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Summary— We designed a protocol for cell labeling with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) linked to the fluorochrome tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) for effective detection of the B16F10 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc) cells on pulmonary histological sections from C57BL6; mice. We have also determined a suitable concentration of WGA-TRITC (10 μg/ml), which leads to a very intense and homogeneous labeling of the cells, as it avoids cell clumping due to the presence of the lectin WGA. In order to determine to what extent the method affects these tumor cells, we have studied some important aspects related to their metastatic behavior, taking into account three parameters: a) viability and rate of proliferation of the cells cultured in vitro; b) percentage of animals C57BL6 mice) bearing metastasis 15 days after intravenous inoculation with 105 B16F10 or LLc cells; and c) pattern of distribution of tumor foci in lung. There were no significant differences in these three parameters between the WGA-TRITC labeled-cells compared to the cultures of non-labeled cells in either of the cell lines (B16F10, LLc). Thus, we conclude that B16F10 and LLc tumor cells can be labeled following the protocol set-up in our study, as it allows these cells to be neatly identified on tissue sections and it causes no important physiological changes in the cells, with regard to metastatic behavior. These points make this technique very suitable for the detection of B16F10 and LLc cells on histological sections in studying their behavior during the first stages of the metastatic process.  相似文献   
The Population Study of Women in Gothenburg, Sweden is an ongoing prospective study of female residents who were recruited from the local registry in 1968–1969 when they were 38–60 years old. The data presented here were collected from 361 healthy women who underwent a baseline physical examination including a supplementary dietary history interview and returned for a second general health examination 6 years later. This report identifies a subgroup of 57 women who were sedentary during their leisure time and appear to have been particularly susceptible to gaining weight as a function of the fat content of their diets. Specifically, longitudinal analysis of body weights in the whole sample revealed a statistical interaction between leisure-time physical activity and habitual dietary fat intake (energy-%), as reported at the baseline examination, in the prediction of subsequent weight change. Further stratified analysis suggested that weight changes were significantly dependent on dietary fat intake among the sedentary women only. High energy intake also predicted weight gain in the sedentary group, although the predictive value for a high-fat diet was of marginal significance after adjusting for total energy consumption. These results suggest that sedentary recreational activity plus a low-fat diet may have a combined contribution to weight change that is not equivalent to the sum of the separate effects. Such a synergy between two modifiable lifestyle factors seems highly relevant for prevention of obesity.  相似文献   
Landslides and gullies are two common manifestations of land degradation in the densely populated Colombian Andes. In these unstable areas, further mass movements pose a serious threat to local populations and cause off‐site environmental damage through sedimentation, pollution, and increased flooding. A novel approach for restoring severely eroded slopes combines the use of stabilization structures made with stalks of Guadua angustifolia Kunth, Poaceae (bamboo), with high‐density planting of species that exhibit quick growth and sprouting. This study compared the vegetation and ground‐dwelling ant assemblages of 10 pairs of gullies, each pair formed by one enhanced and one untreated or control gully, 6–8 years after restoration or abandonment. The restoration treatment had significant effects on the complexity of vegetation. Average values for plant species richness, basal area, stem density, foliage density index, and total vegetation volume were 11.6, 140, 30, 11.5, and 15.6 times larger, respectively, in enhanced than in control gullies. Mirroring the differences in vegetation, average ant species richness was significantly larger (13 vs. 7.6 species per gully), and a higher proportion of ant species nested within enhanced than control gullies (52.5 vs. 30%). While control gullies were dominated by generalist ants such as Ectatomma ruidum and Linepithema angulatum, enhanced gullies had more specialized ground‐dwelling species, normally associated with high plant cover and abundant leaf litter such as Octostruma balzani and Heteroponera inca. We conclude that this restoration strategy promotes a fast recovery of vegetation and the ground‐dwelling ant fauna in these tropical mountains.  相似文献   


HCV protease inhibitors (PIs) boceprevir and telaprevir in combination with PEG-Interferon alfa and Ribavirin (P/R) is the new standard of care in the treatment of chronic HCV genotype 1 (GT1) infection. However, not every HCV GT1 infected patient is eligible for P/R/PI therapy. Furthermore phase III studies did not necessarily reflect real world as patients with advanced liver disease or comorbidities were underrepresented. The aim of our study was to analyze the eligibility and safety of P/R/PI treatment in a real world setting of a tertiary referral center.


All consecutive HCV GT1 infected patients who were referred to our hepatitis treatment unit between June and November 2011 were included. Patients were evaluated for P/R/PI according to their individual risk/benefit ratio based on 4 factors: Treatment-associated safety concerns, chance for SVR, treatment urgency and nonmedical patient related reasons. On treatment data were analyzed until week 12.


208 patients were included (F3/F4 64%, mean platelet count 169/nl, 40% treatment-naïve). Treatment was not initiated in 103 patients most frequently due to safety concerns. 19 patients were treated in phase II/III trials or by local centers and a triple therapy concept was initiated at our unit in 86 patients. Hospitalization was required in 16 patients; one patient died due to a gastrointestinal infection possibly related to treatment. A platelet count of <110/nl was associated with hospitalization as well as treatment failure. Overall, 128 patients were either not eligible for therapy or experienced a treatment failure at week 12.


P/R/PI therapies are complex, time-consuming and sometimes dangerous in a real world setting, especially in patients with advanced liver disease. A careful patient selection plays a crucial role to improve safety of PI based therapies. A significant number of patients are not eligible for P/R/PI, emphasizing the need for alternative therapeutic options.  相似文献   
Steroid hormones are believed to play an important role in prostate carcinogenesis, but epidemiological evidence linking prostate cancer and steroid hormone genes has been inconclusive, in part due to small sample sizes or incomplete characterization of genetic variation at the locus of interest. Here we report on the results of a comprehensive study of the association between HSD17B1 and prostate cancer by the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium, a large collaborative study. HSD17B1 encodes 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1, an enzyme that converts dihydroepiandrosterone to the testosterone precursor Δ5-androsterone-3β,17β-diol and converts estrone to estradiol. The Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium researchers systematically characterized variation in HSD17B1 by targeted resequencing and dense genotyping; selected haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (htSNPs) that efficiently predict common variants in U.S. and European whites, Latinos, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians; and genotyped these htSNPs in 8,290 prostate cancer cases and 9,367 study-, age-, and ethnicity-matched controls. We found no evidence that HSD17B1 htSNPs (including the nonsynonymous coding SNP S312G) or htSNP haplotypes were associated with risk of prostate cancer or tumor stage in the pooled multiethnic sample or in U.S. and European whites. Analyses stratified by age, body mass index, and family history of disease found no subgroup-specific associations between these HSD17B1 htSNPs and prostate cancer. We found significant evidence of heterogeneity in associations between HSD17B1 haplotypes and prostate cancer across ethnicity: one haplotype had a significant (p < 0.002) inverse association with risk of prostate cancer in Latinos and Japanese Americans but showed no evidence of association in African Americans, Native Hawaiians, or whites. However, the smaller numbers of Latinos and Japanese Americans in this study makes these subgroup analyses less reliable. These results suggest that the germline variants in HSD17B1 characterized by these htSNPs do not substantially influence the risk of prostate cancer in U.S. and European whites.  相似文献   
An interview tool, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS 3.0), was translated into Spanish for application in studies of psychiatric disorders in Colombia. Two Spanish translations of the original English version of DIGS were prepared and back-translated into English. A review committee verified the linguistic and cultural equivalence of the translations. The evaluator and test-retest reliability were assessed calculating Cohen's kappa for samples of 65 and 91 patients respectively. DIGS proved valid in both appearance and content. The confidence interval (C.I.) was excellent for schizophrenia (kappa = 0.81, C.I. 95% = 0.68-0.93), bipolar disorder (kappa = 0.87, C.I. 95% = 0.75-0.99), major depressive disorder (kappa = 0.86, C.I. 95% = 0.70-1.00), and for a normal diagnosis (kappa = 0.65, C.I. 95% = 0.41-0.89); it was good for other psychiatric diagnosis (kappa = 0.65, C.I. 95% = 0.41-0.89) and poor for schizoaffective disorder (kappa = 0.37, C.I. 95% = -0.02-0.76). Test-retest reliability was excellent for all diagnoses (kappa > 0.8), except for "other psychiatric diagnoses" (kappa = 0.64, C.I. 95% = 0.31-0.96). The Spanish translation of the DIGS was comprehensible, with face and content validity, and good test-retest and evaluator reliability. This translation will be a useful tool for genetic studies of psychiatric disorders in Latin America, particularly where schizophrenia and affective disorders are involved.  相似文献   
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