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Two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cvs. Alexandria and Hanno) and three cultivars of winter wheat (cvs. Riband, Mercia and Haven) were grown at two concentrations of CO2 [ambient (355 pmol mol?1) and elevated (708 μmol mol?1)] under two O3 regimes [clean air (< 5 nmol mol?1 O3) and polluted air (15 nmol mol?1 O3 at night rising to a midday maximum of 75 nmol mol?1)] in a phytotron at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Between the two-leaf stage and anthesis, measurements of leaf gas-exchange, non-structural carbohydrate content, visible O3 damage, growth, dry matter partitioning, yield components and root development were made in order to examine responses to elevated CO2 and/or O3. Growth at elevated CO2 resulted in a sustained increase in the rate of CO2 assimilation, but after roughly 6 weeks' exposure there was evidence of a slight decline in the photosynthetic rate (c.-15%) measured under growth conditions which was most pronounced in the winter cultivars. Enhanced rates of CO2 assimilation were accompanied by a decrease in stomatal conductance which improved the instantaneous water use efficiency of individual leaves. CO2 enrichment stimulated shoot and root growth to an equivalent extent, and increased tillering and yield components, however, non-structural carbohydrates still accumulated in source leaves. In contrast, long-term exposure to O3 resulted in a decreased CO2 assimilation rate (c. -13%), partial stomatal closure, and the accumulation of fructan and starch in leaves in the light. These effects were manifested in decreased rates of shoot and root growth, with root growth more severely affected than shoot growth. In the combined treatment growth of O3-treated plants was enhanced by elevated CO2, but there was little evidence that CO2 enrichment afforded additional protection against O3 damage. The reduction in growth induced by O3 at elevated CO2 was similar to that induced by O3 at ambient CO2 despite additive effects of the individual gases on stomatal conductance that would be expected to reduce the O3 flux by 20%, and also CO2-induced increases in the provision of substrates for detoxification and repair processes. These observations suggest that CO2 enrichment may render plants more susceptible to O3 damage at the cellular level. Possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
Cystolith Development and Structure in Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystolith formation, structure and composition have been investigatedin leaves and stem internodes of Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)using a variety of techniques at the light and electron microscopelevels. The development of lithocysts from epidermal cells hasbeen followed. These cells are cytoplasmically similar to otherepidermal cells but possess a much more active Golgi apparatusand more numerous mitochondria. The cystolith is a spindle-shapedbody composed of concentric layers of longitudinally orientatedcellulose microfibrils associated with pectins and other cellwall polysaccharides. At maturity it is heavily impregnatedwith calcium carbonate. Some cystoliths also contain siliconand are covered in a sheath of siliceous material. Cystolithformation occurs at the tip of a peg that grows in from thelithocyst wall. Evidence from ultrastructure suggests that thelithocytst cytoplasm transports carbohydrates to the cystolithvia Golgi vesicles, and organizes the deposition of cystolithcellulose microfibrils via a system of microtubules lying beneaththe plasma membrane that envelopes the growing cystolith. Thepeg is composed of heavily staining amorphous material likethat of an apoplastically sealed cell wall. It is incapableof supporting the migration of lanthanum ions into the cystolith.We conclude that cystoliths are isolated volumes of apoplastthat act as repositories for inorganic salts, principally calciumcarbonate. We propose that calcium ions move into the lithocystprotoplast from surrounding cells and are then transported acrossthe plasma membrane boundary into the cystolith. This proposalconflicts with previous suggestions that calcium enters by diffusionthrough the peg. Cystolith, lithocyst, cell wall, calcium, silicon, cytochemistry, electron probe analysis, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 16 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica juncea and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. Sixteen primer pairs were assessed for polymorphism in all genomes of the diploid and amphidiploid Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, considerable polymorphism and high transferability across species, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of brassicas.  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 24 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica napus and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, genome specificity and considerable polymorphism, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of wild Brassica populations and commercial Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   
A wide range of biological investigations lead to time-history data. The characterization of such data can be difficult particularly in the presence of signal noise or superimposed signals. Several methods are described which can be brought to bear including FFT, thresholding, peak counting, and range counting. However, each of these approaches has significant disadvantages. In this paper we describe a novel method, known as rainflow cycle counting, for characterizing time varying biological time-history data in terms of spiking or oscillation amplitude and frequency. Rainflow counting is a straightforward algorithm for identifying complete cycles in the data and determining their amplitudes. The approach is simple, reliable, easily lends itself to automation, and robust even in the presence of superimposed signals or background noise. After describing the method, its use and behavior are demonstrated on three sample histories of intracellular calcium concentration in chondrocytes exposed to fluid shear stress. The method is also applied to a more challenging data set that has had an artificial random error included. The results demonstrate that the rainflow counting algorithm identifies signal oscillations and appropriately determines their amplitudes even when superimposed or distorted by background noise. These attractive properties make rainflow counting a powerful approach for quantifying and characterizing biological time histories.  相似文献   
The genome size of 51 populations of 20 species of the North American endemic sagebrushes (subgenus Tridentatae ), related species, and some hybrid taxa were assessed by flow cytometry, and were analysed in a phylogenetic framework. Results were similar for most Tridentatae species, with the exception of three taxonomically conflictive species:  Artemisia bigelovii Gray,  Artemisia pygmaea Gray, and  Artemisia rigida Gray. Genome size homogeneity (together with the high morphological, chemical, and karyological affinities, as well as low DNA sequence divergence) could support a recent diversification process in this geographically restricted group, thought to be built upon a reticulate evolutionary framework. The Tridentatae and the other North American endemic Artemisia show a significantly higher genome size compared with the other subgenera. Our comparative analyses including genome size results, together with different kinds of ecological and morphological traits, suggest an evolutionary change in lifestyle strategy linked to genome expansion, in which junk or selfish DNA accumulation might be involved. Conversely, weed or invasive behaviour in Artemisia is coupled with lower genome sizes. Data for both homoploid and polyploid hybrids were also assessed. Genome sizes are close to the expected mean of parental species for homoploid hybrids, but are lower than expected in the allopolyploids, a phenomenon previously documented to be related with polyploidy.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 631–649.  相似文献   
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