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We have identified the presence of a lysophospholipase in human placental tissues and have purified this enzyme from the amnion. The specific activity was highest in the amnion and decreased across adjacent tissues. The purification involved the use of DEAE-Sephadex, phenyl-Sepharose, hydroxylapatite, and sulfylpropyl Sephadex chromatography. The activity of the purified enzyme toward palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine is 2.5 mumol min-1 mg-1 and the pH optimum is 7.0. The enzyme is not inhibited by EDTA and does not appear to have a metal ion requirement. The enzyme may be of membrane origin; the purified enzyme requires the presence of detergent during storage. The effects of substrate composition and physical state on enzymatic activity were explored. The enzyme was not active toward mono-, di-, or triglycerides, nor toward diacyl phospholipid. The enzyme was active toward myristoyl and palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine at concentrations where these substrates spontaneously form micelles or where Triton X-100 was used to induce co-micellization of the substrate at low concentrations with detergent. A role for this enzyme in processing the lysophospholipid product of phospholipase A action must be considered in evaluating arachidonic acid production in human fetal membranes and placental tissue, particularly during the initiation of labor.  相似文献   
The filamentous green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum will produce zoospores when cultured on a diurnal regime of 8-hr light and 16-hr dark. Zoosporogenesis is inhibited by interruption of the dark period with light of sufficient intensity and duration. The relationship between intensity and maximum time of interruption before total inhibition of zoosporogenesis is nonlinear.  相似文献   
In an earlier study (Generoso et al., 1987), it was observed that the mutagen, ethylene oxide (EtO), produced remarkable increases in the incidence of developmental abnormalities and death of fetuses when early zygotic stages were exposed. This is a major finding in experimental induction of embryopathy, implicating genetic damage to the zygotes as the likely cause. In the subsequent study reported here, 3 other mutagens--ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), ethyl nitrosourea (ENU), and triethylene melamine (TEM), were studied for embryopathic effects following exposure of dictyate oocytes, prefertilization oviducal eggs and sperm, early pronuclear zygotes, zygotes undergoing pronuclear DNA synthesis, and two-cell embryos. All 4 mutagens produced developmental abnormalities among living fetuses following exposure of early pronuclear zygotes (the only stage studied for this endpoint in this report). With respect to stage specificity and gestational timing of death of conceptuses, EMS and EtO on one hand and ENU and TEM on the other, are very similar to one another. EMS, like EtO, produced a high incidence of midgestation and late fetal deaths only in prefertilization oviducal eggs and sperm and in early pronuclear eggs. In contrast, ENU and TEM produced high losses of conceptuses in all postmating stages studied but death occurred primarily prior to or around the time of implantation. Thus, the frequency of induction and the expression of embryopathy, which ranged from early embryonic preimplantation and late fetal deaths to subtle fetal anomalies, are dependent upon the stage exposed and the mutagen used.  相似文献   
Summary As clonal plants grow they move through space. The movement patterns that result can be complex and difficult to interpret without the aid of models. We developed a stochastic simulation model of clonal growth in the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Our model was calibrated with field data on the clonal expansion of both seedlings and established clones, and model assumptions were verified by statistical analyses.When simulations were based on empirical distributions with long rhizome lengths, there was greater dispersal, less leaf overlap, and less spatial aggregation than when simulations were based on distributions with comparatively short rhizome lengths. For the field data that we utilized, variation in rhizome lengths had a greater effect than variation for either branching angles or rhizome initiation points (see text). We also found that observed patterns of clonal growth in S. altissima did not cause the formation of fairy rings. However, simulations with an artificial distribution of branching angles demonstrate that fairy rings can result solely from a plant's clonal morphology.Stochastic simulation models that incorporated variation in rhizome lengths, branching angles, and rhizome initiation points produced greater dispersal and less leaf overlap than deterministic models. Thus, variation for clonal growth parameters may increase the efficiency of substrate exploration by increasing the area covered and by decreasing the potential for intraclonal competition. We also demonstrated that ramet displacements were slightly, but consistently lower in stochastic simulation models than in random-walk models. This difference was due to the incorporation of details on rhizome bud initiation into stochastic simulation models, but not random-walk models. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of deterministic, stochastic simulation, and random-walk models of clonal growth.  相似文献   
In an attempt to kindle seizures with arginine-vasopressin (AVP), we injected AVP into the amygdala or hippocampus of rats. Although behavioral and electrographic alterations were sometimes observed, seizures failed to develop, even in rats that had previously been kindled with electrical stimulation. This and previous failures to kindle seizures by intraventricular injections of AVP call into question the possibility of AVP kindling.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Cu, Ag and Zn were measured in the soft tissues of the estuarine bivalve Macoma balthica in South San Francisco Bay at near-monthly intervals for periods of two to three years at four stations, and eight years at a metal-enriched station. The amplitude and frequency of fluctuations differed among stations and among metals. Fluctuations were greatest at stations with the greatest metal enrichment and with the least dilution and flushing of wastes. A consistent seasonal pattern of fluctuation in Cu and Ag concentrations was evident in M. balthica at the metal-enriched station. These seasonal changes in tissue metal concentrations appeared to be affected by metal inputs, hydrologic processes that may affect both metal concentrations and bioavailability, and seasonal changes in the weight of the bivalve. The contributions of each of these interacting factors could not be determined quantitatively. At the metal-enriched station significant variation in the amplitude of seasonal fluctuations was also evident from year to year. Interpretation of metal concentrations in bivalves from estuaries will require careful consideration of the processes which affect metal dynamics in these complex environments.  相似文献   
Age-related deficiency in the perceived strength of six odorants   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A group of 20 elderly persons (70–89 yr) and a controlgroup of 20 young persons (18–25 yr) made magnitude estimationsof five concentration levels of six odorants and of five concentrationlevels of a tastant, NaCl. Relative to the estimations of thesalt solutions, the elderly's estimations of all six odorantswere lower than those of the young. This outcome substantiatesan earlier finding that, at least for one odorant (iso-amylbutyrate), old age blunts perceived odor strength more frequentlyand seriously than gustatory strength. The present experimentbroadens the picture and leads to the conclusion that age-relatedhyposmia is likely to affect the perception of many, if notall, odors. The six odorants were selected on the basis of structuraldiversity, hedonic tone, and earlier psychophysical study ofthem. They include three pleasant odors (iso-amyl butyrate,benzaldehyde, and d-limonene), one foul smelling (pyridine),and two relatively neutral ones (ethyl and iso-amyl alcohol).To a first approximation age-related weaknesses to these compoundscan be characterized as a constant per cent reduction of olfactorystrength across concentration level. tion level.  相似文献   
K C Cain  N T Lange 《Biometrics》1984,40(2):493-499
A method is presented for approximating the influence of individual cases upon regression coefficient estimates obtained from the Cox proportional hazards model. Observations can thus be identified which may greatly influence statistical inferences regarding the effects of prognostic factors upon survival time. An example from a cancer clinical trial is given.  相似文献   
The consequences of a decreased O2 supply to a contracting canine gastrocnemius muscle preparation were investigated during two forms of hypoxia: hypoxic hypoxia (HH) (n = 6) and CO hypoxia (COH) (n = 6). Muscle O2 uptake, blood flow, O2 extraction, and developed tension were measured at rest and at 1 twitch/s isometric contractions in normoxia and in hypoxia. No differences were observed between the two groups at rest. During contractions and hypoxia, however, O2 uptake decreased from the normoxic level in the COH group but not in the HH group. Blood flow increased in both groups during hypoxia, but more so in the COH group. O2 extraction increased further with hypoxia (P less than 0.05) during concentrations in the HH group but actually fell (P less than 0.05) in the COH group. The O2 uptake limitation during COH and contractions was associated with a lesser O2 extraction. The leftward shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve during COH may have impeded tissue O2 extraction. Other factors, however, such as decreased myoglobin function or perfusion heterogeneity must have contributed to the inability to utilize the O2 reserve more fully.  相似文献   
The in vivo metabolic pathways of phospholipid biosynthesis in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have been investigated. Rapid pulse-chase-labeling studies indicated that phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol were synthesized as in other eubacteria. The labeling pattern observed for N-acylphosphatidylserine (NAPS) was inconsistent with the synthesis of this phospholipid occurring by direct acylation of phosphatidylserine (PS). Rather, NAPS appeared to be kinetically derived from an earlier intermediate such as phosphatidic acid or more likely CDP-diglyceride. Tris-induced NAPS accumulation specifically reduced the synthesis of PS. Treatment of cells with a bacteriostatic concentration of hydroxylamine (10 mM) greatly reduced total cellular phospholipid synthesis, resulted in accumulation of PS, and stimulated the phosphatidylglycerol branch of phospholipid metabolism relative to the PS branch of the pathway. When the cells were treated with a lower hydroxylamine dosage (50 microM), total phospholipid synthesis lagged as PS accumulated, however, phospholipid synthesis resumed coincident with a reversal of PS accumulation. Hydroxylamine alone was not sufficient to promote NAPS accumulation but this compound allowed continued NAPS accumulation when cells were grown in medium containing Tris. The significance of these observations is discussed in terms of NAPS biosynthesis being representative of a previously undescribed branch of the phospholipid biosynthetic sequence.  相似文献   
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