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Studies on larval population densities and adult emergence rates of the Brugian filariasis vectors Mansonia bonneae Edwards and Ma. dives Schiner were conducted in freshwater swamp forest bordering the Sadong River, Serian District, Sarawak, East Malaysia, during 1984-85. Three species of aquatic host-plants in the Family Araceae were identified as supporting immature stages of the Ma. bonneae/dives complex. Proportions of positive plants were 4.7%, 6.5% and 3.4% with 6.4 +/- 2.6, 7.3 +/- 2.8 and 10.1 +/- 1.1 larvae per positive plant, respectively, for the plant species Homalomena cordata Schott, H. rostrata Griffiths and Hydrostemma motleyi (Hook. f.) Mabberley. These data indicate no significant preferences between the three types of host-plant. Detailed monitoring of the host-plant H. cordata revealed no significant monthly fluctuations in larval density per plant nor the proportion of positive plants. 11.6% of larvae were Ma. dives and 88.4% were Ma. bonneae. Mean daily yields of Ma. bonneae/dives adults per square metre of H. cordata vegetated water surface were 0.45 males plus 0.57 females during the wet season (December-February) compared with 0.2 males plus 0.31 females during the dry season (June-August). Thus output of adults per plant was approximately halved, and suitable breeding areas were further reduced, during the dry season. By extrapolation from these rates, a crude mean estimate for productivity of Ma. bonneae/dives females is 1.6 million per hectare per annum in swamp forest habitats vegetated with any of the host-plants studied.  相似文献   
Synthesis of Substance P   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUBSTANCE P has been synthesized by the solid-phase procedure of Merrifield1,2 according to the sequence H-Arg-Pro-LysPro-Gln-Gln-Phe-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2 reported in the previous letter.  相似文献   
昆虫神经毒素的研究:各种神经毒剂引起毒素的产生   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用五类(七种)神经毒性的杀虫药剂,对美洲(虫非)蠊测定了它们能否引起血淋巴中毒素的产生。DDT、溴氰菊酯及六六六均能引起血淋巴中毒素的产生,而E605、西维因、巴丹及杀虫脒均无此效果。纸层析及薄层层析,用标准样品(酪氨酸、酪胺、苯乙胺、L-亮氨酸及异戊胺)作比较,测定了这一产生的血淋巴中的毒素乃是酪胺,或主要是酪胺。增效试验,证明了杀虫脒与DDT或溴氰菊酯合用时,能增加酪胺的产量。讨论了这一毒素产生的条件,以及这一毒素有可能不是单一成分,而是几种单胺及氨基酸的复合物,但酪胺为其主要成分。  相似文献   
蛴螬是农林生产上的重要地下害虫,由于长期栖居地下,防治较为困难。多年实践证明,采用综合防治措施可以有效地控制为害,利用病原微生物防治蛴螬是综合防治中的一个环节,是值得今后深入研究的课题。 1975年9月,我们在河北省任邱县白洋淀附近玉米地采到数头自然患病的阔胸犀金龟(Pento-don patruelis Frivaldszkz)三龄幼虫。1976年5  相似文献   
桃小食心虫(Carposina niponensis Wals)是我国苹果、梨上的重要害虫,初孵幼虫在果面爬行片刻,即蛀入果内。幼虫能否入果,除受捕食性天敌和风雨等外界条件影响之外,与果实表皮组织有关系,蛀入果内幼虫的成活数量和生长情况亦受果肉组织及果实内含物的直接影响。因此,研究食料条件与桃小食心虫发生数量的关系,对提高该虫现有  相似文献   
Through the use of intravenous pulse injection of L-[U-14C] lysine, the blood-brain barrier transport of L-lysine was studied. The uptake of L-lysine plus metabolites in the brain remained essentially unchanged at approx 0.002–0.005 nmol/g in the low dose (3μg per kg body weight) injection, and 20–40 nmol/g in the high dose (30 mg/kg) injection throughout the time intervals of up to 60 min. The uptake of L-lysine plus metabolites in the heart, however, decreased substantially from 0.03 to 0.003 nmol/g in the low dose injection and from 320 to 62 nmol/g in the high dose injection. The plasma to heart uptake ratio only decreased slightly through the 60 min period: from 6 to 2 in either the low or high dose L-lysine injection. The plasma to brain uptake ratio, however, decreased rapidly from a high of 62 to a low of about 4 in either the low or high dose injection throughout the 60-min time course. Study of labeled L-pipecolate formation in the plasma and individual organs indicates that this compound was formed only in the brain to a significant level within 0.5 min of 14C-L-lysine intravenous pulse injection. Labeled pipecolate was recovered from heart, liver, kidney and plasma in significant quantities only at 2 min or later after pulse-injection. It is concluded that the blood-brain barrier of L-lysine in the rat is not particularly strong and that the rat brain may be primarily responsible for L-pipecolate synthesis from L-lysine. The possible etiology of human hyperpipecolatemia is also discussed in light of the current findings.  相似文献   
瘿绵蚜属五新种和三堡瘿绵蚜新属新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《蚜虫概论》(1957)中瘿绵蚜属仅有2种。本文记载9种,包括5新种。另记述三堡瘿绵蚜新属新种。这些蚜虫都为害杨树,在枝或叶上形成虫瘿。 中国已知的9种瘿绵蚜和二堡瘿绵蚜(节省篇幅,旧种记述略): 1.早螺瘿绵蚜Pemphigus protospirae Lichtenstein (图1-6,66)寄主:青杨。分布:北京;欧洲。 2.柄脉叶瘿绵蚜 Pcmphigus anobursarius Chang 新种 3.杨柄叶瘿绵蚜Pemphigus populi Courchet(图13—17,65)寄主:小叶杨。分布:北京、黑龙江、  相似文献   
从活性污泥中筛选出一株高效的微生物絮凝剂产生菌,鉴定为鲍曼不动杆菌.蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验未显示该菌株所产絮凝剂具有遗传毒性.该菌产絮凝剂的最佳碳源和氮源分别为葡萄糖和酵母浸出汁,培养时间为24 h.在絮凝体系中加入Ca2 能明显提高发酵液的絮凝率.在pH为8.0时对高岭土悬浊液和污水具有良好的絮凝效果.  相似文献   
天山林区六种灌木生物量的建模及其器官分配的适应性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
仇瑶  常顺利  张毓涛  王文栋  何平  王慧杰  谢锦 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7842-7851
灌木全株生物量估算模型的构建仍存在一定困难,对灌木生物量在器官分配上所体现的适应性研究也不够充分。以天山林区6种常见灌木为研究对象,在天山的东段、中段、西段林区分别设置样地进行群落调查,由此以全株收获法取得6种常见灌木若干标准株的全株、根、枝、叶及各径级根的生物量,将D~2H(地径平方与高度的乘积)与V(冠幅面积与高度的乘积)分别选为估测模型的自变量,通过回归分析法建立了各种灌木全株生物量的最优估算模型,然后比较了此6种灌木全株生物量在营养器官上分配差异以及根系生物量在径级上的分配差异。结果表明:(1)天山林区6种常见灌木中,小檗(Berberis heteropoda Schrenk)、忍冬(Lonicera hispida Pall.ex Roem.et Schuet.)、栒子(Cotoneaster melanocarpus Lodd.)的全株生物量约为8.48—9.01 kg,蔷薇(Rosa spinosissima L.)、绣线菊(Spiraea hypericifolia L.)、方枝柏(Juniperus pseudosabina Fisch.et Mey.)的全株生物量约为2.71—3.20 kg;(2)蔷薇、绣线菊、栒子的全株生物量最优估测模型是以V为自变量的函数,小檗、忍冬、方枝柏的全株生物量最优估测模型是以D~2H为自变量的函数,各模型R~2值均在0.850以上,且在P0.05水平上达到显著,模型模拟结果达到了较高的准确度;(3)6种灌木全株生物量在根、枝上的分配比重差异不显著,仅在叶上的分配比重有差异(P0.05);根系生物量在径级上的分配均呈现随根系径级下降而减少的规律,6种灌木在径级大于2 mm根上的分配比重存在差异(P0.05,径级大于20 mm根为P0.01水平);(4)6种灌木全株生物量在营养器官上的分配差异以及根系生物量在径级上的分配差异均体现了各物种对其生境选择的适应策略。  相似文献   
菌种冷冻干燥保藏的影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
菌种资源保藏是微生物学及相关学科研究的基础.冷冻干燥保藏法是菌种保藏最有效的方法之一,为进一步提高菌种保藏质量人们进行了大量的研究.本文介绍了菌种冷冻干燥保藏方法的原理和优点,同时详细介绍了菌种冷冻干燥保藏方法的影响因素.  相似文献   
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