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Molecular Evidence for the Existence of Two Species of Marteilia in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marteilia refringens is one of the most significant pathogens of bivalve molluscs. Previous sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of M. refringens isolates derived from the infected mussels (Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovinciallis) and the oyster (Ostrea edulis) in Europe did not reveal genetic polymorphisms despite indications from epizootiological data that distinct types may exist. We investigated the existence of polymorphisms in the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA genes. The sequences of this region proved to be clearly dimorphic among Marteilia from five sampling sites. The distribution of the two genetic types, named "O" and "M", appeared to be linked to the host species, oysters and mussels, respectively. We therefore support the recognition of two species of Marteilia in Europe and propose that the "O" type corresponds to M. refringens and the "M" type to M. maurini.  相似文献   
The seamounts chain offers a set of fragmented habitats in which species with poor dispersive ability may undergo divergence in allopatry. Such a scenario may explain the endemism often described on seamounts. In gastropods, it is possible to infer the mode of development of a species from the morphology of its larval shell. Accordingly, we examine the population genetics of several caenogastropods from the Norfolk and Lord Howe seamounts (south‐west Pacific) with contrasting modes of larval development. A prerequisite to our study was to clarify the taxonomic framework. The species delimitation was ruled using an integrative approach, based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Molecular data indicate an unexpected taxonomic diversity within the existing species names. Both the clarification of the taxonomic framework and the importance of the sampling effort allow us to confidently detect cryptic diversity and micro‐endemism. These results are discussed in relation to the dispersive capacities of the organisms. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 420–438.  相似文献   
The genus Apalis is a member of the African forest warblers clade of the Cisticolidae. In view of its morphological diversity, it was suggested that this genus needs a taxonomic revaluation. For this, we sequenced a nuclear intron (myoglobin intron 2) and two mitochondrial protein‐coding genes (ND2 and ND3). The 2016 bp of sequence data obtained were aligned and subjected to parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. All three genes strongly reject the monophyly of Apalis but support the placing of all apalises within a broader clade of forest cisticolids which also includes Urolais. Within this forest clade, a subclade is defined which includes the genera Urolais, Schistolais and a well‐supported clade comprising three afromontane species, the Black‐collared Apalis Apalis pulchra, the Ruwenzori Apalis Apalis ruwenzorii and the African Tailorbird Artisornis. This subclade is sister to other members of Apalis, including the type species of the genus the Bar‐throated Apalis Apalis thoracica. A new generic name, Oreolais, is suggested for the Black‐collared and Ruwenzori Apalises.  相似文献   
DNA sequences are currently used to propose primary hypotheses of species delimitation, especially when morphological variability is difficult to assess. In an integrative taxonomy framework, these hypotheses are then compared with other characters, such as morphology or geography, to produce robust species delimitations. For this purpose, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been sequenced for almost 50 specimens of the genus Benthomangelia , a deep-sea marine gastropod genus, collected in the South-West Pacific. Five genetic groups, displaying low and high genetic distances respectively within and between groups, were defined. COI hypotheses were compared with both the results obtained with the independent nuclear 28S gene and with an elliptic Fourier analysis of the shape of the last whorl of the shell. 28S gene analysis confirmed the same well-supported groups as COI, and elliptic Fourier analysis identified several morphological characters that vary similarly to genetic variability.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 696–708.  相似文献   
We tested the efficiency of cytochrome oxidase I (COI)‐barcoding as a taxonomic tool to discriminate and identify sympatric shrew species on Mount Nimba (Guinea). We identified 148 specimens at the species level using morphological characters and comparison with type specimens, including several taxa from Mount Nimba. We identified ten morphospecies and tested aspects of genetic diversity and monophyly using genetic data from three mitochondrial (16S, cytochrome b, and COI) and one nuclear marker (the breast cancer gene, BRCA). Nine morphospecies were validated under the phylogenetic and genetic species concepts, including the recently diverged species Crocidura buettikoferi, Crocidura theresae, and Crocidura grandiceps. Under the same concepts, our analyses revealed the presence of two cryptic species amongst animals identified as Crocidura muricauda. We then tested the efficiency of barcoding thanks to commonly used phenetic methods, with the 148 specimens representing 11 potentially valid species based on morphological and molecular data. We show that COI‐barcoding is a powerful tool for shrew identification and can be used for taxonomic surveys. The comparison of genetic divergence values shows the presence of a barcoding gap (i.e. difference between the highest intraspecific and the lowest interspecific genetic divergence values). Given that only a few COI sequences are available for Afrotropical shrews, our work is an important step forward toward their enrichment. We also tested the efficiency of the three other sequenced markers and found that cytochrome b is as efficient as COI for barcoding shrews. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 672–687.  相似文献   
The rodent genus Praomys is widely distributed in the African tropics. The species are cryptic, rendering the species taxonomy unclear. There are differences of opinion concerning the specific status of Praomys misonnei and Praomys tullbergi, and their geographical distribution. We sequenced the cytochrome b and/or the 16S gene of 221 specimens from 12 countries in order to evaluate the genetic variability within these two species, and to precisely determine their geographical distribution. Morphological and morphometrical analyses on the sequenced specimens were also performed to find criteria useful for the identification of museum specimens. Our results confirm that P. misonnei and P. tullbergi are two valid species that can be separated by molecular data. However, no single discrete morphological character or simple metric measurement can be used to discriminate them. The percentage of misclassified individuals in multivariate discriminant analysis is relatively high (10%). The two species have allopatric distributions: P. tullbergi occurs in West Africa, from eastern Guinea to western Ghana, and P. misonnei is widely distributed from eastern Ghana to western Kenya. Within P. misonnei we identified three or four major geographical clades: a West Central African clade, an East African clade, a Nigerian clade, and a possible West African clade. Within P. misonnei, high geographical morphometrical variability was also identified. The role of both rivers and Pleistocene forest refugia in promoting speciation within the genus Praomys is discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 397–419.  相似文献   
Abstract. Short chain fatty acids inhibit both radicle emergence and root growth in lettuce. The transition from ineffectual to inhibitory levels occurs abruptly. Root growth is more sensitive to lower concentrations than radicle emergence and is invariant with chain length. The effect of short chain alcohols on radicle emergence is similar to that of short chain acids, but their comparatively severe inhibition of root growth varies with chain length. Alkanes of the same chain lengths have no noticeable effect. Respiration is not altered by a representative short chain fatty acid (heptanoic). Lettuce seeds are sensitized to phytochrome-absorbed light by short chain fatty acids as found by Berrie and co-workers.  相似文献   
1. An important goal of conservation biology is to preserve the evolutionary potential of a species by maintaining natural levels of genetic diversity. Here, we assess the population differentiation in the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, listed in Annex II of the European Habitats Directive, to provide valuable information for its conservation in Normandy (France).
2. Samples collected from 10 natural sites revealed that 13 of 14 microsatellite loci were polymorphic. Significant differentiation among populations was detected ( F ST = 0.054, P  <   0.001), and all F ST pairwise comparisons except one were significant. A genetic split was observed between populations inhabiting streams with limestone geology compared to those inhabiting streams with siliceous geology, which could reflect adaptative differences.
3. Hatchery stocks used for the restocking of two rivers were genetically distinct from native stocks.
4. Analysis of three stream habitats restored in 1995 showed that all were recolonized naturally by wild salmon from geographically close populations and no founder effects were detected. Allelic richness was similar between recolonized and wild populations.
5. From a management perspective, our study revealed that restoration of habitat is very effective to recreate new populations in rivers from which salmon have disappeared and that natural recolonization can be fast and effective in terms of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
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