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Mutations of pigment type switching have provided basic insight into melanocortin physiology and evolutionary adaptation. In all vertebrates that have been studied to date, two key genes, Agouti and Melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r), encode a ligand-receptor system that controls the switch between synthesis of red-yellow pheomelanin vs. black-brown eumelanin. However, in domestic dogs, historical studies based on pedigree and segregation analysis have suggested that the pigment type-switching system is more complicated and fundamentally different from other mammals. Using a genomewide linkage scan on a Labrador x greyhound cross segregating for black, yellow, and brindle coat colors, we demonstrate that pigment type switching is controlled by an additional gene, the K locus. Our results reveal three alleles with a dominance order of black (K(B)) > brindle (k(br)) > yellow (k(y)), whose genetic map position on dog chromosome 16 is distinct from the predicted location of other pigmentation genes. Interaction studies reveal that Mc1r is epistatic to variation at Agouti or K and that the epistatic relationship between Agouti and K depends on the alleles being tested. These findings suggest a molecular model for a new component of the melanocortin signaling pathway and reveal how coat-color patterns and pigmentary diversity have been shaped by recent selection.  相似文献   
The Type VII protein secretion system, found in Gram‐positive bacteria, secretes small proteins, containing a conserved W‐x‐G amino acid sequence motif, to the growth medium. Staphylococcus aureus has a conserved Type VII secretion system, termed Ess, which is dispensable for laboratory growth but required for virulence. In this study we show that there are unexpected differences in the organization of the ess gene cluster between closely related strains of S. aureus. We further show that in laboratory growth medium different strains of S. aureus secrete the EsxA and EsxC substrate proteins at different growth points, and that the Ess system in strain Newman is inactive under these conditions. Systematic deletion analysis in S. aureus RN6390 is consistent with the EsaA, EsaB, EssA, EssB, EssC and EsxA proteins comprising core components of the secretion machinery in this strain. Finally we demonstrate that the Ess secretion machinery of two S. aureus strains, RN6390 and COL, is important for nasal colonization and virulence in the murine lung pneumonia model. Surprisingly, however, the secretion system plays no role in the virulence of strain SA113 under the same conditions.  相似文献   
The prevalence of common chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) far overshadows the prevalence of both monogenic and infectious diseases combined. All CNCDs, also called complex genetic diseases, have a heritable genetic component that can be used for pre-symptomatic risk assessment. Common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that tag risk haplotypes across the genome currently account for a non-trivial portion of the germ-line genetic risk and we will likely continue to identify the remaining missing heritability in the form of rare variants, copy number variants and epigenetic modifications. Here, we describe a novel measure for calculating the lifetime risk of a disease, called the genetic composite index (GCI), and demonstrate its predictive value as a clinical classifier. The GCI only considers summary statistics of the effects of genetic variation and hence does not require the results of large-scale studies simultaneously assessing multiple risk factors. Combining GCI scores with environmental risk information provides an additional tool for clinical decision-making. The GCI can be populated with heritable risk information of any type, and thus represents a framework for CNCD pre-symptomatic risk assessment that can be populated as additional risk information is identified through next-generation technologies.  相似文献   
Domestic dogs exhibit tremendous phenotypic diversity, including a greater variation in body size than any other terrestrial mammal. Here, we generate a high density map of canine genetic variation by genotyping 915 dogs from 80 domestic dog breeds, 83 wild canids, and 10 outbred African shelter dogs across 60,968 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Coupling this genomic resource with external measurements from breed standards and individuals as well as skeletal measurements from museum specimens, we identify 51 regions of the dog genome associated with phenotypic variation among breeds in 57 traits. The complex traits include average breed body size and external body dimensions and cranial, dental, and long bone shape and size with and without allometric scaling. In contrast to the results from association mapping of quantitative traits in humans and domesticated plants, we find that across dog breeds, a small number of quantitative trait loci (≤3) explain the majority of phenotypic variation for most of the traits we studied. In addition, many genomic regions show signatures of recent selection, with most of the highly differentiated regions being associated with breed-defining traits such as body size, coat characteristics, and ear floppiness. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of mapping multiple traits in the domestic dog using a database of genotyped individuals and highlight the important role human-directed selection has played in altering the genetic architecture of key traits in this important species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Woodland colonization on wetlands is considered to have a detrimental effect on their ecological value, even though detailed analysis of this process is lacking. This paper provides an evaluation of the ecological changes resulting from succession of poor fen (base‐poor mire) to willow wet woodland on Goss Moor NNR in Cornwall, UK. Different ages of willow carr were associated with eight understorey communities. During willow colonization, in the ground flora, there was a progressive decrease in poor fen species and an associated increase in woodland species, which appeared to be related to an increase in canopy cover and therefore shade. The most diverse community was found to be the most recent willow and was dominated by poor fen species. The oldest willow was the second most diverse and was associated with a reduction in poor fen species and an increase in woodland species. Architectural features were used successfully to assess the general condition and structure of willow. Tree height and DBH were identified as useful parameters to accurately assess willow age in the field. The implications of active intervention to remove willow in order to conserve the full range of communities within the hydrosere are discussed.  相似文献   
Animals with extreme body growth frequently experience poor reproductive performance, but the cause for this association has not been clearly established. A line of mice homozygous for the high growth (hg) mutation, a mutation that has a major effect on post-weaning growth, exhibits several reproductive deficits including an abnormally high incidence of luteal failure. The objective of the present study was to investigate luteal failure in high-growth (HG) mice during pregnancy and to determine whether the cause of the apparent luteal failure resides in the ovary or the hypothalamic-pituitary unit. In HG females with a demonstrated history of infertility, progesterone injections (1 mg s.c. daily) beginning on Day 1 postcoitum (p.c.) increased the proportion of animals pregnant at Day 17 of gestation. Twice-daily injections of 100 microgram of ovine prolactin (PRL) in alkaline saline given to another group of females beginning on Day 1 p.c. increased the proportion of HG females that were pregnant on Day 6 of gestation compared with saline-injected HG females, although PRL did not increase the pregnancy rate in HG females when compared with a group of noninjected control females. When ovaries from HG females were transplanted into ovariectomized congenic C57 hosts, the C57 graft hosts displayed normal estrous cycles, and upon mating the majority of graft hosts became pregnant. In contrast, when ovaries from C57 females were transplanted into ovariectomized HG hosts, the HG graft hosts displayed normal estrous cycles, but upon mating most were unable to maintain pregnancy. These results suggest that the hypothalamic-pituitary unit of the HG female provides an inadequate signal to the ovaries to maintain pregnancy. Luteal failure in HG females may be due to insufficient PRL as required for establishment and early maintenance of the CL during pregnancy in mice.  相似文献   
Recent advances in mapping the canine genome have led to an increase in the number of linkage studies aimed at dissecting the genetic causes of many hereditary diseases that affect the domestic dog. The first step in developing molecular tools for a whole genome scan was the characterization of a set of microsatellite markers, termed minimal screening set 1 (MSS1), that provided an estimated coverage of 10 cM. A limiting factor in use of the MSS1 is not all of the 172 MSS1 markers have been localized to specific chromosomes. Seventy-five of the markers were positioned on a total of 15 chromosomes with the original publication of the MSS1. The localization based on linkage data of 14 additional MSS1 markers to chromosomes using CRIMAP v. 2.4 to build a linkage map of 113 MSS1 markers that were polymorphic in a kindred of Dalmatians is reported here.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To localize the chromosomal position of a novel cataract mutation (juvenile recessive cataract; jrc) in mice. METHODS: A mapping population was developed by crossing cataract males (albino MH) to wild-type females (black C57BL/6J). F1 females were backcrossed to albino MH males with cataracts. RESULTS: The results were consistent with a model of a single autosomal recessive gene [153 cataract, 169 wild-type; chi2 = 0.8, 1 degree of freedom (d.f.), p > 0.35]. Linkage with the albino (tyrosinase; Tyr) locus was evident (chi2 = 61.5, 1 d.f., p < 0.0001), implicating chromosome 7 as the location of jrc. Recombination percentages (+/- SE) between jrc and D7Mit340 (1.2 cM location), D7Mit227 (16.0 cM) and D7Mit270 (18.0 cM) were 17.1 +/- 2.1, 3.7 +/- 1.1 and 6.2 +/- 1.3%, respectively. Multi-point mapping determined that the most likely order of these loci is D7Mit340 - jrc - D7Mit227 - D7Mit270 - Tyr. Although animals with the mutant phenotype appeared to have little or no sense of sight, their growth was not different (p >0.20) from that of normal mice. CONCLUSION: The jrc mutation model may be useful in the study of the genetics of cataracts in other animal species, including humans.  相似文献   
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