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Abstract: We assessed dispersal behavior of 78 radiotagged adult spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) at a 36-hole golf course in southeastern Connecticut, USA. Lake of Isles Golf Course is atypical of most golf courses in North America because it is much larger (461 ha) than average 18-hole golf courses (54 ha) and deciduous forests accounted for 70% landscape composition on the course. We tracked individuals an average of 164 days as they emigrated from 3 seasonal pools surrounded by golf course fairways and one pool located in contiguous forest (control pool) from March through December 2004. Males and females dispersed similar distances at the control pool, averaging 71 ± 10 m. However, females migrating across the golf course dispersed twice as far (214 ± 25 m) as males on the golf course (102 ± 15 m) and both genders at the control pool. Over 40% the salamanders at the golf course crossed fairways; thus, fairways were not a dispersal barrier to adult spotted salamanders. Previous researchers have suggested establishing a 164-m life zone around breeding ponds to protect pond-breeding amphibian populations. Our results suggest that strategies that protect core upland habitat within 164 m of wetland boundaries would include 82% of adult males and only 50% of adult females. Empirical estimates based on our telemetry study suggest that core terrestrial habitat would have to extend 370 m to protect 95% of adult females, which is much farther than previous estimates.  相似文献   
Twenty nuclear‐encoded microsatellites from a genomic DNA library of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, were isolated and characterized. The microsatellites include two tetranucleotide, one trinucleotide, three combination tetranucleotide/dinucleotide, nine dinucleotide, and five imperfect (dinucleotide) repeat motifs. Gene diversity ranged between zero to 0.910; the number of alleles among a sample of 24 fish ranged from one to 15. Cobia support an important recreational fishery in the southeastern United States and recently have become of interest to aquaculture. The microsatellites developed will be useful tools for studying both population genetics (e.g. stock structure, effective population size) and inheritance of traits important to aquaculture.  相似文献   
The population genetic structure of marine species lacking free-swimming larvae is expected to be strongly affected by random genetic drift among populations, resulting in genetic isolation by geographical distance. At the same time, ecological separation over microhabitats followed by direct selection on those parts of the genome that affect adaptation might also be strong. Here, we address the question of how the relative importance of stochastic vs. selective structuring forces varies at different geographical scales. We use microsatellite DNA and allozyme data from samples of the marine rocky shore snail Littorina saxatilis over distance scales ranging from metres to 1000 km, and we show that genetic drift is the most important structuring evolutionary force at distances > 1 km. On smaller geographical scales (< 1 km), divergent selection between contrasting habitats affects population genetic structure by impeding gene flow over microhabitat borders (microsatellite structure), or by directly favouring specific alleles of selected loci (allozyme structure). The results suggest that evolutionary drivers of population genetic structure cannot a priori be assumed to be equally important at different geographical scales. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 31–40.  相似文献   
The temporal dynamics of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in response to longer‐term acclimation and rapid hardening in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus is investigated. After a 1‐h exposure to 1 °C or 37 °C, HSP70 is quickly up‐regulated within 1 h and down‐regulated within 2 h. The fast dynamic of HSP70 expression is in contrast to the patterns found in organisms inhabiting more stable thermal environments, and is interpreted as an adaptation to the large and rapid temperature variation experienced by flying ectotherms. HSP70 expression is higher in males than in females, as well as in animals reared at 27 °C than at 20 °C, although it is very similar across the high and low induction temperatures. Animals reared at the higher temperature, however, respond less strongly to high‐temperature stress.  相似文献   
We analysed 123 white‐tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) from (primarily central) Europe with respect to variability and differentiation based on 499 bp of the mitochondrial control region and genotypes at seven unlinked nuclear microsatellites. Variability was high (overall expected heterozygosity, haplotype and nucleotide diversity being 0.70, 0.764 and 0.00698, respectively) and both marker systems showed a subdivision into two main genetic clusters (microsatellites) or haplogroups (mtDNA). In line with earlier analyses focusing on populations from northern and eastern Europe, as well as from Asia, we found a high level of admixture in Europe and no signs of a bottleneck – despite a severe decline of white‐tailed sea eagle populations during the 20th century. Europe is thus a global stronghold for this species not only with respect to the number of breeding pairs but also regarding the proportion of species‐wide genetic diversity. Our dense sampling revealed a possibly clinal variation within central Europe from north‐west to south‐east that was reflected by the distribution of mtDNA haplotypes as well as the two microsatellite‐based clusters. This population differentiation in central Europe probably originated from a geographically structured postglacial colonization and was later enhanced by recent demographic fluctuations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 727–737.  相似文献   
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