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Nuclear genes that appear to encode both cytosolic and plastid isozymes of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), an essential glycolytic enzyme, have been isolated from three diploid species of the annual wild flower genus Clarkia (Onagraceae). The genes do not contain introns and are expressed to varying degrees in Escherichia coli when cloned in either Charon 35 phage or pUC plasmid vectors. The PGI proteins synthesized in E. coli form dimers, are catalytically active, and their electrophoretic mobilities are similar to those of appropriate Clarkia PGIs. The nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding a plastid isozyme of C. unguiculata is described.  相似文献   
Distributions of rupture sites of fission yeast cells ruptured by glass beads have been related to a new morphometric analysis. As shown previously (Johnson et al.,Cell Biophysics, 1995), ruptures were not randomly distributed nor was their distribution dictated by geometry, rather, ruptures at the extensile end were related to cell length just as the rate of extension is related to cell length. The extension patterns of early log, mid-log, late log, and stationary phase cells from suspension cultures were found to approximate the linear growth patterns of Kubitschek and Clay (1986). The median length of cells was found to decline through the log phase in an unbalanced manner.  相似文献   
The most positive redox potential ever recorded for a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) containing protein has been measured for an electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) synthesized by Methylophilus methylotrophus. This potential value, 0.196 V versus the standard hydrogen electrode (vs SHE), was measured at pH 7.0 for the one-electron reduction of fully oxidized ETF (ETFox) to the red anionic semiquinone form of ETF (ETF.-). Quantitative formation of ETF.- was observed. The first successful reduction of ETF from M. methylotrophus to its two-electron fully reduced form was also achieved. Although addition of the second electron to ETF.- was extremely slow, the potential value measured for this reduction was -0.197 V vs SHE, suggesting a kinetic rather than thermodynamic barrier to two-electron reduction. These data are believed to be consistent with the postulated catalytic function of ETF to accept one electron from the iron-sulfur cluster of trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH). The second electron reduction appears to have no catalytic function. The very positive potential measured for this ETF and the wide separation of potentials for the two electron reduction steps show that this ETF is a unique and interesting flavoprotein. In addition, this work highlights that while ETFs exhibit similar structural and spectral properties, they display wide variations in redox properties.  相似文献   
Summary Colonies of HeLa cells cultured in media supplemented with human or bovine serum or both can be morphologically described as three types: diffuse, intermediate, and compact, with their modal distribution depending on the serum or sera added to the growth medium. We have observed that for a particular medium or serum system, the percentage of compact colonies remains fairly constant under normal culture conditions, 0.2%, whereas the diffuse and intermediate colonies vary over a much wider range. The presence of certain substances as trypsin, heparin and Darvan in the medium favor the increase of compact colonies at the expense of other types. Furthermore, we have discovered that colonial morphology is influenced by cocultivation of the HeLa cells with human fibroblastlike cells, the compact colonies increasing as the density of the fibroblast element introduced into the mixed cultures is increased. Subsequent investigation revealed that conditioned medium from confluent fibroblast and HeLa cell cultures contained a factor(s), that significantly increased the percentage of compact colonies. The factor is nondialyzable, heat-stable and can be neutralized by serum. Recorded in this presentation are preliminary observations on the kinetics of colony formation and the interaction among the three HeLa cell colony types, the diffuse, the intermediate, and the compact. The factor's effect on HeLa cell colonial morphology is time dependent and rapidly reversed if the factor(s) is removed and fresh medium added.  相似文献   
Turkey acrosin. I. Isolation, purification, and partial characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acrosin was extracted from turkey spermatozoa by use of urea together with sonication and freezing, and purified approximately 18-fold by sequential use of chromatofocusing and affinity chromatography. The use of chromatofocusing for the initial purification step proved to be superior to preparative isoelectric focusing. Similar to acrosin from many mammalian species, turkey acrosin was found to be a glycoprotein possessing characteristics of serine proteases. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of the enzyme indicated the presence of two isozymes. Sodium-dodecyl sulfate PAGE under reducing conditions revealed three subunits with approximate molecular weights of 11,700, 13,900, and 15,900.  相似文献   
The Zimm-Bragg theory is extended to treat the melting of the triple helix poly (A + 2U) for a solution with a 1 : 2 mole ratio of poly A to poly U. Only the case for long chains is considered. For a given set of parameters the theory predicts the fraction of segments in the triple helix, double helix, and random coil states as a function of temperature. Four nucleation parameters are introduced to describe the two order–disorder transitions (poly (A + 2U) ? poly A + 2 poly U and poly (A + U) ? poly A + poly U) and the single order–order transition (poly (A + 2U) ? poly (A + U) + poly U). A relation between the nucleation parameters is obtained which reduces the number of independent parameters to three. A method for determining these parameters from experiment is presented. From the previously published data of Blake, Massoulié and Fresco8 for [Na+] = 0.04, we find σT = 6.0 × 10?4, σD = 1.0 × 10?3, and σσ* = 1.5 × 10?3. σT and σD are the nucleation parameters for nucleating a triple helix and double helix, respectively, from a random coil region. σσ* is the nucleation parameter for nucleating a triple helix from a double helix and a single strand. Melting curves are generated from the theory and compared with the experimental melting curves.  相似文献   
A basic difference was found in the kinetics of uptake and utilization of glucose and glycerol by washed suspensions of Mycobacterium phlei. With glucose, the rates of uptake, respiration, and assimilation were saturated at low external substrate concentration. With glycerol, these rates were found to increase with increasing substrate concentration and did not show saturation at any concentration tested. Qualitatively similar patterns were observed for cells grown on either glycerol or glucose. Above a saturation concentration, ratios of cell (14)C to CO(2) (14)C for uniformly labeled (14)C-glucose were constant at a value of 0.96. Glycerol-U-(14)C, on the other hand, yielded cell-(14)C/CO(2)-(14)C ratios which were highest at the lowest glycerol concentration tested, and decreased with increasing substrate concentration. The distribution of the glucose and glycerol carbons assimilated into M. phlei were qualitatively similar. Quantitatively, however, the uptake and assimilation of glycerol was far more rapid than that of glucose for all substrate concentrations employed. These quantitative differences in the utilization of glycerol and glucose could account for the increased content of nonessential lipid and polysaccharide found in glycerol-grown M. phlei.  相似文献   
Tetramitus exhibits independent ameboid and flagellate stages of remarkable morphological dichotomy. Transformation of the ameba involves the formation of four kinetosomes and their flagella. The arrangement of these kinetosomes and associated whorls of microtubules extending under the pellicle establishes the asymmetric flagellate form. While no recognizable kinetosomal precursors have been seen in amebae, and there is no suggestion of self-replication in dividing flagellates, developmental stages of kinetosomes have been identified. These are occasionally seen in association with the nucleus or with dense bodies which lie either inside of or close to the proximal end of the prokinetosome. Outgrowth of flagella involves formation of an axoneme and a membrane. From the distal tip of the kinetosome microtubules grow into a short bud, which soon forms an expanded balloon containing a reticulum of finely beaded filaments. The free ends of the microtubules appear unraveled; they are seen first as single elements, then as doublets, and finally are arranged into a cylinder. Growth in length is accompanied by a reduction in the diameter of the balloon. The concept that the formation of the kinetic apparatus might involve a nuclear contribution, followed by a spontaneous assembly of microtubules, is suggested.  相似文献   
To evaluate the effectiveness of Oxyphenbutazone as an anti-inflammatory agent, a double-blind study of Oxyphenbutazone and a placebo in a group of 42 patients who had nasal cosmetic operations involving osteotomy was carried out. The observations included direct objective measurement of the width of the palpebral fissure after operation, grading of the severity of postoperative edema and ecchymosis from photographs, and observations by the patients regarding the clearing of the postoperative discoloration. It appeared from the results of these observations that Oxyphenbutazone is not effective in preventing postoperative edema in such operations or in promoting more rapid resolution of postoperative edema. It did appear to enhance the clearing of postoperative periorbital ecchymosis.  相似文献   
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