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Reconstructions of the human-African great ape phylogeny by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been subject to considerable debate. One confounding factor may be the lack of data on intraspecific variation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of intraspecific mtDNA diversity on the phylogenetic reconstruction of another Plio- Pleistocene radiation of higher primates, the fascicularis group of macaque (Macaca) monkey species. Fifteen endonucleases were used to identify 10 haplotypes of 40-47 restriction sites in M. mulatta, which were compared with similar data for the other members of this species group. Interpopulational, intraspecific mtDNA diversity was large (0.5%- 4.5%), and estimates of divergence time and branching order incorporating this variation were substantially different from those based on single representatives of each species. We conclude that intraspecific mtDNA diversity is substantial in at least some primate species. Consequently, without prior information on the extent of genetic diversity within a particular species, intraspecific variation must be assessed and accounted for when reconstructing primate phylogenies. Further, we question the reliability of hominoid mtDNA phylogenies, based as they are on one or a few representatives of each species, in an already depauperate superfamily of primates.   相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, L-malic acid transport is not carrier mediated and is limited to slow, simple diffusion of the undissociated acid. Expression in S. cerevisiae of the MAE1 gene, encoding Schizosaccharomyces pombe malate permease, markedly increased L-malic acid uptake in this yeast. In this strain, at pH 3.5 (encountered in industrial processes), L-malic acid uptake involves Mae1p-mediated transport of the monoanionic form of the acid (apparent kinetic parameters: Vmax = 8.7 nmol/mg/min; Km = 1.6 mM) and some simple diffusion of the undissociated L-malic acid (Kd = 0.057 min(-1)). As total L-malic acid transport involved only low levels of diffusion, the Mae1p permease was further characterized in the recombinant strain. L-Malic acid transport was reversible and accumulative and depended on both the transmembrane gradient of the monoanionic acid form and the DeltapH component of the proton motive force. Dicarboxylic acids with stearic occupation closely related to L-malic acid, such as maleic, oxaloacetic, malonic, succinic and fumaric acids, inhibited L-malic acid uptake, suggesting that these compounds use the same carrier. We found that increasing external pH directly inhibited malate uptake, resulting in a lower initial rate of uptake and a lower level of substrate accumulation. In S. pombe, proton movements, as shown by internal acidification, accompanied malate uptake, consistent with the proton/dicarboxylate mechanism previously proposed. Surprisingly, no proton fluxes were observed during Mae1p-mediated L-malic acid import in S. cerevisiae, and intracellular pH remained constant. This suggests that, in S. cerevisiae, either there is a proton counterflow or the Mae1p permease functions differently from a proton/dicarboxylate symport.  相似文献   
The first TSAO derivative that lacks the amino group at the 3'-spiro moiety has been prepared. This molecule retained its HIV-1 specificity (NNRTI characteristic) but did not select for any of the classical NNRTI-specific mutations in the NNRTI binding pocket, including 138-Lys (TSAO resistant strain).  相似文献   
A kinetic analysis was performed for the novel 1-(8-phosphonooctyl)-6-amino-5-bromouracil and 1-(8-phosphonooctyl)-7-deazaxanthine inhibitors of Escherichia coli thymidine (dThd) phosphorylase (TPase). The structure of the compounds was rationally designed based on the available crystal structure coordinates of bacterial TPase. These inhibitors reversibly inhibited TPase. Kinetic analysis revealed that the compounds inhibited TPase in a purely competitive or mixed fashion not only when dThd, but also when inorganic phosphate (Pi), was used as the variable substrate. In contrast, the free bases 6-amino-5-bromouracil and 7-deazaxanthine behaved as non-competitive inhibitors of the enzyme in the presence of variable Pi concentrations while being competitive or mixed with respect to thymine as the natural substrate. Our kinetic data thus revealed that the novel 1-(8-phosphonooctyl)pyrimidine/purine derivatives are able to function as multisubstrate inhibitors of TPase, interfering at two different sites (dThd(Thy)- and phosphate-binding site) of the enzyme. To our knowledge, the described compounds represent the first type of such multisubstrate analogue inhibitors of TPase; they should be considered as lead compounds for the development of mechanistically novel type of TPase inhibitors.  相似文献   
It is well established that the effectiveness of anticancer drugs may result from combined cytotoxic and differentiation activities on tumor cells. Also, differentiating agents are able to alter the susceptibility of cancer cells to antineoplastic drug therapy. However, the acquisition and/or development of drug resistance that frequently appears in anticancer treatment can impair these interactions between differentiation agents and cytotoxic drugs. In the present study, we report that the acquisition of resistance to anthracyclines in two humans, promyeolocytic leukemia HL-60 and eythroleukemia K562 cell lines, results in a restricted maturation process induced by differentiating agents with respect to that exhibited by their corresponding drug-sensitive counterparts. Interestingly, differentiating agents are able to decrease the overexpression of drug-efflux pumps as it is the case of MRP1 in the resistant HL-60 cells, thus increasing the sensitivity of cells to drug treatment. In addition, susceptibility of the drug-sensitive cells to certain apoptotic stimuli is significantly reduced after differentiation. The results here reported indicate complex interactions between cytotoxic (drug therapy) and non-cytotoxic (differentiation) cancer treatments, which should be taken into account to improve therapeutic efficiency.  相似文献   
Controlling the amounts of redox cofactors to manipulate metabolic fluxes is emerging as a useful approach to optimizing byproduct yields in yeast biotechnological processes. Redox cofactors are extensively interconnected metabolites, so predicting metabolite patterns is challenging and requires in-depth knowledge of how the metabolic network responds to a redox perturbation. Our aim was to analyze comprehensively the metabolic consequences of increased cytosolic NADPH oxidation during yeast fermentation. Using a genetic device based on the overexpression of a modified 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase catalyzing the NADPH-dependent reduction of acetoin into 2,3-butanediol, we increased the NADPH demand to between 8 and 40-fold the anabolic demand. We developed (i) a dedicated constraint-based model of yeast fermentation and (ii) a constraint-based modeling method based on the dynamical analysis of mass distribution to quantify the in vivo contribution of pathways producing NADPH to the maintenance of redox homeostasis. We report that yeast responds to NADPH oxidation through a gradual increase in the flux through the PP and acetate pathways, providing 80% and 20% of the NADPH demand, respectively. However, for the highest NADPH demand, the model reveals a saturation of the PP pathway and predicts an exchange between NADH and NADPH in the cytosol that may be mediated by the glycerol-DHA futile cycle. We also reveal the contribution of mitochondrial shuttles, resulting in a net production of NADH in the cytosol, to fine-tune the NADH/NAD(+) balance. This systems level study helps elucidate the physiological adaptation of yeast to NADPH perturbation. Our findings emphasize the robustness of yeast to alterations in NADPH metabolism and highlight the role of the glycerol-DHA cycle as a redox valve, providing additional NADPH from NADH under conditions of very high demand.  相似文献   
d-Amphetamine (AMPH) and MDMA increased intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in isolated mouse striatal synaptosomes. MDMA showed a maximal oxidative effect at 50-100 microM. However, for AMPH a double maximum was obtained, the first between 0.1 and 1 microM and the second at 1mM. No oxidative effect was present in synaptosomes from reserpinized mice. Cocaine and l-deprenyl inhibited MDMA and AMPH (0.1 microM) ROS production but not that of AMPH at a higher concentration (1mM). When this high concentration was used, its oxidative effect was abolished by a phospholipase A(2) inhibitor. Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol fully prevented the oxidative effect of AMPH and MDMA, by a CB(1) receptor-independent mechanism, as did it NPC 15437 and genistein. The pro-oxidative effect induced by AMPH and MDMA showed a strong dependence on calcium (extracellular and from internal stores) and also was inhibited by nicotinic receptor (nAChR) antagonists dihydro-beta-erythroidine, methyllycaconitine (MLA) and alpha-bungarotoxin. MDMA displaced [(3)H]epibatidine and [(3)H]MLA binding with higher affinity than AMPH. Both amphetamines competitively displaced [(3)H]epibatidine from heteromeric receptors but results obtained from [(3)H]MLA binding demonstrated a non-competitive profile. Preincubation of PC12 cells with AMPH or MDMA reduced [(3)H]dopamine uptake. For MDMA, this effect was prevented by MLA. To summarize, comparing AMPH and MDMA we have demonstrated that these drugs induce an oxidative effect dependent on drug concentration and also reduce dopamine uptake. Processes that are known to affect dopamine transporter functionality also seem to modulate amphetamine derivatives-induced ROS production. For MDMA, acute effects tested are blocked by nAChR antagonists, which points to the possibility that these antagonists could be used to treat some of the adverse effects described in MDMA abusers. Conversely, no implication of nicotinic receptors has been proved for AMPH-induced effects at concentrations achievable in CNS after its administration.  相似文献   
In grape must, nitrogen is available as a complex mixture of various compounds (ammonium and amino acids). Wine yeasts assimilate these multiple sources in order to suitably fulfil their anabolic requirements during alcoholic fermentation. Nevertheless, the order of uptake and the intracellular fate of these sources are likely to differ between strains and species. Using a two-pronged strategy of isotopic filiation and RNA sequencing, the metabolic network of nitrogen utilization and its regulation in Kluyveromyces marxianus were described, in comparison with those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The data highlighted differences in the assimilation of ammonium and arginine between the two species. The data also revealed that the metabolic fate of certain nitrogen sources differed, thereby resulting in the production of various amounts of key wine aroma compounds. These observations were corroborated by the gene expression analysis.  相似文献   
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