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In recent years, structural information about bacteriorhodopsin has grown substantially with the publication of several crystal structures. However, precise measurements of the chromophore conformation in the various photocycle states are still lacking. This information is critical because twists about the chromophore backbone chain can influence the Schiff base nitrogen position, orientation, and proton affinity. Here, we focus on the C14-C15 bond, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure the H-C14-C15-H dihedral angle. In the resting state (bR(568)), we obtain an angle of 164 +/- 4 degrees, indicating a 16 degrees distortion from a planar all-trans chromophore. The dihedral angle is found to decrease to 147 +/- 10 degrees in the early M intermediate (M(o)) and to 150 +/- 4 degrees in the late M intermediate (M(n)). These results demonstrate changes in the chromophore conformation undetected by recent X-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   
Nmrglue, an open source Python package for working with multidimensional NMR data, is described. When used in combination with other Python scientific libraries, nmrglue provides a highly flexible and robust environment for spectral processing, analysis and visualization and includes a number of common utilities such as linear prediction, peak picking and lineshape fitting. The package also enables existing NMR software programs to be readily tied together, currently facilitating the reading, writing and conversion of data stored in Bruker, Agilent/Varian, NMRPipe, Sparky, SIMPSON, and Rowland NMR Toolkit file formats. In addition to standard applications, the versatility offered by nmrglue makes the package particularly suitable for tasks that include manipulating raw spectrometer data files, automated quantitative analysis of multidimensional NMR spectra with irregular lineshapes such as those frequently encountered in the context of biomacromolecular solid-state NMR, and rapid implementation and development of unconventional data processing methods such as covariance NMR and other non-Fourier approaches. Detailed documentation, install files and source code for nmrglue are freely available at http://nmrglue.com. The source code can be redistributed and modified under the New BSD license.  相似文献   
The N-terminal fusion domain of the HIV-1 gp41 envelope glycoprotein is responsible for initiating the fusion of viral and cellular membranes, leading to the subsequent infection of the host cell by HIV-1. We have investigated the backbone structure and dynamics of the 30 N-terminal residues of HIV-1 gp41 in membrane-mimicking environments using NMR spectroscopy and (15)N- and (15)N,(13)C,(2)H-labeled peptides. Similar (15)N-(1)H HSQC spectra were obtained in a variety of detergents, including SDS, DPC, mixed DPC/SDS, and LPPG micelles, indicating that the peptide structure is not strongly influenced by the type of detergent used. Detailed characterization was carried out in SDS micelles, where the long-term sample stability was found to be optimal. In addition to J-coupling and NOE restraints, a nearly complete set of backbone residual dipolar coupling restraints was recorded for the fusion domain-micelle complex aligned with respect to the magnetic field using a stretched polyacrylamide gel. Backbone amide (15)N spin relaxation and amide hydrogen exchange rates with the solvent were also measured. The ensemble of NMR structures reveals an uninterrupted alpha-helix for the least mobile residues (S(2) > 0.65), Ile-4 to Met-19, with transient helical character extending up to Ala-22. A 12-residue (Ile-4 to Ala-15) segment is fully shielded from solvent, with Gly-3 and Gly-16 found at micelle-solvent interfaces. Residues external to the micelle exhibit enhanced picosecond to nanosecond time scale dynamics relative to the residues buried in the micelle, and their mobility increases with the distance from the micelle.  相似文献   


Metastasis, the process whereby cancer cells spread, is in part caused by an incompletely understood interplay between cancer cells and the surrounding stroma. Gene expression studies typically analyze samples containing tumor cells and stroma. Samples with less than 50% tumor cells are generally excluded, thereby reducing the number of patients that can benefit from clinically relevant signatures.


For a head-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) primary tumor expression signature that predicts the presence of lymph node metastasis, we first show that reduced proportions of tumor cells results in decreased predictive accuracy. To determine the influence of stroma on the predictive signature and to investigate the interaction between tumor cells and the surrounding microenvironment, we used laser capture microdissection to divide the metastatic signature into six distinct components based on tumor versus stroma expression and on association with the metastatic phenotype. A strikingly skewed distribution of metastasis associated genes is revealed.


Dissection of predictive signatures into different components has implications for design of expression signatures and for our understanding of the metastatic process. Compared to primary tumors that have not formed metastases, primary HNSCC tumors that have metastasized are characterized by predominant down-regulation of tumor cell specific genes and exclusive up-regulation of stromal cell specific genes. The skewed distribution agrees with poor signature performance on samples that contain less than 50% tumor cells. Methods for reducing tumor composition bias that lead to greater predictive accuracy and an increase in the types of samples that can be included are presented.  相似文献   
New 3D HCN quantitative J (QJ) pulse schemes are presented for the precise and accurate measurement of one-bond 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in weakly aligned nucleic acids. The methods employ 1H–13C multiple quantum (MQ) coherence or TROSY-type pulse sequences for optimal resolution and sensitivity. RDCs are obtained from the intensity ratio of H1–C1–N1/9 (MQ-HCN-QJ) or H6/8–C6/8–N1/9 (TROSY-HCN-QJ) correlations in two interleaved 3D NMR spectra, with dephasing intervals of zero (reference spectrum) and 1/(2JNC) (attenuated spectrum). The different types of 15N–13C couplings can be obtained by using either the 3D MQ-HCN-QJ or TROSY-HCN-QJ pulse scheme, with the appropriate setting of the duration of the constant-time 15N evolution period and the offset of two frequency-selective 13C pulses. The methods are demonstrated for a uniformly 13C, 15N-enriched 24-nucleotide stem-loop RNA sequence, helix-35, aligned in the magnetic field using phage Pf1. For measurements of RDCs systematic errors are found to be negligible, and experiments performed on a 1.5 mM helix-35 sample result in an estimated precision of ca. 0.07 Hz for 1DNC, indicating the utility of the measured RDCs in structure validation and refinement. Indeed, for a complete set of 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 dipolar couplings obtained for the stem nucleotides, the measured RDCs are in excellent agreement with those predicted for an NMR structure of helix-35, refined using independently measured observables, including 13C–1H, 13C–13C and 1H–1H dipolar couplings.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-005-0646-2.  相似文献   
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