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  • 1 Mark—recapture sampling must be stratified because populations of foragers and defenders are partitioned by trunk trails and order of emergence respectively.
  • 2 Foragers and defenders form overlapping subsets of the total colony population, each of which is correlated with total colony population size.
  • 3 Foragers and defenders have an average life expectancy of approximately 2 weeks.
  • 4 The fluorescent marking procedure did not significantly affect harvester ant mortality and only temporarily affected their behaviour.
  • 5 Combinations and mixtures of fluorescent ink allow at least eight groups in a colony to be distinctly marked for periods exceeding 4 months.

A simple rotary sampler, capable of quantitatively harvesting submerged aquatic macrophytes is described. The sampler can be operated from a boat and consists of a central rod with a specially designed cutting blade at the base, and collecting hooks to catch the cut material. The values obtained with this sampler were not significantly different (at the 95% level of probabality) from those obtained by manual cutting underwater. The rotary sampler has great advantages in terms of time, ease of positioning, and effort over hand cutting.  相似文献   
A new taxonomic treatment of the Festuca ovina L. aggregate (Poaceae) in the British Isles. A wide range of morphological, anatomical and cytological characters was collected and analysed by a variety of methods, some taxometric. As a result nine species are recognized in the British Isles, one (F. glauca Vill.) only as a garden plant and two (F. huonii Auquier and F. armoricana Kerguélen) only in the Channel Isles. Two other species sometimes claimed for the British Isles (F. guestfalica Boenn. ex Reichb. and F. indigesta Boiss.) are excluded for various reasons given. One species (F. ovina L.) is divided into three subspecies: the diploid subsp. ovina (commonest in the north); and the tetraploid subsp. hirtula (Hackel ex Travis) M. Wilkinson (the commonest taxon of the aggregate in the British Isles) and subsp. ophioliticola (Kerguélen) M. Wilkinson (scattered throughout the British Isles, but commonest on chalk and limestone and not restricted to serpentine soils as once thought).  相似文献   
Abstract Predicting the various responses of different species to changes in landscape structure is a formidable challenge to landscape ecology. Based on expert knowledge and landscape ecological theory, we develop five competing a priori models for predicting the presence/absence of the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Noosa Shire, south‐east Queensland (Australia). A priori predictions were nested within three levels of ecological organization: in situ (site level) habitat (<1 ha), patch level (100 ha) and landscape level (100–1000 ha). To test the models, Koala surveys and habitat surveys (n = 245) were conducted across the habitat mosaic. After taking into account tree species preferences, the patch and landscape context, and the neighbourhood effect of adjacent present sites, we applied logistic regression and hierarchical partitioning analyses to rank the alternative models and the explanatory variables. The strongest support was for a multilevel model, with Koala presence best predicted by the proportion of the landscape occupied by high quality habitat, the neighbourhood effect, the mean nearest neighbour distance between forest patches, the density of forest patches and the density of sealed roads. When tested against independent data (n = 105) using a receiver operator characteristic curve, the multilevel model performed moderately well. The study is consistent with recent assertions that habitat loss is the major driver of population decline, however, landscape configuration and roads have an important effect that needs to be incorporated into Koala conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Lake Chilwa (Malawi) is a shallow tropical lake surrounded by an extensive zone of littoral swamp mainly composed of Typha domingensis. The data produced show that the physical and chemical conditions are different and more varied in the littoral region when compared with the open lake. Primary production in the littoral is confined almost entirely to Typha domingensis, which also acts as a nutrient pump by absorbing nutrients from the soils and eventually releasing them into the lake waters. Long term and short term exchanges in organic and inorganic materials between the littoral swamps and the open lake are described. These, as well as available evidence on the distribution, reproductive habits and diet of certain faunal groups, indicate that the littoral region of Lake Chilwa has an important regulating influence on the functioning of the whole lake.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Westbury Formation (Rhaetian) beds of Westbury Garden Cliff, Westbury‐on‐Severn, west of Gloucester, Britain, show an unusual combination of features. Both deep water and emergent characteristics are present within the sediments and the trace fossils. The ichnoassemblage consists of abundant Selenichnites, Planolites beverlyensis and Lockeia with rarer Oniscoidichnus, Chondrites, Rhizocorallium irregulare, Taenidium serpentium, an unusual form of Walcottia and Merostomichnites‐like traces. These trace fossils display an interesting relationship with the sediments: low‐energy Cruziana ichnofacies is found within high‐energy sandstones. The sandstones are interbedded with laminated mudstones, apparently deposited in deep water, but some aspects of the ichnoassemblage, preservation and sedimentation indicate shallower water. One new trace fossil, Radichnus allingtona igen. et isp. nov., closely resembles the traces of modern fiddler crabs and imply emergence, by analogy. This ichnofauna is similar to early stage disaster colonisation in recent experiments in Long Island Sound (south of Connecticut, USA) and with storm‐influenced deposits within the Cardium Formation (Seebe, Alberta, Canada). This indicates a lagoonal environment with influxes of sand and oxygen. Total organic carbon levels were found to fluctuate greatly between stratigraphic layers but remained relatively high. This implies low oxygen conditions. The abundance of sulphur (in pyrite) also supports an interpretation of anoxic conditions, and low sedimentation rates within the shale layers. A restricted shallow basin or lagoonal environment is proposed for the palaeoenvironment, with fluctuating oxygen influencing diversity.  相似文献   
  • 1 The patterns of herbivory by leaf miners on the shrub Ochna ciliata growing on Aldabra Atoll were studied in relation to browsing by feral goats and exposure to the tropical sun versus shading.
  • 2 Damage due to both tunnelling (Diptera) and ‘blotch-making’ (Lepidoptera) leaf miners was statistically greater on trees that had been browsed and on those that received more extensive exposure to the sun.
  • 3 Effects of exposure and browsing were additive, as evidenced by the lack of statistical interaction between these factors.
  • 4 There was a significant negative correlation between the numbers of tunnelling and blotch-making miners in trees that had been browsed, but not in unbrowsed trees.
  • 5 Three geographical areas were sampled to test whether the effects of browsing on leaf mining were invariant or influenced by as yet unknown environmental factors. A statistically significant interaction between browsing and geographical region indicated that, while browsed trees had significantly more mines whatever the habitat, the extent of this effect differed across the habitats.
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