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Adventitious bud formation on Sitka spruce [ Picca sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] needle explants was strongly dependent upon the rigidity of the culture medium. In general, of organogenesis was greatest on weak gels and poorest on more rigid gels resulting from increased medium pH or agar strength. There was a significant interaction between agar strength and pH, with the optimum pH for organogenesis declining with increasing agar strength. Poor organogenesis at high agar concentrations was not due to toxic impurities since increased adventitious bud production could be stimulated by decreasing the medium pH whilst maintaining a high agar strength and an agar washing treatment had no significant effect. Although high levels of organogenesis could be sustained on weak gels the resultant adventitious shoots often showed severe vitrification. The frequency of shoots showing vitrification could be reduced by growing the tissues on harder media but this resulted in reduced shoot elongation. Vitrification of needle tissues did not stimulate the formation of adventitious buds in the absence of cytokinins.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Four new species of the collembolan genus Xenylla, X. convexopyga, X. longistriata, X. dotata and X. marina from Korea are described. X. convexopyga is characterized by an absence of the dorsal seta m3 on Th. II-III. While the other three new species share similarities in dorsal chaetotaxic characters. However, they are dissimilar in the following respects: ventral chaetotaxy, body colour, presence or absence of inner teeth on unguis, the length proportion of abdominal segments and thoracic segments, arrangement of anal papillae and the general shape of apical bulb of fourth antennal segment. As a result of this study, a total of 25 species in 6 genera of Hypogastruridae have been recorded from the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   
Development of Vacuolar Volume in the Root Tips of Pea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell and vacuole areas were measured by light microscopy inlongitudinal and transverse sections cut at 0.4-mm intervalsalong the apical 7.2 mm of the primary root of pea. The vacuolararea (or volume) fraction — that is, vacuole area (orvolume) divided by cell area (or volume) — increased fromabout 15 % in cells 0.4 mm from the distal boundary of the apicalmeristem (the cap /root junction), to about 85% in cells situated6.8–7.2 mm from that boundary. At each distance, vacuoledevelopment tended to be greater in the cortex than in the stele.Vacuoles occupied about 22% of the tissue volume in the first1 mm length of root (measured from the cap/root junction), about31 % of the tissue volume in the first 2 mm, and about 45% whensummed over the apical 5-mm length of root. Phosphorus supplyor deprivation produced only minor and non-significant changesin vacuole development. The results have implications affectingprevious estimates of cytoplasmic and vacuolar phosphate concentrationsin pea root tips. Pisum sativum L., pea, root, vacuole, volume  相似文献   
Stable carbon isotope ratios have been successfully used to assess modern animal diets and to reconstruct prehistoric diets of animals and humans (Vogel & van der Merwe, 1977; van der Merwe & Vogel, 1978; Burleigh & Brothwell, 1978; Vogel, 1978a; DeNiro & Epstein, 1978; Tieszen et al., 1979; Tieszen & Imbamba, 1980; Chisholm, Nelson & Schwarcz, 1982; Tauber, 1981). We have used 13C/12C ratio measurements of bone collagen to study the diets of African elephants in twelve wildlife refuges. These represent most of the habitats in which elephants live, including such diverse plant communities as primary rain forest, savanna woodland and desert. The δ13C values were found to have a simple linear relationship with tree density in most cases. When translated into relative amounts of dietary browse (C3 plants) and graze (C4 plants), the grass content is seen to be systematically under-represented, presumably due to inefficient metabolism. This does not affect the relationship between elephant diet and tree density, which has implications for the study of elephant-woodland interactions, and for reconstructions of past African environments.  相似文献   
利翠英 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):138-141
本研究叙述蓖麻蚕Philosamia cythia ricini四龄及五龄幼虫前胸腺蜕皮激素分泌活动各不同时期所显示的腺细胞超微结构变化.从幼虫蜕皮后至进入眠期之间的腺细胞结构可分为三个时期,(1)不活动期:细胞核呈圆形,核内密布染色质及核仁,细胞质内有结构完整的线粒体、粗面及滑面内质网、核糖体和高尔基氏体;细胞外围的细胞间区内有许多小囊泡及多泡囊.(2)活动期:细胞结构变化为细胞核膜出现内陷、外突,形成波浪形的核周膜;线粒体变形,出现内嵴稀疏的空心线粒体.(3)激素释放期:细胞核变形,形成若干长短不一向外伸出的指状突,有些伸达细胞边缘;其余细胞器退化,其后仅余残缺的高尔基氏体,稀疏的核糖体,线粒体的内崤逐渐消失,成为空腔扩大的及空腔内藏“膜轮”的线粒体,和一些溶解体及大形“膜轮”.  相似文献   
Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
Five approaches to the study of behavior as a factor in thepopulation biology of rodents are outlined. These approachesare: (1) genetics, (2) physiology, (3) chronobiology,(4) behavioralecology and sociobiology, and (5) the use of intra- and inter-specificcomparisons. For each approach selected examples from the recentliterature, from this symposium and from my own work are usedto illustrate the new directions that are emerging for analyzingbehavior as a factor affecting natality, mortality and emigration/immigrationin rodents. Areas where additional investigations are neededare noted including some questions to be tested by future experiments.A variety of new techniques that have been developed or areinnovative applications of existing techniques are incorporatedinto the examples. Most of the material presented concerns fourgenera of rodents, Microtus, Mus, Peromyscus, and Rattus. Thefollowing major conclusions emerge from an overview of theseapproaches: Most recent research on behavior as a factor inrodent population biology has been concerned primarily withnatality. Few investigators have dealt with mortality and onlya limited number have explored emigration/immigration. Fieldand laboratory studies on behavioral aspects of rodent populationbiology have become more integrated than they were several decadesago. Both proximate and ultimate questions about behavior andpopulation dynamics are now being tested by both laboratoryand field methods. In contrast to some earlier approaches thatoften viewed population control as involving a single factor,most emerging conceptual frameworks have, as a major assumption,that population regulation is a multi-factorial process includingmany behavioral components.  相似文献   
The study of isolated phloem in Heracleum has been extendedto intact functioning sieve tubes. Techniques of phloem dissectioncombined with Nomarski interference optics have been developedto permit useful visual observations, photomicrography, andciné photographs of sieve tubes which are apparentlynormal. In these preparations, plastids and organelles calledby us ‘marker particles’ are visible in rapid bouncingmotion, and the state of dispersal of these particles is relatedto the amount of damage done to the preparations. The movement of the marker particles and their subsequent fixationshows that they are apparently attached to or restrained byan invisible network in situ. The network is very sensitiveto disturbance and readily collapses around the sieve platesto form slime plugs upon damage to the sieve element. The markerparticles do not move through the cell nor across sieve platesin mature Heracleum. In young cells cyclosis is observable alongthe periphery and this suggests that a vacuole may then be present.In undamaged mature cells there was evidence neither of a vacuolenor of trans-cellular tubules of any size optically detectable. The motion of the particles was greater than Brownian movementand appeared to be under some physiological control. Their movementprobably indicated the presence of an operating transport phenomenon,either because solution was moving past them in the sieve tubeor because they were themselves attached to a contractile networkactively in pulsatory motion. Nearby companion and parenchymacells showed normal cytoplasmic streaming. Proposed mechanisms of translocation involving cytoplasmic streamingdo not seem to be applicable to the phloem of Heracleum. Themovement of the marker particles seemed to agree best with amechanism of ‘activated’ mass flow.  相似文献   
李传隆 《昆虫学报》1974,(2):198-204
本文记述国产眼蝶科(Satyridae)的一个新属Sinonympha与它的一个模式种Sinonympha amoena(新种),这一蝶类最早是笔者于1939年7月在我国四川省西北部的杂谷脑(理县)发见的。为欲较全面地了解它们在分类系统上的亲缘关系,又于1963年和1964年在原产地采集了大量的成虫标本,并于1965—1966年在北京饲养了它的幼期。 新华新眼蝶属Sinonympha新属 新属属征 新华新眼蝶属Sinonympha(新属)与Coenonympha Hbner(1819)较为近似,但是某些形态特征和生物学特性(包括幼期)则与Ypthima Hbner(1818),OeneisHbner(1819)以及Mycalesis Hbner(1818)等属的种类互有相似之处,现将本新属的主要特征列述于下:  相似文献   
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