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1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   
Abstract Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a common pest infesting cowpea seeds ( Vigna unguiculata Walp) in Africa. In the Sahelian zone, the adults are in reproductive diapause during the dry season. Diapause induction depends on the climatic conditions during embryonic and post-embryonic development. A strain of B. atrolineatus originating from the Niamey (13oN) was reared in different thermoperiodic and photoperiodic conditions. In the thermoperiodic regime 40:25oC, in continuous darkness, induction of diapause was dependent on the duration of the thermophase. Photoperiod could also influence diapause induction but the response depended on the temperature. When the beetles were reared in conditions of LD 12:12 h, 40:25oC, for seven generations, the proportion of diapausing adults decreased and their sensitivity to photoperiod increased. In LD 14:10 h, 40:25CC, the proportion of diapausing adults remained high regardless of the photoperiod. In these conditions, the first emerging adults were sexually active and were used for selection of a strain with a low incidence of diapause. After twelve generations, the proportion of diapausing beetles was lower than 5%. The responses of this selected strain to photo- and thermoperiods were reduced. The sensitivity of B. atrolineatus to photoperiod and thermoperiod could be controlled by genetic systems as observed in other insect species.  相似文献   
The Portneuf River (mean monthly discharge near mouth 1.4-15.4 m3/s) in southeastern Idaho, U.S.A., flows through an area of reduced precipitation (approx. 33 cm/year) and is dependent on underground aquifers and snowmelt runoff from the surrounding mountains for its water. The stream was examined at ten locations, distributed over its 156-km course, during the period 1967-1971. The Portneuf River is shown to have undergone a number of changes from its natural state as evidenced by alterations in water quality and the distribution of benthic invertebrates along the stream course. Of particular interest are changes brought about by the use of the stream for irrigation and by runoff from agricultural lands, factors whose effects are magnified by the semiarid conditions of the region and by poor soil-conservation practices. However, the stream also is affected by wastes from a sewage-treatment plant, phosphate-processing operations, and an assortment of scattered urban sources. Benthic invertebrates were collected during all four seasons by means of artificial substratum samplers and during summer and autumn by a qualitative dip-net technique. In general, the samplers were more effective in obtaining a representative picture ofthe fauna. However, neither procedure alone gave as much information as the combined results. The artificial substratum collections are not believed to be representative of the usual effects of stream devvatering by irrigation withdrawal in as much as the samplers provide refugia for the benthos during the periods of reduced habitat.  相似文献   
Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   
The paralabial organelle of the rumen ciliate Ophryoscolex purkinjei , located on the ventral side of the ciliophor, is a highly specialized part of the somatic cortex. It consists of alternating rows of short modified cilia and thin pellicular folds which form a ridge-like structure. The central "top kinety" is composed of monokinetids which bear cilia with 9 + 2 axonemes and 2 μm in length. The top kinety is accompanied by a comb-shaped fold on its distal side and by a broad wedge-shaped fold on its proximal side. To both sides there follow two or three lateral kineties made of dikinetids. The anterior kinetosome of each pair bears a clavate cilium, only 0.5–0.7 μm in length and with a 9 + 0 axoneme while the cilium of the posterior kinetosome is even shorter. Lateral folds with numerous microtubules cover these lateral kineties and rows of barren basal bodies. The fine structure of this supposed sensory organelle show a basic pattern in four other ophryoscolecids, and its increasing complexity parallels the suggested phylogenetic line of evolution of these ciliates.  相似文献   
Daily routine 3 p.m. meteorological data for Melbourne, Victoria, were processed to provide estimates of maximum forest fire danger index (including soil-water deficit), potential number of days for failure of fire suppression for given quantities of fuel, and potential number of days for optimal prescribed fuel reduction burning in eucalypt forests given the same quantities of fuel. Although two models for estimating soil dryness gave widely different results, the effect of these differences on the value of the McArthur forest fire danger index (FFDI) was relatively small overall. However, over the 28 years of record, the number of ‘extreme’ days given using the Mount dryness index was 50% greater than that given by the Keetch-Byram index. The number of forest fires in Victoria (as a whole) was found to be related to 3 p.m. FFDI (for Melbourne) and to the incidence of weekends or public holidays. Potentially, bushfires near Melbourne would be ‘uncontrollable’; that is, with an intensity greater than 4000 kW m-1 on level ground, on an average of about 100 days per year (at 3 p.m.) if ignition were to occur where litter fuel weights were about 301 ha-1. However, if fuel weights were less than 81 ha-1, the potential number of ‘uncontrollable’ fires would be near zero. Using equations to predict conditions ideally suited to safe fuel reduction burning at 3 p.m. the average number of appropriate days per year increased from zero at a fuel weight of near 71 ha-1 to a maximum of 14 at 15 t ha-1. The extent to which the models used in this study are accurate is arguable so further work is needed.  相似文献   
Rao-Blackwellisation of sampling schemes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Active roles of cell-cell interaction between melanocytes and neighboring keratinocytes for the regulation of melanocyte functions in the skin have been suggested. We examined substantial regulatory mechanisms of keratinocyte extracellular matrix (kECMs) for normal human melanocyte functions without direct cell-cell contact. We specially devised kECMs from proliferating or differentiating keratinocytes and further treated them with environmental stimulus ultraviolet B (UVB) for skin pigmentary system. Normal human melanocytes (NHM) were cultured on the various keratinocyte ECMs and initially the effects of the kECMs upon melanocyte morphology (dendrite formation and extension), growth, melanin production and expressions of pigmentation-associated protein (MEL-5) and proliferation-associated protein (proliferating cell nuclear antigen; PCNA/cyclin) were studied. Then we compared the effects of these cell-matrix interactions with those of direct melanocyte-keratinocyte, cell-cell contact in co-culture on melanocyte functions. Melanocytes cultured on any types of the kECMs that were tested significantly extended dendrites more than that on plastic cell culture dish without kECM (control). Melanocytes cultured on the kECM prepared from UVB irradiated differentiating keratinocytes resulted in 219% increase in the number of dendrites. The growth of melanocytes on kECMs was also stimulated up to 280% of control. The kECM produced by proliferating keratinocytes had a more significant effect on the growth than kECM from differentiating keratinocytes. This melanocyte growth stimulating effect was decreased with kECM from UVB treated differentiating keratinocytes. The melanin content per melanocyte was constant on any of the kECMs. Expression of pigmentation-associated protein detected by monoclonal antibody, MEL-5, was not changed on the kECM, while it was increased in melanocytes in co-culture with keratinocytes. Expression of PCNA/cyclin in melanocytes cultured on kECMs was generally downregulated on kECM and in co-culture compared to that in a control culture. We demonstrated that the kECMs play important roles in the melanocyte morphology and proliferation. These observations suggest that environmental (UVB) and physiological (Ca++) stimuli can regulate melanocyte functions through the keratinocyte extracellular matrix in vivo.  相似文献   
Comparative Study of Microsporidian Spores by Flow Cytometric Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Spore suspensions of microsporidian parasites of fish (Microsporidium ovoideum, Glugea stephani, Glugea atherinae and Spraguea lophii ) have been analyzed by flow cytometry. Spore nuclei were dyed either by propidium iodide or bis-benzimide (Hoechst 33342). By observation of forward light scatter and fluorescence the four species could be distinguished and the mono- and diplokaryotic populations of S. lophii identified. Staining of DNA by bis-benzimide was better and easier than propidium iodide. Forward light scatter and fluorescence values were characteristic of each species and remained unchanged throughout the year, so flow cytometry can be used for distinction of spores of some microsporidian parasites once their flow cytometric parameters are known. However, special care has to be taken in tool calibration and material preparation for analysis because of the high precision of the technique.  相似文献   
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