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  1. Solubilization of chioroplasts with a mixture of 1 per centDuponol C and 1 per cent Span 80 (3: 1) caused a destructionof activity in the HILL reaction, but the treatment broughtabout an increase by about 60 per cent in the rate of ascorbatephotooxidation in the presence of DPIP. Heating the broken chloroplastscaused a marked decrease in the photooxidation activity. Byadding surface- active agents to the boiled preparation, theactivity was restored up to almost 80 per cent of the originallevel.
  2. With colloidal suspensions of isolated chiorophylls,ascorbatewas only slightly photooxidized in the presence ofDPIP. Byaddi tion of the surface-active agents, the activitywas greatlyenhanced.
  3. Dependency of the photooxidation bywhole and solubilized chloroplastsand isolated chlorophylla on the presence of DPIP was examined.DPIP can serve as anintermediate electron carrier in solubilizedchloroplasts aswell as in whole chloroplasts.
  4. Effect of o-phenanthrolineon ascorbate photooxidation by thesethree preparations wastested. With solubilized chloroplastsand isolated chlorophylls,the addition of the inhibitor hadno influence on their ascorbatephotooxidation either in thepresence or absence of DPIP.
  5. Treatmentof whole chloroplasts with the surface-active agentsinducedan activity of photooxidation of cytochrome c. The electron-flowpattern for the photooxidation of ascorbate by whole and solubilizedchloroplasts was briefly discussed.
1 Contribution No. 130 from the Department of Biology, Facultyof Science, Kyushu University. Aided in part by Grant-in-Aidfor Fundamental Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education. (Received August 23, 1962; )  相似文献   
Decadal‐ to multi‐decadal variations have been reported in many regional ecosystems in the North Pacific, resulting in an increasing demand to elucidate the link between long‐term climatic forcing and marine ecosystems. We detected phenological and quantitative changes in the copepod community in response to the decadal climatic variation in the western subarctic North Pacific by analyzing the extensive zooplankton collection taken since the 1950s, the Odate Collection. Copepod species were classified into five seasonal groups depending on the timing of the annual peak in abundance. The abundance of the spring community gradually increased for the period 1960–2002. The spring–summer community also showed an increasing trend in May, but a decadal oscillation pattern of quasi‐30‐year cycles in July. Phenological changes coincided with the climate regime shift in the mid‐1970s, indicated by the Pacific decadal oscillation index (PDO). After the regime shift, the timing of the peak abundance was delayed one month, from March–April to April–May, in the spring community, whereas it peaked earlier, from June–July to May–June, in the spring–summer community, resulting in an overlap of the high productivity period for the two communities in May. Wintertime cooling, followed by rapid summertime warming, was considered to be responsible for delayed initiation and early termination of the productive season after the mid‐1970s. Another phenological shift, quite different from the previous decade, was observed in the mid‐1990s, when warm winters followed by cool summers lengthened the productive season. The results suggest that climatic forcing with different decadal cycles may operate independently during winter–spring and spring–summer to create seasonal and interannual variations in hydrographic conditions; thus, combinations of these seasonal processes may determine the annual biological productivity.  相似文献   
The effects of larval nutrition and parental size on offspring horn (male) and body size (male and female) were examined in the Japanese horned beetle Allomyrina dichotoma L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Offspring-parent regressions for both horn size and body size of males show no heritable effect, and the magnitudes of these traits were primarily determined by the larval nutritional condition. Male Allomyrina dichotoma also displayed dimorphic horn size-body size allometry, that is, larger males had longer horns relative to their body size and vice versa. Because it has been suggested that males of different body sizes adopt different reproductive tactics, the dimorphic horn size–body size allometry and male reproductive tactics are also a result of the larval environment. Similarly, female body size was determined by larval nutrition, and, thus, larval condition might influence future female fecundity. Females under low nutrition treatment spent longer duration of the third larval instar than females under high nutrition. Females under poor nutrition treatment probably attempted to be as large as possible by the extent of larval duration. Since horn and/or body sizes of males and females affect their fitness, this suggests the evolution of female choice for better oviposition site.  相似文献   
The endemic land snail genus Mandarina of the Ogasawara Islands provides an excellent model system to investigate adaptive radiation. Previously, it has been shown that coexisting species of the islands segregate by microhabitat, so that they are either predominantly found on the ground in relatively wet and sheltered sites, dry and exposed sites, or else are arboreal. Moreover, shell morphology correlates with microhabitat, so that species in wet and sheltered sites tend to have high-spired shells with a high aperture, and those in dry and exposed sites tend to have relatively low-spired shells with a wide aperture. We have now found that on Hahajima, Mandarina polita have variable shell morphology, and there is a correlation between morphology and the depth of leaf litter, as well as the presence/absence of other terrestrial species. Specifically, when high-spired terrestrial Mandarina ponderosa is present, M. polita tend to be low-spired and have a large aperture, indicative of character displacement. When M. ponderosa is absent, the shell shape of M. polita is much more variable, the overall spire is higher, individuals are found in deeper litter, and there is a strong correlation between litter depth and spire height. We argue that these patterns are due to local adaptation, but it remains possible that they are an artefact due to the 'ghost of species past'.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 149–159.  相似文献   
Because land snails inhabiting the seashore are most likely to be carried by ocean currents or by attaching to seabirds, land snail fauna on oceanic islands include species derived from the mainland ancestors inhabiting the seashore. If habitat use of the island descendants is constrained by the ecology of the mainland ancestor, the island species that moved from the coastal habitat to the inland habitat may still be restricted to relatively exposed microhabitats with high pH, calcium carbonate‐rich substrates, and poor litter cover. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the association between environmental conditions and species diversity of seashore‐derived species of the endemic land snails on the oceanic Hahajima Island (Ogasawara Islands). Seashore‐derived species showed higher species richness on limestone outcrops than non‐limestone areas, whereas the other species showed no significant increase in species richness in limestone outcrops. There was a higher proportion of seashore‐derived species on the limestone ridges than on the soil of dolines, even in the limestone area. Accordingly, the species derived from the seashore of the mainland are restricted to microhabitats with poor vegetation cover, poor litter cover, high pH, and calcium carbonate‐rich substrates, which supports the hypothesis that the inland species on an island derived from the mainland seashore still prefer environments similar to the seashore. In addition, the seashore‐derived species on the limestone outcrop include cave‐dwellers lacking functional eyes. This suggests that the probability of colonizing a cave environment is restricted to seashore‐derived species. The findings obtained in the present study suggest that habitat use of the ancestral lineages can constrain habitat use of the descendants, even in the oceanic islands with depauperate fauna. This bias in the species composition on the limestone outcrop constrains lineages that can colonize and adapt to the inside of caves, and therefore, habitat use of the ancestral lineages affects the ability of descendant lineages to colonize novel habitats. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 686–693.  相似文献   
  1. Photochemical reduction of plastoquinone by ascorbic acid inethanol was sensitized with some derivatives of chlorophyll.The order of effectiveness was as follows: allomerized chlorophylla > chlorophyllin a > chlorophyll a > chlorophyll b> pheophytin a.
  2. Quenching of the fluorescence of chlorophylla by plastoquinonewas observed. The quenching constant calculatedwas 71 litreper mole.
1Contribution No. 159 from the Department of Biology, Facultyof Science, Kyushu University. Supported in part by a grant-in-aidfor Fundamental Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education. 2Present address: Biological Laboratory, General Education Department,Kyushu University, Ropponmatsu, Fukuoka. 3Present address: Biological Institute, Daiichi College of PharmaceuticalSciences, Tamagawa-machi, Takamiya, Fukuoka.  相似文献   
Isolated spinach chloroplasts were ground with alumina in amortar with the addition of 0.2 M KC1 solution. This treatmentresulted in a loss of fifty to ninety per cent of the originalphotochemical activity. A petroleum benzin extract was prepared from the alumina residue.After evaporating the solvent from the extract, the residuewas dissolved in methanol. The methanol was evaporated and theresidue was suspended in distilled water and centrifuged. Thecolorless supernatant solution exhibited a reactivation effectwhen added to the alumina-treated chloroplasts. It was inferred from the difference spectrum obtained betweenits oxidized and reduced forms that the active substance inquestion is functioning as intermediary hydrogen carrier inthe HILL reaction. 1 Contribution No. 100 from the Department of Biology, Facultyof Science, Kyushu University. (Received July 19, 1960; )  相似文献   
Scenedesmus species D3 (GAFFRON's strain) cultured in a mediumcontaining boiled extract of carrot root was found to be ableto absorb molecular hydrogen in the presence of MB or nitriteas a hydrogen acceptor in the dark under H2-atmosphere and alsoto carry out photoreduction in the presence of CO2 and the oxyhydrogenreaction in the presence of oxygen without the dark period ofadaptation which was required for the appearance of these activitiesin the cells grown in an inorganic medium. At the light intensity exceeded a certain threshold, transitionfrom photoreduction to normal photosynthesis occurred, but theabsorption of hydrogen by the cells cultured in a carrot mediumwas resumed upon return to low light intensity. 1 Dedicated to Prof. H. TAMIYA on the occasion of his 60th birthday.Aided in part by a grant from the scientific fund of the Ministryof Education. Contribution No. 132 from the Department of Biology,Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. (Received January 12, 1963; )  相似文献   
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