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Self-and cross-adaptation are believed to result from stimulationof the same olfactory sensory channels. These adaptation phenomenawere studied after exposures to 5-androst-16-en-3-one (androstenone)and a synthetic perceptual analog (DMCMC), viz. a racemic mixtureof the isomers 4(R)-(4',4'-dimethyl-cyclohexyl)-2(R)-methylcyclohexanoneand 4(S)-(4',4'-dimethylcyclohexyl)-2(S)-methylcyclohexanone.In Experiment 1, six subjects very sensitive to androstenonereceived four randomized sequences of six concentrations offour ordants (androstenone, DMCMC, amyl acetate, and Galaxolide*;plus blanks) before and following adaptation to either androstenoneor DMCMC. Exposure to each odorant resulted in self-adaptation.Measures of stimulus intensity and identification thresholdrevealed reciprocal cross-adaptation between androstenone andDMCMC, but no cross-adaptation to amyl acetate or Galaxolide.The degree of cross-adaptation was asymmetric; adaptation toDMCMC resulted in more complete adaptation to androstenone thanvice versa. This asymmetry was apparently due to intensity differences;when stimuli were matched for intensity, the asymmetry disappeared(Experiment 2). These results demonstrate cross-adaptation forqualitatively similar, but not dissimilar, odors and suggestthat androstenone and its perceptual analog DMCMC share thesame sensory channels.  相似文献   
Influenza A viruses (IAV) have been the cause of several influenza pandemics in history and are a significant threat for the next global pandemic. Hospitalized influenza patients often have excess interferon production and a dysregulated immune response to the IAV infection. Obtaining a better understanding of the mechanisms of IAV infection that induce these harmful effects would help drug developers and health professionals create more effective treatments for IAV infection and improve patient outcomes. IAV stimulates viral sensors and receptors expressed by alveolar epithelial cells, like RIG-I and toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). These two pathways coordinate with one another to induce expression of type III interferons to combat the infection. Presented here is a queuing theory-based model of these pathways that was designed to analyze the timing and amount of interferons produced in response to IAV single stranded RNA and double-stranded RNA detection. The model accurately represents biological data showing the necessary coordination of the RIG-I and TLR3 pathways for effective interferon production. This model can serve as the framework for future studies of IAV infection and identify new targets for potential treatments.  相似文献   
Wood betony, Orobanchaceae (Pedicularis canadensis) and bastard toadflax, Santalaceae (Comandra umbellata) are two root‐hemiparasitic plant species found in tallgrass prairie communities. Natural resource managers are interested in utilizing these species as “pseudograzers” in grasslands to reduce competitively dominant grasses and thereby increase ecological diversity and quality in prairie restorations and urban plantings. We performed an observational field study at 5 tallgrass prairie sites to investigate the association of hemiparasite abundance with metrics of phylogenetic and ecological diversity, as well as floristic quality. Although no reduction in C4 grasses was detected, there was a significant association between hemiparasite abundance and increased floristic quality at all 5 sites. Hemiparasite abundance and species richness were positively correlated at one restoration site. In a greenhouse mesocosm experiment, we investigated response to parasitism by P. canadensis in 6 species representing different plant functional groups of the tallgrass prairie. The annual legume partridge pea, Fabaceae (Chamaecrista fasciculata) had the greatest significant dry biomass reduction among 6 host species, but the C4 grass big bluestem, Poaceae (Andropogon gerardii) had significantly greater aboveground biomass when grown with the hemiparasite. Overall, host species biomass as a total community was significantly reduced in mesocosms, consistent with other investigations that demonstrate influence on community structure by hemiparasitic plant species. Although hemiparasites were not acting as pseudograzers, they have the potential to influence community structure in grassland restorations and remnants.  相似文献   
This study was planned to evaluate structural damages in adsorbed vaccines affected by freezing using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis of the elements. Randomly selected 42 vials of eight different types of WHO pre-qualified adsorbed freeze-sensitive vaccines from 10 manufacturers were included in the study. Vaccines were kept at 5 °C. Selected numbers of vials from each type were then exposed to ?25 °C for 24 h periods. All samples were evaluated for their structure using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray analysis of the elements and precipitation time. Scanning electron microscopy of vaccines affected by freezing showed either smooth or rough surfaced conglomerates associated with phosphate content of the precipitate. These vaccines precipitated 2–15 times faster compared to non-frozen samples. Non-frozen samples showed uniform flocculent structure either dense or dispersed. X-ray analysis of precipitates in frozen samples confirmed that the precipitate is mainly aluminium clutters. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the lattice structure of bonds between adsorbent and the antigen is broken and aluminium forms conglomerates that grow in size and weight. The precipitation time of vaccines affected by freezing is 4.5 times faster on average compared to non-frozen samples. These facts form the basis of the "shake test".  相似文献   
Arc repressor is a homodimeric protein with a ribbon‐helix–helix fold. A single polar‐to‐hydrophobic substitution (N11L) at a solvent‐exposed position leads to population of an alternate dimeric fold in which 310 helices replace a β‐sheet. Here we find that the variant Q9V/N11L/R13V (S‐VLV), with two additional polar‐to‐hydrophobic surface mutations in the same β‐sheet, forms a highly stable, reversibly folded octamer with approximately half the?α‐helical content of wild‐type Arc. At low protein concentration and low ionic strength, S‐VLV also populates both dimeric topologies previously observed for N11L, as judged by NMR chemical shift comparisons. Thus, accumulation of simple hydrophobic mutations in Arc progressively reduces fold specificity, leading first to a sequence with two folds and then to a manifold bridge sequence with at least three different topologies. Residues 9–14 of S‐VLV form a highly hydrophobic stretch that is predicted to be amyloidogenic, but we do not observe aggregates of higher order than octamer. Increases in sequence hydrophobicity can promote amyloid aggregation but also exert broader and more complex effects on fold specificity. Altered native folds, changes in fold coupled to oligomerization, toxic pre‐amyloid oligomers, and amyloid fibrils may represent a near continuum of accessible alternatives in protein structure space.  相似文献   
Two experiments examined time/concentration trading for the detection of carbon dioxide, an irritant with little or no odor. Experiment 1 employed the nasal lateralization method: subjects attempted to determine which nostril received carbon dioxide and which received pure air when presented simultaneously. Experiment 2 employed a temporal, two-alternative, forced-choice, detection paradigm with monorhinal stimulation. In both experiments, stimulus duration was varied at a number of fixed concentrations to determine the shortest, detectable pulse. Under both conditions, threshold pulse duration decreased as stimulus concentration increased. Power functions with exponents of less than negative one described the data quite well: More than a twofold increase in duration was needed to compensate for a twofold decrease in concentration. Thus, for carbon dioxide, the nasal trigeminal system functions as an imperfect integrator at threshold-level.  相似文献   
Stress such as exposure to ionizing radiation is able to activate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The present study sought to examine the effects of different configurations of a 10-Gy gamma irradiation in rats on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to understand the mechanism of negative feedback by glucocorticoids induced by ionizing radiation. Specifically, we determined adrenocorticotropin and corticosterone levels in plasma as well as corticotrophin-releasing factor expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus by in situ hybridization from 6 h to 4 days after total-body, abdominal or head irradiation. In this study, we found an activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis after radiation exposure. Plasma adrenocorticotropin and corticosterone levels were significantly increased after total-body and abdominal irradiation 3 days after exposure, in parallel with decreased labeling of corticotrophin-releasing factor mRNA in the parvocellular region of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Our results suggest that ionizing radiation activates the neuroendocrine system to protect the organism from the occurrence of radiation-induced inflammation.  相似文献   
In 60 strains of Acinetobacter genus isolated from clinical material belonging to species A. baumannii, A. haemolyticus, A. junii and A. lwoffii a hydroxamate and phenol-catechol class siderophores was identified by chemical and biological testes. A correlation between siderophores production and growth intensity, species affiliation and origin of strains was found.  相似文献   
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