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Levans produced by four Zymomonas mobilis strains showed antitumour activity against sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma in Swiss albino mice. Levans from two strains (ZAP and CP4) had the highest effects. NMR analysis showed that the polymers were composed only of fructose units. The results suggested that the antineoplasic effect is associated to the polysaccharide molecular weight and that a particular molecular weight range may be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   
Coral reefs provide a range of important services to humanity, which are underpinned by community‐level ecological processes such as coral calcification. Estimating these processes relies on our knowledge of individual physiological rates and species‐specific abundances in the field. For colonial animals such as reef‐building corals, abundance is frequently expressed as the relative surface cover of coral colonies, a metric that does not account for demographic parameters such as coral size. This may be problematic because many physiological rates are directly related to organism size, and failure to account for linear scaling patterns may skew estimates of ecosystem functioning. In the present study, we characterize the scaling of three physiological rates — calcification, respiration, and photosynthesis — considering the colony size for six prominent, reef‐building coral taxa in Mo''orea, French Polynesia. After a seven‐day acclimation period in the laboratory, we quantified coral physiological rates for three hours during daylight (i.e., calcification and gross photosynthesis) and one hour during night light conditions (i.e., dark respiration). Our results indicate that area‐specific calcification rates are higher for smaller colonies across all taxa. However, photosynthesis and respiration rates remain constant over the colony‐size gradient. Furthermore, we revealed a correlation between the demographic dynamics of coral genera and the ratio between net primary production and calcification rates. Therefore, intraspecific scaling of reef‐building coral physiology not only improves our understanding of community‐level coral reef functioning but it may also explain species‐specific responses to disturbances.  相似文献   


The selection of the most accurate protein model from a set of alternatives is a crucial step in protein structure prediction both in template-based and ab initio approaches. Scoring functions have been developed which can either return a quality estimate for a single model or derive a score from the information contained in the ensemble of models for a given sequence. Local structural features occurring more frequently in the ensemble have a greater probability of being correct. Within the context of the CASP experiment, these so called consensus methods have been shown to perform considerably better in selecting good candidate models, but tend to fail if the best models are far from the dominant structural cluster. In this paper we show that model selection can be improved if both approaches are combined by pre-filtering the models used during the calculation of the structural consensus.  相似文献   
The 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp70) family of molecular chaperones, which contains both stress-inducible and normally abundant constitutive members, is highly conserved across distantly related taxa. Analysis of this protein family in individuals from an outbred population of tropical topminnows, Poeciliopsis gracilis, showed that while constitutive hsp70 family members showed no variation in protein isoforms, inducibly synthesized hsp70 was polymorphic. Several species of Poeciliopsis adapted to desert environments exhibited lower levels of inducible hsp70 polymorphism than the tropical species, but constitutive forms were identical to those in P. gracilis, as they were in the confamilial species Gambusia affinis. These differences suggest that inducible and constitutive members of this family are under different evolutionary constraints and may indicate differences in their function within the cell. Also, northern desert species of Poeciliopsis synthesize a subset of the inducible hsp70 isoforms seen in tropical species. This distribution supports the theory that ancestral tropical fish migrated northward and colonized desert streams; the subsequent decrease in variation of inducible hsp70 may have been due to genetic drift or a consequence of adaptation to the desert environment. Higher levels of variability were found when the 30- kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp30) family was analyzed within different strains of two desert species of Poeciliopsis and also in wild-caught individuals of Gambusia affinis. In both cases the distribution of hsp30 isoform diversity was similar to that seen previously with allozyme polymorphisms.   相似文献   
采用随机扩增多态 DNA(RAPD)分析研究了中国3种珍稀濒危兰科植物硬叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang)、麻栗坡兜兰(P. malipoense S.C.Chen et Tsi)和独花兰(Changnienia amoena Chien)的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构.12个RAPD引物在2种兜兰中共扩增出131条带.对4个硬叶兜兰群体的检测表明其物种水平的多态条带百分率(PPB)为 71.6%,Nei 的基因多样度(h)为 0.217 1,Shannon多样性指数 (I) 为 0.330 1;4个群体的平均多样性水平为 PPB = 45.2%,h = 0.145 7,I = 0.220 4,低于远交兰花的平均水平.在总遗传变异中,群体间遗传变异占20.31%,略高于远交物种的平均水平.在物种水平上,麻栗坡兜兰的PPB为49.5%,h为0.117 4,I为0.176 4,均大大低于硬叶兜兰.对11个独花兰群体采用16个RAPD引物共扩增出119条带.物种水平PPB=76.5%,h=0.194 1,I=0.305 8;在群体水平上,上述3个指标的平均值则分别为37.2%、0.119 7和0.181 0,均低于远交兰花的平均水平.群体间的遗传变异占45.27%,遗传分化明显高于远交物种的平均水平.导致3个物种遗传多样性偏低而群体间遗传分化较高的主要原因在于人为的过度采挖和生境的片断化.研究结果为兰花保护策略和措施的制定提供了理论基础.  相似文献   
Geometric morphometric studies are increasingly becoming common in systematics and palaeontology. The samples in such studies are often small, due to the paucity of material available for analysis. However, very few studies have tried to assess the impact of sampling error on analytical results. Here, this issue is addressed empirically using repeated randomized selection experiments to build progressively smaller samples from an original dataset of ∼400 vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) skulls. Size and shape parameters (including mean size and shape, size and shape variances, angles of allometric trajectories) that are commonly used in geometric morphometric studies, are estimated first in the original sample and then in the random subsamples. Estimates are then compared to give an indication of what is the minimum desirable sample size for each parameter. Mean size, standard deviation of size and variance of shape are found to be fairly accurate even in relatively small samples. In contrast, mean shapes and angles between static allometric trajectories are strongly affected by sampling error. If confirmed in other groups, our findings may have substantial implications for studies of morphological variation in present and fossil species. By performing rarefaction analyses like those presented in our study, morphometricians can be easily provided with important clues on how a simple but crucial factor like sample size can alter results of their studies.  相似文献   

By different chemical, spectral and chromatographic procedures seven carotenoids, two carotenes (α- and β-carotene) and five free xanthophylls (violaxanthin, lutein, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin and neoxanthin) have been isolated and identified in green apple leaves. In autumn senescing leaves, besides the above seven carotenoids, the occurrence of at least seven xanthophyll esters has also been proved. Four esters, violaxanthin mono- and diester and lutein mono- and diester, (≥90% of total esters) and a minor component, neoxanthin triester, have been identified. Another minor component is most probably a monoester of antheraxanthin; the seventh, present in traces, has not been identified.

The fatty acids combined with the above xanthophyll esters have been analysed by gas-chromatography. The unusual presence of low molecular weight fatty acids, C7-C11, has been registered (1,5-8% of the total); caprilic and capric acids have been identified. Lauric acid with three minor homologous (2-7% and myristic acid (9-15%) are also present. The major component, palmitic acid, with palmitoleic and two other minor components, reaches 36-44%. In addition a remarkable presence of oleic acid (12-26%) has been observed together with stearic (8-10%), linolenic (5-6%), arachidic (0,7-2,5%) and linolenic-gadoleic acids (2,5-9,3%).  相似文献   
While long-term fixation and storage of specimens is common and useful for many research projects, it is particularly important for space flight investigations where samples may not be returned to Earth for several months (International Space Station) or years (manned mission to Mars). We examined two critical challenges of space flight experimentation: the effect of long-term fixation on the quality of mouse bone preservation and the preservation of antigens and enzymes for both histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses, and how the animal/sample processing affects the preservation. We show that long-term fixation minimally affects standard histological staining, but that enzyme histochemistry and immunolabeling are greatly compromised. Further, we demonstrate that whole animal preservation is not as suitable as whole leg or stripped leg preservation for long-term fixation and all histological analyses. Overall, we recommend whole leg processing for long-term storage of bone specimens in fixative prior to embedding in plastic for histological examination.  相似文献   
In the Ecuadorian coast one of the most destructive diseases of the pachaco is vascular wilt or stem rot caused by Ceratocystis complex, so the aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect the efficiency of the reaction of bark pachaco to this disease. This research was conducted under laboratory conditions, using trees pachaco S38, S41, S98, AE-1, AE-2 and AE-3, and pathogenic species Ceratocystis paradoxa and C. moniliformis. The method utilized was tissue stem bark,with bark sections with 4.5 cm2, and a suspension of 3x104 units infection and remained in a humid chamber for 96 hours at 25 ± 5 °C. Were determined grades of resistance/ susceptibility using a scale from 0 to 4, depending on the amount of mycelia and peritecio in each plant sample. Three factors were used: four colonies obtained by several transfers from each fungal specie, four ages of colonies of each fungal specie and four volumes of inoculum applied (units of infection), using for each experiment separately Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications factorial arrangement. For comparison between treatment means was used Tukey test at 5% probability of error. For future trials using this technique, you could use 30-day colonies for C. paradoxa and 40 days for C. moniliformis, and an application volume of 100 μL/cm2, it would improve the level of response for the formation of perithecium and mycelia in samples cortex.  相似文献   
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