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In this study it is shown that the higher molecular weight previously reported for tiger shark carbonic anhydrase (carbonate hydro-lyase, EC compared to other carbonic anhydrases is decreased to a normal value around 30 000 after disulfide reduction of the enzyme. This difference in molecular weight is at least partly due to the existence of disulfide-linked glutathione and cysteine residues. Approx. 3 mol glutathione and a similar amount of cysteine are shown to be bound per mol enzyme. The presence of these factors also has effects on the enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Phase memory relaxation times (T(M) or T(2)) of spin labels in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) are reported. Spin labels (N-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolidinyl)iodoacetamide, IPSL) were introduced at cysteines, by site-directed mutagenesis at seven different positions in the protein. By two pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin echo decays at 45 K are measured and fitted by stretched exponentials, resulting in relaxation parameters T(M) and x. T(M) values of seven positions are between 1.6 micros for the most buried residue (L79C) and 4.7 micros for a residue at the protein surface (W245C). In deuteriated buffer, longer T(M) are found for all but the most buried residues (L79C and W97C), and electron spin echo envelop modulation (ESEEM) of deuterium nuclei is observed. Different deuterium ESEEM patterns for W95C and W16C (surface residue) indicate differences in the local water concentration, or accessibility, of the spin label by deuterium. We propose T(M) as a parameter to determine the spin label location in proteins. Furthermore, these systems are interesting for studying the pertaining relaxation mechanism.  相似文献   
The effects of two specific 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors AA-863 and U-60,257 (piriprost) on the growth of two human glioma cell lines, U-343 MGa and U-251 MG were investigated. Both monolayer cultured cells and spheroids were studied. The results of the monolayer studies showed potent and dose dependent inhibitory effects on the proliferation of glioma cells (IC50/one week treatment/of AA-863: 9.0 microM, IC50 of U-60,257: 40.0 microM). The experiments made on the tumor spheroids suggested an inhibitory effect on proliferation and volume growth already at lower doses (AA-863: 0.4-2.0 microM, U-60,257: 1.0-5.0 microM), a dose range where effects were not found in monolayers. At higher doses (AA-863: 10.0-30.0 microM, U-60,257: 30.0-90.0 microM) the experiments with spheroids failed to demonstrate a further inhibitory effect on spheroid volume, probably attributed to phenomena such as swelling of cells, dissociation of spheroid structure and development of necrosis. The clearly dose dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of human glioma cells in monolayer culture and the inhibitory effects on spheroid growth with these specific inhibitors indicate a role for lipoxygenase products in the growth of gliomas.  相似文献   
We have isolated and sequenced cDNA clones corresponding to the entire coding sequences of the human lysosomal membrane glycoproteins, lamp-1 and lamp-2 (h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2). The deduced amino acid sequences indicate that h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2 consist of 416 and 408 amino acid residues, respectively, and suggest that 27 and 28 NH2-terminal residues are cleavable signal peptides. The major portions of both h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2 reside on the luminal side of the lysosome and are heavily glycosylated by N-glycans: h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2 were found to contain 19 and 16 potential N-glycosylation sites, respectively. The findings are consistent with the results obtained by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F treatment of h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2 precursors, described in the preceding paper (Carlsson, S. R., Roth, J., Piller, F., and Fukuda, M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18911-18919). These N-glycosylation sites are clustered into two domains separated by a hinge-like structure enriched with proline and serine in h-lamp-1 or proline and threonine in h-lamp-2. The two domains of h-lamp-1 on each side of the hinge region are homologous to each other, whereas no such homology was detected between the two domains of h-lamp-2. Both proteins have one putative transmembrane domain consisting of 24 hydrophobic amino acids near the COOH terminus, and contain a short cytoplasmic segment composed of 11 amino acid residues at the COOH-terminal end. Comparison of h-lamp-1 and h-lamp-2 sequences reveal strong homology between the two molecules, particularly in the proximity to the COOH-terminal end. It is possible that this portion is important for targeting the molecules to lysosomes. These results also suggest that lamp-1 and lamp-2 are evolutionarily related. Comparison of known lamp-1 sequences among different species, on the other hand, show that human lamp-1 has more similarity to lamp-1 from other species than to human lamp-2. This fact, taken together with the finding that h-lamp-2 lacks repeating domains, suggests that lamp-1 and lamp-2 diverged from a putative ancestor gene in early stages of evolution. These results also suggest that lamp-1 and lamp-2 probably have distinctly separate functions despite the fact that they share many structural features.  相似文献   
Summary Following injection of 5µg of the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 into the nucleus accumbens, but not following injection of the same dose into the dorsal striatum, a pronounced locomotor stimulation in monoamine-depleted mice was produced; the-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine (1 mg/kg) administered ip caused a marked potentiation of an intraaccumbens AP-5 (2.5µg) injection.On the other hand, 10µg of AP-5 combined with an ip injection of clonidine (1 mg/kg) caused a marked locomotor stimulation following local application into the dorsal striatum but not following application into the prefrontal cortex. Likewise, in combination with systemically administered clonidine, a substantial locomotor stimulation was observed after application of the muscarine receptor antagonist methscopolamine (62µg) into the dorsal striatum but not into the prefrontal cortex.This study suggests that NMDA receptors in the nucleus accumbens exert an inhibitory influence on locomotor activity. The dorsal striatum may also be involved in such control via NMDA and muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   
The glycans of the Thy-1 antigen present on thymocytes and lymph-node T-lymphocytes were investigated after external labelling of the cells. Neuraminidase, endoglycosidase H and endoglycosidase F were used in combination with sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in order to characterize the nature of the glycans on 125I-labelled and immunoprecipitated Thy-1. Glycopeptides were prepared from Thy-1 obtained from cells labelled by periodate/boro[3H]hydride treatment. The glycopeptides were separated by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose and analysed by gel filtration. The results show that both types of cells possess Thy-1 molecules with three N-linked carbohydrate chains, of which one is of 'high-mannose' type and the other two of triantennary and biantennary 'complex' type. The ratio of triantennary/biantennary chains was decreased on Thy-1 of mature cells compared with that of immature cells, but instead more sialic acid was present on these chains. Deglycosylated Thy-1 appeared to be of the same size regardless of origin, indicating that only the carbohydrate moiety differs between Thy-1 molecules of the two cell types.  相似文献   
Dopamine (DA) is synthesized and released not only from the terminals of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuronal pathway, but also from the dendrites in the substantia nigra. We have investigated the regulation of the DA turnover, the DA synthesis rate, and the DA release in the substantia nigra pars compacts (SNpc) and pars reticulata (SNpr) in vivo. As a measure of DA turnover, we have assessed the concentrations of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid. As a measure of the DA synthesis rate, we have determined the 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine accumulation after inhibition of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase by 3-hydroxybenzylhydrazine. As a measure of DA release, we have investigated the disappearance rate of DA after inhibition of its synthesis by alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine and the 3-methoxytyramine accumulation following monoamine oxidase inhibition by pargyline. Both the DA turnover and the DA synthesis rate increased following treatment with the DA receptor antagonist haloperidol and decreased following treatment with the DA receptor agonist apomorphine in the SNpc and in the SNpr, but the effects of the drugs were less pronounced than in the striatum. gamma-Butyrolactone treatment, which suppresses the firing of the dopaminergic neurons, increased the DA synthesis rate in the striatum (165%), but had no such effect in the SNpc or SNpr. Haloperidol, apomorphine, and gamma-butyrolactone increased, decreased, and abolished, respectively, the DA release in the striatum, but the drugs had no or only slight effects on the alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine-induced DA disappearance and on the pargyline-induced 3-methoxytyramine accumulation in the SNpc or SNpr. Taken together, these results indicate that the DA synthesis rate, but not the DA release, are influenced by DA receptor activity and neuronal firing in the SNpc and SNpr. This is in contrast to the situation in the striatum, where both the DA synthesis rate and the DA release are under such control.  相似文献   
Summary The monoclonal antibodies 38S1, directed against the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), were tested for penetration and binding in human colon carcinoma HT-29 spheroids. Penetration was studied with a method which has not previously been used in immunological investigations. The method, which allows unbound substances to be visualized, is based on freeze drying, vapour fixation, dry sectioning and dry autoradiography. The antibodies penetrated easily and all parts of the HT-29 spheroids seemed to be reached within 15 min. The penetration was even faster than in control glioma U-118MG spheroids that did not express CEA. Binding of the 38S1 antibodies was demonstrated after processing with conventional histology and autoradiography. The binding in the HT-29 spheroids was, after a 1-h incubation period, extremely heterogeneous and occurred mainly in the peripheral parts. More cells were binding the antibodies after 8-h and 32-h incubations and these cells were arranged in peripheral clusters. No binding at all was seen in the CEA-negative glioma spheroids. The distribution of CEA antigens in monolayers and in frozen sections of spheroids of HT-29 cells was analysed with immunohistochemical staining using polyclonal CEA antibodies. The CEA antigens were heterogeneously distributed in both spheroids and monolayers and were as heterogeneous as the binding of the monoclonal antibodies in the living spheroids. Thus, the heterogeneous binding in the living spheroids was not due to penetration barriers, but instead to the heterogeneity in the CEA antigen expression.  相似文献   
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