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Since volume expansion and high blood pressure (BP) are known stimuli of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) release, and since this peptide may be involved in mineralocorticoid escape, we investigated the effects of chronic deoxycorticosterone (DOCA) and DOCA-NaC1 treatment on renal glomerular ANF receptor density and affinity in relation to atrial and plasma ANF levels. An increase in plasma immunoreactive ANF (IR-ANF) was observed both after two and four weeks of treatment. IR-ANF concentrations were elevated in the left atrium only in four-week DOCA treated rats. Administration of the mineralocorticoid alone resulted in a decreased density of glomerular ANF receptors in both time periods investigated. DOCA-NaC1-treated animals presented an increased receptor density during the pre-hypertensive stage (2 weeks) and a reduced density in the later hypertensive period (4 weeks). Receptor affinity in both groups was identical to that in the controls after 2 weeks and was augmented after 4 weeks of treatment. Our data suggest that the down-regulation of renal glomerular ANF receptors during chronic DOCA-NaC1 administration may play a role in the maintenance of high BP in this model of volume-expanded hypertension.  相似文献   
The biological activities of ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126) and of the circulating form, ANF (Ser 99-Tyr 126), were compared in the following assays: precontracted rabbit aortic strip and chick rectum, rat natriuresis, inhibition of aldosterone secretion and receptor affinity in bovine and rat adrenal zona glomerulosa cells, and receptor affinity in rabbit aorta and rat mesenteric artery cells. The results demonstrate that both peptides share the same biological activities. It is concluded that the addition of two amino acids to the N-terminal of ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126) does not modify its biological characteristics, validating thus previous research employing this peptide.  相似文献   
Conscious SHR and WKY rats were infused during 7 days with ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126), 100 ng/hr/rat, by means of miniosmotic pumps and their basal blood pressure (BP), changes in sodium excretion and urinary catecholamines compared with those at the last day of the infusion. The SHR initial BP of 181 +/- 3 mmHg gradually declined to 137 +/- 5 mmHg. No significant change in blood pressure was observed in the ANF-infused WKY group. However, WKY rats exhibited an increased sodium excretion and urinary dopamine/norepinephrine ratio when compared to sham-infused rats. No such differences were observed in SHR. It is suggested that an ANF-induced withdrawal of the renal sympathetic tone permits the manifestation of its natriuretic action in WKY rats. When, however, a BP decrease predominates, as in SHR, this decrease results in a reflex sympathetic discharge with a renal sympathetic activity over-riding the ANF induced natriuresis seen in WKY rats. Secondary sympathetic responses to the ANF-induced BP decrease have to be thus taken into account when a dissociation between the hypotensive and natriuretic action of ANF is observed in vivo.  相似文献   
Atrial natriuretic factor in the vena cava and sinus node   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) mRNA and of immunoreactive ANF in the vena cava and sinus node of rat and, for comparative purposes, in atria and ventricles. In situ hybridization with an ANF cRNA probe revealed that the supradiaphragmatic portion of the inferior vena cava contains almost as much mRNA as the atria, whereas the levels were less in the superior vena cava and higher than in ventricles in the sinus node. Immunoreactive ANF (high Mr form) was found to be 22 times less abundant in the supradiaphragmatic vena cava and 148 times less abundant in the superior vena cava than in atrial cardiocytes. The wall of the supradiaphragmatic portion of the vena cava and the valve (eustachian valve) that separates the atrial cavity from that of the vein are made up of atrial-like cardiocytes containing secretory granules. The subendothelial area of the superior vena cava also contains atrial-like cardiocytes with secretory granules, whereas the outer portion of the vein is made up of "transitional cells" without or with only a few secretory granules. Secretory granules in the vena cava and nodal cells, as well as transitional cells, contain immunoreactive ANF. With immunocryoultramicrotomy, virtually all cells, whether atrial-like, transitional, or nodal, and even those without secretory granules, were found to contain immunoreactive ANF in their Golgi complex and in secretory vesicles in the vena cava and in the sinus node.  相似文献   
We have investigated the localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the cartilaginous fish, Scyliorhinus canicula, using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunoreactive perikarya and fibers were observed in two regions of the telencephalon, the area superficialis basalis and the area periventricularis ventrolateralis. In the diencephalon, the hypothalamus exhibited a moderate number of ANF-containing neurons and fibers located in the preoptic and periventricular nuclei and in the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The most important group of ANF-immunoreactive cells was observed in the nucleus tuberculi posterioris of the diencephalon. In contrast, the mesencephalon showed only a few ANF-positive nerve processes located in the tegmentum mesencephali. Numerous fine fibers and nerve terminals were found in the dorsal area of the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These results provide the first evidence for the presence of ANF-related peptides in the brain of a cartilaginous fish. The widespread distribution of ANF-positive cells and fibers in the brain and pituitary suggests that this peptide may act both as a neurotransmitter and (or) a neurohormone in fish.  相似文献   
Radioimmunoassay of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in rat atria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a solid phase radioimmunoassay for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its application for measurement of this peptide in homogenates of rat atria. The method uses a synthetic 26 amino-acid fragment (8-33 ANF) of the native peptide. Sample (or standard) are incubated with the rabbit anti-8-33 ANF antiserum in peptide (8-33 ANF)-coated wells. Then an excess of I125 goat anti-rabbit IgG is added. The radioactivity bound is directly proportional to the amount of ANF present. The concentration of immunoreactive ANF has been found to be about 4 times higher in the right atrium than in the left atrium of the rat.  相似文献   
The effect of ATP on intracellular Ca2+ levels and elastase secretion in isolated normal human peripheral blood neutrophils was investigated as was its in vivo effect on lung resistance and mucous secretion. ATP (10(-5) M) increased [Ca2+]i from 61 +/- 3 to 165 +/- 15 nM in nonactivated neutrophils; elastase secretion was increased by 40% from nonactivated neutrophils but was unaffected in fMLP (10(-5) M) activated cells. Instillation of ATP (10(-5) and 10(-3) M) into the airways of brown Norway rats increased both lung resistance and secretion. These findings suggest that aerosolization of ATP into the cystic fibrosis-affected bronchial tree might be hazardous in terms of enhancement of parenchymal damage, which would result from neutrophil elastase release, and in terms of impaired respiratory lung function.  相似文献   
Summary As a part of a microfluorometric investigation of the nucleoproteins of nuclei whose chromatin displays varying degrees of condensation, a comparison was made of mouse small thymocyte and hepatocyte nuclei stained with the acidic dye, brilliant sulfaflavine, at pH 2.8. These estimates of total protein content were compared with measurements obtained in similarly stained nuclei after extraction either with 0.4 N H2SO4 to remove all histones or with 0.35 M NaCl to remove nucleoplasmic proteins and some loosely bound non-histone chromosomal proteins. Treatment with 5% TCA at 60°C was used to remove nucleic acids and to reverse the effects of formaldehyde fixation. In all instances, the fluorescence of 2c hepatocyte nuclei greatly exceeded that of similarly treated thymocyte nuclei. While extraction with 0.4 N H2SO4 resulted in reductions of as much as 75% of the total fluorescence of small thymocyte nuclei, the losses of fluorescence in 2c hepatocyte nuclei amounted to only 20–30%. Nevertheless, the absolute values of fluorescence lost in both types of nuclei were very similar. After extraction in 0.35 M NaCl, thymocyte nuclei displayed slightly greater fluorescence than control thymocyte nuclei, while the total fluorescence of hepatocyte nuclei declined. In hepatocyte nuclei extracted with TCA, with and without treatment with 0.35 M NaCl, two populations of diploid nuclei were apparent: one corresponding to parenchymal cell nuclei and the other comprised of non-parenchymal cell nuclei. Only single diploid populations were visible in acid-extracted material. The ratios of 4c2c, 8c4c, and 8c2c hepatocyte nuclei in control, acid-extracted, and NaCl-extracted groups were generally lower than the expected 224 values. These results indicate that total nuclear histones may be estimated microfluorometrically by computing the difference between acid-extracted and unextracted preparations treated in otherwise equivalent ways. In addition, despite very similar absolute losses of fluorescence after removal of histones in thymocyte and 2c hepatocyte nuclei, the proportion of total protein ascribable to histones is much greater in thymocyte nuclei than in 2c hepatocyte nuclei — or, conversely, the percentage of total protein attributable to non-histone proteins is much greater in 2c hepatocyte nuclei than in thymocyte nuclei.  相似文献   
Summary Sections of atrial cardiocytes from young rats were subjected to radioautography after a single intravenous injection of L-leucine-4,5 3H to identify the sites of synthesis and to follow the migration of newly-formed proteins. As early as 2 min after injection of L-leucine 3H, the label was highest in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), suggesting that cisternal ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. By 5 min, most of the label had migrated from the RER to the Golgi complex. Some label was already present over specific granules by 2 min but the peak was reached at 1 h. By 4 h, the label over the specific granules had diminished, possibly indicating a release of newly-synthetized secretory material outside the cell. The label over myofilaments and Z-bands was relatively high at most time intervals, suggesting an early and important incorporation of leucine into the contractile and structural proteins of these organelles. The label over the cytosol was initially high and increased even further at 5 and 20 min but decreased to a very low level at 4 h. In contrast, the label over the cell surface rose continuously and peaked at 4 h. The pattern of increment of the label over the cell surface suggests that the newly-formed proteins of these sites are also synthetized in the RER, pass through the Golgi complex and are transported in the cytosol before reaching their destination.  相似文献   
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