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Flow cytometry has been used to make direct measurements of rates of uptake of latex microspheres from dilute, monodisperse suspensions by Tetrahymena pyriformis. Measurements were made for five different sizes of microspheres, ranging from 1.09 to 6.17 μm diameter. Fractions of cells in the population that did not ingest the microspheres offered were also determined. In addition, the size distributions, as indicated by the forward angle light scattering intensity which is measured by the instrument, were determined for the whole population and for the subpopulations of cells that did and did not ingest the particles, for each particle size used. It was found that the fraction of cells that did not ingest the particles was small and independent of particle size when this was less than about 2.7 μm, but increased with particle size when particle size was increased above this value. The so-called maximum clearance rate, which can be calculated from the data, was found to increase monotonically with particle size if it were based only on those cells which actually ingested the particles offered. However, a plot of maximum clearance rate vs. particle size exhibited a maximum if the clearance rate were based on all cells present in the population.  相似文献   
Comparisons among populations from different localities represent an important tool in the study of evolution. Medflies have colonized many temperate and tropical areas all over the world during the last few centuries. In a common garden environment, we examined whether medfly populations obtained from six global regions [Africa (Kenya), Pacific (Hawaii), Central America (Guatemala), South America (Brazil), Extra-Mediterranean (Portugal) and Mediterranean (Greece)] have evolved different survival and reproductive schedules. Whereas females were either short-lived [life expectancy at eclosion (e0) 48–58 days; Kenya, Hawaii and Guatemala] or long-lived (e0 72–76 days; Greece, Portugal and Brazil], males with one exception (Guatemala) were generally long-lived (e0 106–122 days). Although males universally outlived females in all populations, the longevity gender gap was highly variable (20–58 days). Lifetime fecundity rates were similar among populations. However, large differences were observed in their age-specific reproductive patterns. Short-lived populations mature at earlier ages and allocate more of their resources to reproduction early in life compared with long-lived ones. In all populations, females experienced a post-reproductive lifespan, with this segment being significantly longer in Kenyan flies. Therefore, it seems plausible that medfly populations, inhabiting ecologically diverse habitats, have evolved different life history strategies to cope with local environmental conditions.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 106–117.  相似文献   
The Sahara desert acts as an ecological barrier for billions of passerine birds on their way to and from their African wintering areas. The Garden Warbler Sylvia borin is one of the most common migrants involved. We used body mass of this species from Greece in autumn and spring to simulate the desert crossing and to assess how body mass relates to fuel requirement. The flight range estimates were adjusted to the seasonal extent of the desert, 2200 km in autumn and about 2800 km in spring. In autumn, with an average fuel load of about 100% of body mass without fuel, birds were not able to cross the desert in still air, but northerly winds prevail during September and with the average wind assistance only one in 14 was predicted to fail to make the crossing. Body mass data from spring, after the desert crossing, was used to estimate departure body mass from south of the desert. The average wind assistance in spring is close to zero and departure body mass of the average bird arriving at Antikythira, a small Greek island, under such conditions was estimated to be 34.6 g, which corresponded to a fuel load of 116%. Calculations based on 1% body mass loss per hour of flight showed slightly larger body mass loss than that calculated from flight range estimates. The results suggest that passerine birds about to cross the eastern part of the Sahara desert need to attain a larger fuel load in spring than in autumn.  相似文献   
Data concerning habitat characteristics and general physiographic characteristics at 29 Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus nest-sites (circular plot of 0.4 ha centred on the nest tree) were collected and compared with the same number of paired randomly selected plots in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, northeast Greece. Short-toed Eagles used southern slopes for nesting and nest-sites were often located on the upper third of each slope. Nest trees were found significantly closer to rain water gullies, to the boundary of a different habitat type, and to the nearest forest opening greater than 0.5 ha than the randomly selected nest trees. Nest-sites had a significantly lower mean score of human disturbance than random sites and were found in mature pine forest associations, dominated by Calabrian Pine Pinus brutia or Black Pine P. nigra. The total tree density of Short-toed Eagle nest-sites was lower than random sites. Canopy cover in the dominant and intermediate tree layer at nest-sites was lower than at random sites. Short-toed Eagles tended to select sites for nesting that provided a combination of easy access and maximum shelter of the nest content from predators and inclement weather. The preservation of open structure of mature pine stands on south facing slopes near clearings may be critical for the continued conservation of the Short-toed Eagle in actively managed forests, such as the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex.  相似文献   
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) has traditionally been considered as a monogenic autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the MEFV gene with highest incidence among Mediterranean populations. In a considerable number of patients with typical FMF, only one MEFV mutation was identified and the possibility that more than one autoinflammatory gene may be responsible for their disease was investigated. In the present study, an extensive search for possible mutations in three hereditary recurrent fever (HRF) genes was performed in 128 MEFV heterozygous Greek–Cypriots clinically diagnosed based on their phenotype with FMF-like disease from a previous study. Sequence analysis was performed for MVK, TNFRSF1A and NLRP3 genes which is also known to cause HRFs. In total, three patients were identified with heterozygous mutations and a second mutation in an autoinflammatory gene. Two patients carried a MEFV mutation and a NLRP3 mutation, and an additional third carried a MEFV mutation and a TNFRSF1A mutation. Patient 1 carried MEFV p.[Val726Ala] (NM_000243.2:c.2177T >C) and NLRP3 p.[Val198Met] (NM_001243133.1:c.592G >A) variants and patient 2 carried MEFV p.[Glu148Gln] (NM_000243.2:c.442G >C) variant which is of uncertain significance and NLRP3 p.[Arg176Trp] (NM_001243133.1:c.526C >T). Lastly, patient 3 was identified to carry MEFV p.[Met694Val] (NM_000243.2:c.2080A >G) and TNFRSF1A p.[Arg121Gln] (NM_001065.3:c.362G >A) variants. The results from this study indicate that screening of genes known to cause HRFs in patients already identified with a single MEFV mutation, can reveal quite rare but potentially causative mutational combinations at different loci. Such interaction provide further evidence for possible locus–locus interactions and phenotypes resulting from digenic inheritance.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analysis of 27 behavioural and life history traits for five Mediterranean sand goby species (Perciformes, Gobiidae) produced one tree with a consistency index (excluding uninformative characters) of 0.756. This tree agreed with previous molecular analyses in providing strong support for the monophyly of the sand gobies, indicating that Pomatoschistus and Knipowitschia are paraphyletic and helping to resolve the ambiguous position of Economidichthys pygmaeus, placing it as the basal member of the reduced data set. Although the tree was completely resolved, the branches above E. pygmaeus were only moderately supported in the bootstrap analysis. Overall, the behavioural data provide information that may eventually help clarify the speciation bursts within the Mediterranean sand goby clade as much as is possible. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 916–924.  相似文献   
It is now known that there are several classes of haemoglobins in plants. A specialized class of haemoglobins, symbiotic haemoglobins, were discovered 62 years ago and are found only in nodules of plants capable of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Plant haemoglobins, with properties distinct from symbiotic haemoglobins were discovered 18 years ago and are now believed to exist throughout the plant kingdom. They are expressed in different organs and tissues of both dicot and monocot plants. They are induced by hypoxic stress and by oversupply of certain nutrients. Most recently, truncated haemoglobins have been shown to also exist in plants. While hypoxic stress‐induced haemoglobins are widespread in the plant kingdom, their function has not been elucidated. This review discusses the recent findings regarding the function of these haemoglobins in relation to adaptation to hypoxia in plants. We propose that nitric oxide is an important metabolite in hypoxic plant cells and that at least one of the functions of hypoxic stress‐induced haemoglobins is to modulate nitric oxide levels in the cell.  相似文献   
During metamorphosis in the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, the larvalthoracic legs are replaced by a new set of adult legs that includenew sensory neurons and muscles, and participate in new patternsof locomotor activity. Larval leg motoneurons persist to innervatethe new adult leg muscles, but undergo striking changes in dendriticmorphology that are regulated by the insect steroid, 20-hydroxyecdysone.In the periphery, the motor terminals regress as larval musclesdegenerate, and expand as new adult muscles form from myoblasts.Evidence obtained both in vivo and in vitro suggests that theproliferation of myoblasts during metamorphosis is dependentupon innervation.  相似文献   
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