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ABSTRACT. Entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery (AD) and liver abscess (ALA). Little is known about protective immunity to amebiasis, and studies in this area have been complicated by the paucity of defined ameba antigens. We examined the proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with AD and ALA to a recombinant protein containing a portion of the 170 kDa adhesin of E. histolytica (170CR), and to two synthetic peptides (1 and 2) derived from the 170 kDa sequence that were predicted to contain T cell epitopes. A significant number of patients with AD and ALA had PBMC that proliferated to 170CR molecule, and several individuals with ALA and AD had T cells that recognized one or both peptides. Contrarily, individuals from a non-endemic region for amebiasis did not respond to 170CR protein, or to both peptides. In regard to antibody response, nine of fifteen patients with ALA showed antibodies to 170CR protein. These same patients had antibodies to peptide 2. We identified peptides from 170-kDa adhesin that may contain both T and B cell epitopes recognized by some patients with invasive amebiasis. These peptides may be valuable reagents in studies of the immune response to amebiasis.  相似文献   
The reproductive interactions of the Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis , a brood parasite, and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird Agelaius icterocephalus , a host of the cowbird, were studied In Trinidad, West Indies. We gathered information on the breeding biology of the Shiny Cowbird and the Yellow-hooded Blackbird, the frequency of use of the host species, and the effects of brood parasitism on host breeding success. Yellow-hooded Blackbirds are polygynous for the most part; males build nests and attempt to attract females to lay in them by means of song and visual displays directed towards the nests. This behaviour probably makes it easy for cowbirds to locate breeding birds and their nests. Cowbird eggs were found in 153 of 377 (40–3 %) blackbird nests located before the nestling stage. Shiny Cowbird parasitism of the Yellow-hooded Blackbird had little negative impact on host reproductive success, whereas predation accounted for the majority of nest failures. Vigilant nest defense by male blackbirds combined with colonial breeding apparently also minimized the extent of host egg damage and removal by cowbirds, and the parasitized and unparasitized nests were equally successful at producing blackbirds. Cowbirds most frequently parasitized the first or only nesting attempts in blackbird territories, and first or only nests were also successful more frequently than subsequent nests.  相似文献   
Abstract: Latinos in the United States are an increasing segment of the population and are becoming important stakeholders in the management of natural resources. Although Latinos have been included in attitudinal research on environmental concerns, few studies have focused exclusively on Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment. We surveyed Texas college and university students of Mexican descent (n = 635) to determine their environmental concerns. Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), we determined an environmental concern score for each respondent and compared this index to several demographic variables. We found that gender, a political candidate's environmental position, mother's education, combined parental income, and, to a lesser degree, the number of grandparents born in the United States and religiosity (church attendance), were important model variables. We hypothesized that acculturation would be an important factor in predicting NEP scores; however, acculturation level was not an important predictor in our study, which we attribute to both the nature of our sample (i.e., highly acculturated college students) and small sample sizes of less-acculturated college students. We recommend that future research consider determining the importance of acculturation in Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment.  相似文献   
The behavioural and electrophysiological (electroantennography) responses of the first two instars of Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Latreille to fresh and dry faecal headspace volatile extracts from fifth instar conspecific nymphs and synthetic compounds were analysed in this study. Recently emerged nymphs (3–5 days) aggregated around filter paper impregnated with dry faeces and around filter paper impregnated with extracts from both fresh and dry faeces. Older first instars (10–15 days) and second instars aggregated around filter paper impregnated with fresh and dry faeces, and their respective headspace extracts. Dry faecal volatile extracts elicited the strongest antennal responses, followed by fresh faecal extracts. Gas chromatography?mass spectrometry analysis of dried faecal headspace volatiles demonstrated the presence of 12 compounds: 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol, 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene, n ‐octadecane, n ‐nonadecane, n ‐eicosane, n ‐heneicosane, n ‐tricosane, n ‐pentaeicosane, n ‐hexaeicosane, n ‐octaeicosane, nonanal, and 4‐methyl quinazoline. In fresh faecal headspace extracts, only nonanal was clearly detected, although there were other trace compounds, including several unidentified sesquiterpenes. Four of the 11 compounds tested individually elicited aggregation behaviour at concentrations of 100 ng/µL and 1 µg/µL. A blend containing these four components also mediated the aggregation of nymphs. These volatiles may be valuable for developing monitoring methods and designing sensitive strategies to detect and measure T. dimidiata infestation.  相似文献   
1. Resource density can regulate the area that animals use. At low resource density, there is a conflict in terms of balance between costs of foraging and benefits acquired. The foraging of the higher termite Nasutitermes aff. coxipoensis consists of searching throughout trails and a building galleries phase. 2. In this study, a manipulative field experiment was used to test the hypothesis that colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis forage towards a more profitable balance between the establishment of trails and gallery construction at low resource density. 3. The experiment was conducted in north‐eastern Brazil. Seven experimental plots were established with a continuous increase in resource density (sugarcane baits). Entire colonies of N. aff. coxipoensis were transplanted from their original sites to the experimental plot, totalling 35 nests. The number, branches and total length of trails and galleries were quantified. 4. The results show that N. aff. coxipoensis optimises its foraging output, intensifying the establishment of trails at the cost of gallery construction when resource density is low. The number of trails, the number of trail branches and the total length of trails decreased with increasing resource density. Interestingly, at low resource density, the search effort was concentrated on forming longer and a greater number of trails, a small proportion of which were converted into galleries. The opposite relationship was observed at high resource density. 5. These results suggest an optimisation of search efforts during foraging depending on resource density, a mechanism that may help researchers to understand the use of space by higher termite species.  相似文献   
Carob seedlings were grown hydroponically for 9 weeks under360 and 800 µl l-1CO2. One of two nitrogen sources, nitrateor ammonium, was added to the nutrient medium at concentrationsof 3 mol m-3. Root systems of the developing plants suppliedwith nitrate compared to those supplied with ammonium were characterizedby:(a)more biomass on the lower part of the root;(b)fewer lateralroots of first and second order;(c)longer roots;(d)higher specificroot length;(e)a smaller root diameter. The morphology of theroot systems of nitrate-fed plants changed in the presence ofelevated carbon dioxide concentrations, resembling, more closely,that of ammonium-fed plants. Total leaf area was higher in ammonium-than in nitrate-fed plants. Nitrate-fed plants had greater totalleaf area in the presence of high carbon dioxide than in normalCO2, due to an increase in epidermal cell size that led to developmentof larger leaflets with lower stomatal frequency. The observedchanges in the morphology of roots and shoots agreed with theresults observed for total biomass production. Nitrate-fed plantsincreased their biomass production by 100% in the presence ofelevated CO2compared to 15% in ammonium-fed plants, indicatingthat the response of carob to high CO2concentrations is verydependent on the nitrogen source. Under elevated CO2, nitrate-grownplants had a larger content of sucrose in both roots and shoots,while no significant difference was observed in the contentof sucrose in ammonium-grown plants, whether in ambient or enrichedcarbon dioxide. Hence, the differences in soluble carbohydratecontents can, at least partly, account for differences in rootand shoot morphology.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Ceratonia siliquaL.; carob; ammonium; carbohydrate; carbon dioxide; nitrate; morphology; sucrose  相似文献   
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