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Oceanic islands are productive habitats for generating new species and high endemism, which is primarily due to their geographical isolation, smaller population sizes and local adaptation. However, the short divergence times and subtle morphological or ecological divergence of insular organisms may obscure species identity, so the cryptic endemism on islands may be underestimated. The endangered weevil Pachyrhynchus sonani Kôno (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Pachyrhynchini) is endemic to Green Island and Orchid Island of the Taiwan‐Luzon Archipelago and displays widespread variation in coloration and host range, thus raising questions regarding its species boundaries and degree of cryptic diversity. We tested the species boundaries of P. sonani using an integrated approach that combined morphological (body size and shape, genital shape, coloration and cuticular scale), genetic (four genes and restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing, RAD‐seq) and ecological (host range and distribution) diversity. The results indicated that all the morphological datasets for male P. sonani, except for the colour spectrum, reveal overlapping but statistically significant differences between islands. In contrast, the morphology of the female P. sonani showed minimum divergence between island populations. The populations of P. sonani on the two islands were significantly different in their host ranges, and the genetic clustering and phylogenies of P. sonani established two valid evolutionary species. Integrated species delimitation combining morphological, molecular and ecological characters supported two distinct species of P. sonani from Green Island and Orchid Island. The Green Island population was described as P. jitanasaius sp.n. Chen & Lin, and it is recommended that its threatened conservation status be recognized. Our findings suggest that the inter‐island speciation of endemic organisms inhabiting both islands may be more common than previously thought, and they highlight the possibility that the cryptic diversity of small oceanic islands may still be largely underestimated.  相似文献   
赵建铭 《昆虫学报》1974,(4):474-478
豪寄蝇属Hystriomyia Portschinsky建立于1882年,至今记载的仅有3种;在我国又发现两个新种。本文以记述新种为主,为了便于识别,将其余3种的主要特征列入检索表中,并附图加以说明。新种的模式标本均保存于中国科学院北京动物研究所。 种检索表 1(2)体表的鬃与毛全部黑色:头部具外侧额鬃,肛尾叶长三角形,末端具1小齿(图Ⅰ):缝后翅内鬃3;第5腹板  相似文献   
赵正恭 《昆虫学报》1960,(3):282-282
黔东铜仁专区的思南、印江等地年平均温度18℃左右,年雨量1,000毫米以上,为贵州主要棉区。目前棉花生产中存在的重大问题之一是金钢钻的为害造成蕾铃大量脱落。为了准确掌握其发生为害时期,及时消灭其为害,经在思南棉区调查研究。已初步明确了其种类与发生规律,并据此进行了预测预报而在1959年大面积防治中起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   
不同苗龄的尾穗苋黄化苗对10 min,15Wm~(-2)白光的反应能力不同。光诱导的苋红素合成始于播种后第 20h,至50h合成能力最大,82h以后幼苗对短时光照的反应能力趋于消失。苋红素合成的滞后期为3h,光处理后18h色素积累达到高峰。光调节苋红素合成符合红光—远红光可逆诱导反应等两个基本模式,确证光敏色素参与调控苋红素合成.  相似文献   
本文首次记述了采自青海玉树的长窦副新蚤Paraneopsylla longisinuata Liu, Tsai & Wu,1974的雄蚤。模式标本保存于著者所在的单位。  相似文献   
目的 抑郁的发生机制不清及药物的临床疗效不佳,导致其成为世界难题。已有研究发现甲醛的气态暴露或液态腹腔注射都可直接诱发小鼠抑郁样行为,而内源甲醛是否参与抑郁的发生尚不清楚。本研究探索脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)是否通过刺激内源甲醛产生而诱发小鼠抑郁的分子机制;并观察非侵入物理疗法——630 nm红光照射是否能激活甲醛脱氢酶而降解甲醛,从而改善小鼠抑郁样行为。方法 雄性成年C57BL/6J小鼠随机分组:a.对照组,腹腔注射磷酸缓冲液(phosphate buffer solution,PBS);b.抑郁模型组,按浓度梯度腹腔注射LPS;c.红光干预组,按浓度梯度腹腔注射LPS后并定时进行630 nm全身红光照射。采用旷场实验(open field test,OFT)、糖水偏爱(suorose preference test,SPT)、悬尾实验(tail suspension test,TST)、强迫游泳(forced swimming test,FST)等方法,评估小鼠的抑郁样行为;用甲醛荧光(Na-FA,特异甲醛荧光探针)定量法及整脑甲醛荧光成像法,检测小鼠脑...  相似文献   
描述了产自广西木兰科一新种:靖西长喙木兰(Lirianthe jingxiensis Y. H. Tong&N. H. Xia)。本种形态上与绢毛木兰[L. albosericea(Chun&C. H. Tsoong)N. H. Xia&C. Y. Wu]接近,但区别在于该种植株较矮,幼枝、叶柄和幼叶被黄棕色绢毛,叶柄较宽,叶片较宽,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,先端钝或短渐尖,花被片较大,心皮数目较多,被黄棕色绢毛。  相似文献   
Classically, ion channels are classified into 2 groups: chemical-sensitive (ligand-gated) and voltage-sensitive channels. Single ATP-sensitive K (K-ATP) channel currents were recorded in acutely dissociated rat neo-cortical neurons using patch clamp technique. A type of K-ATP channel has been found to be gated not only by intra-cellular ATP, but also by membrane potential ( Vm) , and proved to be a novel mechanism underlying the gating of ion channels, namely bi-gating mechanism. The results also show that the K-ATP channels possess heterogeneity and di-versity. These types of K-ATP channels have been identified in 40.12% of all patches, which are different in activa-tion-threshold and voltage-sensitivity. The present experiment studied the type-3 K-ATP channel with a unitary con-ductance of about 80 pS in detail ( n = 15). Taking account of all the available data, a variety of K-ATP channels are suggested to exist in body, and one type of them is bi-gated by both chemical substances and membrane poten  相似文献   
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