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Functional chvA and chvB genes are required for attachment of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells, an early step in crown gall tumor formation. Strains defective in these loci do not secrete normal amounts of cyclic beta-1,2-glucan. Whereas chvB is required for beta-1,2-glucan synthesis, the role of chvA in glucan synthesis or export has not been clearly defined. We found that cultures of chvA mutants contained as much neutral beta-1,2-glucan in the cell pellets as did the wild type, with no detectable accumulation of glucan in the culture supernatant. The cytoplasm of chvA mutant cells contained over three times more soluble beta-1,2-glucan than did the cytoplasm of the wild-type parent. Unlike the wild type, chvA mutants contained no detectable periplasmic glucan. The amino acid sequence of chvA is highly homologous to the sequences of bacterial and eucaryotic export proteins, as observed previously in the case of ndvA, a rhizobial homolog of chvA. Strong sequence homology within this family of export proteins is concentrated in the carboxy-terminal portions of the proteins, but placement of consensus ATP-binding sites, internal signal sequences, and hydrophobic domains are conserved over their entire lengths. These data suggest a model for beta-1,2-glucan synthesis in A. tumefaciens in which glucan is synthesized inside the inner membrane with the participation of ChvB and transported across the inner membrane with the participation of ChvA.  相似文献   
The periplasmic cyclic beta-1,2-glucan of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is believed to maintain high osmolarity in the periplasm during growth of the bacteria on low-osmotic-strength media. Strains with mutations in the chvA or chvB gene do not accumulate beta-1,2-glucan in their periplasm and exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes, including inability to form crown gall tumors on plants. We examined the effects of medium osmolarity to determine whether some or all of these phenotypes result from suboptimal periplasmic osmolarity. The mutants grew more slowly than wild-type cells and exhibited altered periplasmic and cytoplasmic protein content when cultured in low-osmotic-strength media, but not when cultured in high-osmotic-strength media. These observations support a role for periplasmic glucan in osmoadaptation. However, the mutants were avirulent and exhibited reduced motility regardless of the osmolarity of the medium. Therefore, beta-1,2-glucan may play roles in virulence and motility that are unrelated to its role in osmoadaptation.  相似文献   
Small biopsy samples are used increasingly to assess the biomarker expression for prognostic information and for monitoring therapeutic responses prior to and during neoadjuvant therapy. The issue of intratumor heterogeneity of expression of biomarkers, however, has raised questions about the validity of the assessment of biomarker expression based on limited tissue samples. We examined immunohistochemically the expression of HER-2neu (p185erbB-2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Bcl-2, p53, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in 30 breast carcinomas using archived, paraffin embedded tissue and determined the extent of intratumor heterogeneity. Each section was divided into four randomly oriented discrete regions, each containing a portion of the infiltrating carcinoma. For each tumor, the entire lesion and four regions were analyzed for the expression of these markers. Scores of both membrane and cytoplasmic staining of HER-2neu and EGFR, scores of cytoplasmic staining of Bcl-2, and scores of nuclear staining of both p53 and PCNA were recorded. The intensity of staining and the proportion of immunostained cells were determined. A semiquantitative immunoscore was calculated by determining the sum of the products of the intensity and corresponding proportion of stained tumor cells. We analyzed both invasive (IDC) and in situ (DCIS) carcinomas. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for paired comparisons between overall and regional immunoscores and between overall and regional percentages of stained cells. Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to assess the level of agreement of overall biomarker expression with each of the regions. Generalized linear models were used to assess overall and pair-wise differences in the absolute values of percent changes between overall and regional expression of biomarkers. For IDCs, there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of the biomarkers in terms of either the percentage of cells staining or the immunoscores when comparing the entire tumor with each region except for the lower EGFR expression of arbitrarily selected region 1 and lower p53 expression of region 1 compared to that of the entire tumor section. For DCIS, there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of the biomarkers between the entire tumor and each region except in PCNA of region 2 compared to that of entire tumor section. Positive correlation of immunoscores was observed between the entire tumor and each region as well as across all four regions for IDC. Similar observations were noted with DCIS except for HER-2neu and PCNA. No statistically significant differences were observed in the absolute values of percent changes of biomarker expression between overall and the four regions for both DCIS and IDC. Therefore, no significant intratumor heterogeneity in the expression of HER-2neu, Bcl-2, and PCNA was observed in IDC. Minor regional variations were observed for EGFR and p53 in IDC. Similarly, no significant regional variation in the expression of markers was observed in DCIS except for PCNA.  相似文献   
Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) causes hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) that can lead to fatal encephalopathies. Neurological abnormalities may occur before or after the onset of systemic pathological symptoms and motor disorders are frequently observed in affected patients and in studies with animal models. As Stx2 succeeds in crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and invading the brain parenchyma, it is highly probable that the observed neurological alterations are based on the possibility that the toxin may trigger the impairment of the neurovascular unit and/or cell damage in the parenchyma. Also, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced and secreted by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) may aggravate the deleterious effects of Stx2 in the brain. Therefore, this study aimed to determine (i) whether Stx2 affects the neurovascular unit and parenchymal cells, (ii) whether the contribution of LPS aggravates these effects, and (iii) whether an inflammatory event underlies the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to the observed injury. The administration of a sub-lethal dose of Stx2 was employed to study in detail the motor cortex obtained from a translational murine model of encephalopathy. In the present paper we report that Stx2 damaged microvasculature, caused astrocyte reaction and neuronal degeneration, and that this was aggravated by LPS. Dexamethasone, an anti-inflammatory, reversed the pathologic effects and proved to be an important drug in the treatment of acute encephalopathies.  相似文献   
The phosphoinositide phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P(2)] is a key signaling molecule in animal cells. It can be hydrolyzed to release 1,2-diacyglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)), which in animal cells lead to protein kinase C activation and cellular calcium mobilization, respectively. In addition to its critical roles in constitutive and regulated secretion of proteins, PtdIns(4,5)P(2) binds to proteins that modify cytoskeletal architecture and phospholipid constituents. Herein, we report that Arabidopsis plants grown in liquid media rapidly increase PtdIns(4,5)P(2) synthesis in response to treatment with sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and sorbitol. These results demonstrate that when challenged with salinity and osmotic stress, terrestrial plants respond differently than algae, yeasts, and animal cells that accumulate different species of phosphoinositides. We also show data demonstrating that whole-plant IP(3) levels increase significantly within 1 min of stress initiation, and that IP(3) levels continue to increase for more than 30 min during stress application. Furthermore, using the calcium indicators Fura-2 and Fluo-3 we show that root intracellular calcium concentrations increase in response to stress treatments. Taken together, these results suggest that in response to salt and osmotic stress, Arabidopsis uses a signaling pathway in which a small but significant portion of PtdIns(4,5)P(2) is hydrolyzed to IP(3). The accumulation of IP(3) occurs during a time frame similar to that observed for stress-induced calcium mobilization. These data also suggest that the majority of the PtdIns(4,5)P(2) synthesized in response to salt and osmotic stress may be utilized for cellular signaling events distinct from the canonical IP(3) signaling pathway.  相似文献   


Existing cut-offs for fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and post-load glucose (2hPG) criteria are not equivalent in the diagnosis of diabetes and glucose intolerance. Adjusting cut-offs of single measurements have not helped so we undertook this project to see if they could be complementary.  相似文献   
We surveyed nine diallelic polymorphic sites on the Y chromosomes of 1,544 individuals from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the New World. Phylogenetic analyses of these nine sites resulted in a tree for 10 distinct Y haplotypes with a coalescence time of approximately 150,000 years. The 10 haplotypes were unevenly distributed among human populations: 5 were restricted to a particular continent, 2 were shared between Africa and Europe, 1 was present only in the Old World, and 2 were found in all geographic regions surveyed. The ancestral haplotype was limited to African populations. Random permutation procedures revealed statistically significant patterns of geographical structuring of this paternal genetic variation. The results of a nested cladistic analysis indicated that these geographical associations arose through a combination of processes, including restricted, recurrent gene flow (isolation by distance) and range expansions. We inferred that one of the oldest events in the nested cladistic analysis was a range expansion out of Africa which resulted in the complete replacement of Y chromosomes throughout the Old World, a finding consistent with many versions of the Out of Africa Replacement Model. A second and more recent range expansion brought Asian Y chromosomes back to Africa without replacing the indigenous African male gene pool. Thus, the previously observed high levels of Y chromosomal genetic diversity in Africa may be due in part to bidirectional population movements. Finally, a comparison of our results with those from nested cladistic analyses of human mtDNA and beta-globin data revealed different patterns of inferences for males and females concerning the relative roles of population history (range expansions) and population structure (recurrent gene flow), thereby adding a new sex-specific component to models of human evolution.   相似文献   
The yeastCandida albicans coaggregates with a variety of streptococcal species, an interaction that may promote oral colonization by yeast cells.C. albicans andCandida tropicalis are the yeasts most frequently isolated from the human oral cavity and our data demonstrate that both these species bind toStreptococcus gordonii NCTC 7869 while two otherCandida species (Candida krusei andCandida kefyr) do not. Adherence ofC. albicans was greatest when the yeast had been grown at 30° C to mid-exponential growth phase. For 21 strains ofC. albicans there was a positive correlation between the ability to adhere toS. gordonii and adherence to experimental salivary pellicle. Whole saliva either stimulated or slightly inhibited adherence ofC. albicans toS. gordonii depending on the streptococcal growth conditions. The results suggest that the major salivary adhesins and coaggregation adhesins ofC. albicans are co-expressed.  相似文献   
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