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The intestinal microbial transformation of daidzein into equol is subject to a wide inter-individual variability. The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro this transformation and to evaluate possible correlations between individual diet and equol production. The transformation of daidzein was investigated in anaerobic batch cultures inoculated with mixed fecal bacteria from 90 volunteers. The daidzein metabolism was monitored by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and a chiral column was used to distinguish equol and dihydrodaidzein enantiomers. The obtained results show that daidzein was unchanged (≈27%) or degraded to equol (≈28%), O-desmethylangolensin (≈12%) or dihydrodaidzein (≈31%). Furthermore, some subjects (≈2%) are able to produce both equol and O-desmethylangolensin. Bacteria represent sub-dominant populations (105–109 cell/g wet faeces) in “slow” equol producers, while higher counts of equol-producing microorganisms (1010–1011 cell/g wet faeces) were found in “quick” equol producers. The in vitro test to evaluate equol-producing status is quick and not invasive, and the obtained results are comparable with those reported in vivo. Indeed, the only enantiomer present in the batch cultures containing equol was the S-form. No significant correlations between equol production, BMI, age and sex were found. It seems that the equol-producer group consumed less fibre, vegetables and cereals, and more lipids from animal sources.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterize a facultative chemolithotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium by evaluating the growth and the rate of arsenite oxidation and to investigate the genetic determinants for arsenic resistance and CO(2) fixation. The strain under study, Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus As3-1b, in a minimal medium containing 3 mM of arsenite as electron donor and 6 mM of CO(2)-bicarbonate as the C source, has a doubling time (t(d)) of 8.1 h. Growth and arsenite oxidation were significantly enhanced by the presence of 0.01 % yeast extract, decreasing the t(d) to 4.3 h. The strain carried arsenite oxidase (aioA) gene highly similar to those of previously reported arsenite-oxidizing Alpha-proteobacteria. The RuBisCO Type-I (cbbL) gene was amplified and sequenced too, underscoring the ability of As3-1b to carry out autotrophic As(III) oxidation. The results suggest that A. dichloromethanicus As3-1b can be a good candidate for the oxidation of arsenite in polluted waters or groundwaters.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The effect of any management strategy on pest population levels must be researched and determinations need to be made as to how that strategy might work based on the control objectives. In certain areas of Europe, the objective is to contain or eradicate the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, population. In order to evaluate the impact of insecticide seed coatings and/or planting-time applications of insecticides as WCR population suppressors, plot trials and large field observations were carried out in Italy over a 5-year period. Larval, pupal and adult densities, along with root damage ratings, were estimated at different locations. Data from these studies revealed that the number of WCR adults emerging from untreated plots did not differ from the number of beetles emerging from those treated with insecticides, whether as seed coating or in-furrow applications. Both seed insecticide coatings (imidacloprid, fipronil, thiamethoxam, tefluthrin) and soil insecticides applied in-furrow (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, tefluthrin) did not reduce the number of beetles emerging from monoculture fields, either in plot trials or large field observations. Observations in the USA had previously shown that soil insecticides applied at planting time partially protected basal roots from economic damage, but did not reduce corn rootworm populations. Similarly, in Europe, it has been demonstrated that not only the application of soil insecticides at planting time but also insecticide seed coatings have no role in the containment and/or eradication of WCR. Although insecticide seed coatings and soil insecticides applied in-furrow may provide protection against economic damage to roots, these management strategies do not have an impact on WCR populations and therefore are useless in WCR containment and eradication programmes.  相似文献   
Summary Dehydrocholic acid (3,7,12-trioxo-5-cholanic acid) (0.5% concentration) was completely and selectively reduced to 12-ketoursodeoxycholic acid (3, 7-dihydroxy-12-oxo- 5-cholanic acid) in a membrane reactor by means of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 7-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Coenzyme regeneration was carried out with the glucose-glucose dehydrogenase system.  相似文献   
In this study the effects of immature wheat grains (IWG), a natural source of fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), on intestinal microbiota and gastrointestinal function were evaluated. Ileal effluents from three ileostomates were collected for 8 h after IWG-enriched or Control biscuit administration, and then fermented in vitro with human faecal inoculum. On fermentation broths, microbial counts and SCFA were measured. Moreover, we investigated the effect of IWG biscuits on gastric emptying. Twelve healthy volunteers underwent ultrasound measurement of gastric emptying of a standard meal consumed 5 h after a breakfast composed by lactose-free milk and IWG or Control biscuits; hunger and satiety sensations were also evaluated in this period. Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria counts were higher (P < 0.05) in IWG than in Control cultures, supporting the prebiotic effects of IWG, probably linked to its FOS content; moreover IWG fermentation produced more acetate. In vivo IWG biscuits delayed gastric emptying of the next meal (P < 0.05), decreased hunger (P < 0.001) and increased satiety (P < 0.005). Therefore in vitro results substantiate the potential of IWG as a prebiotic ingredient and in vivo data suggest an effect of IWG on gastric emptying and on persistent satiety. These preliminary data tend to support the use of IWG in formulating functional prebiotic products suitable to promote satiety.  相似文献   
In the course of an in vitro screening of intestinal microorganisms from human feces to assess their ability to perform 3-hydroxy epimerization of chenodeoxycholic acid, we isolated aClostridium innocuum strain with 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenating activity; this, when cocultured with a strain ofEubacterium lentum able to produced small amounts of the 3-epimer from chenodeoxycholic acid, was able to markedly strengthen the transformation. The activity of both strains has been tested on 3-oxo-CDCA and on 3-hydroxy-CDCA in an effort to clarify the cooperative epimeric conversion.  相似文献   
The large bowel intestinal flora of mammals is made up mostly of O2-intolerant anaerobic microorganisms which are irreversibly damaged by brief exposure to air. The aim of our work was to investigate the effect of atmospheric O2 on human intestinal anaerobic microorganisms. Thirty O2-intolerant bacterial strains that reached 100% mortality after 120 min of air exposure were isolated. Ten of these strains were tested for their atmospheric O2 sensitivity as a function of air exposure time; all tested microorganisms showed a similar mortality trend on exposure to air. In fact, 50% of cells survive, on the average, after 4–5 min of atmospheric O2; this percentage decreases to 3–5% after only 20 min, and after 40 min only one cell in a thousand survives; all strains reached 100% mortality in a time range of 100–120 min. The strains examined were identified as belonging to the generaEubacterium, Peptostreptococcus, andCoprococcus.  相似文献   
The mechanism of 3-hydroxy epimerization of chenodeoxycholic acid by Clostridium perfringens was investigated in 3 alpha, 7 alpha-dihydroxy-[2,2,4,4-2H4]-, 3 alpha, 7 alpha-dihydroxy-[3 beta-2H]- and 3 beta, 7 alpha-dihydroxy-[3 alpha-2H]-5 beta-cholanoic acid transformations. Our findings rule out a dehydration-rehydration pathway and agree with a redox mechanism involving 3-oxochenodeoxycholic acid as intermediate.  相似文献   
The pharmaceutical probiotic VSL#3 (300 billion cfu/g lactic acid bacteria & bifidobacteria) was inoculated into human ileostomy effluent (HIE) to assess its behaviour vs the ileo-caecal tract. Separately, yogurt bacteria (yog) and bifidobacteria (Bif) present in VSL#3 were also inoculated into HIE. During 37 degrees C incubation (anaerobic condition) at zero, six and 24 hours, both cell growth in control HIE and indigenous Bif growth in HIE+yog were observed. Cells remained viable and metabolically active as shown by the increase in L(+) lactic acid in HIE+VSL#3 and HIE+yog and the pH decreased (approx. 5.5 compared with the 6.2 of control HIE). Total SCFA Short Chain Fatty Acids decreased in HIE+yog and HIE+VSL#3 at 6h and in all cultures at 24h; butyric acid decreased in HIE+Bif and HIE+VSL#3. Generally in vivo the bacteria remain in the ileo-caecal tract no longer than six h, therefore VSL#3 bacteria seem able to pass this barrier viably, colonizing the large bowel.  相似文献   
A rhizobacterial community, associated with the roots of wild thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) growing in an arsenic polluted soil, was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in conjunction with cultivation-based methods. In the bulk, rhizosphere, and rhizoplane fractions of the soil, the qualitative picture obtained by FISH analysis of the main phylogenetic bacterial groups was similar and was predominantly comprised of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria. The arsenic-resistant isolates belonged to 13 genera, the most abundant being those of Bacillus, Achromobacter, Brevundimonas, Microbacterium, and Ochrobactrum. Most bacteria grew in the presence of high arsenic concentrations (over 100 mM arsenate and 10 mM arsenite). Most strains possessed the ArsC, ArsB and ACR3 genes homologous to arsenate reductase and to the two classes of arsenite efflux pumps, respectively, peculiar to the ars operon of the arsenic detoxification system. ArsB and ACR3 were present simultaneously in highly resistant strains. An inconsistency between 16S rRNA phylogenetic affiliations and the arsenate reductase sequences of the strains was observed, indicating possible horizontal transfer of arsenic resistance genes in the soil bacterial community. Several isolates were able to reduce arsenate and to oxidise arsenite. In particular, Ancylobacter dichloromethanicum strain As3-1b possessed both characteristics, and arsenite oxidation occurred in the strain also under chemoautotrophic conditions. Some rhizobacteria produced siderophores, indole acetic acid and 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase, thus possessing potential plant growth-promoting traits.  相似文献   
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