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Flows of biomass and respiratory carbon were studied in a series of propylene-oxide sterilized soil microcosms. One-half of the microcosms received three pulsed additions of 200 ppm glucose-carbon to mimic rhizosphere carbon inputs. Biotic variables were: bacteria (Pseudomonas) alone, or amoebae (Acanthamoeba) and nematodes (Mesodiplogaster) singly, or both combined in the presence of bacteria.Over the 24-day experiment, respiration was significantly higher in the microcosms containing the bacterial grazers. Biomass accumulation by amoebae was significantly higher than that by nematodes. The nematodes respired up to 30-fold more CO2 per unit biomass than did amoebae. Similar amounts of carbon flowed into both respiratory and biomass carbon in microcosms with fauna, compared with the bacteria-alone microcosms. However, partitioning of available carbon by the microfauna varied considerably, with little biomass production and relatively more CO2-C produced in the nematode-containing microcosms. The amoebae, in contrast, allocated more carbon to tissue production (about 40% assimilation efficiency) and correspondingly less to CO2.  相似文献   


Chow and Liu showed that the maximum likelihood tree for multivariate discrete distributions may be found using a maximum weight spanning tree algorithm, for example Kruskal's algorithm. The efficiency of the algorithm makes it tractable for high-dimensional problems.  相似文献   
AnEscherichia coliexpression system that exploits the bacterial alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) signal sequence to translocate recombinant human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) to the periplasm was used to evaluate how changes in the composition and sequence of amino acids near the PhoA–hEGF junction influence the periplasmic accumulation of recombinant protein. A series of chimeric structural genes was generated byin vitroreplacement of hEGF sequence with analogous segments from the EGF-like domain of human heregulin (HRG), significantly altering the electrostatic character of the amino-terminal region of the mature protein. Quantitation of HRG/EGF protein inE. coliperiplasmic extracts, by RP-HPLC, showed a fourfold decrease after one of two acidic residues located in the amino-terminal region of the mature hEGF, near the PhoA junction, was replaced. An additional threefold decrease was observed when the second acidic residue was replaced with a positively charged lysine. Further extension of the amino-terminal HRG sequence, beyond the first six residues, resulted in net neutralization of a more distant EGF acidic residue with no additional effect on protein yield. The importance of having a negatively charged group in the amino-terminal region of the mature protein was confirmed when insertion of an aspartic acid near the amino-terminus of two poorly expressed hybrid protein sequences resulted in a five- to eightfold increase in their recovery from the periplasm. This study demonstrates the importance of having negatively charged residues near the fusion junction of recombinant proteins expressed inE. coliusing the PhoA signal sequence for protein export.  相似文献   
Using a rotating disk with a slit of variable width, a continuous wave argon ion laser, and an Optical Multichannel Analyzer for detection, a new technique is reported which should, in principle, be capable of recording resonance Raman spectra with time resolution of 100 ns. The resonance Raman spectra of the intermediates of the photosynthetic cycle of bacteriorhodopsin are recorded on the microsecond time scale. Both the kinetic results and the resonance enhancement profile suggest that deprotonation results in an intermediate preceding bM412 that has an optical absorption maximum at a wavelength longer than that of bM412.  相似文献   
The principal component analysis method is applied to the study of associations of different Pleistocene and Holocene planktonic Foraminifera in five cores from the eastern Mediterranean. Comparison of the fossil foraminiferal distribution with the distribution of living species leads to grouping of the fossil microfauna on the basis of paleoecological controls. Factor 1 is interpreted as representing thermal control. We recognize as warm-water species Globigerinoides trilobus, Globigerinoides trilobus sacculifer, Orbulina universa, Globigerinella siphonifera, Globigerinoides ruber. Cold-water species are Globigerina pachyderma, Globorotalia scitula, Globigerina quinqueloba, Globigerinita glutinata. Species considered to be of intermediate character are Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia inflata and Globorotalia truncatulinoides. Factor 2 also leads to the grouping of these last species and may reflect the contributing influence of productivity phenomena. A quadratic liaison interpreted as the “Guttman effect” relates factors 1 and 2. Factor 3 introduces complications resulting from apparently sporadic, irregular events affecting the distribution of certain species, notably Globoratalia inflata, Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globigerina dutertrei.  相似文献   
The Akt family of serine‐threonine kinases integrates a myriad of signals governing cell proliferation, apoptosis, glucose metabolism, and cytoskeletal organization. Akt affects neuronal morphology and function, influencing dendrite growth and the expression of ion channels. Akt is also an integral element of PI3Kinase‐target of rapamycin (TOR)‐Rheb signaling, a pathway that affects synapse assembly in both vertebrates and Drosophila. Our recent findings demonstrated that disruption of this pathway in Drosophila is responsible for a number of neurodevelopmental deficits that may also affect phenotypes associated with tuberous sclerosis complex, a disorder resulting from mutations compromising the TSC1/TSC2 complex, an inhibitor of TOR (Dimitroff et al., 2012). Therefore, we examined the role of Akt in the assembly and physiological function of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a glutamatergic synapse that displays developmental and activity‐dependent plasticity. The single Drosophila Akt family member, Akt1 selectively altered the postsynaptic targeting of one glutamate receptor subunit, GluRIIA, and was required for the expansion of a specialized postsynaptic membrane compartment, the subsynaptic reticulum (SSR). Several lines of evidence indicated that Akt1 influences SSR assembly by regulation of Gtaxin, a Drosophila t‐SNARE protein (Gorczyca et al., 2007) in a manner independent of the mislocalization of GluRIIA. Our findings show that Akt1 governs two critical elements of synapse development, neurotransmitter receptor localization, and postsynaptic membrane elaboration. © 2013 The Authors. Developmental Neurobiology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 723–743, 2013  相似文献   
Animals are colonized by complex bacterial communities. The processes controlling community membership and influencing the establishment of the microbial ecosystem during development are poorly understood. Here we aimed to explore the assembly of bacterial communities in Hydra with the broader goal of elucidating the general rules that determine the temporal progression of bacterial colonization of animal epithelia. We profiled the microbial communities in polyps at various time points after hatching in four replicates. The composition and temporal patterns of the bacterial communities were strikingly similar in all replicates. Distinct features included high diversity of community profiles in the first week, a remarkable but transient adult-like profile 2 weeks after hatching, followed by progressive emergence of a stable adult-like pattern characterized by low species diversity and the preponderance of the Betaproteobacterium Curvibacter. Intriguingly, this process displayed important parallels to the assembly of human fecal communities after birth. In addition, a mathematical modeling approach was used to uncover the organizational principles of this colonization process, suggesting that both, local environmental or host-derived factor(s) modulating the colonization rate, as well as frequency-dependent interactions of individual bacterial community members are important aspects in the emergence of a stable bacterial community at the end of development.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of court size on physiological responses and physical performance of young elite basketball players. Twelve male basketball players (18.6 ± 0.5 years; 88.8 ± 14.5 kg; 192.6 ± 6.5 cm) from an under-19 team performed two small-sided games (matches) with different court areas (28x15 m and 28x9 m; 28x15 and 28x9 protocols). The number of players (3x3) was kept the same in each protocol. The players performed a repeated-sprint ability (RSA) test before and after each match. Blood lactate concentration was collected before (pre) and after (post) the matches, and the session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) was determined 30 minutes after the match. Best and mean time in the RSA test were not different between the 28x15 and the 28x9 match protocols (p > 0.05). A significant difference was observed for lactate concentration from pre- to post-match (p < 0.05) in both protocols (28x15 and 28x9); however, there was no significant interaction between protocols. A similar session-RPE mean score (28x15: 7.2 ± 1.4 and 28x9: 6.6 ± 1.4) was detected for both protocols (p > 0.05, ES=0.41). In summary, the results of the current study suggest that the different court areas induced similar responses. Although there was no significant difference in effort perception, players tended to perceive a greater effort in the larger court size.  相似文献   
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