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The structure of a new nonasaccharide isolated from human milk has been investigated. By using methylation analysis, FAB-MS and1H-and13C-NMR spectroscopy as basic methods of structural investigation, this oligosaccharide was identified as VI2--Fuc,V4-Fuc,III3--Fuc-p-lacto-n-hexaose: Fuc1-2Gal1-3[Fuc1-4]GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4[Fuc1-3]GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc.Abbreviations COSY correlation spectroscope - DP degree of polymerisation - FAB-MS fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GLC gas-liquid chromatography  相似文献   
The time delay of oxygen probe response to the signal from a fermenter makes identification of the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient kLa by the dynamic method more complicated. A coupled model involving the transient-state oxygen balance of the fermenter together with the dynamic model of the oxygen probe must be then formulated, solved and identified. In this paper two simple models of air-lift loop fermenters have been proposed and a coupled mathematical model of the fermenter – oxygen probe system has been developed. The identification procedure was used to estimate kLa values in the fermenter with internal circulation flow on the basis of experimental measurements. A comparison of evaluated and experimental indications of the probes placed at various heights of the column proves that the model presented gives a possibility of the first-step approximation of kLa in loop fermenters.  相似文献   
An endo-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase active towards oligosaccharides with a reducing terminal [bis(N-acetylglucosamine)]residue has been characterized in rat liver. The primary structure of its reaction products was determined using high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The enzyme is predominantly located in the lysosomal fraction, presents a maximum of activity at pH 3.5 and is completely inactive towards conjugated glycans, i.e. glycoproteins and glycopeptides as well as on glycoasparagines. These results support the existence of a new pathway for the degradation of glycoprotein glycans inside the lysosome. In particular, this enzymic activity may be the origin of oligosaccharides bearing a single terminal reducing N-acetylglucosamine residue which are excreted in the urine of patients with various exoglycosidase deficiencies.  相似文献   
Initial-rate measurements were made of the reduction of pyridine-3-aldehyde and p-carboxybenzaldehyde by NADPH catalyzed by pig liver aldehyde reductase I. The initial velocity analysis and product inhibition data suggest that aldehyde reductase I obeys a compulsory-order mechanism with pyridine-3-aldehyde as substrate but follows a partially random-order pathway with p-carboxybenzaldehyde. The partially random-order pathway would be operative only at high concentrations of p-carboxybenzaldehyde. In both cases, aldehydes and the corresponding alcohol substrates inhibit the enzyme at high concentration. Abortive ternary complexes are shown to be formed with pyridine-3-aldehyde and with p-carboxybenzaldehyde. Dissociation of the coenzyme from the abortive ternary complex seems only to be observed with p-carboxybenzaldehyde. This study suggests overall that an enzyme kinetic mechanism may be different, depending on whether specific interactions can occur between certain amino acid residue(s) of the protein active site and substrates. Finally, the mechanism of the inhibition of pyridine-3-aldehyde reduction by diacid derivatives is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Changes of the main hydrodynamic and oxygen transfer parameters during Aspergillus niger cultivation in an external-loop air-lift bioreactor of 200 dm3 operating capacity were investigated. The final average concentrations of biomass and citric acid obtained in batch fermentations were about 17 g 1-1 and 90 g 1-1, respectively. Significant influence of the increasing biomass concentration on the rheological properties of the broth and operating parameters was found. Volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. k L a , was found to be dependent on the apparent viscosity of the broth with an exponent of -0.984.  相似文献   
During a systematic study of carbohydrate material present inhuman meconium, in addition to the previously described mucins,glycolipids and free oligosaccharides, we have now characterizeda significant quantity of free glycoasparagines. These glycoasparagineshave been isolated from human meconium by a combination of ion-exchange,concanavalin A (ConA)-affinity and high-performance liquid (HPLC)chromatographies. Their structures have been established by400 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. These compounds are related toN-acetyllactosaminic type structures and are based on the commoncore These glycoasparagines are probably derived from both proteaseand partial exoglycosidase hydrolysis of fetal gastrointestinalN-glycosyl proteins. Their structures are discussed in the contextof the known catabolic pathways of N-glycans glycoasparagine N-glycosyl protein catabolism meconium NMR  相似文献   
Three oligosaccharides isolated from the urine of a patient suffering from mannosidosis, a Man9GlcNAc, a Man8GlcNAc, and a Man7GlcNAc, were analyzed by electron impact mass spectrometry at 20 eV after reduction with NaB2H4 and permethylation. Molecular ions were observed at me 2144, 1940, and 1736, respectively. In the high-mass range very intense ions were found at M-45. The mass spectrum of the homogenous decasaccharide Man9GlcNAc1D contains ions that could be attributed to specific parts of each of the three antennae of the molecule. Thus characteristic key ions were recognized. With the aid of these key ions the spectra of the nona- and octasaccharide mixtures could be evaluated in a qualitative and a semiquantitative way. In the nonasaccharide all three possible isomers that can be produced by cleavage of one of the three terminal α-mannoses are present, although in differing amounts. However, only five of the six possible isomers of the octasaccharide could be detected.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin purified from normal human serum was separated by affinity chromatography into th ree microheterogeneous forms on a concanavalin-A-Sepharose column: a pass-through (peak 1), a retarded (peak 2) and a bound form (peaks 3 + 4). For each form the asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains were liberated as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis, submitted to reduction with NaBH4 after re-N-acetylation and further separated by affinity chromatography on a concanavalin-A-Sepharose column. The complete primary structure of the glycans was determined by high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The results indicated the presence of disialyl diantennary and of trisialyl triantennary type glycanic structures, the latter being accompanied by traces of disialylated triantennary oligosaccharide. The N-glycanase was used for the deglycosylation of the unfractionated alpha 1-antichymotrypsin; the successive removal of the N-linked complex-type oligosaccharide side chains of alpha 1-antichymotrypsin was studied in the presence of detergents. From these experiments it is concluded that alpha 1-antichymotrypsin carries four oligosaccharide side chains. Moreover our results show that the peak 1 contains four triantennary glycans, the peak 2 three triantennary and one diantennary glycans while the bound peaks 3 + 4 possess, on average, about one triantennary and three diantennary glycans per molecule. Since we showed that the peak 4 contains mostly diantennary glycans, it can be deduced that in peak 3 there are molecules carrying two triantennary and two diantennary glycans and others carrying one triantennary and three diantennary glycans.  相似文献   
Novel acidic oligosaccharides were isolated in large amounts by reductive alkaline treatment of the jelly coat of Pleurodeles waltlii (Michah) eggs. The oligosaccharides were found to contain the newly described KDN as acidic monosaccharide and possess either the Le(x), Le(y) and A Le(y) antigenic determinants. Occurrence of Le(x) and Le(y) determinants previously recognized as tumor-associated antigen (TAA) demonstrates that mucins of lower animals may represent a rich and easily available source for preparing TAA. Moreover, it reinforces the hypothesis according to which TAA are evolution markers.  相似文献   
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