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SYNOPSIS. A reduction in the growth temperature of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain WH-14 from 35 C to 15 C resulted in distinct alterations in the fatty acid composition of the glycerophospholipids. The proportion of normal saturated acids declined from 26 to 19%; palmitoleic acid increased by 6%, and the composition of the polyunsaturated fatty acids increased in 18:2 Δ6,11(n) and decreased in 18:2 Δ9,12(n) and 18:3 Δ6,9,12(n). The unsaturation index (the average number of double bonds/100 molecules) did not change with a shift in temperature.
Two biosynthetic pathways exist in Tetrahymena for the formation of unsaturated fatty acids. The observed changes in fatty acid composition that accompany a lowering of the environmental temperature can be accounted for by a reduction in the accumulation of products of the fatty acid pathway leading to the formation of γ-linolenic acid [16:0(n) → 18:0(n) → 18:1 Δ9(n) → 18:2 Δ9,12(n) → 18:3 Δ6,9,12(n)] and an increase in the components of the pathway leading to the formation of 18:2 Δ6,11(n) [16:0(n) → 16:1 Δ9(n) → 18:1 Δ11(n) → 18:2 Δ6,11(n)]. The data suggest that the regulatory mechanism in Tetrahymena differs from that found in some bacteria where a simple substitution of unsaturated fatty acids for saturated fatty acids occurs at low culture temperatures.  相似文献   
We sought to assess whether the effects of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) on lung inflammation and remodeling in experimental emphysema would differ according to MSC source and administration route. Emphysema was induced in C57BL/6 mice by intratracheal (IT) administration of porcine pancreatic elastase (0.1 UI) weekly for 1 month. After the last elastase instillation, saline or MSCs (1×105), isolated from either mouse bone marrow (BM), adipose tissue (AD) or lung tissue (L), were administered intravenously (IV) or IT. After 1 week, mice were euthanized. Regardless of administration route, MSCs from each source yielded: 1) decreased mean linear intercept, neutrophil infiltration, and cell apoptosis; 2) increased elastic fiber content; 3) reduced alveolar epithelial and endothelial cell damage; and 4) decreased keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC, a mouse analog of interleukin-8) and transforming growth factor-β levels in lung tissue. In contrast with IV, IT MSC administration further reduced alveolar hyperinflation (BM-MSC) and collagen fiber content (BM-MSC and L-MSC). Intravenous administration of BM- and AD-MSCs reduced the number of M1 macrophages and pulmonary hypertension on echocardiography, while increasing vascular endothelial growth factor. Only BM-MSCs (IV > IT) increased the number of M2 macrophages. In conclusion, different MSC sources and administration routes variably reduced elastase-induced lung damage, but IV administration of BM-MSCs resulted in better cardiovascular function and change of the macrophage phenotype from M1 to M2.  相似文献   


There have been many algorithms and software programs implemented for the inference of multiple sequence alignments of protein and DNA sequences. The "true" alignment is usually unknown due to the incomplete knowledge of the evolutionary history of the sequences, making it difficult to gauge the relative accuracy of the programs.  相似文献   
The size and fatty acid composition of Tetrahymena pyriformis W cells were influenced by the provision of a nutritional supplement of ergosterol, cholesterol, or tetrahymanol, but not of 20-isocholesterol. Ergosterol and cholesterol addition led to a reduction in cellular volume, an increase in glycerophospholipid saturated fatty acid content, and an increase in palmitoleic acid and its metabolic products when compared to unsupplemented controls. Tetrahymanol supplementation resulted in an increase in cellular volume, a decrease in saturated fatty acid content, and a reduction in palmitoleic acid and derivatives. 20-Isocholesterol was accumulated by the cells; however, this compound had no effect on any of the parameters followed in this investigation and had only a small depressant effect on tetrahymanol biosynthesis. Ergosterol and cholesterol had the same impact on the ciliates, even though the ergosterol-supplemented cells contained approximately three times as much free sterol as did cholesterol-grown cells. The amount of the free cholesterol and metabolic products in supplemented cultures was similar to the amount of tetrahymanol present in control cultures. This observation suggests that the cells recognize qualitative differences among the various polycyclic alcohols rather than responding to the amount of sterol present. Increased cellular levels of tetrahymanol led to a response unlike that of the true sterols, which again suggests that the high degree of specificity depends on the structure of the added polycyclic alcohol. The changes in fatty acid composition may be required to maintain proper interaction of the polar lipids and the polycyclic alcohols to give an appropriate degree of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   
The night sky is the venue of an ancient acoustic battle between echolocating bats and their insect prey. Many tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) answer the attack calls of bats with a barrage of high frequency clicks. Some moth species use these clicks for acoustic aposematism and mimicry, and others for sonar jamming, however, most of the work on these defensive functions has been done on individual moth species. We here analyze the diversity of structure in tiger moth sounds from 26 spe-cies collected at three locations in North and South America. A principal components analysis of the anti-bat tiger moth sounds reveals that they vary markedly along three axes: (1) frequency, (2) duty cycle (sound production per unit time) and frequency modulation, and (3) modulation cycle (clicks produced during flexion and relaxation of the sound producing tymbal) structure. Tiger moth species appear to cluster into two distinct groups: one with low duty cycle and few clicks per modulation cycle that supports an acoustic aposematism function, and a second with high duty cycle and many clicks per modulation cycle that is con-sistent with a sonar jamming function. This is the first evidence from a community-level analysis to support multiple functions for tiger moth sounds. We also provide evidence supporting an evolutionary history for the development of these strategies. Further-more, cross-correlation and spectrogram correlation measurements failed to support a "phantom echo" mechanism underlying sonar jamming, and instead point towards echo interference.  相似文献   
Yee  KK; Costanzo  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(5):513-519
Following recovery from olfactory nerve transection, animals regain their ability to discriminate between odors. Odor discrimination is restored after new neurons establish connections with the olfactory bulb. However, it is not known if the new connections alter odor quality perception. To address this question, 20 adult hamsters were first trained to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry odors. After reaching criterion (> or = 90% correct response), half of the animals received a bilateral nerve transection (BTX) and half a surgical sham procedure. Animals were not tested again until day 40, a point in recovery when connections are re-established with the bulb. When BTX animals were tested without food reinforcement, they could not perform the odor discrimination task. Sham animals, however, could discriminate, demonstrating that the behavioral response had not been extinguished during the 40 day period. When reinforcement was resumed, BTX animals were able to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry after four test sessions. In addition, their ability to discriminate between these two familiar odors was no different than that of BTX and sham animals tested with two novel odors, baby powder and coffee. These findings suggest that, after recovery from nerve transection, there are alterations in sensory perception and that restoration of odor quality discrimination requires that the animal must again learn to associate individual odor sensations with a behavioral response.   相似文献   


A new subgroup of HIV-1, designated Group P, was recently detected in two unrelated patients of Cameroonian origin. HIV-1 Group P phylogenetically clusters with SIVgor suggesting that it is the result of a cross-species transmission from gorillas. Until today, HIV-1 Group P has only been detected in two patients, and its degree of adaptation to the human host is largely unknown. Previous data have shown that pandemic HIV-1 Group M, but not non-pandemic Group O or rare Group N viruses, efficiently antagonize the human orthologue of the restriction factor tetherin (BST-2, HM1.24, CD317) suggesting that primate lentiviruses may have to gain anti-tetherin activity for efficient spread in the human population. Thus far, three SIV/HIV gene products (vpu, nef and env) are known to have the potential to counteract primate tetherin proteins, often in a species-specific manner. Here, we examined how long Group P may have been circulating in humans and determined its capability to antagonize human tetherin as an indicator of adaptation to humans.


Our data suggest that HIV-1 Group P entered the human population between 1845 and 1989. Vpu, Env and Nef proteins from both Group P viruses failed to counteract human or gorilla tetherin to promote efficient release of HIV-1 virions, although both Group P Nef proteins moderately downmodulated gorilla tetherin from the cell surface. Notably, Vpu, Env and Nef alleles from the two HIV-1 P strains were all able to reduce CD4 cell surface expression.


Our analyses of the two reported HIV-1 Group P viruses suggest that zoonosis occurred in the last 170 years and further support that pandemic HIV-1 Group M strains are better adapted to humans than non-pandemic or rare Group O, N and P viruses. The inability to antagonize human tetherin may potentially explain the limited spread of HIV-1 Group P in the human population.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The future management of nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) requires solid space-use and activity data, which are currently lacking and which radiotelemetry can provide. External radiotransmitters have not been successful applied with this species. To make recommendations for intra-abdominal radiotransmitter placement in nine-banded armadillos, we 1) evaluated 4 different anesthetic protocols for safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness; 2) evaluated a surgical technique for the intra-abdominal placement of radiotransmitters that addresses problems described in previous studies; and 3) evaluated the physiologic and behavioral effects of such a technique. We captured and surgically implanted 37 nine-banded armadillos using either butorphanol and isoflurane, ketamine alone, ketamine and xylazine, or a combination of butorphanol, ketamine, and medetomidine for anesthesia. We recovered and necropsied armadillos after the completion of the study. The objective and subjective assessment of butorphanol, ketamine, and medetomidine combination protocol, followed by reversal of the anesthesia with atipamezole, showed that it was the best overall anesthetic protocol for field use, providing both a smooth induction and fast recovery. We evaluated the fate and effects of radiotransmitters on 13 recovered animals at the end of the study and found no adverse effects. We recommend the implantation of radiotransmitters that are allowed to free-float within the abdominal cavity and specifically emphasize the need for strict aseptic technique. Wildlife managers and wildlife veterinarians aiming to implant nine-banded armadillos with radiotransmitters will benefit from using the recommended anesthetic protocol and surgical technique in future studies.  相似文献   
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