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In Dictyostelium discoideum the lysosomal enzyme alpha-mannosidase is initially synthesized in vivo as a 140,000 Mr protein which is subsequently processed into two mature acidic glycoproteins of 60,000 and 58,000 Mr. To investigate the initial events involved in the synthesis of this protein, mRNA isolated from growing cells was translated in vitro and the resulting protein products were immunoprecipitated with antibodies prepared against the purified enzyme. Messenger RNA prepared from membrane-bound but not free polysomes directed the synthesis of an immunoprecipitable 120K protein that was identified as the alpha-mannosidase primary translation product by a variety of criteria. Translation in vitro in the presence of dog pancreas microsomes resulted in the conversion of the 120K primary translation product to a 140K form. This 140K species was not accessible to added trypsin under conditions preserving membrane integrity, suggesting it is sequestered in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum following synthesis. Treatment of either the in vitro modified or cellular 140K alpha-mannosidase precursors with endoglycosidase H resulted in the appearance of proteins 2K larger than the primary translation product. The pulse-labeled cellular precursor and the in vitro processed form have similar isoelectric points as revealed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These results imply that the precursor is N-glycosylated in the endoplasmic reticulum possibly without removal of the signal sequence and that the majority of acidic modifications are added late in the post-translational pathway.  相似文献   
We are investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in the localization of lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium discoideum, an organism that lacks any detectable mannose-6-phosphate receptors. The lysosomal enzymes alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase are both initially synthesized as precursor polypeptides that are proteolytically processed to mature forms and deposited in lysosomes. Time course experiments revealed that 20 min into the chase period, the pulse-labeled alpha-mannosidase precursor (140 kD) begins to be processed, and 35 min into the chase 50% of the polypeptides are cleaved to mature 60 and 58-kD forms. In contrast, the pulse-labeled beta-glucosidase precursor (105 kD) begins to be processed 10 min into the chase period, and by 30 min of the chase all of the precursor has been converted into mature 100-kD subunits. Between 5 and 10% of both precursors escape processing and are rapidly secreted from cells. Endoglycosidase H treatment of immunopurified radioactively labeled alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase precursor polypeptides demonstrated that the beta-glucosidase precursor becomes resistant to enzyme digestion 10 min sooner than the alpha-mannosidase precursor. Moreover, subcellular fractionation studies have revealed that 70-75% of the pulse-labeled beta-glucosidase molecules move from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) to the Golgi complex less than 10 min into the chase. In contrast, 20 min of chase are required before 50% of the pulse-labeled alpha-mannosidase precursor exits the RER. The beta-glucosidase and alpha-mannosidase precursor polypeptides are both membrane associated along the entire transport pathway. After proteolytic cleavage, the mature forms of both enzymes are released into the lumen of lysosomes. These results suggest that beta-glucosidase is transported from the RER to the Golgi complex and ultimately lysosomes at a distinctly faster rate than the alpha-mannosidase precursor. Thus, our results are consistent with the presence of a receptor that recognizes the beta-glucosidase precursor more readily than the alpha-mannosidase precursor and therefore more quickly directs these polypeptides to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   
In Dictyostelium discoideum, the lysosomal enzyme alpha-mannosidase is first synthesized as an N-glycosylated precursor of Mr 140,000. After a 20-30-min lag period, up to 30% of the precursor molecules are rapidly secreted, whereas the rest remain cellular and are proteolytically processed (t 1/2 = 8 min) to mature subunits of Mr 58,000 and 60,000. The secreted precursor is modified more extensively than the cellular form, as is revealed by differences in size, charge, and sensitivity to endoglycosidase H. Subcellular fractionation has shown that, following synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the precursor is transported to a low density membrane fraction that contains Golgi membranes. Proteolytic processing takes place in these vesicles, since newly cleaved mature enzyme, but no precursor, co-fractionates with lysosomes. Under conditions that disrupt vesicular membranes, the precursor remains associated with the membrane fraction, whereas the newly processed mature enzyme is soluble. Proteolytic cleavage of the precursor thus coincides with the release of the mature enzyme into the lumen of a lysosomal compartment. These findings suggest a possible mechanism for lysosomal targeting that involves the specific association of enzyme precursors with Golgi membranes.  相似文献   
Radiolabel pulse-chase and subcellular fractionation procedures were used to analyze the transport, proteolytic processing, and sorting of two lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium discoideum cells treated with the weak bases ammonium chloride and chloroquine. Dictyostelium lacks detectable cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptors and represents an excellent system to investigate alternative mechanisms for lysosomal enzyme targeting. Exposure of growing cells to ammonium chloride, which increased the pH in intracellular vacuoles from 5.4 to 5.8-6.1, slowed but did not prevent the proteolytic processing and correct localization of pulse-radiolabeled precursors to the lysosomal enzymes alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase. Additionally, ammonium chloride did not affect transport of the enzymes to the Golgi complex, as they acquired resistance to the enzyme endoglycosidase H at the same rate as in control cells. When the pH of lysosomal and endosomal organelles was raised to 6.4 with higher concentrations of ammonium chloride, the percentage of secreted (apparently mis-sorted) precursor polypeptides increased slightly, but proteolytic processing of intermediate forms of lysosomal enzymes to mature forms was greatly reduced. The intermediate and mature forms of alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase did, however, accumulate intracellularly in vesicles similar in density to lysosomes. In contrast, in cells exposed to low concentrations of chloroquine the intravacuolar pH increased only slightly (to 5.7); however, enzymes were inefficiently processed and, instead, rapidly secreted as precursor molecules. Experiments involving the addition of chloroquine at various times during the chase of pulse-radiolabeled cells demonstrated that this weak base acted on a distal Golgi or prelysosomal compartment to prevent the normal sorting of lysosomal enzymes. These results suggest that although acidic endosomal/lysosomal compartments may be important for the complete proteolytic processing of lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium, low pH is not essential for the proper targeting of precursor polypeptides. Furthermore, certain amines may induce mis-sorting of these enzymes by pH-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   
Dictyostelium discoideum synthesizes many highly immunogenic carbohydrates of unknown structure and function. We have used monoclonal antibodies prepared against one of these called CA1 to investigate its structure and the consequences of its loss. CA1 is preferentially expressed on lysosomal enzymes as a specific arrangement of mannose-6-SO4 residues on N-linked oligosaccharides. Mutant strains HL241 and HL243 do not express CA1, and synthesize a truncated lipid-linked oligosaccharide (LLO) precursor that lacks the critical mannose residues needed for expression. The lesion appears to result from the loss of mannosyl transferase activity involved in LLO biosynthesis. The truncated LLO is poorly transferred to an artificial peptide acceptor in a cell-free N-glycosylation assay, and this appears to result from improper topological localization of the LLO or to a lower affinity of the LLO for the oligosaccharyl transferase. Although both mutants share these lesions, they are biochemically and genetically distinct. Only HL243 is lower in N-glycosylation in intact cells, and this is not a result of an altered structure of the LLO. There are other differences between the strains. HL241 can form fruiting bodies at a slower rate than normal while HL243 cannot aggregate. Genetic analysis of defects shows that the CA1 lesion in HL241 is recessive, while the lesion in both CA1 and in development are dominant and co-segregate in HL243 and are, therefore, likely to be in the same gene. Lysosomal enzyme targeting is normal but enzyme processing proceeds at a 2-3 fold slower rate in HL241 and HL243 compared to wild-type. Strain HL244 does not express CA1 since it completely lacks protein sulfation, but lysosomal enzyme targeting and processing proceeds at a normal rate, showing that sulfate is not essential for these processes. Alterations in oligosaccharide structure can have individualized effects on the biosynthesis of lysosomal enzymes. The results presented here illustrate how this approach can be used to study both the structure and function of carbohydrate epitopes.  相似文献   
We report on a novel transgenic mouse model expressing human full‐length Tau with the Tau mutation A152T (hTauAT), a risk factor for FTD‐spectrum disorders including PSP and CBD. Brain neurons reveal pathological Tau conformation, hyperphosphorylation, mis‐sorting, aggregation, neuronal degeneration, and progressive loss, most prominently in area CA3 of the hippocampus. The mossy fiber pathway shows enhanced basal synaptic transmission without changes in short‐ or long‐term plasticity. In organotypic hippocampal slices, extracellular glutamate increases early above control levels, followed by a rise in neurotoxicity. These changes are normalized by inhibiting neurotransmitter release or by blocking voltage‐gated sodium channels. CA3 neurons show elevated intracellular calcium during rest and after activity induction which is sensitive to NR2B antagonizing drugs, demonstrating a pivotal role of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. Slices show pronounced epileptiform activity and axonal sprouting of mossy fibers. Excitotoxic neuronal death is ameliorated by ceftriaxone, which stimulates astrocytic glutamate uptake via the transporter EAAT2/GLT1. In summary, hTauAT causes excitotoxicity mediated by NR2B‐containing NMDA receptors due to enhanced extracellular glutamate.  相似文献   
While the role of estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha (ERRα) in chondrogenesis has been investigated, the involvement of ERR gamma (ERRγ) has not been determined. To assess the effect of increased ERRγ activity on cartilage development in vivo, we generated two transgenic (Tg) lines overexpressing ERRγ2 via a chondrocyte-specific promoter; the two lines exhibited ∼3 and ∼5 fold increased ERRγ2 protein expression respectively in E14.5 Tg versus wild type (WT) limbs. On postnatal day seven (P7), we observed a 4–10% reduction in the size of the craniofacial, axial and appendicular skeletons in Tg versus WT mice. The reduction in bone length was already present at birth and did not appear to involve bones that are derived via intramembranous bone formation as the bones of the calvaria, clavicle, and the mandible developed normally. Histological analysis of P7 growth plates revealed a reduction in the length of the Tg versus WT growth plate, the majority of which was attributable to a reduced proliferative zone. The reduced proliferative zone paralleled a decrease in the number of Ki67-positive proliferating cells, with no significant change in apoptosis, and was accompanied by large cell-free swaths of cartilage matrix, which extended through multiple zones of the growth plate. Using a bioinformatics approach, we identified known chondrogenesis-associated genes with at least one predicted ERR binding site in their proximal promoters, as well as cell cycle regulators known to be regulated by ERRγ. Of the genes identified, Col2al, Agg, Pth1r, and Cdkn1b (p27) were significantly upregulated, suggesting that ERRγ2 negatively regulates chondrocyte proliferation and positively regulates matrix synthesis to coordinate growth plate height and organization.  相似文献   
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