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Abstract Grassland birds have declined more than any other North American habitat-associated bird community. Because most species of grassland birds evolved within heterogeneous landscapes created by the interaction of fire and grazing, traditional rangeland management that promotes homogeneity, including annual dormant-season burning combined with early-intensive grazing, might be partly responsible for these declines, especially in some regions of the Great Plains, USA. Recently, an alternative grassland management practice known as patch-burning has been promoted as a means of restoring heterogeneity to grasslands by mimicking the grazing-fire interaction that once occurred on the prairie before European settlement. From 2003 to 2004, we examined effects of patch-burning and traditional management (annual burning followed by early-intensive grazing) on the reproductive success of dickcissels (Spiza americana) in tallgrass prairie in Oklahoma. We monitored 296 dickcissel nests and found that dickcissel nesting phenology differed between traditional and patch-burned pastures. Specifically, dickcissels tended to initiate their nests later in the traditional pasture. Mean number of eggs laid and fledglings produced were similar between the treatments, but nest densities were higher in traditional pastures. Predation was the predominant cause of nest failure and was higher in traditional pastures than in patch-burned pastures. Brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) parasitism was higher in traditional pastures than in patch-burned pastures. Overall, dickcissel nest success was higher in patch-burned pastures than in traditional pastures. The positive response of dickcissel nest success to patch-burn management provides further evidence that this practice can be a useful tool for grassland bird conservation. By creating a mosaic of different stature vegetation, patch-burn management enhances productivity of grassland bird species by providing a refuge area in the unburned patches that affords dickcissels and other nesting grassland birds some protection from the direct (e.g., trampling) and indirect (e.g., cowbird parasitism and predation) effects of grazing, which are not available under traditional management. Patch-burn management should be encouraged as a conservation strategy for grassland birds throughout the Great Plains.  相似文献   
Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S. and Atkins, C. A. 1987. Relationshipsbetween acetylene reduction activity, hydrogen evolution andnitrogen fixation in nodules of Acacia spp.: Experimental backgroundto assaying fixation by acetylene reduction under field conditions.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1–12 Glasshouse grown, symbiotically-dependent seedlings of Acaciaalata R.Br., .A. extensa Lindl., and A. pulchella R.Br. wereexamined for acetylene reduction in closed assay systems usingundisturbed potted plants, excavated whole plants, nodulatedroots or detached nodules. Nitrogenase activity declined sharplyover the first hour after exposure of detached nodules to acetylene(10% v/v in air), less steeply or not at all over a 3 h periodin assays involving attached nodules. Using detached nodules,rates of acetylene reduction, nitrogen (15N2) fixation, andhydrogen evolution in air (15N2) and acetylene-containing atmosphereswere measured in comparable 30 min assays. Total electron flowthrough nitrogenase in air was determined from rates of nitrogen(15N2) fixation ( ? 3) plus hydrogen evolution, that in thepresence of acetylene from rates of acetylene reduction andhydrogen evolution in air: acetylene. Values for the ratio ofelectron flow in air: acetylene to that in air ranged from 0?43to 0?83 in A. pulcheila, from 0?44 to 0?66 in A. alala and from0?37 to 0?70 in A. extensa, indicating substantial inhibitionof electron flow through nitrogenase of detached nodules byacetylene. Relative efficiencies of nitrogenase functioningbased on hydrogen evolution and acetylene reduction were from0?15 to 0?79, those based on nitrogen (15N2) fixation and hydrogenevolution from 0?53 to 0?87. Molar ratios of acetylene reducedto nitrogen (15N2) fixed were 2?82 ? 0?24, 201 ? 0?15, and 1?91? 0?11 (?s.e.; n = 7) for A. pulcheila,A. extensa and A. alata respectively A standard 5–10 min acetylene reduction assay, conductedon freshly detached unwashed nodules in daytime (12.00–14.00h), was calibrated for field use by comparing total N accumulationof seedlings with estimated cumulative acetylene reduction overa 7-week period of glasshouse culture. Molar ratios for acetylenereduced: nitrogen fixed using this arbitrary method were 3?58for A. alata, 4?82 for A. extensa and 1?60 for A. pulchella.The significance of the data is discussed. Key words: Acacia spp, nitrogenase functioning  相似文献   
A collaborative study of twenty-three laboratories was conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of three scales: two forms of magnitude estimation scaling and one form of a category scale in the measurement of hedonic response to a controlled stimulus. Responses from 553 individual judges show that all scales yield hedonic measurements that are very similar in both direction and magnitude of difference between the stimuli. No scale showed any clear superiority in reliability, precision, or discrimination. Selection of a scale must be based on considerations other than the simple form of response.  相似文献   
The fossil freshwater stingray from the Turkana Basin of Kenya and Ethiopia is redescribed and reassigned to Dasyatis africana (Arambourg) on the basis of extensive new collections. The ray apparently evolved into an endemic freshwater species derived from a stock which entered the Turkana Basin from the Indian Ocean at about 1.9 Ma. At that time, the ancestral Omo River system flowed through a major lake and exited to the southeast. A fluvial corridor, termed the Turkana River, connected the Turkana Basin with the Indian Ocean. Once established in the basin, the rays flourished and persisted for over half a million years. Their extinction has been placed subsequent to 1.3 Ma, and likely reflects the changing environmental and tectonic conditions recorded in subsequent strata. The fluvial corridor which formed the route of migration into the Turkana Basin has important implications for modern African biogeography as well as that of the past. □ Turkana Basin, Kenya, Ethiopia, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Stingrays, Dasyatidae.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In vitro excystation of Spironucleus muris cysts, purified by sequential sucrose and Percoll gradients from mouse feces, was studied. Three in vitro excystation procedures, used for Giardia , were assessed to determine the most useful method. Excystation was monitored by light microscopy and subsequently characterized by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Spironucleus muris excysted routinely at a level greater than 90% when induced in Hanks' balanced salt solution containing sodium bicarbonate at pH 2.0 and transferred to Tyrodes' salt solution as an excystation medium. Similarly, high rates of excystation were recorded after induction of S. muris cysts in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with sodium bicarbonate and excystation in trypticase-yeast extract-iron medium (TYI medium) or phosphate-buffered saline. A lower rate and percentage of excystation were observed after induction of S. muris cysts in an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution (pH 2.0) followed by excystation in TYI medium. All excystation methods produced extremely active S. muris trophozoites with normal morphology. Nonexcysting S. muris cysts have a wall composed of an outer fibrous and an inner membranous portion. Following induction, numerous vesicles appeared in the peritrophic space. Excystation began by the cyst wall opening at one pole, and the anterior part of the trophozoite protruding from the cyst wall. The trophozoite emerged progressively from the cyst wall and the empty cyst wall appeared to collapse. Excysted trophozoites exhibited normal morphological features of S. muris trophozoites isolated from the mouse intestine.  相似文献   
Galactose enhances the production of ethylene gas, and ethylene gas inhibits the movement of IAA in plant tissues. If galactose enhances ethylene production and ethylene inhibits auxin movement, then galactose should inhibit auxin movement. The above hypothesis was examined by observing the effects of d -galactose, d -inannose, d -arabinose, d -glucose, and d xylose on the uptake, presumed decarboxylation, efflux, velocity and metabolism of labeled indole-3-aectic acid in hypocotyl segments of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pinto. Galactose inhibited, arabinose and glucose enhanced, and mannose and xylose had no effect on partitioning of auxin between tissue and receptor. The reduction of auxin efflux by galactose was related to an increased presumed decarboxylation, reduced uptake and slower velocity of applied auxin. The relationship between galactose-induced growth effects, ethylene production, and auxin migration are discussed.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effects of triacontanol (CH3(CH2)28CH2OH),on plant growth (root and stem), peroxidase activity (apicalmeristem tissue), and auxin destruction (apical meristem tissue)in ‘Little Marvel’ dwarf (LM) and ‘Alaska’peas (AP). Triacontanol inhibited root growth in LM comparedto untreated controls. However, root growth in AP tissue wasenhanced by 1.0 mg I–1 triacontanol and inhibited by allother treatments, in comparison to untreated controls. Wateruptake in triacontanol-treated AP plants was greater than inuntreated controls, with the converse being the case for LM.Triacontanol treatment caused an increase in peroxidase activityin both LM and AP plants compared to untreated controls. Interms of (1–14C)IAA destruction, GA3 + 0.01 mg 1–1triacontanol caused appreciable auxin breakdown (40%) in LMtissue, with GA3 + 0.1 mg 1–1 triacontanol giving a 43%decrease compared to untreated controls. In AP tissue, 10 µMGA3 increased auxin destruction by 188% whereas 0.1 mg I–1triacontanol caused a 20% decrease compared to untreated controls.The effects of triacontanol on root and stem growth, peroxidaseactivity, and auxin destruction appear to be cultivar-specific,with respect to LM and AP varieties of peas.  相似文献   
A new species of Phylloscopus warbler, which we name Phylloscopus calciatilis Limestone Leaf Warbler, is described from central and northern Vietnam and central and northern Laos; it probably also breeds in southernmost China. In morphology, the new species is very similar to Sulphur-breasted Warbler Phylloscopus ricketti , but it is smaller with a proportionately larger bill and rounder wing. Its song and calls are diagnostic. Based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, the new species is most closely related to P. ricketti and Yellow-vented Warbler Phylloscopus cantator , and it is inferred to be sister to the latter. The mitochondrial divergences between these three species are at the low end of the variation found in other species of Phylloscopus and Seicercus warblers, but greater than in other taxa generally treated as subspecies. Possible introgressive hybridization between the new species and P. ricketti is discussed, but more data are needed to establish whether it does occur and, if it does, to what extent. The new species appears to have a restricted breeding range in limestone karst environments, where it is locally common and therefore not under any immediate threat. In view of the recognition of the new species, all previous records of P. ricketti sensu lato need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
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