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A column chromatographic technique, enabling identificationand quantitative estimation of fatty acids, has been employedto study fat metabolism in Citrullus during germination in thelight. This plant is characterized by an unusually rapid disappearanceof storage fat as the cotyledons expand and turn green. In spiteof the high catabolic activity there is no evidence for accumulationof free fatty acids or short-chain fatty acids at this stage.Information on this point derived from acid value or saponificationvalue of the oil is shown to be untrustworthy. Citrullus seed fat contains the following percentages of acids:linoleic 70·6, oleic 7·2, palmitic 10·1,stearic 11·2, and arachidic 0·6, and careful analysishas also revealed small amounts of octadecatrienoic acids, bothconjugated and non-conjugated. All the major acids are brokendown at rates proportionate to the quantities originally present,with the exception of oleic acid which is metabolized somewhatmore rapidly. ‘Linolenic’ acid is synthesized in the expandinggreen cotyledons and the fatty acid composition of the latter,in the late germination stages, resembles that of a green leafand is very different from that of the seed. The results suggest a rapid removal of storage fat from thecotyledons and concomitant formation in small quantity of atypial leaf fat as the new photo-synthetic function develops.  相似文献   
Breakdown of fat in watermelon seedlings germinated in the darkoccurs in essentially the same way as in the light. Free fattyacids do not accumulate and the composition of the lipid remainsalmost unchanged during its rapid utilization. The low weight of ‘protoplasmic lipid’ remainingin the etiolated cotyledons after the storage fat has disappearedcontains a lower proportion of linolenic acid than that fromgreen cotyledons of a corresponding age. The weight of phosphatide (lipid P) per cotyledon increases both in light- anddark-grown seedlings until 8 days, thereafter declining in thedark but continuing to rise in the light. Phosphatide and glyceridefractions from the same fat resemble each other fairly closelyin fatty acid composition.  相似文献   
Fatty Acids in Chloroplasts and Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fatty acid composition of green and white leaf tissue inAcer negundo, Zea mais, and Ilex aquifolium, of green and yellowtissue in Ligustrum ovatifolium and of etiolated and green tissuein Vicia faba has been determined. The mesophytic green leavesexamined show a general similarity in fatty acid composition,characterized by a high concentration of non-conjugated octadecatrienoicacid. Chloroplasts were isolated from Vicia and Acer and containan even higher concentration of this acid and only traces ofnon-conjugated octadecadienoic acid. Conjugated diene and trieneacids occur in traces in chioroplasts, but are also found innon-green leaf tissue. The fats of non-green leaves are in generalmore saturated than those from green tissue but vary considerablyin composition. The relationship between fat composition andplastid development is discussed.  相似文献   
Accumulation of fat in the oil-palm exocarp is delayed untilthe kernel has almost finished developing (at about 19 weeksafter pollination) and is then extremely rapid, a major partof the lipid being formed within a single week. Throughout theperiod studied (8 to 20 weeks after pollination) the fat-freedry weight remains approximately constant and carbohydrates(starch, sucrose, and reducing sugars) do not accumulate eitherprior to or during fat formation. Immature exocarps contain only a low proportion of fat (about1 per cent, of the dry weight) and this ‘protoplasmic’lipid has a different fatty acid composition (major componentspalmitic and linoleic acids accompanied by smaller amounts ofstearic and linolenic acids) from the later-formed oil (majorcomponents palmitic and oleic acids with smaller amounts ofstearic and linoleic acids). There is no evidence of fatty acidinterconversions at any stage of development.  相似文献   
During germination in the light, the endosperm, containing ahigh proportion of reserve fat (composed largely of shorter-chain(C8 to C14 saturated fatty acids), is slowly invaded by theexpanding haustorium (cotyledon). Free fatty acids accumulatein the endosperm, preferential hydrolysis of longer-chain saturatedacids (C14 to C18 occurring under conditions of slow growth.Lipids are absorbed by the haustorium, the process being superficiallysimilar in certain respects to intestinal fat absorption. Whencomplicating factors are removed, absorption is found to beunselective during disappearance of 75 per cent, of the endospermlipids. Amounts of lipid in the haustorium are low compared with thehigh concentration in the surrounding endosperm and, beforephotosynthesis starts, losses through respiration account fora large part of the reserves which disappear. No free fattyacids are present in the haustorium. Breakdown of fatty acids is relatively unspecific, althoughthe acids characteristic of the haustorium (C16 C18, oleic andlinoleic acids) are metabolized some what less rapidly thanthe shorter-chain saturated acids (C8 to C14 characteristicof the endosperm fat. Both root and shoot have a low fat content. The fatty-acid compositionof the former changes little during growth, but in the shootlinolenic acid increases proportionately during leaf expansionin the light.  相似文献   
Using a column chromatographic technique for the estimationand identification of fatty acids, a study has been made offat formation in developing Oil Palm kernels from 10 weeks afterpollination to full maturity (20 weeks), during which time thefat content may increase a hundredfold. Nuts from three differenttrees have been analysed and differences between these in ratesof maturation (as indicated by appearance of the endosperm)can be directly correlated with changes in character of theoil present. Amounts of reducing sugars, sucrose, and starch in the developingendosperm have also been followed, but these carbohydrates arepresent throughout in low concentration, and it is assumed thattranslocation from the rest of the plant to the developing kernelmust account for the major part of storage material. The mature kernel contains in its fat an unusual mixture ofeight different saturated fatty acids. The major such componentis lauric acid (46·1 to 49·5 per cent.) and thereare present two common unsaturated acids, oleic (15·7to 16·5 per cent.) and linoleic acid (0·7 to 3·1per cent.). At the earliest stage examined (10 weeks after pollination)all these acids are.present but in altered proportions, unsaturatedacids forming a larger fraction (36·5 to 81·2per cent., according to the tree investigated), and lauric acid(1·4 to 8·5 per cent.) a smaller. The results suggest that young kernels contain a small quantityof a largely unsaturated ‘protoplasmic’ fat, andthat at a certain stage in development some physiological changein the tissue results in the formation, in large quantities,of a new, highly saturated storage fat. No fatty acid interconversionscould be demonstrated although there is some suggestion thatoleic acid behaves anomalously. There is evidence that free fatty acids are not accumulatedprior to esterification.  相似文献   
The primary accumulation of oxalate in the early seedling stagesaccompanies the synthesis of both protein and reserve carbohydrate.A further accumulation accompanies the normal growth of theyoung expanding leaf. Free oxalic acid accounts for most ofthe total oxalate content at the various stages. The form in which nitrogen is supplied to the young seedling(ammonium nitrogen or nitrate nitrogen) markedly affects bothgrowth and the amount of oxalate formed. More oxalate and poorergrowth is found in plants grown on ammonium as a sole sourceof nitrogen. In the mature leaf the oxalate content remains constant undera wide variety of different conditions. No enzyme systems could be detected which might be active inthe formation of oxalate. It is concluded that oxalic acid is only formed during rapidgrowth in Begonia, and that once formed it takes little furtherpart in metabolism.  相似文献   
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