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3H-labeled Acholeplasma DNA probes were generated in vitro by the nick-translation method and used to determine the nucleotide sequence homology among the type strains of the eight currently recognized species of Acholeplasma. Very little nucleotide sequence homology (less than or equal to 18%) was found among the eight species, with heteroduplexes showing at least 12% or more mismatching as determined by thermal elution midpoints. The small amount of nucleotide sequence homology among the eight species indicates that these species are quite distinct and are not closely related to each other genomically.  相似文献   
Food sharing: a model of manipulation by harassment   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Most analyses of food-sharing behavior invoke complex explanationssuch as indirect and delayed benefits for sharing via kin selectionand reciprocal altruism. However, food sharing can be a moregeneral phenomenon accounted for by more parsimonious, mutualisticexplanations. We propose a game theoretical model of a generalsharing situation in which food owners share because it is in their own self-interest—they avoid high costs associatedwith beggar harassment. When beggars harass, owners may benefitfrom sharing part of the food if their consumption rate islow relative to the rate of cost accrual. Our model predictsthat harassment can be a profitable strategy for beggars if they reap some direct benefits from harassing other than sharedfood (such as picking up scraps). Therefore, beggars may manipulatethe owner's fitness payoffs in such a way as to make sharingmutualistic.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural data are presented on time-course changes in isolated rat hepatocyte suspensions exposed either to 1.2 or 1.8 mM CCl4 for up to 1 h. The subcellular changes at the lower concentration, but not the higher, are shown to closely parallel those reported to occur in rat hepatocytes following ingestion of CCl4.  相似文献   
The colonization potential of two fluorescent Pseudomonas strains (M11/4, B2/6) that exhibit antifungal activity in vitro was studied on the roots of sugarbeet plants in a clay loam soil. The cell density of the introduced bacteria declined on the root system over a 16-day test period in nonsterile soil. Strain B2/6 declined at a significantly faster rate compared with M11/4. This loss in viability and difference in colonization ability between M11/4 and B2/6 was not observed in sterile soil. Nutrient deprivation induced by indigenous microorganisms was excluded as a key factor involved in the decline of the introduced bacteria on the basis that strains M11/4 and B2/6 retained viability when subjected to nutrient starvation conditions over a 16-day period. Experiments designed to test whether antagonism by indigenous microorganisms was responsible for the decline in the introduced fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. population revealed the presence of large numbers of bacteriophage in the soil capable of lysing strain B2/6. Reconstitution experiments carried out with sugarbeet seedlings inoculated independently with strains M11/4 and B2/6 and grown in sterile soil to which a soil phage filtrate had been added showed a significant decrease in the viability of strain B2/6 relative to M11/4. Phage antagonistic toward strain B2/6 were detected in 43% of soils taken from the major sugarbeet growing regions of Ireland.  相似文献   
Cycling in feed substrate concentration and dilution rate is examined as a means of modifying the final fate of a mixed culture. It is shown for the case where the specific growth rate of one species is always greater than that of the second that no cycling strategy will provide the desired extinction of the faster growing species unless time delay is included in the modeling. To account for the time lag in adjusting organism metabolic activities to environmental changes, an adaptability parameter is introduced. Numerical simulations are carried out and an operating diagram indicating the conditions under which the desired extinction occurs is constructed. Cycling in feed substrate concentration and dilution rate are both found to produce the desired result.  相似文献   
5 alpha-Cholest-8(14)-en-3 beta-ol-15-one (15 ketosterol) is a potent inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis with significant hypocholesterolemic activity. The results of a recent study (Schroepfer, G.J., Jr., Christophe, A., Chu, A.J., Izumi, A., Kisic, A. and Sherrill, B.C. (1988) Chem. Phys. Lipids 48, 29-58) have indicated that, after intragastric administration of the 15-ketosterol in triolein to rats, most of the compound in intestinal lymph occurs in the form of the oleate ester, which is associated with chylomicrons. Moreover, after intravenous administration of chylomicrons containing the oleate ester of 15-[2,4-3H]ketosterol, rapid and selective uptake of 3H by liver was observed, which was associated with the rapid and substantial appearance of labeled free 15-ketosterol in liver. The present study concerns the capabilities of rat liver fractions to catalyze the hydrolysis of 15-ketosteryl oleate. Efficient hydrolysis was observed at acid pH with a digitonin-solubilized extract of rat liver, with a rate similar to that for the hydrolysis of cholesteryl oleate. The distribution of acid 15-ketosteryl oleate hydrolase of whole liver homogenate on a metrizamide isopycnic density gradient was similar to that of acid cholesteryl oleate hydrolase and acid phosphatase, suggesting that the lysosomal acid lipase is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of the 15-ketosteryl oleate at acid pH. At neutral pH, 15-ketosteryl oleate and cholesteryl oleate was hydrolyzed at similar rates by the microsomal fraction of liver homogenate, whereas the 15-ketosteryl oleate was hydrolyzed at a much lower rate than cholesteryl oleate by the cytosolic fraction. The distribution of neutral 15-ketosteryl oleate hydrolase activity of whole liver homogenate on a metrizamide isopycnic density gradient was most correlated to a microsomal esterase, whereas cholesteryl oleate hydrolase activity was most correlated to a cytosolic enzyme. Both 15-ketosteryl oleate and cholesteryl oleate hydrolase activities were correlated to a mitochondrial marker enzyme.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES--To determine the prevalence and associations of symptoms of fatigue. DESIGN--Questionnaire survey. SETTING--London general practice. PARTICIPANTS--611 General practice attenders. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Scores on a fatigue questionnaire and reasons given for fatigue. RESULTS--10.2% Of men (17/167) and 10.6% of women (47/444) had substantial fatigue for one month or more. Age, occupation, and marital status exerted minor effects. Subjects attributed fatigue equally to physical and non-physical causes. Physical ill health, including viral infection, was associated with more severe fatigue. Women rather than men blamed family responsibilities for their fatigue. The profile of persistent fatigue did not differ from that of short duration. Only one person met criteria for the chronic fatigue syndrome. CONCLUSIONS--Fatigue is a common complaint among general practice attenders and can be severe. Patients may attribute this to physical, psychological, and social stress.  相似文献   
myo-[3H]Inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate can be made from myo-[3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in a rat brain homogenate or soluble fraction. Although D-myo-inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate can be phosphorylated by a soluble rat brain enzyme to give myo-inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate, it is not an intermediate in the pathway from myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The intermediates in the above pathway are myo-inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, myo-inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and myo-inositol 1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate [Shears, Parry, Tang, Irvine, Michell & Kirk (1987) Biochem. J. 246, 139-147; Balla, Guillemette, Baukal & Catt (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9952-9955], and it is catalysed by soluble kinase activities of similar anion-exchange mobility and Mr value. Compounds with chromatographic and chemical properties consistent with the structures myo-inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, myo-inositol 1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate and myo-inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate are present in avian erythrocytes, human 1321 N1 astrocytoma cells and primary-cultured murine bone-marrow-derived macrophages. The amounts of these inositol tetrakisphosphates rise upon muscarinic cholinergic stimulation of the astrocytoma cells or stimulation of macrophages with platelet-activating factor.  相似文献   
Several lines of experimental evidence indicate the involvement of a guanine nucleotide-dependent protein (G-protein) in the hormone-stimulated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol(4,5)-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). However, the shortcomings of available procedures for cell-free assay of hormone-stimulated phosphoinositidase C (PIC) have limited our current understanding of the molecular and mechanistic details of PIC regulation. We recently have proposed that turkey erythrocyte membranes may provide a valuable model system for studies of G-protein-dependent PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis. The membranes can be simply prepared from [3H]inositol-labelled erythrocytes and they contain a PIC activity that hydrolyses endogenous phosphoinositides and is exquisitively sensitive to guanine nucleotides. PtdIns(4,5)P2 is the principal substrate for this enzyme, there being relatively little direct hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and no detectable hydrolysis of PtdIns. The membranes also contain a purinoceptor of the P2y subclass that is efficiently coupled to PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis both in intact cells and in the isolated membranes. 2-Methylthioadenosine trisphosphate (2-methyl-S-ATP), a specific P2y receptor agonist, has no effect upon PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis in the absence of guanine nucleotides, but greatly enhances both the potency and efficacy of PIC activation by guanine nucleotides such as GTP gamma S. GTP gamma S alone stimulates PIC activity only after a prolonged time-lag; the effect of increasing doses of 2-methyl-S-ATP is progressively to shorten this lag phase. These results suggest that the mechanism of G-protein activation involves acceleration of a nucleotide exchange reaction as has been demonstrated for the activation of adenylate cyclase in the same membrane preparation. As well as contributing valuable information on the substrate specificity of PIC and its mode of regulation by hormones, turkey erythrocytes provide a plentiful source of plasma membranes and may be useful for purification of the appropriate G-protein and PIC activities.  相似文献   
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