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P. Vargas  T. Cabello 《BioControl》1985,30(3):225-230
Trichogramma cordubensis n. sp. is a parasite ofHeliothis armigera Hb. eggs in cotton crops in western Andalusia. Reproduced onEphestia kuehniella Zeller eggs, it is described morphologically and compared withT. chilonis Ishii andT. evanescens Westwood as both present similarities with this species.T. cordubensis can be distinguished in the male genitalia by the shape of the dorsal expansion of the gonobase and the size, shape and relative position of the median ventral projection. Male antennal setae are longer inT. cordubensis than in the other 2 species. In addition, unlikeT. chilonis andT. evanescens, T. cordubensis is thelytokous at 20°C. in our laboratory, though males and gynandromorphs can be obtained by altering the rearing temperature, this being another difference of this species.  相似文献   
The R6-5 plasmid-specified outer membrane protein, TraT protein, has previously been shown to mediate resistance to bacterial killing by serum. Colony hybridization with a 700 bp DNA fragment carrying most of the traT gene was used to examine the prevalence of traT in Gram-negative bacteria, particularly strains of Escherichia coli, isolated from clinical specimens. traT was found in isolates of E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Klebsiella, but not in Pseudomonas, Aeromonas or Plesiomonas, nor in the few isolates of Enterobacter, Proteus, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter, Serratia or Yersinia that were examined. It was detected in a significantly higher proportion of the E. coli strains isolated from the blood of patients with bacteraemia/septicaemia or from faeces of patients with enteric infections (50-70%) than in that of strains isolated from normal faeces (20-40%). The incidence of traT in strains isolated from cases of urinary tract infections was variable. traT was found to be frequently associated with production of the K1 capsule and with the carriage of ColV plasmids, but not with the carriage of R plasmids, nor with serum resistance or the production of haemolysin.  相似文献   
蚕豆植株叶片随茎节自上而下表现出明显的发育与衰老顺序,可作为衰老特征的是叶绿素和蛋白质含量明显下降。蚕豆叶中SOD活性主要定位于12 000× g离心后所得的上清液和叶绿体组分。衰老叶片的SOD总活性和叶绿体组分的相对活性都有所下降,SOD同工酶谱也发生了改变。O_2~ 产生速率随叶龄增大而稍上升;而MDA含量在叶片外观表现枯黄衰老征兆前就急剧上升。可能因为衰老叶片过氧化氢酶活性大幅度下降与SOD之间的不平衡,致使O_2~ 代谢中间产物累积而引起膜的损伤.  相似文献   
Thyroid function was studied in small for gestational age (SGA) or control newborn lambs. Neonatal changes in plasma concentrations of TSH, T3, rT3, total and free T4 were monitored, and thyroid scintigraphs were performed. Responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis to cold exposure and TRH or TSH administration was assessed. In addition, T4 and T3 kinetic studies were performed. In agreement with results obtained in babies, plasma T3, total T4 and free T4 concentrations were depressed in low birth weight animals, whereas TSH and rT3 levels were not affected. Thyroid size expressed relatively to the body weight was higher in SGA animals, thus suggesting that a partial compensation for low thyroid hormone levels had occurred during the fetal life. Plasma TSH and T4 concentrations increased by a same extent after exposure to cold and TRH or TSH administration in SGA and control lambs; however, the rise in T3 levels was depressed in the former in all stimulation tests. T3 and T4 production rates were similar in the two experimental groups. In SGA lambs, the metabolic clearance rate and the total distribution space of these two hormones were significantly increased; the fast T3 pool was higher, and the slow T3 pool lower than in control animals. All these results demonstrate that, despite low circulating thyroid hormone concentrations, SGA lambs are not hypothyroid. An increased T4 and T3 storage in the extravascular compartment is probably the major factor involved in the occurrence of this plasma deficiency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Induced rifampicin-resistant mutants of Frankia were isolated by treatment of spores from strain ChI1 with 2 mg/ml of nitrosoguanidine. The mutagenic treatment was followed by growth for 72 h on non-selective medium to allow the expression of the mutation, before plating on selective medium. Spontaneous rifampicin-resistant mutants were isolated from strain ReI4 and chloramphenicol-resistant mutants were derived from strains ReI6 and TtI42. The mutants grew in medium containing up to 20 μg/ml of antibiotics. They showed similar morphology and growth pattern compared with their parent strains. However, they exhibited differences in symbiotic properties, such as infectivity and nitrogenase activity, from their parent strains.  相似文献   
Binding studies with hydrophobic proteins extracted from cerebral cortex homogenates by mixtures of n-butanol-water and separated by chromatography on LH-20 Sephadex, have been done. 5-HT-(14C) binds to this fraction with high affinity. This binding saturates with 5 X 10(-6) M 5-HT, with K1/2 value of 1 X 10(-7) M. Binding is partially inhibited by a mixture of alkaloids ergocornine, ergocrystine and ergocryptine, as well as by tryptamine. A light inhibition has been observed in presence of tryptophan or lysine, but none in presence of methysergide or hypoxanthine. Binding is strongly inhibited by monovalent ions (Li+, Na+ and NH4+). The influence of pH in the incubation medium has also been studied; maximal rates of binding were obtained at neutral pH.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of alkaline treatment on nucleic acid content and in vitro dry matter digestibility of C. utilis NRRL Y-660 has been evaluated using sodium and ammonium hydroxides for the treatment and finding the former preferable. Total dry matter and true protein recovery are also reported.  相似文献   
Summary Detailed examination of the structure of cloned DNA fragments of the R6-5 antibiotic resistance plasmid has revealed a substantial degree of polynucleotide sequence heterogeneity and indicates that sequence rearrangements in plasmids and possibly other replicons occur more frequently than has hitherto been appreciated. The sequence changes in cloned R6-5 fragments were shown in some instances to have occurred prior to cloning, i.e. existed in the original population of R6-5 molecules that was obtained from a single bacterial clone and by several different criteria judged to be homogeneous,and in others to have occurred either during the cloning procedure or during subsequent propagation of hybrid molecules. The molecular changes that are described involved insertion/deletion of the previously characterized IS2 insertion element, formation of a new inverted repeat structure probably by duplication of a preexisting R6-5 DNA sequence, sequence inversion, and loss and gain of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites.  相似文献   
Augmented expression of protein kinase CK2 is associated with hyperproliferation and resistance to apoptosis in cancer cells. Effects of CK2 are at least partially linked to signaling via the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, which is dramatically enhanced in colon cancer. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a Wnt/β-catenin target gene, has been associated with enhanced cancer progression and metastasis. However, the possibility that a connection may exist between CK2 and COX-2 has not been explored previously. Here we investigated changes in COX-2 expression and activity upon CK2 modulation and evaluated how these changes affected cell viability. COX-2 expression and cell viability decreased upon selective inhibition of COX-2 with SC-791 or CK2 with 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole (DMAT), both in human colon (HT29-ATCC, HT29-US, DLD-1) and breast (ZR-75) cancer cells, as well as in human embryonic kidney (HEK-293T) cells. On the other hand, ectopic CK2α expression promoted up-regulation of COX-2 by activating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in HEK-293T cells. Noteworthy, over-expression of either CK2α, β-catenin or COX-2, as well as supplementation of the medium with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), all were individually sufficient to overcome limitations in cell viability triggered by CK2 inhibition either upon addition of DMAT or over-expression of a dominant negative CK2α variant. Altogether, these findings provide new insight to the role of CK2 in cancer by up-regulating COX-2 expression and thereby PGE2 production.  相似文献   
The damaging effects of high plasma levels of cholesterol in the cardiovascular system are widely known, but little attention has been paid to direct effects on cardiomyocyte function. We therefore aimed at testing the hypothesis that Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol affects calcium dynamics and signal propagation in cultured atrial myocytes. For this purpose, mRNA and protein expression levels were determined by real time PCR and western blot analysis, respectively, and intracellular calcium was visualized in fluo-4 loaded atrial HL-1 myocyte cultures subjected to field stimulation. At low stimulation frequencies all cultures had uniform calcium transients at all tested LDL concentrations. However, 500 µg LDL/mL maximally reduced the calcium transient amplitude by 43% from 0.30±0.04 to 0.17±0.02 (p<0.05). Moreover, LDL-cholesterol dose-dependently increased the fraction of alternating and irregular beat-to-beat responses observed when the stimulation interval was shortened. This effect was linked to a concurrent reduction in SERCA2, RyR2, IP3RI and IP3RII mRNA levels. SERCA2 protein levels were also reduced by 43% at 200 µg LDL/mL (p<0.05) and SR calcium loading was reduced by 38±6% (p<0.001). By contrast, HDL-cholesterol had no significant effect on SERCA expression or SR calcium loading. LDL-cholesterol also slowed the conduction velocity of the calcium signal from 3.2+0.2 mm/s without LDL to 1.7±0.1 mm/s with 500 µg LDL/mL (p<0.05). This coincided with a reduction in Cx40 expression (by 44±3%; p<0.05 for mRNA and by 79±2%; p<0.05 for Cx40 protein at 200 µg/ml LDL) whereas the Cx-43 expression did not significantly change. In conclusion, LDL-cholesterol destabilizes calcium handling in cultured atrial myocytes subjected to rapid pacing by reducing SERCA2 and Cx40 expression and by slowing the conduction velocity of the calcium signal.  相似文献   
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