ATCC 7068 fermented 6-deoxyhexoses (l-rhamnose, l-fucose, and d-fucose) to a mixture of 1,2-propanediol (PD), acetone, H(2), CO(2), and ethanol. The final PD concentration was proportional to the amount of l-rhamnose fermented ( approximately 0.9 mol of PD per mol of rhamnose). PD was not produced from hexoses (e.g., d-glucose or l-mannose), despite active fermentation of these substrates. Relative to the fermentation of d-glucose, the fermentation of l-rhamnose was accompanied by a twofold reduction in yield of H(2), CO(2), and cell mass. Exposure of cell extracts to l-rhamnose resulted in the transient appearance of an aldehyde intermediate. Cell extracts contained a pyridine nucleotide-linked lactaldehyde reductase activity which converted synthetic d- or l-lactaldehyde to PD. The data suggest an Embden-Meyerhof pathway for 6-deoxyhexose catabolism, with the formation of lactaldehyde by a conventional aldolase cleavage reaction and subsequent reduction to PD.  相似文献   
Abstract— Hog cerebellar d -amino acid oxidase (d -AAO; EC has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme was found to be indistinguishable from crystalline hog kidney d -AAO by a number of criteria, including electrophoresis in both cationic and anionic discontinuous buffer systems, FAD and sulfhydryl contents, and monomer molecular weights of about 40,000 as determined by SDS disc gel electrophoresis. Both preparations exhibited similar specific activities (23 μmol d -ala oxidized min?1 mg?1 protein), substrate specificities, and susceptibilities to competitive inhibitors. Rabbit antisera were prepared against each enzyme preparation. Double immunodiffusion revealed no antigenic differences between the two when antiserum against either preparation was used. Although a soluble protein, d -AAO activity in cerebellum is particulate. Two methods were utilized to study the histological localization of d -AAO activity in hog cerebellum: peroxidase-coupled histochemistry and immunofluorescence. The histochemical procedure seems specific for d -AAO since l -amino acids are inert and known competitive inhibitors of the purified flavoenzyme prevent staining. Rabbit antiserum prepared against purified hog cerebellar d -AAO was visualized indirectly with fluorescein-labeled goat antirabbit IgG antiserum. Control experiments with serum from unimmunized rabbits were negative. The results of both techniques were identical in three respects: (1) d -AAO was observed in many fibers emanating from cerebellar white matter; the white matter itself did not exhibit d -AAO, despite presence of the oxidase by biochemical assay; (2) intense d -AAO activity (or antigen) was found in mossy fiber rosettes (glomeruli) in the granular layer; (3) a peculiar and intense localization of d -AAO was noted at the level of, but not within, the Purkinje cell soma. The molecular layer was essentially devoid of d -AAO histochemical activity except for minimal staining near the pial surface. However, the more sensitive immunofluorescent technique revealed d -AAO containing fibers in the molecular layer running parallel to each other and perpendicular to the pial surface; the relatively large size and small number of these fibers do not suggest identification as granule cell axons. No d -AAO has been found in granule cell soma, Golgi Type-II cells, or Purkinje cell soma. These results are discussed in terms of the localization of d -AAO in mossy fibers and their terminals and in certain cell-type(s) of cerebellar origin.  相似文献   
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