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ABSTRACT. A myxosporean parasitizing the gill filaments of the freshwater teleost fish Centromochlus heckelii collected in the Tocantins River (Lower Amazonian Region, Brazil) is described using light and electron microscopy. This parasite produces spherical to ellipsoidal cyst-like plasmodia up to 250 μm in diameter, with a thick wall strengthened by several stratified juxtaposed crossed collagen layers, whose thickness varies according to the number of the layers. Several compressed fibroblasts are observed among the collagen fibrils. Deposits of spherical dense material are scattered at the internal periphery of the cysts. Plasmodia and different developmental stages, including immature and mature spores, filled the central region of the cysts. The spore body is ellipsoidal in valvar view and biconvex in sutural view. It is formed by two equal-sized and symmetric valves measuring 12.7 μm long (12.2–13.1) ( n =50), 6.6 μm wide (6.3–6.9) ( n =25), and 4.0 μm (3.7–4.4) ( n =20) thick. A thin layer formed by fine and anastomosed microfibrils is observed at the spore surface. Two equal, elongated pyriform polar capsules measure 2.9 μm (2.7–3.3) × 1.7 μm (1.4–2.0) ( n =25), each containing four or five oblique polar filament coils. The binucleated sporoplasm contains numerous spherical sporoplasmosomes, glycogen particles, and a large vacuole with fine granular matrix. Based on the morphological and ultrastructural differences and specificity of the host, we describe this isolate as a new myxosporidian, Myxobolus heckelii n. sp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea).  相似文献   
The effects of plant density on shoot and leaf lamina zenithangles (i e the angles with respect to the vertical) were investigatedin Lolium multiflorum and Paspalum dilatatum plants grown inpots either outdoors or in a glasshouse Tillers appeared abovethe ligule of their subtending leaf with a small zenith anglebut, in plants grown at low densities, gradually adopted a morehorizontal position In plants grown at high densities this gradualincrease in shoot zenith angle with age was strongly reducedThe average shoot zenith angle at a given time was lower (ie tillers were more erect) at high, compared to low plant densitiesShoot number per plant and average shoot zenith angle per plantwere directly related In P dilatatum plants the leaf lamina remained nearly horizontalat any plant density This observation indicates that the movementof the leaf lamina, pivoting at the point of attachment to theleaf sheath, compensated the movement of the shoot, pivotingat the base of the leaf sheath-tube Shoot angle responses to plant density would place leaf laminaeat different heights within the canopy, affecting their abilityto compete for light and their susceptibility to wind impactand herbivore grazing Foliage architecture, Lolium multiflorum Lam, Paspalum dilatatum Poir, plant density, neighbour effects, shoot angle, leaf angle  相似文献   
Abstract Changes in the phytochrome status at the end of the daily photosynthetic period result in several plant responses. To understand the causal relations among these responses it is useful to investigate species or experimental conditions where the most common correlations among responses are broken. A step in this direction is presented here with Petunia axilaris, where FR-treated plants showed low chlorophyll content and erect leaves, but- contrary to other species-higher leaf area and plant dry weight. Differences in area expansion were related to the late phase of leaf growth and were due, at least in part, to larger cells in FR-treated plants. Effects on length/width ratio, specific leaf area, net assimilation rate, shoot/root ratio and leaf number were small or non-existent. It is suggested that the lower chlorophyll content in FR-treated plants was not a consequence of scarcity of assimilates.  相似文献   
The function of phytochrome A   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Knowledge of the photoperceptive function of phytochrome A has improved substantially thanks to the availability of mutants lacking phytochrome A and transgenic plants transformed with the PHYA gene in sense or anti-sense orientation. In imbibed seeds, phytochrome A mediates very-low-fluence responses. In etiolated seedlings, phytochrome A mediates very-low-fluence responses, high-irradiance responses under continuous far-red light, responsivity amplification to phytochrome B and red-light enhancement of the phototropic response to blue light. In light-grown seedings, phytochrome A modulates the extent of response to reductions in red/far-red ratio perceived by phytochrome B, perceives daylength extensions and night interruptions affecting flowering, and perceives light treatments resetting endogenous rhythms. Under natural radiation these abilities are manifested during seed germination and seedling de-etiolation under dense canopies or extremely low light fluences, and during early neighbour detection, but other processes await experimental evaluation. Phytochrome A affects growth and development throughout the whole life cycle of angiosperms.  相似文献   
Dual effect of phytochrome A on hypocotyl growth under continuous red light   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The role of phytochrome A in the control of hypocotyl growth under continuous red light (Rc) was investigated using phyA and phyB mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, which lack phytochrome A (phyA) or phytochrome B (phyB), respectively, and transgenic seedlings of Nicotiana tabacum overexpressing Avena phyA, compared to the corresponding wild type (WT). In WT seedlings of A. thaliana, hypocotyl growth inhibition showed a biphasic response to the fluence rate of Rc, with a brake at 10?2μmol m?2 s?1. At equal total fluence rate, hourly pulses of red light caused slightly more inhibition than Rc. The response to very low fluences of continuous or pulsed red light was absent in the phyA and phyA phyB mutants and present in the phyB mutant. The second part of the response was steeper in the phyA mutant than in the WT but was absent in the phyB mutant. In WT tobacco the response to Rc was biphasic. Overexpression of Avena phyA enhanced the response only at very low fluence rates of Rc (< 10?2μmol m?2 s?1). In both species, the effect of hourly pulses of far-red light was similar to the maximum inhibition observed in the first phase of the response to Rc. Using reciprocity failure (i.e. higher inhibition under continuous than pulsed light) as the operational criterion, a ‘true’ high-irradiance reaction occurred under continuous far-red light but not under Rc or red plus far-red light mixtures. Native and overexpressed phyA are proposed to mediate very low fluence responses under Rc. In WT A. thaliana, this effect is counteracted by a negative action of phyA on phyB-mediated low-fluence responses.  相似文献   
The effects of overexpression of oat phytochrome A on neighbour detection and on stem-growth responses to changes in red light (R), far-red light (FR) and blue light (B) simulating neighbours were investigated in transgenic tobacco seedlings grown under natural radiation. In wild-type (WT) seedlings, stem extension growth was promoted: (1) by lowering the R:FR by means of daytime supplementary FR, end-of-day FR, neighbours reflecting FR, or selective light filters placed around the base of the shoot to reduce R without affecting FR; and (2) by lowering phytochrome-absorbable radiation (R+FR) reaching the stem. Transgenic seedlings only responded to reductions in R:FR involving no significant changes in FR irra-diance, i.e. end-of-day FR and filters placed around the stem to reduce R. Neither daytime supplementary R nor selective filters placed around the stem to reduce B affected stem growth in any genotype. In growing canopies, WT seedlings responded to the reduction of R:FR caused by FR reflected in neighbour plants. Transgenic seedlings responded to plant density about a week later, when mutual plant shading reduced R and (to a lesser extent) FR below sunlight levels. Overexpression of phytochrome A impaired early neighbour detection.  相似文献   
Plants of Triticum aestivum cvs Norkin Pan 70, La Paz Inta, Buck Cencerro and Buck Cimarron were grown outdoors in individual pots with two sowing dates and irradiated at the end of the day either with red or far-red light. In red-treated plants the number of tillers was close to the potential calculated from the number of leaves on the main shoot but far-red treated plants produced less tillers. The magnitude of the effect was larger for secondary and tertiary than primary tillers. Thus, the proportion of primary to secondary and tertiary tillers was larger in FR-treated plants. Leaf sheath and lamina were longer under FR in the second sowing date, possibly due to warmer nights. These responses were greatly affected by the genotype. Significant differences in ear number were not found but in one of the sowing dates red-light-treated plants showed a lower grain number and yield than those treated with far-red.  相似文献   
The importation of infected hosts and the arrival of windborne infected Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were considered unlikely mechanisms for bluetongue virus (BTV) incursion into a BTV‐free area during the recent BTV serotype 8 (BTV‐8) epidemic in northern Europe. Therefore, alternative mechanisms need to be considered. Air, sea and land transport networks continue to expand, and an important consequence of this is vector‐borne pathogen importation. One important aspect of bluetongue (BT) epidemiology not yet addressed is the potential movement of infected Culicoides via transport and trade networks. Therefore, a risk assessment model was constructed to assess the probability of a BTV outbreak as a consequence of the introduction of Culicoides via these networks. The model was applied to calculate the risk for a BTV‐8 epidemic in Spain in 2007 caused by the introduction of Culicoides from affected northern European countries. The mean weighted annual risk for an outbreak caused by transportation of a single vector from an affected northern European country varied from 1.8 × 10?7 to 3.0 × 10?13, with the highest risks associated with Culicoides imported from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France. For this mechanism to pose a significant risk to BTV‐free countries, a large number of vectors would have to be transported.  相似文献   
Lolium multiflorum Lam, plants were grown in a growth room undertwo light sources with red/far-red ratios of 1·62 and0·84 but similar photosynthetically active radiation.In both situations the capacity to produce new tillers and thelight available per tiller decreased with canopy growth. Tilleringwas further reduced by the low red/far-red ratio while lightinterception and plant dry weight were unaffected by this treatment.In both reproductive and vegetative plants under the lower red/far-redratio the time between leaf expansion and the appearance ofa tiller in its axil was increased and the proportion of ‘maturebuds’ that developed was reduced. Irradiation with lowred/far-red advanced the reproductive development and increasedthe number of fertile tillers per plant. It also caused longerleaf sheaths, blades and reproductive shoots. The results suggestthat as canopy density increases the lower light interceptionper tiller and the photomorphogenic effect of low red/far-redratios may reduce the capacity to produce new tillers. Lolium multiflorum, Lam., annual ryegrass, tillering, tiller growth, leaf growth, flowering, light quality.  相似文献   
Internode extension-growth responses to neighbouring plants and to red to far-red ratios (R:FR) were investigated in wild-type (WT) and aurea (au)-mutant seedlings of tomato grown under natural radiation. The genomic location of the au mutant is not known, but one of its consequences is the reduced phytochrome level. In WT seedlings, internode growth was promoted by the presence of non-shading neighbours reflecting far-red light (FR), the shade of a tall canopy, FR provided as a supplement during the photoperiod, and FR pulses either provided at the end of the day or delayed into the dark period. Supplementary FR during the photoperiod also promoted growth in herbicide-treated partially bleached WT seedlings. The au mutant showed higher background extension-growth rates, but only responded to the most severe treatments: deep shade light and very low R:FR at the end of the day, i.e. au-mutant seedlings were less sensitive than WT seedlings to R:FR signals. Wild-type seedlings were transferred from the glasshouse to a growth room and exposed to white light with two levels of phytochrome-absorbable radiation but similar phytochrome photoequilibria and radiation for photosynthesis. The plants exposed to the lowest level showed a transient increase of internode extension growth rate and a simultaneous reduction of response to FR pulses, i.e. reproduced some of the features of au-mutant seedlings. Phytochrome itself could set the degree of response to Pfr during neighbour detection.  相似文献   
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