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Ribosomal subunits of Caldariella acidophila (max.growth temp., 90 degrees C) have been compared to subunits of Bacillus acidocaldarius (max. growth temp., 70 degrees C) and Escherichia coli (max. growth temp., 47 degrees C) with respect to (a) bihelical content of rRNA; (b) G . C content of bihelical domains and (c) tightness of rRNA-protein interactions. The principal results are as follows. Subunits of C. acidophilia ribosomes (Tm = 90-93 degrees C) exhibit considerable thermal tolerance over their B. acidocaldarius (Tm = 77 degrees C) and E. coli counterparts (Tm = 72 degrees C). Based on the "melting' hyperchromicities of the intact ribosomal subunits a 51-55% fraction of the nucleotides appears to participate in hydrogen-bonded base pairing regardless of ribosome source, whereas a larger fraction, 67-70%, appears to be involved in hydrogen bonding in the naked rRNA species. The G . C content of bihelical domains of both free and ribosome-bound rRNA increases with increasing thermophily; based on hyperchromicity dispersion spectra of intact subunits and free rRNA, the bihelical parts of C. acidophila rRNA are estimated to contain 63-64% G . C, compared to 58.5% G . C for B. acidocaldarius and 55% G . C for E. coli. The increment of ribosome Tm values with increasing thermophily is greater than the increase in Tm for the free rRNA, indicating that within ribosomes bihelical domains of the thermophile rRNA species are stabilized more efficiently than their mesophile counterparts by proteins or/ and other component(s). The efficiency of the rRNA-protein interactions in the mesophile and thermophile ribosomes has been probed by comparing the releases, with LiCl-urea, of the rRNA species from the corresponding ribosomal subunits stuck to a Celite column through their protein moiety; it has been established that the release of C. acidophila rRNA from the Celite-bound ribosomes occurs at salt-urea concentrations about 4-fold higher than those required to release rRNA from Celite-bound E. coli ribosomes. Compared to E. coli the C. acidophila 50 and 30 S ribosomal subunits are considerably less susceptible to treatment designed to promote ribosome unfolding through depletion of magnesium ions.  相似文献   
A novel experimental method was developed which allows the determination of the threshold concentration of sucrose by use of a linear sucrose gradient in water. With this method a continuous tasting of the test-liquid is possible. A panel of 15 persons experienced in taste-testing was used. Three gradients of different steepness were applied: 0 to 1.5% (w/w) sucrose in 2 min (I), 3 min (II) and 4 min (III). The results of the new method were compared with those of the standard method (DIN). With gradients I and II we found values which were significantly higher than those of the standard method (I: 0.49% (w/w); II: 0.46% (w/w); DIN: 0.31% (w/w)), whereas with gradient III the same threshold value was found as with the DIN-Method (III: 0.32% (w/w)).  相似文献   
Summary The gene (fus) coding for elongation factor G (EF-G) of the extremely thermophilic eubacteriumThermotoga maritima was identified and sequenced. The EF-G coding sequence (2046 bp) was found to lie in an operon-like structure between the ribosomal protein S7 gene (rpsG) and the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) gene (tuf). TherpsG, fus, andtuf genes follow each other immediately in that order, which corresponds to the order of the homologous genes in thestr operon ofEscherichia coli. The derived amino acid sequence of the EF-G protein (682 residues) was aligned with the homologous sequences of other eubacteria, eukaryotes (hamster), and archaebacteria (Methanococcus vannielii). Unrooted phylogenetic dendrogram, obtained both from the amino acid and the nucleotide sequence alignments, using a variety of methods, lend further support to the notion that the (present) root of the (eu)bacterial tree lies betweenThermotoga and the other bacterial lineages.  相似文献   
A spermine-dependent, polyphenylalanine-synthesizing cell-free system having an optimum activity at 75-85 degrees C, has been developed from the extremely thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Caldariella acidophila. The C. acidophila system is totally insensitive to the EF-Tu targeted antibiotics pulvomycin (at 40 degrees C) and kirromycin (at 47-72 degrees C) contrary to control systems derived from both mesophilic (Escherichia coli) and thermoacidophilic (Bacillus acidocaldarius) eubacteria. The archaebacterial EF-Tu-equivalent factor is also immunologically unrelated to eubacterial EF-Tu and does not cross react with antibodies against Escherichia coli EF-Tu. The pulvomycin and kirromycin reactions thus provide new phyletic markers for archaebacterial ancestry.  相似文献   
The flexibility and self-healing properties of animal cell surface membranes are well known. These properties have been best exploited in various micrurgical studies on living cells (2, 3), especially in amoebae (7, 20). During nuclear transplantation in amoebae, the hole in the membrane through which a nucleus passes can have a diameter of 20-30 μm, and yet such holes are quickly sealed, although some cytoplasm usually escapes during the transfer. While enucleating amoebae in previous studies, we found that if a very small portion of a nucleus was pushed through the membrane and exposed to the external medium, the amoeba expelled such a nucleus on its own accord. When this happened, a new membrane appeared to form around the embedded portion of the nucleus and no visible loss of cytoplasm occurred during nuclear extrusion. In the present study, we examined amoebae that were at different stages of expelling partially exposed nuclei, to follow the sequence of events during the apparent new membrane formation. Unexpectedly, we found that a new membrane is not formed around the nucleus from inside but a hole is sealed primarily by a constriction of the existing membrane, and that cytoplasmic filaments are responsible for the prevention of the loss of cytoplasm.  相似文献   
The serine/threonine kinase PAK4 is an effector molecule for the Rho GTPase Cdc42. PAK4 differs from other members of the PAK family in both sequence and function. Previously we have shown that an important function of this kinase is to mediate the induction of filopodia in response to activated Cdc42. Since previous characterization of PAK4 was carried out only with the wild-type kinase, we have generated a constitutively active mutant of the kinase to determine whether it has other functions. Expression of activated PAK4 in fibroblasts led to a transient induction of filopodia, which is consistent with its role as an effector for Cdc42. In addition, use of the activated mutant revealed a number of other important functions of this kinase that were not revealed by studying the wild-type kinase. For example, activated PAK4 led to the dissolution of stress fibers and loss of focal adhesions. Consequently, cells expressing activated PAK4 had a defect in cell spreading onto fibronectin-coated surfaces. Most importantly, fibroblasts expressing activated PAK4 had a morphology that was characteristic of oncogenic transformation. These cells were anchorage independent and formed colonies in soft agar, similar to what has been observed previously in cells expressing activated Cdc42. Consistent with this, dominant-negative PAK4 mutants inhibited focus formation by oncogenic Dbl, an exchange factor for Rho family GTPases. These results provide the first demonstration that a PAK family member can transform cells and indicate that PAK4 may play an essential role in oncogenic transformation by the GTPases. We propose that the morphological changes and changes in cell adhesion induced by PAK4 may play a direct role in oncogenic transformation by Rho family GTPases and their exchange factors.  相似文献   
Climate change impact assessments are plagued with uncertainties from many sources, such as climate projections or the inadequacies in structure and parameters of the impact model. Previous studies tried to account for the uncertainty from one or two of these. Here, we developed a triple‐ensemble probabilistic assessment using seven crop models, multiple sets of model parameters and eight contrasting climate projections together to comprehensively account for uncertainties from these three important sources. We demonstrated the approach in assessing climate change impact on barley growth and yield at Jokioinen, Finland in the Boreal climatic zone and Lleida, Spain in the Mediterranean climatic zone, for the 2050s. We further quantified and compared the contribution of crop model structure, crop model parameters and climate projections to the total variance of ensemble output using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Based on the triple‐ensemble probabilistic assessment, the median of simulated yield change was ?4% and +16%, and the probability of decreasing yield was 63% and 31% in the 2050s, at Jokioinen and Lleida, respectively, relative to 1981–2010. The contribution of crop model structure to the total variance of ensemble output was larger than that from downscaled climate projections and model parameters. The relative contribution of crop model parameters and downscaled climate projections to the total variance of ensemble output varied greatly among the seven crop models and between the two sites. The contribution of downscaled climate projections was on average larger than that of crop model parameters. This information on the uncertainty from different sources can be quite useful for model users to decide where to put the most effort when preparing or choosing models or parameters for impact analyses. We concluded that the triple‐ensemble probabilistic approach that accounts for the uncertainties from multiple important sources provide more comprehensive information for quantifying uncertainties in climate change impact assessments as compared to the conventional approaches that are deterministic or only account for the uncertainties from one or two of the uncertainty sources.  相似文献   
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