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Cystolith Development and Structure in Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystolith formation, structure and composition have been investigatedin leaves and stem internodes of Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)using a variety of techniques at the light and electron microscopelevels. The development of lithocysts from epidermal cells hasbeen followed. These cells are cytoplasmically similar to otherepidermal cells but possess a much more active Golgi apparatusand more numerous mitochondria. The cystolith is a spindle-shapedbody composed of concentric layers of longitudinally orientatedcellulose microfibrils associated with pectins and other cellwall polysaccharides. At maturity it is heavily impregnatedwith calcium carbonate. Some cystoliths also contain siliconand are covered in a sheath of siliceous material. Cystolithformation occurs at the tip of a peg that grows in from thelithocyst wall. Evidence from ultrastructure suggests that thelithocytst cytoplasm transports carbohydrates to the cystolithvia Golgi vesicles, and organizes the deposition of cystolithcellulose microfibrils via a system of microtubules lying beneaththe plasma membrane that envelopes the growing cystolith. Thepeg is composed of heavily staining amorphous material likethat of an apoplastically sealed cell wall. It is incapableof supporting the migration of lanthanum ions into the cystolith.We conclude that cystoliths are isolated volumes of apoplastthat act as repositories for inorganic salts, principally calciumcarbonate. We propose that calcium ions move into the lithocystprotoplast from surrounding cells and are then transported acrossthe plasma membrane boundary into the cystolith. This proposalconflicts with previous suggestions that calcium enters by diffusionthrough the peg. Cystolith, lithocyst, cell wall, calcium, silicon, cytochemistry, electron probe analysis, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   
The imposition of the stresses of climate change (higher temperatures and in many regions lower rainfall) on existing stressors, such as habitat loss and degradation, will increase pressures on native fauna already experiencing declines. We focused on assessing how the ‘Big Dry’ (severe drought, 1997–2010) in south‐eastern Australia affected populations of a small marsupial carnivore, the yellow‐footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes), in box‐ironbark forests, which suffer a range of anthropogenic disturbances. Trapping of the mammal was conducted on 136 (0.25 ha) sites in two box‐ironbark forests in 2004, 2005 and 2011 (46 or 64 sites per year). Capture rates of all distinct individuals, males and second‐year females with suckled teats, and the number of suckled teats were positively associated with rainfall in the previous September (time of lactation and deposition of young in nests). Despite differences between forests in capture rates of all individuals, the positive effect of rainfall was evident in both forests. Populations in one forest, Chiltern, were substantially larger than other locations surveyed in 2004 and 2005, yet crashed to small numbers in 2011. This crash was most likely due to low rainfall in the preceding years including the lowest recorded annual rainfall (2006), below‐average annual rainfall (2007, 2008 and 2009) and well‐below‐average rainfall in September (2006, 2007 and 2008). The predicted drying and warming climate in south‐eastern Australia and habitat loss and degradation pose a threat to the viability of the yellow‐footed antechinus in box‐ironbark forests. An integrated approach to small‐mammal management is necessary given that the region may be facing additional losses, especially during droughts, to those already experienced since the early 1800s. Our work emphasizes the need to identify specific effects of stressors on vital demographic characteristics of species.  相似文献   
1. Invasion biologists use two main approaches to evaluate the effects of non‐native species (NNS) on diversity of native species (DNS), namely space‐for‐time and time approaches. These approaches have pitfalls related to lack of controls: the former lacks pre‐invasion data, while the latter often lacks data from non‐invaded sites. 2. We propose a framework that combines space‐for‐time and time approaches and which should result in more focused mechanistic hypotheses and experiments to test the causes of invasibility and the effects of NNS on DNS. We illustrate the usefulness of our framework using two case studies: one with the submersed macrophyte, Hydrilla verticillata, in reservoir and the other with the fish, Geophagus proximus, in a large river–floodplain system. 3. Hydrilla verticillata invaded sites with DNS similar to that found in non‐invaded sites, indicating that biotic and/or abiotic factors did not influence invasion success; however, DNS increased over time in invaded sites compared with non‐invaded sites, suggesting that H. verticillata facilitated natives. In contrast, G. proximus invaded sites with higher DNS than non‐invaded sites, suggesting that biotic and/or abiotic factors favouring natives were important for invasion success, but DNS increased in invaded and non‐invaded sites over time, indicating that an independent factor contributed to DNS increases. 4. Conclusions from both studies would have been inaccurate or incomplete if the space‐for‐time and time approaches had not been used in combination as proposed in our framework.  相似文献   
Abstract. Modifications in plasma membrane structure and permeability were observed in Chlorella sorokiniana following exposure to 0.2 gm−3(140 p.p.m.) O3 for 30 min. Sixty-eight per cent of the cells were plasmolysed after 15 min O3 exposure with disruption of organelles similar to that previously described in higher plants. Freeze-fracture exposed large areas of plasma membrane in 90% of the control cells and those exposed to O3for short periods. After 20 min O3 90% of the cells cross-fracture, which indicates a change in molecular interactions in the membrane exposed to O3 The earliest observed ultraslructural alteration is an aggregation of particles on the plasma membrane P face, statistically significant after 10 min O3 Changes in 86Rb influx occur during a similar time. After more extended exposure to O3 the plasma membrane P face shows regions of lipid phase transition to the crystalline state.  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 24 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica napus and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, genome specificity and considerable polymorphism, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of wild Brassica populations and commercial Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   
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